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Everything posted by StarGazzer

  1. StarGazzer


    Your application has been Your 24 hours are up, but you can apply again. I would just read over the things needed fixing
  2. StarGazzer


    your application has been placed on: \ Your definitions of powergaming, and metagaming are not quite up to server standard. i would look at our wiki for help to come up with a better definition You may not start off as an undead or with magic, please remove this from your bio and interesting facts. You have 24 hours to make these changes If you need any help you can contact me over the forums or by my discord(Star gazzer #9998) Also consider joining out new player Discord as well! https://discord.gg/AjBqhM
  3. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Under Review
  4. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Accepted
  5. StarGazzer


    Your application has been: Accpepted! Welcome to the Isle of Arcas if you need any help you can contact me over the forums, my discord (Star gazer #9998), and in game with /msg Stargazerology also consider joining our new player discord(https://discord.gg/rFwCt2)
  6. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Under Review
  7. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Accepted
  8. StarGazzer


    Your application has been: ACCEPTED Welcome to the Isles of Arcas! if you need any help you can message me over the forums, my discord (Star gazzer #9998), and in game by doing /msg Stargazerology. Also consider joining our new player discord with the link from my previous post! Happy roleplaying!
  9. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Accepted
  10. StarGazzer


    Your application has been: ACCEPTED! Welcome to the Isles of Arcas, and if you need any help you can contact me over the forums, my discord (star gazzer#9998), and in game by doing /msg Stargazzerology Happy Rping
  11. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Pending
  12. StarGazzer


    Your application has been placed on: Pending please make the following changes Please add more to your bio, such as a city from our lore, and more information about your character Your defition of powergaming is not up to server standards. please use our wiki for help with this You have 24 Hours to make these changes If you need any other help you can message me over the forum. and by my discord(Star gazer #9998) Also Consider joining our New Player Discord(https://discord.gg/kRENEk)
  13. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Under Review
  14. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Pending
  15. StarGazzer


    Your application has been placed on: Pending please make the following changes: please add city from our lore to your bio can you have the person your playing the sister of to leave a comment on this app to prove they agree to you doings this If you need any help you can contact me over the forums or by my discord (star gazer #9998)
  16. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Accepted
  17. StarGazzer


    Your application has been placed on ACCEPTED Welcome to The Isles of Arcas! You are being added to the server as we speak and while you wait I recommend reading our wiki once more. As well join our new player discord! (https://discord.gg/Sg2E2H) If you have any questions you can contact me through the forums. My discord (Star gazzer 9998, and in game by doing /msg Stargazerology Happy roleplaying!
  18. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Under Review
  19. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Under Review
  20. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Accepted
  21. StarGazzer


    Your Application has been: ACCEPTED! Welcome to the isles of Arcas If you need any help as you join the server you can contact me in game (/Msg Stargazerology), My discord (Star Gazzer #9998), and by doing /ct req Also consider joining our new player discord! https://discord.gg/6jxUyv Happy roleplaying!
  22. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Pending
  23. StarGazzer


    Hello your app has been placed on pending, please makes these changes: The land we are on now is called arcas, not atlas Please add a city from our lore to your bio could you change your skin up a bit to make it fit the medieval theme a bit more you have 24 hours to make these changes, and if you need help message on the forums or contact through my discord (star gazzer #9998), also take a look at our wiki for help https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Main_Page
  24. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Under Review
  25. StarGazzer


    Changed Status to Accepted
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