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Posts posted by TJBMinecraft

  1. 3 hours ago, Raomir said:

    “Silence yerself child molestor.” says to the disgraced Dwarf before turning to the rest of the brave warriors.

    ”Well done lads yeh ‘ave defeated perhaps teh most cowadleh dwarf after Fili Grandaxe!”

    "Wot a bunc' of big, bouncin', Orc bollocks. Oi've neva one suc' a fockin' t'ing in me loife" 

  2. Writ of Ennoblement for the House of Ojørna, 1674

    Issued and confirmed by His Grace, Thomas de Hartcold, Duke of Riviä, on the 22nd of The Amber Cold, 1674




    The Duchy of Riviä is grateful to raise our loyal vassal, Kæthryn Ojørna, to a distinguished rank among our peers. Accordingly we do grant the status of nobility on the House of Ojørna, in trust for the duration of their loyal services to the Duchy and its duke.


    In Nomime Dei,

    His Grace, Thomas de Hartcold, Duke of Riviä, Baron of Adylith, Lord of Blackden and Sovereign of the Order of Distinction and Order of  the Purple Lion


  3. On 7/20/2018 at 3:41 PM, Boomboxdoom23 said:

    Name: lil dickie
    Age: unknown
    Race: halfling
    Place of Residence: unknown
    Regiment: lions brigade 
    Occupation: Bandit
    Experience: Supreme

    Overlord of All races

    MC Name: HasselhoffGuy
    Discord Name: you got it

    Accepted, go the barracks to be equipped with your gear!

  4. 6 hours ago, Hero_Prodigal said:

    TJB has numerous critical flaws which would make him a disastrous WT member, which I will now outline in short

    1.) Horribly formatted, written, and structured wiki posts

    2.) Consistent plagiarism and lying about it repeatedly whilst continuing to plagiarize 

    3.) Only really seems to focus on making wiki posts for his irrelevant duchies and houses and npc characters

    4.) Toxic when confronted about his flaws and shortcomings further exasperating the issue


    he also erp'd with his adoptive kha daughter. not cool!

    1)How can they be horribly formatted when I follow the backbones for every single wiki page I write.

    2) never had an adopted khar daughter. So stop making idiotic lies to make me look bad.

  5. 4 minutes ago, MongolKhan said:

    Doesn't make a difference, what stops you taking a post from another forum, and placing that onto the wiki?


    That's not how the wiki works boyo. The only **** I take from the wiki is to put references into them. Plus it is also very hard as most wiki pages have a specific way they need to be set out.

  6. Username: TJB_Minecraft

    Forum Name: TJBMinecraft

    Discord Name and Tag: TJBGamer#9681


    How do you wish to work for the wiki?

    How do you wish to work on the wiki? (Writing, updating lore, etc): Writing and Updating Lore, especially unfinished pages for battles, kingdoms and cities on the server,


    Have you worked on the Lord of the Craft Wiki, or any wiki before?

    Yes i have, i used to be apart of the Wiki Team as a moderator


    Which lore are you most familiar with?

    Human and Dwarven Lore


    Please provide an example of a wiki page you are not satisfied with and list aspects that could be improved



    • Has little detail
    • Blank page
    • No information



    • Needs to include more detail about the notable figure
    • Barely any information



    Please provide an example of a wiki page you see as a model example and list your reasoning


    Please provide an example of a wiki page you see as a model example and list your reasoning:



    • Includes some lore of how the Kingdom came to be.
    • Shows where the Kingdom is located in Axios.
    • Has references to the forums to help provide points of how some pieces of history came to be.
    • Is always kept up to date.



    Please showcase your abilities with either A short writing on a subject of your choosing, or An example of an 'other' (Already completed wiki pages are a plus!)


    https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Staunton_Uprising (helped write)







    https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Siege_of_Trier (still needs some work)

    https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Leo_de_Savin (helped write)



    Image result for medieval painting messenger

    Messenger and Duke Thomas I of Riviä

    Circa 1672


    Duke Thomas I of Riviä would be gazing out of a window in the Riviän privy council chambers, surveying his land and watching his soldiers drill in the main courtyard. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet until the privy council doors slammed open with a messenger running inside with a declaration in his hands. “Your Grace, the B-barony of Blackreach have d-declared... themselves ind-dependent from our D-duchy!” the messenger pants, stuttering over his speech. The Duke turns around, his face showing intense anger and confusion “Summon the officers, to meet me here in a few minutes time!” he’d command, with great power.

    Image result for privy council

    As soon as all the commanding officers in the army arrived into the privy council chambers, the doors were slammed shut and locked from the inside not allowing anyone to give away their plans. Thomas I would clear his throat before starting “I took the House of an Cantwell in when nobody else wanted them, I granted them a Barony and what do they repay me with. They repay me with open rebellion! This will not stand, I hereby say we call up our banners and our allies and march to war.” Ser Kuyouch would simply listen to Thomas for a while "Your Grace. Going to war seems to be the only solution" he'd suddenly say "Though try to keep the casualties on both sides to a minimum. Our only targets are the leaders. With no leader, a group or nation falls apart. Then we could take advantage of the chaos after we killed the leaders, and march into the city or whatever that shithole is." he'd suddenly stand up from his seat and walks to a window, looking outside "Those who give, will be given. Those who take, shall be taken." he'd simply add afterwards, sitting back into his seat and sipping from a cup of rum. Theresa would be sitting in her chair with her arm on the table resting her head on it. “I agree with killing the leaders but cant we spare the barony, have new leaders for it, make it our barony again?” Theresa would say calmly, trying to take the most peaceful route as possible*. Leonard would reply to Theresa “Yeah I think we should spare who surrenders to us after the killing of the Leaders, having more vassals would be useful" he would heavily slam his arm on the table, and his eyes would light up “But everyone who tries to stop us should be killed immediately during the siege, those stupids soldiers must pay for what they do” Leonard would say with a smile. Thomas stands up with a grin on his face “So it is agreed then, we go to war” he then turns to his daughter, Theresa de Hartcold “Call up the banners, we march to war within the coming months”



    CBs: Rebellion + Betrayal


    Side A: The Duchy of Rivia + Allies


    Side B: The Barony of Blackreach [No Allies]


    Proposed Date & Time: TBD


    Proposed Rules: TBD in Warchat


    Location: x. 2115.153 y. 88.87500 z. 3916.755


    (somewhere round here)


    Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location:



    Discord: TJBGamer#9681 Sander#0004


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