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Posts posted by HortonHeardAWho

  1. La Republicca di Genova, “La Superba”

    Respublica superiorem non recognoscens


    The Silver Company

         An organization meant to lease soldiers to those in need has just been formed! War can be a dangerous thing and as such the Silver Company is here to make it safe. We take all contracts with the intention of winning you the war and all we ask for in return is a few marks to pay for our services.

      Two thousand men are transferred to this branch.

      Ten transports and five galleys are also allocated to the branch

    Dry dock

    Twenty ships are contracted for construction

      Seven of which are galleys

      The rest are transports


         To suppress pirates that are determined to make a profit from the ongoing crusade, Genoa sends five ships to the possible supply routes to survey them and possibly deal with such disgusting war profiteers. Another five galleys are sent to the French coastline and checking on how the ports fair.

      A quota of five thousand enlisted is set

      Contracts for crossbows, halberds, armor, and other weaponry is made


    Treasurer’s Report

         This past year has brought in a great amount of income, as we received a good portion of money from contracts made by the crusaders for transport ships. As well as this, though, our usual taxing of imports and exports has proved well as many find it a good option to use Genoa as a port instead of our sister city-state.


         Trade with France, however, has Genoa in a worry due to their ongoing war possibly inhibiting such. We worry that France will run out of funds completely and forcefully close any contracts our merchants have with the state.


         The proper funds are allocated towards the military as well as the improvement of Genoa as a whole. We are excited to receive profits from the newly formed Silver Company once one decides to make use of it. Though some worry that the company will be misused, and as such to quell such worries contracts will be settled directly through the consul.



         Though these worries are not the most that the current consuls have to worry about. As the annual election for the positions will be beginning soon and people prepare for the upcoming popular assembly.


            Other than this, it seems Grimaldi has the majority of power in the consulate compared to the other merchant families though most definitely they do not have the complete majority. Fiaechi, Diora, and Spinola all seem to be almost even, however. So the upcoming elections will be interesting and are to be watched by all.



    -    20 ships in construction

         o   Seven of which galleys, 13 are transports

    -   5,000 men are to be recruited throughout the year

    -   Contracts for military equipment made

    -   5 galleys sent to scout the Crusade’s supply routes

    -   5 more sent to scout out the ports of France

    -   Annual election of consuls begins

    -  “Silver Company” formed

        o   2,000 men, ten transports, and five galleys transferred to branch


  2. OOC APP

    Nation name: Republic of Genoa

    Population: ~300k

    Summary of History:

    Though power was initially supposedly held by both the Emperor and Bishop, it was in all reality held by the consuls. Genoa had basically hegemony over the seas along its coast and boasts a strong fleet of ships to keep such superiority that way. Similar to its sister to the east, Genoa is a republic as well as being well equipped for trade due to its location.

    Genoa has a lot of internal politics as many merchant families contest power. Currently the notable ones would be the Grimaldi, Fieschi, Doria, and Spinola, though there are many other smaller powers within the state. As well as internal politics, Genoa has seen its fair share of external politics; this is obvious by its large fleet and control over the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian. It had colonies along the Mediterranean coast including places such as the Middle East, North Africa, and the Aegean isles

    Discord: Horton#4181

  3. It’s cute and small but really unneeded because of that. Tbh idk why this is really a lore submission other than the fact that it has drugs that take you to the spirit realm and it doesn’t even really say that. One could just say they were high enough to see the spirits without actually seeing them and only think they get blessings.

  4. I'm not going to be at the meeting, likely, so instead I'll just voice my opinions and suggestions.


    During/before community meetings staff should state, and link, changes that have been had between the community meetings. If you just had your meeting after a year then simply link relevant/recent changes.


    Next thing is me just shitting: if something can be easily done RPly, do it RPly. Don't rely on staff unless it's sonething that you can't do reasonably.

    Basically common sense rule IMO

  5. 17 hours ago, Telanir said:

    Wow, thank you Toffee for a fantastic guide. It is worth noting how just a bit of insight into our physiology can remarkably improve the quality of our roleplay. Please continue writing your other categories as this is a fantastic reference for all roleplayers to come back to. If you’re looking for any feedback there is one suggestion I would love to mention, let me know.

    Continue this and I will pull you off the list of staff members that know wtf they’re doing but kinda pretty inactive.

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