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Posts posted by Pogmeister

  1. 17 hours ago, PosidonX7 said:

    6. All disputes within Arberrang that can not be dissolved on their own without violence are to be brought to the Clan Seers and Clan Elders of Arberrang.


          a. Violence is defined as a physical attack on another individual that may cause bodily harm.


    Thorstein questions this part of the new rules of Arberrang. "What about the good ol' brawls?"

  2. 6 hours ago, ZachoSnacko said:

    I dont speak for the Forum Team as an opinion obviously, but you seem pretty passionate about the whole thing and i want to let you know that sometimes FMing isnt always following the rules book for book, its a lot of personal decision making honestly, and the occasional thing that people ask in staff chat. For example, if someone posts something that may seem toxic to a post, but puts up very valid points to the post, do you allow it to stay, or remove it. It really depends on what you decide. Anyway, is see you put effort into the application, so good on you!

    Thank you for the opinion, Zach. I’m glad that you responded to share this information with me. I believe in that situation it depends on the situation and the response from the community. In a lot of situations pertaining to that, I believe I’d let it stay as long as the “toxic” post had a respectful tone and put their points out in a good manner. The visible reasoning behind the post would also be taken into account. If the poster posted it just to trigger and/or harass a fellow player, I would definitely remove it as it is toxic and harmful to someone else. But as I said earlier, it depends on the post and the situation.

  3. Username Dfopogo


    Age 13


    Time Zone CST


    Discord: Dfopogo#4061


    Have you been previously banned (be it a forum or server ban) and under what circumstances did you receive this ban?:

    I have never been banned, be it in game or otherwise.

    Have you ever received warning points and what did you do to receive those points?:

    I have never received a warning point, luckily.

    Moderating the forums is a very time dependent staff position. How much time, on average, would you be able to dedicate to moderating?:

    I’m able to dedicate nearly all of the time that I have with the exception of school and sleep. Even then, I do not get much sleep and I usually have the forums open on my laptop.

    Have you ever held a staff position here on LoTC? Do you currently hold any other staff positions? If so, list them and highlight something about the team that you enjoyed/enjoy:

    I have not, but I’d like to think if I were the formality and kindness a lot of the staff exhibit would be enjoyable. This is just off my experience with staff members.

    Why should you be a FM? What can you bring to our team in regards to moderating and enforcing the rules on the forums?

    In regards to the Forum Moderation team I believe I can bring a good set of young eyes to the team. I’ve always loved memorizing things. It always seemed fun to me. In fifth grade I memorized one hundred digits of pi because I found it fascinating. You know what else I find fascinating that is probably strange. Rules. I know what you’re saying: “But rules are boring and dumb. They just are there to control the people so they don’t act stupid.” But that’s exactly WHY it is so interesting. People respect a jumble of drawings that everyone learns to turn into words that are just jumbles of sound and turn them into thought, which in reality is just pulsating electricity in our brains. Isn’t that fascinating? People have respected written words that we make into rules for millennia. People love rules. I know some people don’t believe they do but they do. People live their life off rules and leaders that tell them what they should do. They don’t even question it a lot of the time. Examples include Law, social rules we are taught by our parents at the table: no elbows on the table, always chew with your mouth closed, do not talk while you have food still in your mouth, etc., and even the Bible. As the Bible said (This is just an example, I am not trying to spread Christianity and I apologize if I get the details wrong), Moses wrote ten laws for the chosen people to follow all of which were about respecting their deity and each other. The people respected Moses after a while and a golden calf or something. I apologize. I probably should’ve read parts from the Pentateuch again before using it in an explanation. Anyways to get back on topic, I can bring a different point of view to every conversation and every post just threw the rules alone. The rules on Lord of the Craft are interesting themselves. They are worded so carefully as to avoid confusion and yet people are still confused because it is human nature to want to be free of rules but respect them anyways. Even outlaws and criminals create rules for themselves: do not rob children, do not rob expecting mother’s, etc. Before I start off on another exploration of rules, I’ll get back to to the topic at hand. I bring to the table ambition for my future on this server and of this server. I plan to help in this way to the best of my ability because I am simply interested in the work and think I could do it. I understand if you believe I am too young or too inexperienced to do this work, but I figured I take a chance because what can you do besides try, am I right?

    What traits do you have that make you stand out from any other applicant?:

    I try to maintain a respectful and formal attitude to most situations like any staff member should, but the biggest quality that sets me apart is that I am relatively young. You probably are reading this and thinking, “Isn’t that a flaw?” I do not believe so. Young minds are malleable, quick, and have a good pep to their step as you might say. Have you ever seen a kid play sports or even simply play a game with their friends? They have a sense of strength to it in the way they play and the force they put behind it. They have a since of compassion for their teammates that is held by a tight bond. Hopefully, the forum moderation team could be more than a game or a sport but a team to me that I can put that force, strength, and compassion into, to create such a bond.

    Are you familiar with ModeratorCP?

    No, but I like to think of myself as a quick learner.


    How long do you plan to stay on the team?:

    For as long as I can.

  4. So I was thinking about it and I became rather curious. How long do you guys think LoTC will last? Is it mostly run off Tythus’s pocket? Will LoTC keep running until it grows out of fashion or Tythus decides to stop running the server? What do you guys think?


    P. S. This is just a post wondering what your thoughts are. There is no need to argue, although that is probably going to happen.


    Name: Ramses

    ((MC Name)): Dfopogo

    Age: 13

    Race: Southerner (Human)

    Are you interested in becoming Scribe, or a Sentinel?: Sentinel

    Combat Experience(Sentinel Only): None, sadly, but I'm willing to learn.

    Allegiance: I help in Norland with farming.

    What amount of time can you dedicate to the Remembrance Guild? ((How active are you, on a scale from 1-10? Please state timezone as well)): I can dedicate a few elven hours a day, especially on the later month of the Elven year. ((4, I have football and school, but I can play on weekends and maybe the weekdays sometimes.))

    Discord: Dfopogo#4061

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