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Posts posted by Pogmeister

  1. I honestly haven’t kept up with all of these pedophile posts because most of them are longer than the lore posts on the forums; despite this, I find that this post is a pleasant step forward for not only the admins but the staff as a whole. Many people seem unhappy even with this, but I thank you, Telanir, for speaking out about this situation.

  2. 53 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    You might have some issues keeping the furnaces stocked with coal. I’d recommend using charcoal instead since people would be less inclined to steal it and it's easier to mass-produce.

    Pretty confident you can make torches with charcoal!

  3. I think it would be a cool EVENT STORY team creature for events, but I feel it to be a bit too overpowered and overall pretty useless for a CA. It just brings a bloodthirsty villain to the table. You don’t have to play a new creature to kill people and be a furry. Just be an aggressive and bloodthirsty Kharajyr or Hou-Zi.

  4. Name: Joseph Alder

    Race: Hanseti

    Gender: Male

    Former Affiliations: Retinue of Archbishop Siguard van Reza.

    Past Experience: Skilled bard and cook, Retinue

    Why do you wish to join: To willfully serve GOD and dutifully do His work.


    MC Name: Pogmeister

    Discord: I'm too lazy to look at the numbers. You have it.

    Timezone: CST

  5. 4 hours ago, Temp said:

    Select folks failed to heed warnings and were killed by an acting member of the ET. I’d give names myself but I was not the ET that made the emote. That said, I stand by their decision and hope those who were left with a more ‘brief’ experience use this experience to reflect on the information given about the swamp and plan accordingly.

    ((I believe you mean Dwarf Team 6 https://imgur.com/a/T9nNSuH


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