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Posts posted by D3F4LT

  1. MC Name: Chokerhoe

    Character's Name: Cho'qomel

    Character's Age: 7


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Wonk (toad wonk)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    So the wonks are an old race that arrived in Atlas-Arcas after a long diaspora. They can’t breed with others as they dont have genders to begin with. They reproduce like a spore but that the eggs grow at the back of the wonk, the size starts as a marble and can grow to a tennisball size. The eggs can hatch through being in contact with freshwater only, if not they wont hatch and die. A wonk can grow old to 120 years at most and are already mature at age of 5. Somewhere around 50 the skin will feel dry and leathery, the older it gets the more cracks begin to appear. The wonks are devided in 2 subgroups: Toad wonks and Frog wonks. Frog wonks a taller then toad wonks that range between 4’6 to 5’0. They are also skinnier then toads and have a basic color for their skin like green. The player can use the basic colors aslong as it isnt a neon color and can have another color for their hands/feet that fit their lore. The skin is smoother and more slimy then the toad wonk. Toad wonks are slightly shorter then the frog wonks as they range between 4’1” to 4’7”, with a more stockier bodies. as they have thicker skin and more rough then the frog wonks. Their skin tone are of any range between dark brown and green. compared to other races Wonks share same strenght like an average human, they cant grow stronger as its hard for them. Their hands and feet are large and bulbous. Their heads are also big alongside the neck and most other parts of the body. They have also a very long tongue extending 4x the time of a normal human tongue. It shares the same strenght of that of a finger. Wonks being big, having a lesser soul meaning that they cant learn certain magic like Voidal magic, aenguldaemonic connection, etc. They can learn none sould bound magic like blood magic, Kani, alchemy, etc. Wonks prefer warm places as the cold areas are not comfortable for them. to warm themselves they prefer warm water, sitting in the sun or wear clothes. The tongue of the wonk isnt made for combat as its as strong as a finger, but it can stretch out 1 block out but it would make it too hard to controll the tongues movement. The language of the wonk is ribbish that consists of frog noises, tribal wonks still rely on ribbish while the civilised wonks attempt to use commin language, but due to their nature when they are stressed or excited they will discard back to ribbish. You have to types of group of wonks those that are civilised and those that are still in tribes. Civilsed wonks wear clothes that they base off from descendants. The tribal wonks are the natives of Arcas as they have migrated thousand of years before the descendants arrived. They live in a swamp area in the south of Arcas and live in primitive houses made from material that are local in the swamp. society works as every tribe with a chieftain and some elders leading the group they are in. The tribes believe in spirits that come in diffrent shapes for example Urin,  Spirit of weather,  seasons and climate, Appearing as a colorful crayfish that changes color and temperament of the seasons. The tribal wonks are known as local gatherers and hunters. One of the special abilities next to their tongue is also the ability to spend a long amount of time underwater, as their skin absorbs air from the water around them. the Wonks cant speak underwater or they will drown. They also have two sets of eyelids that are thin and transparant making it hard to see if they blink or not, but it comes in handy when underwater as they can see underwater while having their eyes closed off. 



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:

             yes sure, i dont have any magic anyways


    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             no this be my first

  2. An old Greybeard would stand before his personal armor, he would brush his beard before attaching 3 silver beads to it. He would then grab his helmet and place it against his head leaving a sigh Adeela... give me streng’t...” The old dwarf would mutter before placing the helmet on his head, he would then just slowly gear up before walking towards the public smithy with his war-axe. There he would sharpen it ”Toime flew fo’ mane’ of us... fifte’ yea’s passed an’ a new settlement is bein erected?” The dwarf would shake his head before looking at his own runic arm and remember the days of the Confederation, making him smile. ”t’e so called Moineborian king t’inks ‘e can devoid t’e dwed an’ beg fo’ understandin? ‘e can shove ‘is understandin up ‘is arse! t’e so called ‘survival of t’e state’.. donke’ shoite it is! Urguan is doin foine... Moinebor on t’e ot’e’ ‘and will fall, we aint Atlas ane’mo... dwedma’ unite’ was our goal back t’en nae devoidin t’e kin across t’e big worl!... all t’e dweds t’at t’ink livin awae from t’e capital of dwed a’e traitors of Urguan t’e all fat’e an’ should be punished for t’eir selfishness!” he would yell through the city of kal’Varoth making the dwarves that were there look in confusion of what the old dwarf was yelling for, you could hear someone answer with ‘okay boomer’.







  3. Nagorain “Stonefist” Emberhorn would shake his head at the word ‘Chandelier’ and would remember the good cha cha slide with the boyz. Aswell as the word Urguan wandered through his head knowing of the good and bad of the kingdom, but he doesn’t care as he has other worries in his mind then a kingdom that saved most of his clan to utter extinction. 


  4. markarth_banner___gold_dwemer_by_joeyloc


    ]=+ The Clan +=[



    “How fair the mount at Hollowbold,

    And bright the embers’ forge of old,


    Alas their halls the darkness swept,

    And there, forevermore, it slept.”


    -The Song of Tumunzahar




    The Aspects and Mannerisms

    += of the Emberhorns =+


    The Emberhorns are fair of skin, with bright eyes the colour of emeralds which shine beneath bushy brows. Their hair is auburn, and rarely worn long enough to braid- though oft-times the older Dwarves among them will decorate their beards with braids and clasps.  The Clan-members are slightly less broad and stocky than most Dwarves, but are still possessed of barrel-like torsos and powerful arms well-suited to the hardy professions. Their ears are slightly leaf-shaped- a peculiarity which some believe results from a far Elven ancestor. Mention this to a member of the Clan, however, and you may swift find yourself a few teeth lighter. While some are grim, prideful, and solemn, they are seldom evil-hearted, and cruelty does not come naturally to them except in the rarest of cases. They are possessed of a fortune to rival those of the richest clans and individuals upon the Isles, and as such the Emberhorns are somewhat more inclined to display Urguan’s Curse than others. Even still, the Clan will often be willing to help those in need, and charity is common and encouraged.


    There is only one line of the Clan at present, that of Hodfair, though it is believed that there may be others which have not yet returned to the Kingdom of Dwarves. Dwed of this blood bear all of the earmarks of Mountain Dwarves, but are not purely such- as stated above, it is quite likely that the Clan had an Elf in its ancestry, and even more-so that the Clan interbred extensively with Forest Dwarves. Their affinity towards their slightly leaner build and willingness to welcome their forest-dwelling kin into their clan is testament to this.


    They dress in tones of green, brown, and other natural colours, preferring to stay away from brighter shades and considering them needlessly garish. They often ornament themselves with gold to some degree, with many wearing engraved golden clasps and jewelry in their beards. This also translates to their armour, which is traditionally enameled green and gold like so:










    The Stones of

    += Tumun’zahar =+


    Much of what is known today of the history of Clan Emberhorn finds its origins in the revered Tumun’zahar Stones, which were partially deciphered soon after the family's re-emergence in Axios. A series of seven stone-carved tablets, they appear to have been created around the year 800 by a skilled mason who used the moniker ‘the Keeper’. Of these stones, the first three detail the genesis of the Clan, and the last four various tales and stories of their exploits. Together compiled, they form the Song of Tumun’zahar, which is held in regard above all other relics of the family- though it was not always so, and a few of the stones (primarily the first few in the series) bear a great deal of wear and damage due to being at one point used as paving material.


    A central focus of the epic is the eponymous Citadel Tumunzahar, known also as ‘Hollowbold’ in the Common Language. Said to have been constructed some thousand years ago by Dwarves fleeing an unnamed cataclysm (possibly a dragon,) it nestled among mountain peaks and was possessed of a vast underground system of natural caverns. Precious little is known of this burg save its name and reputation for tremendous beauty, for the Stones which regard its construction are among the most damaged. To further cloud the matter, the stories that are translated have a tendency to conflict in the location, structure, and size of the settlement. This has led some to believe that the “city” is actually several cities, spread out over a long period of time, and that the Song of Tumunzahar is simply a retelling of much older stories.




    To quote the testament of the late Hodfair I Emberhorn, who spent many years translating the Song:




    “I shall tell it as it was told to me, many centuries ago, by my father- who heard it from his father, and his father from his father’s father, who had seen the glories of yore with his own eyes and beheld the founding of the great city Hollowbold, known as Tumunzahar in the Old Tongue. Carved into the side of a great and mighty mountain by myriad stonemasons, the citadel stood defiant in the face of all tribulations. By hammer, chisel, axe and shield was built upon that mount the greatest legacy of our Clan, the likes of which shall never again upon this world be seen. Such beauty there was that even the hardest of Dwarven hearts softened to see it.


    But ask me not to tell of it fully, for even my own father did not know its tales but for scraps and pieces which avail us naught. Perhaps it was as they say, in days of old, or perhaps not- those secrets are lost but for the earliest of the Seven Stones, and all our will must now be bent to translating them.”






    += The Ram =+

    While we know very little of the city itself, it is told that the lone mountain of which Hollowbold was carved was surrounded by verdant highlands, upon which was found wildlife diverse and varied. Among these there lived an unusually large and abundant type of mountain-ram, exceptionally woolly and twice as dangerous as the frozen moraines upon which it survived. The rams were possessed of a pelt-wool softer than any other, well-suited for garment, rug, and all manner of weaving- but perhaps more importantly, their swift cloven hooves could traverse the treacherous alpine paths better than any Dwarven pony. Their violent disposition and resistance to any sort of domestication, therefore, presented itself as an obstacle to be overcome.


    A late passage in the Song of Tumunzahar tells that the dwarves of the colony attempted for many years to tame these so-called ‘Gabhar Rams’ to no avail, until the coming of a particularly lucky individual. The following excerpt from the Song details his victory over the largest animal in the herd, which led to the domestication of the species:





    "He leapt forth then, this tamer mad,

    whom in his hand a rope-length had,

    And with this made to gabhar bind.

    Lo! Ramhorn fierce, he kicked behind,

    for hempen bonds behooved him not,

    And dwed fell sprawling, temper hot.

    He tore his beard and cried aloud,

    To make return with spear he vowed.

    That clamour echoed through the peaks,

    There was a shattered, grinding shriek,

    And moraine swift came tumbling down.

    The dwed did sweat, and he did frown,

    And tumbled too, as not to fall,

    For snow, and ice, and boulders all,

    Came quick to bear upon his heel.

    He shut his eyes, his death to feel,

    But instead found himself aloft,

    As if by bough of tree. He coughed,

    And, baring frightened eyes, beheld,

    That by fair goat was he upheld.

    It bounded twice, s’if borne by wind,

    And as the falling glacier thinned,

    It set dwarf down upon the ground,

    Who reached fair up, removed its bond,

    And ever since, my sons, to fore,

    Gabhar and dwed, they fight no more."




    Whether it be true or fanciful, this passage records the beginning of a fruitful friendship which has lasted many generations, and in many ways defined the legacy of the Clan. The ram and its horns are often used in imagery, and the family employs them in everything from warfare, to caravans of goods, to shearing their wool for weaving.


    Members of the Clan who have proven themselves in war or other service to the family are said to have ‘earned their horns’, and receive the right to wear upon their helms the great spiraling antlers of the rams- a fearsome sight. Artificery, however, is not the only thing in which the rams have contributed to Clan’s culture, for they are also the inspiration of the Clan’s modern name- though it is never once mentioned outright and was never used to refer to the progenitors of the family. The passage is such, and recounts a battle against goblins late in the Song:


    And in that fateful charge of auld

    The dwedish clan, those brothers bold

    Dealt death unto the eldritch dark,

    Threw down their enemy, and hark!


    From that brash clamour embers flew,

    ‘Pon clashing horns, and bloody dew,

    which fell like rain upon the ground.

    And filled was glen with death’s grim sound.



    From which was gathered the name ‘Emberhorn’, and henceforth such was used to refer to the family in present times. The ram’s horns are also on the Clan’s banner, writ in gold upon a field of verdure.


    (to join contact D3F4LT#4284 or meet Nagorain Ekaraadorul)


  5. Yo let me write a topic about Principality of Nogrod if we just gonna post "history" about dead factions. Like for real mynebor wasnt even a city that was finished, it was too big to house a big playerbase and yet u call it a city, Nogrod on the otherhand was a small hold in Atlas that housed Emberhorn remnants alongside some Stormbreakers with acctual roleplay history and visitors like the confederation and later Agnarum. They had even their own thing where they had a goldmine inside their hold that let to an entrance to the deeproads BEFORE the actual events about them started... and they had something they called Mythael a steel that was used to craft their armor...

  6. RP Name:: Nagorain

    MC Username: _Thumril_

    Discord: D3F4LT#4284

    What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan

    Why Do You Wish To Come?: to say a final goodbye to the map and the dwarven hold if possible

    What Skills Can You Bring?: got trained by a couple of gollems in hand vs hand combat, so just good at combat roleplay.

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