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Posts posted by CrownedLime747

  1. 2 hours ago, Evonpire said:

    "B-b-brother?" Elek weakly whimpered as he read the message, he begun to break down in tears "Nem, Nem. Tell me this isn't true? Some sort of joke" Elek said to courier who delivered the message. 


      Reveal hidden contents

    I'll format this in the morning. 


    Lajos would comfort his brother. “I am sorry öcsém. At least he is resting in peace in the Heavenly Seven Skies. Those murderers and defilers will face the holy wrath of GOD.”

  2. SURNAME: Károly

        FIRST NAME: Lajos

        ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE: Street C, N. 1

        DATE OF BIRTH: 23rd of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1733


        Are you registered and eligible to vote in the province of Kaedrin?: Yes


        Do you have any other title, peerage or public service that may conflict with becoming an Imperial Senator, as per the Edict of Establishment (1736) or Edict of Election (1736)?: No


        If yes, do you understand that you will be required to resign or abdicate from this position should you be elected to the Imperial Senate, and if this does not occur your seat shall be considered to be vacant?: Answered no


        ((MC NAME)): CrownedLime747

  3. 3 minutes ago, PapiZapii said:

    “I DON’T f*cking support mix-race relations, I don’t give a f*ck if an Elf or a Human marry or have babies!” Vivaca Rutledge rolls her eyes.

    “The fact that you refuse to condemn such heresy shows that you support it. If you don’t oppose it, then you support it. It is as simple as that.” Lajos Károly says with annoyance.

  4. “These ‘popular’ Senators are nothing but a detriment to the Holy Empire. They defend heretics and beasts and take power from the Holy Emperor. God chose the Emperor to guide us and these heretics are jealous of his God-given power. LONG LIVE THE HOLY ABSOLUTE EMPEROR!” Lajos says.

  5. Lajos nods in agreement. “God has chosen the Emperor to be our ruler on earth and the bureaucrats have taken that  power away from him under the pretense of ‘safety’. What is left is merely to preserve the illusion that the Emperor still has power. The Emperor is our one and true liege, no one else! These elections and the Senate are nothing but a heretical taking of power by the greedy. LONG LIVE THE ABSOLUTE EMPEROR!”

  6. “I was there and I am shocked at the apathy that the Courlanders have to this heresy. May God have mercy on their souls for their negligence against witchcraft!” Lajos says as he rise from his seat. “Burn the witch!”

  7. rv5ak2ZXgufqzrdplsX4LJRbrAS1S8c8dGusufFjzWjfH1niFPqttHVxnqrEKeA55z6fuH2OMq6Gh1U5Uj09bSaAnwwGzOVuyGfgpvdEqmfR78VHrC_MKxKE1JvTqlcSWmViHj-M





    10th of Owyns's Light, 1756


    Blessed be those who seek to wield the Érédét. I, Lajos Károly, ask of all who consider themselves kin of the Madžary, to convene and resolve the unsolved question of succession. We still mourn the passing of our beloved ancestor Mátyás Másaryk, the third and pious. Never have we have faced such uncertainty as to whom can wield the Érédét, and lead our kin to harmonious unison.


    Have we forgotten our bountiful existence in the realms of old? Have we been tempted to abandon our souls to be accepted?  Do we truly wish to become a people of pretenders? This is not the destiny our forefathers envisioned when they abandoned the ways of the Hétmagyar and made a path of their own.


    Fivérek és nővérek, whoever you may serve and wherever you may rest your head, consider attendance your solemn duty to your ancestors.


    Madžary, our people are not well. We shun each other over ancient pretensions, as we look away from our destiny. As a figure estranged from the Károly, who is not a Magyjársko, I shall carry the mantle of mediator between our families. 


    Come to Helena on the day we break bread for Nagypéntek.


    Õszinte híve,



  8. Aleksei for Prosperity

    20th of Sigismund's End, 1693


    [1] The residents of Belvitz gather around outside the town hall as Aleksei prepares to give his speech


         “Good day to all o’my comrades o’Adria.“As ya may ‘ave ‘eard, I am running for Maer to succeed Darius Ault, t’greatest Maer o’our fair city. We may be members o’different political parties an’ might ‘ave different political views, we both seek to bring prosperity to our city. As such, I seek to continue his legacy and bring prosperity to this mighty city. I‘ave lived in this city my entire life and ‘ave served in t’Adrian Ducal Retinue in t’Third Atlas Coalition War. My family is a long military one with my father Aleksandr fighting in t’first an’ second Atlas Coalition Wars and my grandfather Sergei in t’Third Crusade. Although I ‘aven’t been unable to participate in the battles as of recently due to an injury, it has gotten better and I feel that I can be able again.”


         “One o’my major plans is to greatly expand our trading and commerce. I seek to construct a trading harbor on the Baltas River right next to the city. The Baltas River connects to all o’t’cities and nations o’Atlas, especially those in t’Empire. With this harbor, we can open up to a massive amount of trade and turn Belvic into the capital of commerce in t’Empire! I ‘ave yet to decide who to put in charge of such an important expansion as I myself am not the best architect. ‘Owever, I do hope that Darius would help out in some way from either suggesting to me who to put in charge or even putting him in charge. I am confident that ‘e would be incredibly interested in this project.”


         “Another major platform o’mine is to reform t’Duma. Although t’Duma is an important part of t’Adrian realm, I have found some issues with it. With this, I plan to use my position in t’Duma to propose that it convene more frequently as I find that it convening after t’election of t’Aldermen to be too infrequent. I believe meeting every year would suffice to allow for members to be able to propose their motions if they couldn’t last year instead o’last saint’s month while also giving time to make new ones from events that may occur between sessions. T’Duke would also be able to summon an emergency session of t’Duma if Adria or t’Empire are in crisis. This o’course would require the Duke’s assistance and thus I will work closely with him.”


         “I find defenestration to be completely barbaric and cruel in our civilized world. As such, I seek to ban such an act be done on our fair citizens and anyone else unless they have been convicted of a crime against Adria or t’Empire or causing a commotion in the session. If it’s t’later, they would only be thrown from a height that would not injure them too much with it only really hurting their pride. Besides that, the height will more or less be based on how serious the crime is.”


         “Thank ya comrades for listening to this speech of mine. This may be short compared to other speeches, but this election is in it’s first legs and has plenty of time for more speeches from both me an’ my opponents. Please do expect that there be more speeches as t’election continues. If you have any questions that you seek to ask me, I frequent the Firstlight Inn and Tavern, so ya can ask me there.”


    And remember comrades,



  9. The Words of a Victim

    19th of Horen’s Calling, 1687


    To my fellow Citizens of the Great Empire of Man,


    As you may have heard, a couple of saint’s days ago, I was viciously and mercilessly attacked by Priorists when I criticize them on their immoral hatred. For those who are worried about me, thank the Lord in His infinite wisdom that I came out of that with only bruises. And I would like to thank Mr Sarkozic for his endorsement and as such, I shall endorse him for Prefect of Belvitz. Even with these uncivilized tactics by the Priorists, I will NOT be deterred from fighting for the rights of those they deem ‘inferior’ because I KNOW it is righteous. I will fight to bring prosperity not just to Renatus, but to all of the citizens of the Empire and under her glorious protection.


    I have read their announcement, and I would have to say I am incredibly disappointed. They claim themselves to be mobs of the empire. But mobs are mobs, and no matter their reasoning, mobs can never claim righteousness. They are never in the right. Even if there was a mob that supported protections for minorities, more elected representatives in the Imperial Parliament and any more positions I hold, I would denounce them, distance myself from them and cutoff any relations I have with them. Any good, law-abiding, honest citizens of the Empire would do the same. However, they remain unapologetic to their barbaric actions that are eerily similar to those committed by the heathenous Norlanders in the early and mid century. While I am not saying that they are heathens, they are still Canonists to some degree. However, their actions have completely ignored Canonist morals and thus I will stand by my comment saying they are Uncanonist.


    Yet, I’m not the only victim in there hate-filled ‘crusade’. The first was the poor Dwarven diplomat that was assaulted a few saint’s weeks ago. Unlike my own encounter, the assailant was arrested by the guard before it could turn into a beating. Even though the violent man was on the ground, I saw others around the guard berate him, calling him an ‘elf-lover’. All I could do was call out their hatred while the attacker was taken away. Another man that was attacked by the Priorists, although not physically, was the honorable Robert Sigismund. They brought up events that occurred four decades ago in an attempt to discredit him and claim he is unfit. I would have to call this cowardly, as not only did they occur forty years ago, but any sane person would do the same. At the time of King Otto III, an empire of man was completely unheard of in current times and feared that his kingdom would end and his people will suffer. Thank the Almighty Lord in His infinite wisdom that did not occur. While yes, he did delay the creation of the Great Empire of Man, he did so because he feared for his realm and people. That is something to admire, not to chastise. Sir Robert was simply following the will of his lord as any good citizen does.


    Honorably from

    Cesare di Lucio Accorsi

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