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Consulary Republic of Holm

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Posts posted by Consulary Republic of Holm

  1. Orange and black banners are strung over Holm, pumpkins littered everywhere throughout the city.




    Knoxween has struck!

    [ ! ] A flier is pinned to the wall here, dangling and wiggling in the wind.


    A Knoxween Festival will be hosted in the City State of Holm within two stone days!

    Apple bobbing, an archery contest, and an entertaining performance will be hosted

    during the event. Be there or be square!

    – Consul Caesar E. Curseus


    [OOC] The event will take place from 1pm-4pm EST on Saturday, October 27th.

    See you there!

  2. [!] "Hear ye'!" the town crier shouts, rushing down the Republic's streets. "Da' new temp'rary Despot takes th' throne, 'e does! Despot Dimlin in'a coma, read'bout it!"




    The Consulary Republic of Holm

    Despotic Crisis


    The grand opening for the Irongut Palace had taken place on the 14th of the Sun's Smile, 1684, to commemorate both a monumental feat of Holmite ingenuity, and the newly crowned Despot, Dimlin Irongut, who recently succeeded the throne from prior Despot, Dorin Irongut. The party included royal delegates from the Kingdom of Haense, former High Prince Belestram Sylvaeri, former Holmite Senator Atandt Irongrinder, Krugmarian Rex Blogus'Raguk, Consul Caius-Roswell Rubens, the Holmite Council members, and various other common guests.


    Unfortunately, late into the party, Despot Dimlin Irongut's drink had been poisoned by an assailant. Medical practitioners immediately noticed his pale condition, resting the Dwarf on his side. Two doctors, both professors at the nearby Academy, came to the conclusion that he had been poisoned by a substance brewed with Alabaster leaves. The Brigade then evacuated the hall, not allowing the guests to leave the party until further notice.


    Despot Dimlin Irongut lays on the floor of the Palace's lobby, surrounded by medical practitioners and guardsmen.


    Suspects ranged from nearly every guest in attendance, to foreign ambassadors, even to some currently disgruntled statesmen. Initially, the Haensetic delegates were suspected, having only swiftly left the party a mere eight Saint's minutes before the incident took place. Furthermore, suspicions of former Senator Atandt Irongrinder were lobbed about, claiming that he was awfully disgruntled for having been banished some odd four years ago, under advice from then-Brigadier General Dimlin Irongut. The Orcish delegates were also accused, but later testimonies cleared any suspicions of Orcish wrongdoings, as all Krugmarian delegates had been auditing a law class on the top floor at the time of the attempted assassination. However, the mere squire -- a young Dark Elven boy by the name of Ukazelle -- was later interrogated under suspicion of foul play. The child's gloves had been found with Alabaster leaflet stains, the same substance utilized to poison the Despot. After Brigadiers attempted to subdue the boy, he relentlessly resisted, eventually revealing a dagger on his person.


    Fortunately, after being hospitalized, the process of poison removal by medical practitioners had begun. The Despot is estimated to make a full recovery, but doctors have deemed him "Unfit to serve his role as a nation's leader" at this present time. As a result, the Constitution of Holm was consulted, and Article III, Section C, subsection B was cited as follows;

    "In the event that the Despot dies, passes away, resigns, is impeached before the end of their term, or is at any point unable to serve their role, the next eldest Irongut shall be offered the position until legitimate elections can be held. Should the next eldest Irongut refuse the offer, the position shall be extended to the next in line, and then so forth." -- III.C.B of the Holm Constitution

    Almost instantly, the Tribunal Council was tasked with locating the next eldest Irongut, and inaugurating him to become the defacto, temporary Despot, until medical practitioners were to deem Despot Dimlin Irongut fit to serve. Master Treasurer Dwain Irongut was inaugurated on the 15th of the Sun's Smile, 1684, to act as temporary Despot to the Republic.
    Consul Caius Roswell-Rubens swears Treasurer Dwain Irongut into Despotic office, holding his hand on a copy of the Constitution, whilst Despot Dimlin Irongut rests by his bedside in the background, induced in a coma.


    Dwain Irongut will serve as Despot until Despot Dimlin Irongut is able bodied and mentally prepared to serve his role as Despot once again. Dwain Irongut shall then be Constitutionally obligated to abdicate the throne back to the previous Despot.


    The suspect has been detained and awaits trial by means of the Chief Magistrate. Motives are still unclear, and it is unknown at this time if the suspect had collaborated with any external forces.


    [!] The notice concludes here.

  3. ArBw7zt_Fdq16orNFcbC-q-6f_jRu285aGwYy6fD

    The Consulary Republic of Holm

    Grand Irongut Palace


    The Consulary Republic of Holm is pleased to announce the recently finished construction within Holm, completing the Irongut Palace, to act as the central location of residency for all Ironguts and the capital government center. The Palace touts it's numerous residential rooms and government offices, including over thirty-five rooms in total. In addition, the Palace is open to the public to explore. The numerous portraits and busts displayed across the halls tell a vibrant history of the Republic, which may be explored further by tour guides.



    The front yard of the Irongut Palace.



    The Despot's throne hall.



    The Tribunal Council's outdoor meeting room.



    The main dining hall, complete with two thrones for either Consul.



    The Despot's bedroom, with the old banner of Holm flying overhead.


    To celebrate the tremendous completion of this cultural and administrative monument, we invite all government employees, Ironguts, Nobles, and Holmite citizens to attend a ballroom celebration. You're invited to dawn your fanciest garbs, bring your acquaintances, and come prepared with your most entertaining conversation. Both Consuls and the Despot shall be in attendance, hosting the gathering.


    We look forward to your attendance!


    ((Sunday, 10/7, at 5pm EST))


  4. [!] A familiar notice scours the lands for willing students to once again pursue academic, military, and craftsman degrees for the Academy's next semester.





            Scholars of Atlas, we are blessed and honored to open the doors of our humble Academy once more. Whether you decide to embark on a new academic expedition, or to pursue your current studies, you are more than welcome within the halls of The Academy of Holm. While this would not be the first attempt at opening up our doors to the public, our previous Headmasters, Kardel Irongut and Caius Roswell-Rubens, have provided us with the information that should lead us to a successful semester, by imposing a less strenuous class system upon the students.

           The Academy of Holm plans on making classes as hands-on as possible, making students intrigued with the subject matter at hand, rather than sitting and taking notes every class. In addition, class schedules won't be nearly as rigorous, granting students the freedom to study at their own pace whilst participating with the rest of the class. The number of classes we offer has also decreased, due to a high demand of specific courses in our previous years. All those who value education can find a place for themselves within the Academy.





    Graduation Requirements and Degrees

    Compared to our previous years, the number of Degrees we shall offer will decrease, as well as the requirements for each. At The Academy of Holm, we wish to focus more on success within your individual fields, rather than making you take multiple classes to receive a degree.


    Graduation Requirements

    The only requirements for graduation are the completion of your class. We pride ourselves on academic flexibility, with gracious professors adjusting their schedules to suit the needs of the students.



    Under the new administration of The Academy of Holm, there shall now only be three degrees available to our students. These degrees have been tailored to allow students to focus on either a single subject, a field of subjects, or attempt to master a multitude of subjects. These degrees are made to accommodate all students, from those attending the academy for a single field of interest, to the aspiring scholars striving to master as many disciplines as possible.




    Practical Degree

    Upon earning your Practical Degree, you shall have completed and passed one (1) course within the Academy (Ex: Practical Degree in Engineering). While this is the most basic and simplistic degree offered, it proves that you, as a student, have attained the necessary tools to properly delve into the world of your given academic field.


    Honorary Degree

    Upon earning your Honorary Degree, you shall have completed and passed three (3) courses within the Academy. This degree shows dedication to knowledge, and an expertise in a larger amount of subjects. In addition, Honorary students will be required to take a final exam at the end of the semester


    Master’s Degree

    Upon earning your Master’s Degree, you shall have completed and passed five (5) courses within the Academy. This degree displays the utmost dedication to your subjects, expertise in your fields, and prowess in academics. In addition to the completion of your classes, Master students must also complete a large project at the end of their final semester, tailored towards your class experience at the professor's discretion. This may include a written thesis, a series of hand crafted merchandise, a novel, or other project subjects.


    There are also post-graduate courses for those wishing to pursue their doctorate, earning the official title of "Doctor" in their respective field. See the handbook for more details.



    Classes & Tuition

           While the number of courses has decreased, at least for the time being, we are proud to bring you sixteen classes, taught by some of the greatest academic minds within the confines of Atlas. Along with the decrease in class sizes, the tuition for The Academy of Holm is now only 75 Minae per class, drastically lowered from previous semesters! The decrease in cost is to allow more pupils access to our Academy, hoping to spread academic excellence to every aspiring scholar possible. Each semester lasts six weeks. At the end of every semester, your evaluations will be calculated, to determine if you qualify to earn your degree.



    Course Catalog


    Professor: Elvira Naromis ((Farryn))

    Description: A series of theoretical and practical lessons focusing on basic alchemy, gathering regents, and potion usage. Students will learn how to prepare regents they have gathered, as well as how to create a range of potions, and how to successfully use potions.


    Combat Tactics:

    Professor: Anmara Frostbeard ((Omega_mineman))

    Description: A basic outline of the different formations and weapons in combat, and how to properly defend and attack against an opponent.


    Culinary Arts:

    Professor: Anmara Frostbeard ((Omega_mineman))

    Description: A class on the basics of cooking and baking. Students will learn the different uses of materials, ingredients, and how to properly prepare multiple foods items.


    Defense Against Dark Forces:

    Professor: Elvira Naromis ((Farryn))

    Description: A series of lessons focused on teaching about the dark forces, in both body and in magic, and how to protect themselves from these antagonists. Students will learn how to defend themselves from such opponents, as well as how to successfully recognize a dark being and what to do when encountering one.



    Professor: Derrick Bell ((_Lark_))

    Description:  Using arithmetic, creativity, and a bevy of materials, engineering allows for the modern feats of our world to be constructed. Students will be working with all sorts of tools and materials as they explore the world of functionality, construction, and design as they learn various means of crafting devices, tools, and more in the world of Engineering.



    Professor: Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole))

    Description: A series of classes from writing, to interviewing, to editing, which will give students all the tools they need in the field of journalism. The end result for the class, shall be the publishing of the Academy’s own Newspaper, written and edited by the students and staff alike.



    Professor: Caius Roswell-Rubens ((Papa_Liam))

    Description: The world of legal studies revolves around the regulations and guidelines imposed upon a society, and the process in which those regulations and guidelines are manufactured. Students majoring in the law course will be expected to study various forms of law from across the continent, and to review the most famous and original legal texts in civilized history. The end goal for aspiring scholars will be a proficient understanding of the legal systems in place, the process of modern day judiciary systems, and a further development on their own opinions on legal matters.


    Magic Theory:

    Professor: Garolletias Earl ((HotMacaroon))

    Description: The world, ideas and theories of an aspect of life that we so vaguely understand yet use oh so much. The process of magic, there are many types and many ideas that we will need to know and understand. Students studying the course will be taught about the theories and ideas behind all the types of magics, though there won't be lessons as to casting itself- over time, perhaps that might happen by visitors that are planned for the future. This course would be useful in a variety of aspects, such as understanding mages which fight against you, or becoming one yourself with an advanced understanding of how the many types of magics work.



    Professor: Anmara Frostbeard ((Omega_mineman))

    Description: In this class, you will learn the intricacies of mathematics, its modern day uses, and how to apply it to realistic problems. This course is useful for those wishing to study engineering, science, or economics.



    Professor: Morgan Hallowfall ((PuddleMancerPro))

    Description: An extensive outline of basic medical practices, including the usage of specific alchemic, physical, and arcane healing techniques.


    Political Science & Government:

    Professor: Caius Roswell-Rubens ((Papa_Liam))

    Description: Political Science & Government focuses on the founding principles of statehood, public policies, and political philosophies. While students learn about various political ideologies and philosophies in government administration, they'll also be expected to interact and converse with those hosting differing political viewpoints, both to enhance their own world view, and to force all scholars to intellectually review their own ideologies. The end goal of this course should allow students to garner an advanced comprehension of historical political values.


    Racial History:

    Professor: Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole))

    Description: Racial History is a class regarding the creation, and historical events, of all the descendant races. The class hopes to provide its students with a new found knowledge of their race, or of other races, and the events that have shaped their history.


    Racial Linguistics:

    Professor: Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole))

    Description: Racial Linguistics is a class regarding the multiple minor languages of the realm. Ranging from Elven, to Blah, to Ancient Dwarven, the class hopes to broaden their students speaking capabilities, and allow them to communicate with those in their native languages.


    Realm History:

    Professor: Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole))

    Description: Realm History is a class focused on teaching its students the history of the realms previously inhabited by the descendants. The Class aims to teach students about the important events, nations, and culture of each realm.


    Science Practices:

    Professor: Derrick Bell ((_Lark_))

    Description: Science Practices is about the natural forces of the world and how they interact with each other, in addition to looking at the world through a whole new paradigm. Students will learn how to conduct experiments, research tomes and environments to conduct studies and write papers. Be prepared to venture to new, possibly deadly environments in the name of Science.


    Smithing & Metallurgy:

    Professor: Morgan Hallowfall ((PuddleMancerPro))

    Description: Smithy Class will teach people how to move metal with tools, how to shape and sharpen tools, how to create shapes and sizes and produce tools and weapons, a short but simple class, it will also cover some other parts of forging and creation such as leather-working for grips and engraving.


    Switching Majors

           The Academy prides itself on a very lenient and flexible education model. If the interests of students begins to shift, no worries -- the Academy will accommodate for the changes in your lesson plan. You simply need to ensure that you've passed the given class you wish to switch into, and complete all the projects or quizzes for said course, which come hand in hand with each degree. For instance, engineering majors earning their Master's degree may wish to become a mathematics major, instead. They would then have to ensure they've passed the math course, and have also passed the Honorary's exam. To switch majors during the semester, please contact an administrator. 





    To apply for courses at The Academy of Holm, please fill out the application below and send it to one of our many faculty members.

    • Headmaster Azkel Frostbeard (Discord: TreatyCole#3623)
    • Vice-Headmaster Garolletias Earl (Discord: Gazzel#1927)
    • Professor Caius Roswell-Rubens (Discord: Liam#7649)
    • Professor Derrick Bell (Discord: Lark#9762)









    Full Name:



    Major subject:
    Additional classes this semester (Write N/A if none):



    We request that you submit applications to one of the individuals above. Tuition is to be paid directly to Headmaster Azkel Frostbeard.


    If you are a previous student of the Academy and wish to earn credit for your previous classes, please speak to Caius Roswell-Rubens.


    Those in search of a potential career as a professor, please contact Headmaster Azkel Frostbeard.


    For the full handbook, click here.


    We thank you for taking interest in our most esteemed academic institution.


    [!] The notice concludes here.

  5. [!] "O'ye," shouts your malnourished town crier, "The Holm Celebration Day, recognizing Holm and her greatness, is open to all!"





    Holm Celebration Day

    In Honor of our Foundation, our Military, and our Democracy


    In celebration of Holm, her people, and the Republic, we invite all residents of Atlas to the Holm Celebration Day, including a lasting day of traditional festivities, food, rarities for sale, and of course, games. This upcoming Sun's Smile, please attend the outdoor concert hall to browse the array of foods, games, and luxurious items for sale! Music will be provided at this public event, where everything will be Holm themed -- the food, the decor, the activities, even the clothes. Throughout the day, we'll be showcasing a number of games and festivities.


    ((The festival shall take place Sunday, 8/19, from 4pm - 8:30pm EST))





    Stalls are available for purchase, priced at 150 minae per stall. Any vendors are invited to set up shop, selling their unique foods, crafts, wares, or services to attendees. Stalls shall be opened and closed at the vendor's discretion. Please contact the Department of Interior (( @Man814 )) or the Consul's offices (( @Papa Liam, @Dizzy771 )) for further inquiries about purchasing a stall.





    The Republic has encountered a slight predicament, after unearthing an aged blade, embedded into a solid stone. We challenge all festival attendees to try their hand at removing this vague weapon from a practically immobile rock throughout the duration of the festival. The individual who successfully removes this sword will be awarded the blade itself!





    Shogging will be publicly available to all those who'd enjoy doing so. Four logs shall be placed into a pond, where shogging sticks will be provided for public usage. Wagers and gambling are welcome.


    Luck O' the Die



    While in attendance, you've the opportunity to attend Katke's Gambling! All participants will roll a set of dice each round, and the individual with the lowest number shall be eliminated from the game -- however, participants may re-enter for a fee of 50 minae after being eliminated. The victor shall ultimately receive the total sum of the prize pool, which will begin at 250 minae.

    ((7pm EST))


    Baltas Raft Racing



    To the most boisterous and daring of festival attendees, Consul Roswell-Rubens will be hosting a river rafting race! Stretching from the Senntisten River into the Baltas, participants will paddle downstream past numerous obstacles, attempting to cross the finish line in Belvitz before any of their opponents. Boats shall be distributed to teams of two; a sailor, and a marksmen. One individual is tasked with steering your vessel, whilst your partner is your dedicated archer, pelting foreign boats with arrows to plug a leak into their craft. The first team to cross the finish line with their boat in tact shall be hailed the victor, and awarded a marvelous trophy.

    ((6pm EST))


    The Grand Feast



    To end the splendid festival, local taverns and diners will cater Holmite delicacies to the attendees, offering attendees drink and food. Whilst dining, they'll be granted the opportunity to discuss the day's affairs, in addition to listening to various guest speakers discuss the spirit of the Holmite people and their accomplishments.

    ((8pm EST))


    It's our hope that you'll attend the Holm Celebration Day to recognize the greatness of the Republic.



  6. [!] Within the Academy of Holm's library lies a newly issued government handbook, explaining the basic inner workings of the Holmite government.




    The Consulary Republic of Holm

    A Guide to the Basic Inner-Workings of the Holmite Government

    1677 Edition




    Since the original foundation of the Republic in 1645, the denizens of Holm have enjoyed the increased privileges of residing in one of the only civilizations to allow the common man participatory actions in the process of governing. For the purpose of educating those interested in the affairs of Holmite government, this handbook has been issued to allow those individuals insight into how the government itself functions.

    This handbook will cover;

    1. The Constitution
    2. The Branches of Government
    3. The Tribunal Council
    4. Political Parties



    Following the reformation of Holm unto Atlas by the Irongut Clan, traditional methods of governing began to devolve as the gates of the city-state were relinquished to eager migrants. The current rule of law was determined by the previous Charter of Holm, which had originally devised the foundation of the Republic. After highlighting multiple outdated tenets of the Charter, such as compulsory military service, the ability to wear purple, and the restriction of the freedom of thought, Senators began to engage in a fervent debate over the structure of a new Constitution. The end results was increased voting rights for the Senate, an expanded bureaucracy, and a basis for written law. After numerous amendments and revised articles, the Constitution was finally ratified on the 10th of the Grand Harvest, 1673. The Consulary Republic of Holm had overhauled the government, to make it more efficient for the elected officials and leadership of the nation.


    However, it is permissible that one may posses questions even after reviewing the Constitution, concerning the more adept notions of government. How are the branches of government kept in check, to ensure no individual or institution evolves into a tyrant? What powers does the Despot retain over the Consuls? Who cedes control over the armed forces? It is our hope that this handbook could elaborate on any inquiries the signatories of democracy may have.



    As with every government, the state distributes various tasks to different agencies and departments, in order to ensure that a single individual or institution does not wield unchecked powers, and to mandate that the leaders of the nation are not entirely burdened with every single governmental affair. For this reason, the Constitution divides the state into three branches; Legislative, executive, and defense.



    A graph detailing the power dynamics between various government institutions.


    Holm is a bicameral Republic, entailing the possession of two separate champers of legislature. The Senate is revered as the most powerful chamber both in the legislature, and the most influential institution in government as a whole. It's here where every registered citizen and noble appears to present legislation, vote on bills, and elect the new Consuls. The Senate is constitutionally required to convene once every two Stone's weeks to discuss changes to government policy, but informal sessions of the Senate may be assembled by Nobles or the Consuls, in order to discuss imminent emergencies, disasters, negotiations, or other time-sensitive content. The legislature has final authority on nearly every aspect of government. In contrast, the House of Nobles is a legislative body composed strictly of the noble men and women of Holm. As opposed to being conducted by the Consul in the Senate, the Despot of Holm conducts meetings in the House of Nobles, and are called to assembly at the discretion of the Despot. They act as his advisory board, offering the Despot their input on higher governmental affairs, diplomacy, whether or not to veto certain legislation, and whatever else may concern the Despot. The only time that the House of Nobles is required to meet is to elect a new Despot as soon as possible. Only those hailing from the Irongut Clan may serve as Despot.



    Undoubtedly, the executive branch of Holm is the most expansive, including the elected leaders of Holm, the various members of the Tribunal Council, and most federal employees. The Consuls are elected by the Senate, once every four Stone's weeks. It is their responsibility to ensure that government operate accordingly, directing members of the Council to carry out whatever actions they legally deem necessary for the well being of their constituents. The Senate will elect two Consuls, in two separate elections, for the purpose of a balanced and fair government. Both Consuls retain the same amount of political power, neither surpasses each other in terms of rank. Assuming the Consuls come to a compromise on most state matters, then they'll be undisturbed by other branches of government. Although, if they disagree on a disputable matter, such as an appointment to the Council, then the issue will be disputed in the Senate. The Despot of Holm retains less executive privilege, but serves as the face of the nation, the most esteemed tool of diplomacy. In addition, he is also tasked with maintaining the original Dwinic culture of Holm, and reminding the denizens that Holm was founded upon the labor of the Irongut Clan. The Despot's final task is to be the highest ranking military officer, retaining a final say in matters relating to the armed forces.



    The list of Consuls throughout Holm's history.


    The Consuls are permitted to appoint individuals to a high government institution known as the Tribunal Council, composed of government executives tasked with operating various branches of the government. Constitutionally, the Tribunal Council must appoint a Master Treasurer, High Diplomat, Brigaider-General, Chief Magistrate, and Minister of Interior. These executives serve at the pleasure of the Consuls, conducting day to day operations. Other departments not required by the Constitution can also be created, such as the Department of Education and Department of Transportation, but they will serve as sub-departments under larger agencies already implemented. The complete Tribunal Council includes the aforementioned department directors, the Consuls, and the Despot. Federal employees do not serve on the Council.



    The final branch of government is that of defense, encapsulating all of the armed forces in Holm. Directed by the Despot himself, his militaristic decisions override all other government official's, with the exception of a few declaratory acts -- such as waging war -- which can only be performed in the Senate. All other military exercises are directed by the Brigadier-General, who acts as the head of the defense branch. The Consuls do have provisional control over the defense department, but their decisions may be vetoed by the Despot at any time, lest that decision conflicts with another constitutional statute.



    Elected Leaders



    Dorin Irongut


    First Consul

    Dizzy Irongrinder


    Second Consul

    Caius Roswell-Rubens


    Department of Interior

    Evan Katke, Minister of Interior


    The Department of Interior handles the enactment of domestic policies within Holm. Ranging from cultural ceremonies to social programs, this agency's utmost responsibility is to ensure the well-being of the denizens of Holm. This department's major responsibilities are;


    • Healthcare
    • Education
    • Festivals & Cultural Events
    • Organizing Elections
    • Agriculture
    • Communication between the state and the people


    Department of Foreign Affairs

    Fili Grandaxe, High Diplomat


    The Department of Foreign Affairs is tasked with maintaining peaceful relationships with foreign nations, conversing with foreign leaders, and securing information to brief the Consuls and Despot. Their responsibilities are;


    • Managing ambassadors
    • Trade agreements
    • Treaties
    • General diplomacy
    • Drafting public statements on foreign policy



    Department of Treasury

    Dwain Irongut, Master Treasurer


    The Department of Treasury is responsible for the monetary and fiscal policies of the Republic. Not only do they organize and maintain the budget, they also act as general economic advisers, commerce executives, and urban developers. Their responsibilities include;


    • Securing and holding the federal budget
    • Tracking the distribution of minae to various departments
    • Anticipating the ramifications of various economic policies
    • Steward duties, such as selling homes and collecting taxes
    • Verifying the social status of denizens 



    Department of Justice

    Zahrer Irongrinder, Chief Magistrate


    The Department of Justice is responsible for all judicial proceedings in the nation. It is their job to not only prosecute the crimes of peasants, but to also prosecute politicians and government employees who have violated the law. Their responsibilities include;


    • The appointment of judges, magistrates, and public attorneys
    • Conducting trials for those accused of committing a crime
    • Settling lawsuits filed against a resident, citizen, or noble
    • Reviewing legislation passed by the Senate to ensure it's constitutional


    Iron Brigade

    Dimlin Irongut, Brigadier-General


    The Iron Brigade is the umbrella organization for all military battalions, agencies, and any other function of the armed forces. They're tasked with both local law enforcement and warfare. Although their Brigaider-General, the top ranking inner-agency military official, sits on the Tribunal Council, they are the only member of the Tribunal Council not technically apart of the executive branch, but is instead the head of the defense branch. Their responsibilities include;


    • The enforcement of local laws
    • The participation in warfare
    • The protection of state leaders and constituents alike
    • Undying loyalty to the Despot
    • Assessments on national security



    Department of Education

    Azkel Frostbeard, Headmaster

    Sub-Department of Interior


    The Department of Education directs all educational initiatives in the Republic, and is proudly based at the Academy of Holm. They're tasked with scientific innovations from within the Republic, recognizing medical breakthroughs, publishing academic reports, and allowing scholars to give public lectures to students. Their responsibilities are;


    • To deliver a quality education to all Holmite residents in search of such
    • To publish academic and scientific breakthroughs
    • The registration of foreign students
    • To hire teachers and other academics


    Department of Transport

    [VACANT], Director of Transport

    Sub-Department of Treasury


    As part of a temporary initative to construct massive railroads across Atlas, the Department of Transport was formed in 1673, tasked with the construction of these railways. Their responsibilities now include the following;

    • Negotiating the construction of railroads
    • Constructing railroads
    • Maintaining and repairing railroads
    • Regulating roads, horse stables, canals, and other methods of transportation



    Political parties in Holm have only recently become a major factor in Holmite politics. Currently, there are two major political parties, of which half of registered Senators have subscribed to. The rest of the populace remains independent, choosing not to officially register with any political party.


    Dwarven United Party


    Often referred to as the DUP, the Dwarven United Party unites itself behind traditionalist policies, often associated with Dwinic values. The party is undoubtedly more socially conservative than the opposition, also opting for economic policies more capitalist in nature. They generally advocate for policies in favor of an increased military budget, assertive foreign policy, granting increased political powers to Nobles, maintaining traditional Dwarven values, free markets, and a smaller bureaucracy.


    Reformist Party


    The Reformist Party, founded in 1669, is often regarded as the more "progressive" union of Senators. Their original purpose was to lobby the Senate for the ratification of a new Constitution, granting increased rights to the citizenry class. They generally advocate for policies in favor of a non-interventionist foreign policy, increased immigration, a larger bureaucracy, social and civic liberalism, and a protectionist trade policy.


    As of this time, there has never been another political party. All registered voters are either members of the DUP, the Reformists, or remain independent.



    It is evident that, at times, the government of the Republic can be confusing. We hope this handbook acts as a general guide, to assist you in deciphering the basic tenets of the state.







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    Da Kazakianmar Ur Krohn



    Heavily armored Brigadiers hold the line against barbarous raiders c.1645







    A state suzerain, no matter the strength of its natural defenses, nor divine-granted blessings, nor popular fortitude, must maintain a functional and efficient warmaking force for its own benefit. Such is the law of the world, for so has Silver Dungrimm wrought it. The tides of war swell high and wide, devouring those weak vessels and breaking over those strong ones. Without conviction, dedication, and palpable strength all efforts made towards the construction of a state are null and void. Thus, by the order of our Despot Dorin Irongut and with the support of his Consuls we, the Men of Holm, do declare the formation of the Iron Brigade for the purpose of the protection of the Dwarven state of Holm and its interests domestically and abroad.

    The Iron Brigade as a fighting force claims direct descendence from the Iron Warriors of Dwain in antiquity. As such, its maintains that legendary body’s traditions, tactics, and hierarchy.









    T he responsibilities of Iron Brigade are multiple and of utmost importance. In addition to serving as the protector of the state and as an avenue to Citizenship, the Iron Brigade has several additional responsibilities:


    I.To maintain the Despot’s Peace in the lands of Holm during times of conflict and during times of tranquility.


    II.To act as enforces of the Despot’s Law in the lands of Holm.


    III.To act as dispensers of the Despot’s Justice in the lands of Holm.


    IV.To engage in activities which guard the interest of the Despot of Holm domestically.


    V.To engage in activities which extend the interest of the Despot of Holm abroad when necessary.


    VI.To maintain a force of at least 1000 [10] trained and ready men during times of peace, and

    to increase the number of that force during times of conflict through recruitment.



    The Brigadier Commander in Full Armor c.1648








    The Iron Brigade is, first and foremost, loyal to the Despot of Holm who is the Clan Father of the Ironguts. Thus, the Despot is its commander in chief, and can mobilize the army at his will. As its commander in chief, the Despot of Holm must confirm any military actions intended by the Consuls or the Senate. The full hierarchy of the Iron Brigade is as follows:


    I.The Despot of Holm, Primarch of the Armies: Additional to being the Head of State, the Despot is also the highest ranking officer in the Iron Brigade. All decisions regarding the Iron Brigade must be approved by him. The Despot of Holm appoints the Brigadier Commander of the Iron Brigade.


    II.The Brigadier General of the Iron Brigade: The Brigadier General is effectively the marshal of the Iron Brigade. He is in charge of all approved strategic decisions. Additionally, he is responsible for the training, arming, and upkeep of his soldiers. The Brigadier General has autonomy of decision only after having been given a directorate by the Despot, and cannot act outside of this capacity in any circumstance. The Brigadier General is also in charge of all promotions within the Iron Brigade.


    III.Lieutenants and Supervetus’: Commissioned and Non Commissioned officers of the Brigade, they are under the direct command of the Brigadier General, and are subsequently in a position of command above the enlisted Brigadiers. The chain of command puts authority first to the Lieutenants, and then to the Supervetus’.


    IV.Brigadiers: The Brigadiers are those soldiers in the Iron Brigade who have dedicated significant amounts of time to their fighting skills. Consequently, they have been promoted by the Brigadier General. All Brigadiers are Citizens of Holm who have decided to lengthen their service past their residential tenure. Brigadiers function as the “hands” of the Brigadier General, carrying out orders on a tactical scale and training soldiers. Brigadiers may be also deployed as field captains during times of battle.


    V.Regulars: The Regulars are residents of Holm attempting to attain citizenship through military tenure, comprising the vast bulk of the Brigade’s numbers. Their equipment is standardized, and they have no autonomy of their own, being reliant on Brigadiers to relay orders. Regulars also function as urban guards, scouts, and law enforcement. Their promotion to Brigadier is dependent on their social status, their time in the Brigade, and the Brigadier Commander’s will.




    A Falanga of Light Regulars advancing








    To maximize its capability as a fighting force, the Iron Brigade has several strategies it deploys to optimize the effectivity of its soldiers while safeguarding them from harm. These traditions have been inherited from multiple sources, namely the Warriors of Dwain and the Urguani Legion. They are as follows:


    Standard Formations


    I.Dree Vel:  This three-lined formation is endemic to all Dwarven militaries, the Iron Brigade being no exception.


    II.Vel: It is a single straight line.


    III.Tekom: A box formation where vulnerable targets are placed in the center.


    IV.Rotunda: A cavalry formation inherited from Dwain’s Warriors where mounted archers circle their enemy while constantly firing arrows at them, meant to decrease the enemy’s number.


    Advanced Formations


    V.Falanga: The predominant formation of the Iron Brigade, the Falanga is a locked shield wall from which protrude a series of spears. It is meant to hold the enemy down while simultaneously being useful in advancing and guarding against projectiles.


    VI.Ven-e-vea: A skirmishing formation in which melee and missile assets mutually advance and retreat in intervals, attempting to force the enemy to move or to cut down their numbers.


    VII.Paras: Inherited from Dwain’s Warriors, this formation is a steeped charge where each soldier keeps a distance of at least a stone meter [one block] from his comrades. The charging body often attempts to keep a slanted shape or an arrowhead shape as it collides with the enemy, meant to offer more maneuverability to the Brigadiers.


    VIII.Dretas: Often directly following the Paras, this tactic is a solid line charge meant to be as condensed as possible. Where the Paras is meant to disorganize the enemy, the Dretas is meant to finish fully engaging them.









    In the question of payment, pay grades are as follow. Note, Pay is only dispensed at weekly recognition ceremonies unless exceptions are made by a superior officer.


    I.Minimum: Recruits fall under this pay grade. A stipend of 200 minas is paid yearly. Armor of any type available may or may not be given.


    II.Basic: Regulars fall under this pay grade. A stipend of 250 minas at the end of each practice is paid. Armor of any type available is given.


    III.Standard: Brigadiers fall under this pay grade. A stipend of 300 minas is paid at the end of each practice. Iron Armor is given.


    IV.Prestigious: Talented and active Brigadiers as well as the Brigadier General fall under this pay grade. A stipend of 350 minas is paid yearly in addition to free access to the state Arsenal.



    VI. Traditions





    A priest pouring a libation in hopes of victory


    In order to maintain a cohesive and functional structure of defense, the Iron Brigade maintains several traditions, which are as follows:


    I.Palestratta: The Palestratta, or Practice, is the means by which pay is dispensed and by which an effective Brigade is built. These small events are headed either by the Brigadier General or one of his Brigadiers. They often involve dueling, mock battles, and target practice.


    II.Xirnus: The Xirnus, or Hunt, is a means of training in which, by the leave of the Brigadier General, a Brigadier and a few regulars set out on a task. This task is not necessarily a hunt [Events].


    III.Plekor: The Plekor, or Braiding, is a longstanding Dwinic tradition. Soldiers are required to grow and braid their beards as a symbol of loyalty.


    IV.Fotaskaparacia: Anytime a regular is promoted, especially upon gaining citizenship, he must jump over a large fire and praise Dungrimm. These events are often followed by feast and revelry.


    V.Kurbanus: The Kurbanus, or Sacrifice, is a ritual carried out by the Brigadier General before battle. Five white sheep, three large heifers, or two white horses are sacrificed to Dungrimm ceremonially. Tradition maintains that washing their weapons in the blood of these sacrificed beasts grants them prowess and luck in battle.




    VII. Uniform





    The Following Uniforms must be worn by their respective rank holders at ALL times, regardless of whether the individual beholden to it is on duty or off duty at the time.







    VIII. Event Schedule






    The Brigade shall follow this schedule strictly. Brigadiers must attend AT LEAST one of these scheduled events weekly to be considered for promotion and Brigadiers MUST attend the Saturday Practice to be promoted and to receive payment.




    Tuesday: Practice/Event- 2pm EST

    Thursday: Practice/Event- 2pm EST

    Saturday: Practice/Payday- 2pm EST


    This schedule is subject to change.








               Name of resident:

                Race and Ethnicity:

              Combat Experience (circle one): None ; Some ; Moderate ; Weathered





              ~Hours on server spent a day:

              ~Availability on weekdays:


  8. The Code of Laws of the Consulary Republic of Holm




    • Preface

      • Regarding the nature, limitations, authority, and enforcement of the statutes within.

    • Section I

      • Regarding the enjoyment of citizenship and the rights thereof.

    • Section II

      • Regarding the categories of crimes and retributions.

    • Section III

      • Regarding degrees of criminality and their maximum and minimum punishments.

    • Section IV

      • Crimes against Property

    • Section V

      • Crimes against Persons

    • Section VI

      • Crimes against the Public

    • Section VII

      • Crimes against the State

    • Section VIII

      • Legal defenses which may exonerate criminals or provide clemency.

    • Section IX

      • Placing and fulfillment of grudges and oaths.







    Regarding the nature, limitations, authority, and enforcement of the statues within.


    1. These laws shall be held as executory throughout the territory of the Consulary Republic of Holm, by virtue of the promulgation made thereof by the Consuls or Senate and their representatives.

    2. These laws ordain the future only; they shall not be applied retrospectively.

    3. The laws of police and public security shall bind all inhabitants and visitors of the territory of the government of Holm.

      1. Immoveable property such as real estate or improvements upon the land, even in the possession of foreigners, is governed by the laws of Holm.

      2. Laws relating to the privileges of the citizen shall govern any citizen of Holm, even those residing in foreign nations.

    4. Those who inhabit, or shall continue to inhabit, the lands of the Consulary Republic of Holm, shall be held to have submitted to the authority of these laws and agreed to be bound thereby.

    5. The power to pronounce guiltiness of criminality shall be vested with the Consuls, Senate, or its named representatives.

    6. Private agreements shall not contravene the laws of this Code.






    Section I

    Regarding the enjoyment of citizenship and the rights thereof.


    1. Every citizen of Holm is entitled to the rights outlined herein.

      1. Every person born to a citizen of Holm is a citizen of Holm.

      2. Every person born to a foreigner in the lands of Holm shall have the right, for a period not exceeding one year after reaching the age of majority (12), to renounce all other citizenships and automatically acquire citizenship within Holm.

      3. Every person naturalized by citizenship application is a Citizen of Holm.

    2. No citizen of Holm shall be denied the right to be tried by the Senate or one of its representative Courts.

      1. This right may be waived by the citizen in return for clemency.

    3. No citizen of Holm shall be denied the right to propose their candidacy for public office.

    4. No citizen of Holm shall be detained without being lawfully charged of a crime.






    Section II

    Regarding the categories of crimes and retributions.


    1. Holm divides violations of the Code into four categories: Offense against Property, Offense against Persons, Offense against the Public, and Offense Against the State.

    2. Holm divides punishments for criminality into five categories: Fine, Revocation of Citizenship, Execution, Imprisonment, and Branding.

      1. All executions, brandings, and revocations of citizenship must be publicly approved in writing by the Consuls or Senate.

      2. The proceeds of all fines must be delivered directly to the representative of the Consuls or Senate to be added to the treasury of Holm.

      3. Fines which the criminal cannot pay in minas may be paid with an amount of labor equal in value to the fine.

      4. Consecutive imprisonment shall not exceed three stone days without the written permission of the Consuls or Senate.

      5. Any person who has had their citizenship revoked may be expelled from the country and permanently banished on the order of the Consuls or Senate.






    Section III

    Regarding degrees of criminality and their maximum and minimum punishments.


    1. Holm divides violations of the law into four degrees of criminality, based on the severity with which they offend justice.

      1. The punishment for an individual crime shall never exceed the maximum punishment for its degree of severity.

        1. The punishments for multiple crimes may cumulatively exceed the maximum punishment for each individual crime.

      2. The punishment for a crime shall never fall below the minimum punishment for its degree of severity.

    2. Delinquencies, or Fourth Degree Crimes

      1. No delinquency may be punished with Execution or Revocation of Citizenship.

      2. The maximum period of imprisonment for a delinquency is one stone day.

      3. The maximum fine for a delinquency is one hundred minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Consuls or Senate.

    3. Misdemeanors, or Third Degree crimes

      1. No misdemeanor may be punished with Execution or Revocation of Citizenship.

      2. The maximum period of imprisonment for a misdemeanor is three stone days.

      3. The minimum fine for a misdemeanor is one hundred minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Consuls or Senate.

      4. The maximum fine for a misdemeanor is five hundred minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Consuls or Senate

    4. Felonies, or Second Degree crimes

      1. No felony may be punished with Execution.

      2. The maximum period of imprisonment for a felony is five stone days.

      3. The minimum fine for a felony is five hundred minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Consuls or Senate.

      4. The maximum fine for a felony is five thousand minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Consuls or Senate.

    5. Atrocities, or First Degree crimes

      1. The minimum period of imprisonment for an atrocity is seven stone days.

      2. The maximum period of imprisonment for an atrocity is two stone weeks.

      3. The minimum fine for an atrocity is two thousand minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Consuls or Senate.

      4. The maximum fine for an atrocity is fifty thousand minas, or an amount of material wealth judged as equal by public proclamation of the Senate or Consuls.






    Section IV

    Crimes against Property

    1. Trespassing

      1. Trespassing is the crime of being present on real property despite obvious visual or verbal warning on the part of the government or the property’s owner.

      2. Trespassing is a fourth-degree crime.

    2. Vandalism

      1. Vandalism is the crime of destruction or defacement of real property.

      2. Vandalism is a third-degree crime

    3. Theft

      1. Theft is the crime of forcibly removing moveable property from the the ownership of its lawful possessor.

      2. Theft is a third-degree crime.

      3. In addition to punishment levied by the court, the guilty thief will also be required to return the stolen property to its owner.

        1. In cases where the stolen property cannot be returned, the thief will provide remuneration of double its value.

    4. Burglary

      1. Burglary is the crime of accessing a container without its owner’s permission.

      2. Burglary is a fourth-degree crime.

    5. Disrespect of a Relic

      1. Disrespect of a Relic is the crime of the unauthorized taking, sale, or dishonorable interaction with a relic of the Consulary Republic of Holm.

      2. Disrespect of a Relic is a first-degree crime.






    Section V

    Crimes against Persons

    1. Harassment

      1. Harassment is the crime of persistent harrying of or hostility towards a citizen of Holm despite multiple verbal warnings.

      2. Harassment is a fourth-degree crime.

        1. In cases where a fine is levied by the court, the criminal will pay an equal amount to the victim in remuneration.

    2. Impersonation of a Citizen

      1. Impersonation of a Citizen is the crime of assuming the identity of a citizen of Holm with or without their permission.

      2. Impersonation of a Citizen is a third-degree crime.

    3. Impersonation of a Public Official

      1. Impersonation of a Public Official is the crime of assuming the identity of a public official of Holm or another government, assuming a title to which one does not have right, or falsely acting as a representative of a public official of Holm or another government.

      2. Impersonation of a Public Official is a second-degree crime.

    4. Fraud

      1. Fraud is the crime of breaking the terms of a contract which was lawfully inspected and approved by a representative of the Consuls or the Senate.

      2. Fraud is a second-degree crime.

    5. Murder

      1. Murder is the crime of unlawfully taking the life of another, with or without their permission.

      2. Murder is a first-degree crime.

    6. Slander

      1. Slander is the crime of spreading known mistruths about a citizen of Holm.

      2. Slander is a fourth-degree crime.

    7. Assault

      1. Assault is the crime of physically and unlawfully accosting a citizen of Holm.

      2. Assault is a second-degree crime.

    8. Kidnapping

      1. Kidnapping is the crime of unlawfully holding a citizen of Holm against their will.

      2. Kidnapping is a second-degree crime.






    Section VI

    Crimes against the Public

    1. Vulgarity

      1. Vulgarity is the crime of intentionally or negligently offending a citizen of Holm by expressing non-political speech which a reasonable person may consider morally repugnant.

      2. Vulgarity is a fourth-degree crime.

    2. Indecency

      1. Indecency is the crime of public lewdness.

      2. Indecency is a third-degree crime.

    3. Vigilantism

      1. Vigilantism is the crime of unnecessarily undertaking law enforcement without legal authority.

      2. Vigilantism is a third-degree crime.

    4. Miscegenation

      1. Miscegenation is the crime of conceiving a child of dwarven blood mixed with any foreign race.

      2. Miscegenation is a second-degree crime.

    5. Heathenism

      1. Heathenism is the crime of engaging in public worship of a heathen god, slander of a god, or the establishment of a facility for such worship.

        1. The term “heathen god” is a reference to Iblees or other such evil entities as established by the Consuls or Senate.

      2. Heathenism is a third-degree crime.

    6. Slaving

      1. Slaving is the crime of unlawful possession, transport, sale, or purchase of enslaved persons.

      2. Slaving is a second-degree crime.






    Section VII

    Crimes against the State

    1. Treason

      1. Treason is the crime of attempting the subversion of state authority or the assassination of a representative of the Consuls or Senate.

      2. Treason is a first-degree crime.

    2. Sedition

      1. Sedition is the crime of spreading literature or speech intended to provoke physical revolution or other treason.

      2. Sedition is a first-degree crime.

    3. Insubordination

      1. Insubordination is the crime of disrespect of or insufficient reverence for legitimate authorities of the Consulary Republic of Holm.

      2. Insubordination is a second-degree crime.

    4. Conspiracy

      1. Conspiracy is the crime of conspiring to commit any other crime listed within this Code of Laws.

      2. Conspiracy is a crime of a degree one lesser than the crime of which the guilty intended to commit.

    5. Perjury

      1. Perjury is the crime of intentionally lying while under interrogation by a representative of the state.

      2. Perjury is a second-degree crime.

    6. Disloyalty

      1. Disloyalty is the crime of failing to fully accomplish the punishment for a crime as laid down by the Senate or its representative.

      2. Disloyalty is a crime of one degree greater than the crime for which the punishment was issued.

    7. Tax Evasion

      1. Tax Evasion is the crime of failing to pay a tax or tariff as lawfully instituted by the Senate.

      2. Tax Evasion is a third-degree crime.

    8. Unlicensed Vending

      1. Unlicensed vending is the crime of ownership or operation of a place of business either without the direction of a relevant and licensed corporate body or outside of the jurisdiction of such a body.

      2. Unlicensed vending is a third-degree crime.

    9. Unlicensed Drug Vending

      1. Unlicensed Drug Vending is the crime of sale or distribution of illegal substances under circumstances unauthorized by the Senate of the Consulary Republic of Holm.

      2. Unlicensed Drug Vending is a fourth-degree crime.





    Section VIII

    Legal defenses which may exonerate criminals or provide clemency.


    1. Legal defenses may only be presented once the accused is found to have committed the crime, but before they begin to fulfill their punishment. If a presented legal defense is found to be salient and reasonable by the presiding official, they may choose to reduce or even negate the punishment levied against the accused.

    2. Self-defense

      1. The accused acted only as was necessary to defend their life or health, exhausting every other method before resorting to lawbreaking, and not acting with excessive or unnecessary disrespect for the law or public order.

    3. Defense of Property

      1. The accused acted only as was necessary to defend their property from being defaced or carried away, exhausting every other method before resorting to lawbreaking, and not acting with excessive or unnecessary disrespect for the law or public order.

    4. Volenti non fit injuria

      1. The victim of the crime, without being coerced, deliberately placed themselves in a situation where they might be injured with the intention of extracting benefit from the crime.

    5. In pari delictor

      1. Both the accused and the victim were equally at fault for the breach of law, and so it is impossible to say which deserves to be punished more than the other.

    6. Duress

      1. The accused was forced to commit the crime under significant and probable damage to body or livelihood.






    Section IX

    Placing and fulfillment of grudges and oaths.


    1. Grudges are established by being proposed to a representative of the Consuls or Senate for consideration. If a grudge is considered worthy of record, it will be archived into the history of Holm. A grudge may only be considered worthy of record if it contains only two parties, displays an infringement of the grudgebearer’s honor on the part of the grudge recipient, and must provide a manner in which the grudge can be fulfilled and dismissed.

    2. Oaths are established by being proposed to a representative of the Consuls or Senate for consideration. If an oath is considered worthy of record, it will be archived into the history of Holm. Oaths must be entered into willingly by all parties, and if broken will be considered a first-degree offense.

  9. [!] In anticipation of the groundbreaking news, state couriers deliver writs to every door of each and every Holmite denizen.




    The Consulary Republic of Holm

    A notice on the passage of the Constitution & what it means for Holmites moving forward.


    (( For the full text of the Constitution, click here ))



    On the 10th of the Grand Harvest, 1673, two years after the election of Consuls Dizzy Irongrinder and Hogarth Irongut, the Senate convened to discuss the ratification of a newly established Constitution. The issue had been a contentious portion of Holmite politics for the last six years, after Evan Katke's failed campaign in '67 called for the ratification of a new, founding document to replace the prior Charter, which was universally considered an outdated piece of legislation.


    After the Senate anxiously met before the Consuls on the 10th of the Grand Harvest earlier this Seed, tirades ensued between both political parties -- the centrist Reformist Party and the traditionalist DUP -- about what final modifications should be considered before ratifying the document into law. For instance, Senator Fili Grandaxe, renown in the Senate for being a moderate, detailed qualms with the lack of voting rights for Nobles in the newly formed House of Nobles, an advisory body to the acting Despot, and how only Ironguts were allowed to vote in Despotic elections. In addition, DUP Senator Hyperion stated his disapproval of the proposal, due to it's inherently polarizing tenets, stating that it would encourage "divisive, partisan politics" if passed into law. After some more investigative comments, the document was finally signed into law, by a margin of 18 - 5 votes, with three Noble senators abstaining. This officially passed the new Constitution into law, discarding the previous Charter. On the 8th of the Sun's Smile, however, DUP Senator Atandt Irongrinder, a Noble, utilized his newfound rights to call an informal hearing of the Senate to order, where members of the opposition expressed their qualms with specific articles. Expressly, the Senators declared their dissatisfaction with the position of High Diplomat, stating that it should either be merged with the powers of the Despot or amended to clarify their differences in responsibilities. They also wish to change the line of succession, to swap the Minister of Interior and High Diplomat in terms of ranking. They also proposed the clarifications of what an informal meeting of the Senate could legally accomplish.


    The Tribunal Council

    Possibly the most notable alteration to the Holmite government was the creation of the reformed Tribunal Council, with the establishment of five, new departments to assist the Holmite leadership in running the government, and advising the Consuls on specific policies to pursue.

    (Temporary seals)


    The Department of Foreign Affairs


    The Department of Foreign Affairs, directed by the High Diplomat, maintains all diplomatic ties to foreign national entities in Atlas. The department includes any potential ambassadors, and schedules meetings between foreign representatives and the Holmite leadership, including that of the High Diplomat, who acts as a "grand ambassador." They also make recommendations to the Consuls and Despot on how to behave when interacting with foreign leaders, including how to respectfully address other leaders in accordance to their appropriate cultures. They ensure that Holm remains unaffiliated with any foreign, armed conflicts.


    The Department of Justice


    The Department of Justice, directed by the Chief Magistrate, encompasses any and all lawyers, public defendants, or judges to be potentially employed by the state. The judges are to act as impartial arbiters of the law, acting in the interest of codified law, irregardless of the accused body in question. The most scrutinizing, invaluable trait to posses in this role is the impartiality of opinion, and the disregard for personal biases. They rule on criminal hearings, civil suits, and legal inquiries into the Constitutionality of certain measures passed in the Senate. Their primary duty is to uphold the integrity of the Constitution, while also exploring the legality of legislation proposed by Senators, in addition to providing a fair trial for those accused of violating the law.


    The Department of Treasury


    The Department of Treasury, directed by the Master Treasurer, is tasked with the safeguarding of Holmite funds, the upkeep of a federal budget, housing, and other economic affairs. While accounting for income and expenses in the Holmite government, this department also acts as a "Steward's Office," filing requests for housing and appropriately relocating constituents into their appropriate homes. The Master Treasurer will also act as an overall economic adviser to the leadership.


    The Department of Interior


    The Department of Interior, directed by the Minister of Interior, acts as a "Jack-of-all-Trades" in the Holmite government, managing the actual paperwork of the Republic's various bureaucratic branches. It is the duty of the Minister to act as the utmost administrative leader, a "Chief of Staff" to the Consuls, delegating responsibilities when faced with a lack of Consular oversight. They are to be the utmost personal assistant to Holm's leaders, ensuring the government runs smoothly. Their most important task, however, may also include acting as an election commissioner, being responsible for tallying together the votes during Senate meetings and elections, to ensure that our democracy operates without fail.


    The Iron Brigade


    The Iron Brigade of Holm, directed by the Brigadier-General, is the overall law enforcement and militaristic agency in the nation. Their only function is to enforce the law to it's fullest extent, taking direct orders from the Despot to appropriately safeguard the denizens of Holm, and ensure order is instilled into our gracious society. In the unlikely event of national warfare, it is also the Iron Brigade's duty to assemble a military to defend our borders.


    "What does this Constitution mean for the Future of Holm?"

    In the coming days, constituents of Holm can expect to witness both Consuls debating who should be appointed to which federal positions. Dizzy Irongrinder, sympathetic to the DUP caucus, and Hogarth Irongut, a staunch Reformist, may encounter disagreements about which nominees should be appointed into the Tribunal Council. Should they be unable to unanimously consent on a nominee, then the Senate will convene to an informal session to either confirm or reject each Consul's selected candidate. Consular elections begin in two Stone's Weeks, so it is expected that the Consuls will swiftly decide their nominees in the following days.

    In addition, this Constitution ushers in a new era of democracy for the Republic. Never before has the history of descendentkind witnessed any sort of major, democratic feat; Of course, the likes of the Republics of Salvus and Carasca had existed as our predecessors, but fell to the whims of greedy men who dared place their self interest before that of their constituents.


    Holm is prepared to declare itself the first successful republic in history.


    Updates will be submitted as soon as there's anything to report on the state of governmental affairs.


    [!] The notice concludes.

  10. [!] Government print outlets from the Consulary Republic of Holm distribute a state issued notice.




    The Consulary Republic of Holm

    The Belvitz-Holm Railway



    An artist's rendition of Holmite and Adrian workers, assembling the final installments of the Oserov station.


    In the year 1672, the developed world's most astute and technically innovative engineers accepted a task so challenging that the notion was nearly absurd. Albeit time consuming and politically risky, our most adept architects, for the industrial advancement of this gracious Republic, assembled a public transportation system, easing the commute between the Duchy of Adria and the Consulary Republic of Holm.



    A map displaying the railway's route, from Greater Holm to Oserov.


    This railway, designed by famous Holmite architect Balek Irongut, allows for a two-way commute between the two nations. The Holm Station, situated directly outside the capital city of Greater Holm, utilizes traditional Urguanian style railways. Elevated pathways overlook the forest below, before dropping down into a set of subterranean tunnels, as a method to avoid further disfigurement of the natural landscape above. The tunnel then emerges at the second station, situated in the small Adrian village of Oserov, a suburb of Belvitz.





    The Holmite station, situated directly outside of the capital city's gates.



    One of the underground railways, en-route to Belvitz.



    The Adrian station, situated in the small suburb of Oserov.



    Constructing such a rail system is only the first step towards a revolutionary development of industrial technology in Holm. In the future, the Consulary constituency can expect massive innovations into implimenting industrial reforms which shall boost domestic employment, product exports, and higher wages for the average Holmite. Indeed, the future of commercial success dawns upon the ferrum tipped mountains of Holm and her denizens, solidifying a job market of blacksmiths, manufacturers, small business owners, merchants, farmers, leather workers, and other employment opportunities for the common folk of Holm.

    The industrial ingenuity of the rail system is divine. Decreased commuter time, tourism, economic development, potential trade agreements, and political amicability will be direct results of the construction of this new transit system. The Republic is honored to link our democratic society to another nation which embraces republican elements. Not only will Holmites and Adrians alike benefit industrially and economically from this railway, we shall also benefit politically, with the establishment of these railways.


    Our future is not only bright, it is brimming with the genuine gratitude of our forefathers, who would be more than proud of our accomplishments here today. Holm will become the economic and industrial capital of all races, dominating the markets for decades to come. Our industrious revolution starts now.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  11. 1 hour ago, Joe / joenaj / Yemekar said:



                Name of resident: Jorik Grandaxe

                 Race and Ethnicity: Mountain Dwarf

               Combat Experience (circle one): None ; Some ; Moderate ; Weathered




                 IGN: joenaj

                  Discord: You got it

               ~Hours on server spent a day: Depends

               ~Availability on weekdays: Depends

                Timezone: PST


  12. [!] An urgent newsletter is submitted to every Holmite mailbox. In addition, the issued writs are pinned to neighboring noticeboards.




    The Consulary Republic of Holm

    The Fourth Senate Meeting & Consul Nominations


    Election Results

    On the 5th of the Grand Harvest, the Tribunal Senate continued their biannual tradition of convening in the heartland of the Republic, Greater Holm, to discuss alterations to policy, the proposition of new laws and, of course, the nomination process for the Republic's newly elected Consuls.


    For those unaware with the political process, the Consulary Republic of Holm is composed of two, democratically elected Consuls -- the executives of Holm -- and a unicameral legislature, known as the Tribunal Senate. Every four years, both Consul seats shall be made available for any contender who holds either citizenship or nobility status. For the first Consul seat, all candidate's names will be made available, alongside the incumbent's, assuming they're running for reelection. Those candidates will then all move on to the second round of voting, except for the individual who won the first round of voting. Should the incumbent be defeated, they, too, will move on to the next round. Citizens and Nobles both receive a vote, though Nobility votes account for twice as much as that of a citizen's vote.


    The two incumbent Consuls were freshman Dor Irongut, serving his second term in office, and Consul Dorin Irongut, serving his third. Dorin Irongut was among the founding clansmen of Holm, securing his political legacy. Dor Irongut was elected briefly after his predecessor, Consul Dwain Irongut, resigned. In a stark turn of events, however, Dorin Irongut announced his resignation directly before the nomination process was to begin. Dwain Irongut's name would not be on the ballot for reelection. He claimed that, after his many terms served as Consul, it was time to "pass the torch" down to a political newcomer. This resignation completely changed the dynamics of the election. Now, instead of both seats remaining secure by the incumbents, at least one of the political insurgents would win a Consul seat. The three names on the ballot would be the following;


    Dor Irongut (Independent) (Incumbent)

    Hogarth Irongut (Reformist Party)

    Dizzy Irongrinder (Dwarven Unionist Party)*


    * While Dizzy Irongrinder caucused with the DUP, he has refrained from officially registering as a member.


    The results for the two seats were as follows;

    First Seat

    Dor Irongut: 3 votes

    Dizzy Irongrinder: 17 votes

    Hogarth Irongut: 10 votes


    Second Seat

    Dor Irongut: 4 votes

    Hogarth Irongut: 26 votes


    Instantly after the Senate session had concluded, Consuls Dor Irongut and Dorin Irongut both finished their turns. This was an unexpected political upset, accomplished by the two, now victorious, up-and-coming political parties. It's presumed that these victories were fueled by political populism, and discontent for the current status quo. Most notable, the DUP's nominee, Dizzy Irongrinder, is the first person in Holmite history to serve as a Consul who does not hail from the Irongut dynasty, the founding clan of Holm.


    The following is an info-graphic created to represent the political composition of the current Senate;




    Due to inaccurate record keeping and sub-par organization of the legislature, this is simply a rough estimate of the Senate's composition. As every two-year citizen serves in the Senate, it's extremely difficult to accurately depict party affiliation, and statistics are generated purely by way of the most recent Senate session. This issue is being debated in the Senate, with the proposition of a national voter registry being created.


    Political Parties; Two Emerging Powers

    The Consul Elections presented two new political parties, which mark the introduction to a new era of Holmite politics. Holm represents an extraordinarily rare form of governance, as the only long standing democratic republic in modern history, with the exception of the Halflings of Dunshire. The Republic's brief history has been marked by a multitide of economic, domestic, and foreign milestones, spurring activity which is on par with that of the Dominion's own; and this election is only another one of those historical markers to forever be remembered as a notable shift in our political discourse. The two parties which emerged from this election are as follows;


    The Holmite Reformist Party


    Founded in 1668 by a group of disgruntled populists and academics, the Holmite Reformist Party is loosely based around anti-establishment, moderately libertarian values, while retaining a centrist position on economics. The party's primary plank includes the ratification of an updated Constitution, to replace what they believe to be an, "Outdated and draconian" piece of legislation. Their policies are centered around voting rights, capitalist incentives in the private sector to encourage economic activity, public funding in the public sector to encourage efficient social programs, a non-interventionist foreign policy, protectionism, and overall, advertises themselves as advocates for democracy. Their founder and current chairman is Caius Roswell-Rubens, and their political leader is Hogarth Irongut, the newly elected Consul.


    The Dwarven Unionist Party


    Embracing the traditional values of prior Dwarven societies, the Dwarven Unionist Party (DUP) advocates for classical, Dwinic morals. The party generally advocates for policies more totalitarian in nature, opting to support the powers of the executive branch over the legislature, in contrast to the Reformists. They believe that a stronger, centralized government is far more efficient when managing both economic and social issues, citing wildly successful Dwarven societies which preceded Holm. Members of this party are staunch advocates of the Holmite Worker's Guild, encouraging industrialized employment opportunities. Their currently mainstream political figures include Atandt Irongrinder and newly elected Consul, Dizzy Irongrinder.


    Other Discussed Policies

    As tradition, laws are proposed and reviewed by the Senate following an election. The following were proposed after ballots were tallied;


    • Pride Leader Tsisha officially disassociated her official ties to Holm, along with her fellow Kha, but declared that the Kha would, by in large, remain in the Republic.
    • Headmaster Roswell-Rubens proposed electoral reforms, opting for the installation of ballot boxes instead of a hand-count vote. The justification behind this measure would be to limit the potential for corrupt executives to manipulate the vote, and would also, theoretically, make Holm's currently tedious election process much, much easier. The opponents to this bill cited the potential for these "ballot boxes" to be easily abused by the state. Most proponents of the Reformist Party sided with this proposition, while the DUP largely rejected it. DUP senators, such as Fili Grandaxe, stated that he would be "open to revisiting the idea" at a later date if the measure were revised, but as it currently stands, the majority of the Senate has rejected the measure by a large margin.
    • Brigadier-General Dimlin Irongut proposed a measure to review the legitimacy of the Nobility status of Samuel Lythian, former Holmite guardsman and Noble. The Brigadier-General cited general disregard for Holmite sovereignty, expressing the dissatisfaction for Lythian's abuse of his Nobility status in foreign governments. The Senate then, however, opted to instead grant Samuel Lythian his own hearing. He has been granted a Stone's week to schedule a special hearing with the Senate and Consuls to discuss Nobility status, and if he fails to do such, review of his Nobility will be done in his absence.
    • Zahrer Irongrinder has earlier been recruited to draft a set of standard laws for the Republic. The young nation's only governing document, prior to the passage of these laws, had been the outdated Charter. This brought about the end of martial law, where Holmite brigadiers were tasked as a makeshift judicial force to keep the peace in Holm. The laws proposed were mostly standard and accepted by both parties in a bipartisan manner, though, both held reservations regarding heresy, sedition, and other laws pertaining to civil rights violations. They were later altered to accommodate to the Senators' concerns.


    Future Reforms

    The newly elected Consuls are currently in the process of reforming the Tribunal Council, and discussing potential goals for their administration's agenda. Some upcoming issues to keep an eye out for are as follows;

    • The ratification of a new Constitution, establishing a more representative, updated system of governance, as well as crucial government positions.
    • Electoral reforms which repair the currently broken political system.
    • An increased presence on the global stage, launching Holm into continental politics, while still expressing sentiments of neutrality.


    We thank the denizens of Holm for both their patronage and patriotism. It is encouraged that all current residents register as citizens, so that they may further participate in our democratic institutions.


    "Righteousness to the Republic"

    [!] The newsletter concludes here.


      The Holmite Worker’s Guild

         “It is not the weapon in hand that makes history, but the craftsmen behind it.”

    Balek Irongut, ca 1521.


    It is so ordered by the Consuls of Holm that the treasury of Holm is expanded to ensure that both Holmite Residentry and Citizenry are given the opportunity of fair work for fair wages. Heeding such an order, the treasurer of Holm is now establishing a formal system to ensure both efficiency and profit for the benefit of the Republic, as well as securing a way for Craftsmen and Collectors among the public to earn their deserved dues.



    The Treasurer of Holm is the highest authority within the guild, answering directly to the Consuls of Holm. He/she is responsible for keeping track of all logistics of the Republic, as well as hiring workers in the Guild to ensure that the vaults remain full, ready for export and domestic use.

    Current Treasurer: Balek Irongut (Hobolympic)


    The Foreman General is the right-hand man of the Treasurer, charged with overseeing labour, in addition to enforcing regulations issued and ensuring a safe work environment. The Foreman General can also hire workers, with permission from the Treasurer.

    Current Foreman General: OPEN


    Guildsmen are the lifeblood of Holmite industry. They are separated into two different divisions, dependent on what role they serve in the guild;


    Gathering Division

    The Silver Hills are rich and abound with many natural resources. Licensed workers serve a crucial role in extracting these resources, to be refined and exported to the far corners of the world.

    A licensed worker under the Guild is granted the following rights;

    • Free access to all Holmite resource-gathering facilities*

    • The right to sell gathered resources directly to the treasury at a fair rate decided by the Treasurer

    • The right to housing, as well as access to a secure storage facility for resource collection


    *The Silver Mines of Holm will from now on be accessible to licensed workers, granted the permit extends only as long as a small weekly quota of minerals is met. This restriction does not apply to the Tree Farm nor Fields of Holm.


    Craftsmen Division

    As a Merchant Nation, Holm is reliant on its competent craftsmen to fashion both deadly armaments and beautiful ornaments from the raw materials gathered in the Silver Hills. A licensed craftsman under the guild is granted the following rights;

    • Access to the Treasury’s resources for the explicit purpose of processing it into crafts deemed necessary by the state

    • The right to housing, as well as access to a secure storage facility

    • Performance-related pay based on both quality and quantity of processed materials, as decided by the treasurer and detailed in a contract


    Worker’s Bulletin Board

    Located inside the Worker’s Guild Hall is a large bulletin board where various contracts and assignments will be regularly posted. These range from construction projects to exclusive rates offered on exotic materials. Anyone, licensed or otherwise can take on these assignments or contracts by contacting either the Treasurer or The Foreman General.

    ((Found both ingame, and also on display in the Holm Discord, under Holm Depot))


    Joining the Guild

    A resident or citizen wishing to join the Worker’s Guild and serve the Republic may do so by filling out an application found within the Treasurer’s Office, before contacting either the Treasurer or Foreman General for an introduction and eventual assignment as a Guildsman.




    MC NAME:


    CLASS: (Resident, Citizen…):

    OCCUPATION: (leave blank if none):

  14. -The Consulary Republic of Holm-




    Orders of the Brigadier General #452


        It is by the orders of the Brigadier General Dimlin Irongut that the purple eyed plague that is spreading is an event that the Holm government and moreover the Holm Brigade should be more cautious of. Therefore, it is orders of the Brigadier General Dimlin Irongut that all purple eyed people are to be searched for seeds or any objects that are from the mysterious purple trees. If any citizen of Holm or travelers to our nation are to be found with such items, the objects are to be burned or turned over to the proper authorities and the people to be detained for questioning. If the people are found to be intentionally spreading around the purple trees they should be escorted off of Holmish territory. This order is for the safety of the people, our people and will be in effect until a cure is found, or the order is revoked by the Consuls.



    Dimlin Irongut, First Brigadier General of the Holm Brigade

                            Fili Grandaxe, Second Brigadier Lieutenant of Holm   

    Atandt Irongrinder, Scribe and Regular of the Holm Brigade

                                         Dor Irongut, Consul of Holm

  15. [!] A familiar missive would be cast upon the various nations of Atlas, distributed by Halfling couriers.







    ((The deadline for registration has passed.))

           As the deadline for registration approaches, the Academy of Holm encourages all budding academics and soldiers to attend the prestigious school. After the deadline, candidates will not be eligible to register for classes at the Academy, until the next semester in eight Stone weeks, which is why those striving to earn their degrees are prompted to submit their applications before then. In addition, if currently registered students wish to change their courses, or register for their optional tertiary course, they're also free to do so before the end of the deadline.


    [!] A second parchment is nailed to the back of the fliers, offering more information regarding classes, degrees, and registration.


    Below is the copy of the student application. You may either leave a notice in the Headmaster's mailbox, or come see him in person to register for classes.




    Student Applications

    Full Name:


    Major Subject:

    Secondary Subject:


    Please compose a well-written paragraph, explaining why you’d like to attend the Holm Academy, and what opportunities you may pursue with your degree.



    ((MC Username:




    We hope that all scholars take it upon themselves to register for classes. We look forward to enlightening you all in the way of academics and free thought.



    ((The deadline for applications will be Sunday, 5/27 at midnight. If your character wishes to either register for classes or change their currently selected courses, you have to do so by then. Applications may be either posted on this thread, sent to Liam on Discord, or you may register classes by seeing the Headmaster in game.))

    ((Discord: Liam#7649))


    [!] A grand set of parchments is submitted to all scholarly institutions, including the Dragur Library, the Mage’s Guild, and the Enchantery.






    ((The deadline for registration has passed.))

          Scholars of Atlas, we are privileged and blessed to open up our esteemed halls to you, not only as pupils, but as peers in our quest for scholarly pursuits. The Academy of Holm, founded on the 14th of the First Seed, 1648, originally served as an academic institute for aspiring members of the Holmite military, the Iron Brigade. Later, the government appointed Kardel Irongut to the position of Grandmaster, where he then expanded the current course selection to encapsulate almost every subject imaginable. Unfortunately, after his recent death, the academy was left abandoned. This is when Caius Roswell-Rubens, a local historian and cartographer, was appointed as the junior Grandmaster, tasked with educating the populous of Atlas.

          All individuals who value educational prestige shall attend the academy. Our dedication lay not with coin, as we remain primarily state funded, but rather with the scholarly arts, ambitiously motivated to provide students with the necessary tools to enrich their own personal studies. This is why we, at the academy, are proud to officially unveil the Academy to our fellow denizens.



    Degrees & Graduation Requirements

           There is a series of academic degrees which students will progress through, determined based on experience, grades, and overall effort. Each degree, earned after completion of the semester, shall grant the student to either graduate in their selected course of interest, or continue their educational careers, to obtain more distinguished and impressive credentials.

          Students shall all select a primary course, which shall become their major subject. This is the subject which they shall devote their educational career towards, and eventually earn their degree in. Every semester, which each lasts eight Stone weeks, students shall select two courses. One of those courses is required to either be the major course itself, or in later semesters, be from the same field of study as their major course. In addition, we ask that students also select a course from a different field of study each semester, to broaden their horizons. Our end goal is to have every student graduate with their practical’s degree, at the very least, if not their honorary’s.




    Novice Degree

          As the Academy’s most basic degree, it is also the foundation for ambitious academics, prospective military officers, or aspiring mages. This acts purely as a prerequisite to pursue higher education, and outside of the academy, holds little academic value.


    Practical Degree

          Upon earning your practical’s degree, you shall have proficient understanding of your selected field. At this stage, employment begins to become a viable option. You shall be expected to continue on to earn your Honorary degree, which is a highly respected academic achievement.


    Honorary Degree

          The honorary degree is designed for those who wish to embrace an advanced understanding of their subject. This broadens the likelihood of upscale employment. In addition, students will be expected to write an essay, describing why their selected major is an important proponent in modern society.



          As the most acclaimed and accredited position from the Academy, earning your doctorate is no easy feat. It involves years of independent study, collaboration with professors, and a litany of research. The entirety of this degree hinges on the student’s ability to draft a large report, an essay of sorts, researching a specific thesis in relation to their major, in extreme depth. The topic is largely left up to the discretion of the student, so long as the professor and administration approves. The essay or project must prove the student’s academic excellence, as well as a theory composed from their own, original thoughts. After earning this degree, scholars shall officially earn the title of “Doctor,” to be recognized in institutions established across Atlas. Students majoring in law enforcement tactics may not earn their doctorate in that subject.



    Course Catalog

        The courses offered at the academy are ample, and provide each student with the necessary skills to secure a career, come graduation. You shall select two courses per semester; one course must be from the same field of studies as your major course, or the major course itself, and the other must be from a different field of study. If students so wish, they may repeat their major course, even if they pass, but it is not recommended.





    Legal Studies

    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Azoth Hawksong

          Our legal studies course remains one of our proudest courses. Pupils shall be taught the intricacies of various judicial and legislative systems around the continent, in addition to legal terminology pertinent to participating in a trial. Students will observe the tenets of famous legal documents, new and old, such as the Ten Tables originating from Orenian imperial law, or international law from the decade of the Global Assembly. We shall also study the stability and legality of international treaties. Projects will include a mock trial, to offer pupils a legal simulation.


    Political Philosophy

    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Caius Roswell-Rubens

          While studying political philosophy, students shall enrich themselves with various historical pieces of literature, describing and analyzing political ideologies all over the spectrum. We shall analyze and discuss a multitude of ideologies, ranging from Bernardism, to Sanoism, Owynism, Markesianism, Kardelism, Lariheiism, and other schools of thought. Students will be encouraged to engage in philosophical debates, and projects will include the creation of surveys to gauge public opinion on political issues.


    Political History

    Tuition: 100 mina

    Professor: Azkel Frostbeard

          Political history fixates on the diplomatic communication and historical origins of nations throughout history, spanning from the ages of Aegis to Axios. This course shall be primarily oral based, whilst also reading historical documents, orders and writs, signifying historic shifts in history.



    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Melia Finnigan

          Delve into the world of religious institutions while taking the theology course. Revolving around the establishment, tenets and rituals of every established belief system, religious studies shall enrich the pupil in cultural and religious practices from throughout history, studying bodies such as the Church of the Canon, the Brathmordakin, Aspectism, Shamanism, the Red Faith, Knoxism, and more.







    Law Enforcement Tactics

    Tuition: 150 mina

    Instructors: Charles Napier, Celia SwiftGale

          As the academy’s oldest course, this military training program is designed for the aspiring soldier or military officer. While the majority of the course focuses primarily on combat techniques, a smaller portion of the class shall be taught in the lecture hall, detailing specific combat strategies to be employed.


    Military History

    Tuition: 100 mina

    Professor: Dimlin Irongut

          Analyzing the historical trends of military techniques and tactics throughout history, the military history course pairs well with any students taking law enforcement tactics. Pupils shall focus on studying famous battles and conflicts.







    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Gwyn Elleren

          The science of alchemy is one of the oldest academic talents, fascinating botanists for millennia. Students will be presented with the opportunity to identify various reagents, conduct chemical experiments with the most modern equipment, and even concoct their own potions.



    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Alexandra Bradshaw

          For the aspiring nurse, doctor, or medical practitioner, the medicine course shall be their first step. Pupils shall inherit the knowledge of basic medical practices, in order to treat minor to major wounds. In addition, they shall be given insight to the most advanced surgical techniques of our time.



    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Alexandra Bradshaw

          This biological course showcases various animals which can be found across Atlas, which is quite the treat for the budding zoologist. Not only will students study and observe creatures in their classroom, they’ll also have the opportunity to dissect minor animals, studying the anatomy and structure of different organisms, which makes this an ideal course for an aspiring conjurationist, as well.







    Arcane Theory

    Tuition: 200 mina

    Professor: Koralon Doomforged

          To the novice mage, the Arcane Theory course shall deal with the fundamental basics of connecting to the void, how to manipulate mana pools, and how to identify auras. Students shall also recognize and discover specific variations of arcane magic, such as transfiguration, sensory illusion, and evocation. Students will not be learning actual magic in this course.


    Artificery Theory

    Tuition: 200 mina

    Professor: Zahrer Irongrinder

          The novice practitioners of artificery arts are in luck, as they can seek out a practical course dealing with golemancy and arcane familiars. In this course, the composition of golems will be analyzed, including their origins, mindsets, and weaknesses. Pupils will also take a gander at the construction of arcane familiars, in addition to the multiple variations of these elemental assistants. Students will not be learning actual magic in this course.


    Deistic Theory

    Tuition: 200 mina

    Professor: Victoria Vientos

          This introductory course offers students insight into the theological magics of the world. Arts such as Clericalism, Druidism, Shamanism, Monkism, and the Ascended shall be explained, as well as former magical components, such as the Muun’Trivazja. Students will not be learning actual magic in this course.


    Magical Practices

    Tuition: 200 mina

          This is an untraditional class reserved only for those majoring in either deistic, artificery, or arcane theory, and who have passed their respective courses. Students must have passed the theory class in the respective school of magic they wish to learn, before engaging in this program. They shall be registered into our roster, and the academy will do it’s best to pinpoint an available practitioner to pair with the student. The mage reserves every right to reject the student, and if the academy is unable to secure a mage, the student will be compensated for their time.







    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Hyperion

          The literary arts are a crucial one, as the academy possesses works dating back to Aegis. Pupils will analyze historical pieces of writing, and be given the opportunity to create their own pieces of writing. The literature class shall focus primarily on creative writing and poetry, and students’ works may be published in the academy’s academic journal.



    Tuition: 100 mina

    Professor: Sybil Silinire

          Journalist students shall be uncovering a long forgotten practice, whereas formal newspapers are hard to come by these days. They shall be reviving the reputability and integrity of journalism, being taught how to properly investigate, interview, and research a certain scenario, and then, how to draft an article on such. Journalist students will reserve the privilege to publish the academy’s academic journal.


    Architectural Arts

    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: [Hiring]

          The architectural arts focuses primarily on the architectural history of various cultures. From the Dwed to the Mali’aheral, we shall analyze the styles of urban development projects from history, including the potential flaws, strengths, and personal tastes regarding various styles. In addition, a component of visual art is included, having students admire and analyze pieces of famous artwork.











    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Godeack

          Our engineering course provides aspiring mechanics with the capabilities to harness the prowess of machinery from throughout the modern era. Engineers shall focus primarily on the assembly of redstone machinery, in addition to feats of Dwarven technology. Students will be able to harness hands-on craftsmanship, analyzing bits of mechanical devices.


    Scientific Studies

    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Derrick Bell

          This general, scientific studies course focuses on a broad range of academic sciences. From astronomy, to physics, to mathematics, students will be given a general method on how to conduct research in their respective field. Students taking this course will be given the ability to conduct scientific experiments using our lab equipment with their scholarly peers, and publish their findings in our academic journal.



    Tuition: 150 mina

    Professor: Koralon Doomforged

          The vocational practices of metallurgy includes the art of blacksmithing, the creation of metallic weapons, armour, and other forged products. Lessons, typically conducted in our workshop, as opposed to the lecture hall, shall focus primarily on the inner workings of blacksmithing, teaching students how to effectively create their own metallic products.






          Here at the academy, we try our best to lower our cost of tuition as much as we can. The Academy, being a state-owned institution, receives an annual budget of 2,000 mina from the government, a gracious amount of funds. However, tuition is required so that we may provide the students with an adequate education. At the same time, we recognize the financial situation of some of our current students, which is why we would like to offer scholarship programs.




    The Domestic Scholarship

    Students who hail from Holm -- either the city, or the countryside -- are granted access to our Domestic Scholarship Program. Residents and citizens of the city are granted tremendous discounts. For residents, they shall be granted a 40% discount on tuition. For citizens, they shall be granted a 50% discount. To apply for this program, please see the Grandmaster, bringing proof of registration.


    Scrolls for Scholars

    Our partnership with the Library of Dragur is extremely valued, as they’ve dedicated to supplying our classrooms with textbooks. In exchange, students who write original texts of high quality may turn their books in to the Academy, to then be published in the Library of Dragur. Students will be compensated for their work.




    Student Applications

    The application process for becoming a student is officially open. All races, ethnicities, genders, and national backgrounds are accepted. All applicants must be at least fifteen years of age, and have no major criminal record.



    Student Applications

    Full Name:


    Major Subject:


    Please compose a well-written paragraph, explaining why you’d like to attend the Holm Academy, and what opportunities you may pursue with your degree.



    Student applications may be submitted to the Academy's admissions offices ((Liam#7649 on Discord.))

    If you would like to apply to become a teacher, please speak to Grandmaster Roswell directly.


    We are extremely excited to invite you all to our academic institute, to house you in the halls of our luxurious scholarly success. We have no doubt that our pupils will accomplish wondrous feats of academic superiority.









  17. [!] Amongst the collective cries and sobs of the solemn Holmites, the mountain city's banners rested at half mass that day. Whilst mourning the loss of their fellow Irongut, five chimes from the Hiebenhall horn would echo throughout the everyone's homes, offering them a grim reminder that their dear friend had now come to pass.



  18. IPBa04wc466L4-GCe7nxN1Z1YMEq1UOLxQb9huc7iGy91wjfbR4agf4kZXFycnZ_KiJ8wgbf_ng8Kzxsi1glACIRJCH-9CO3KJxmM4y8GdDP68vOFAP9vvKudz23p2W1CLEIl7B3

    The following missive is published and distributed widely by Holmiote couriers, and posted upon notice boards across the realm.



    The Academy of Holm, ever seeking to expand the base of knowledge which it offers its students, is searching for teachers to conduct classes on any reputable discipline. The qualifications for such teachers are that they be knowledgeable in their subjects, have experience with pedagogy, have a constant schedule upon which their lessons can be based, and are willing to have their works published by the Academy of Holm’s Dwinic Journal of Sciences. This shall be a paid position, with qualified teachers receiving a base salary of 200 minae a stone month (subject to changes by reasons of negotiation, dedication, the reception of tenure). Qualifying professors shall also receive a commission from every class taught, percentage of compensation varying from discipline to discipline.


    In order to be considered for a teaching position at the Academy, please provide proof of qualification ((TAs, posts about the topic, MC books on the topic, etc.)) and prepare a tentative syllabus for your class. The syllabus need be structured as follows:

    1. Introduction to the Discipline ((a paragraph overview, 4 sentences min., of what you will be teaching))

    2. Lesson Plan ((Organize how you will teach your course. Divide it up into sections. Bullet points with single sentence explanations work just fine.))

    3. Professor Information ((IGN, RP name, character qualifications and bio, activity times, contact info such as discord))


    Submit this syllabus to the Office of the Headmaster at the Academy of Holm ((discord Kardel#6445)). The Board of Masters will swiftly inform you of acceptance.


    The following colleges of the Academy of Holm are currently soliciting instructors for their respective disciplines. Those disciplines marked with a star [*] are of high desirability and instructors for them shall be paid with this fact in mind. Each subheading contains a description of the standard pay at that college, :







    200 minas monthly pay, plus 25% commission from Enrollment Fees for individual classes administered.


    History of Nations

    History of Magic

    History of Architecture

    History of the Races*

    Mythology and Religion

    Sinoist Philosophy***

    Fine Arts

    Performing Arts

    Study of Society

    Alchemical Theory*

    Alchemical Practice*

    Aegisian History*

    Asulonian History*

    Anthosian History*

    Atherian History

    Axiosian History

    Diplomatic Relations

    Histories of the Minor Realms







    Dwarven Linguistics

    Elven Linguistics

    Orcish Linguistics

    Human Linguistics








    *All following disciplines are in high demand*

    300 minas monthly pay, plus 50% commission from Enrollment Fees per lesson administered.


    Fire Evocation

    Water Evocation

    Air Evocation

    Earth Evocation



    Mental Magic




    Voidal Shifting


    Advanced Alchemical Principles

    Advanced Alchemical Theory


    Defense Against the Dark Arts

    Theories of the Dark Arts

    Introduction to the Deific Arts

    Intermediate Deific Theory

    Introduction to the Voidal Arts

    Intermediate Voidal Theory

    Defense against the Arcane

    History of Magic

    History of the Ascended

    Aengudemonical Studies

    Theory of Runesmithing

    Theory of Golemancy


    Magic of the Monks


    *It should be noted that the Academy of Holm does not ofer methodology classes on the dark arts, deific arts, or otherwise disreputable or guarded disciplines*








    200 minas monthly pay. Standard 25 mina supplement per course given.


    Military History*

    Defensive Tactics: Theory and Practice

    Offensive Tactics: Theory and Practice

    Wartime Strategy


    Unarmed Combat

    Armed Combat

    Military Ethics

    Wars of Circumstance

    History of Conquest

    Negotiation and Compromise


    Procurement of Intelligence*

    Theories of Power

    Philosophy of War*





    200 minas monthly pay, plus 10% commission from Enrollment Fees per lesson administered.


    Introduction to Architecture

    Intermediate Architecture

    Advanced Architecture

    Urban Planning






    Casting and Molding

    Resource Extraction

    Thahnic Mechanics

    Dwarven Mechanics [Enrollment restricted to dwarves]


    Advanced Golemancy

    Redstone Mechanics




    Note on Tenure: Professors seeking tenure must have a history of teaching at the Academy of Holm and must have fulfilled the Academy’s publication quota, as determined by the Board of Masters.


    *The notice ends here*

  19. 23 hours ago, d0ntc4r3 said:

       Name of resident: Hyperion

                 Race and Ethnicity: Publicly a Mountain Dwarf, secretly a Half-Dwarf

               Combat Experience (circle one): Some



                 IGN: N/A

                  Discord: d0ntc4r3

               ~Hours on server spent a day: 2

               ~Availability on weekdays: Tuesday and Thursday after 7, Friday after Noon

                Timezone: EST


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