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Posts posted by SomeKeyboardGuy

  1. "Hm." Eldaerenth crumples the missive and throws it behind him. "Lets review." he says to himself. "The attackers believe they won because they managed to kill four of us while we killed none of them. However, the defenders think they won because we successfully defended Elvenesse against our attackers. The attackers never breached our walls, we've opened the gate for most of the raid, every time we charged they fled, every time they charged we stood our ground. They managed to kill four of our soldiers, people who are willing to die for their nation. Soldiers can be replaced once perished." He states in his high elven logical mindset. "Why did the attackers flee in the end when they were this confident to make such a missive? Wouldn't they have kept the raid going?" Eldaerenth shrugs before chuckling. "Though they did help us by kidnapping a traitor of the Silver State and dealing with her for us, I thank them for that." he says with a smirk "This missive is a joke, I made circles around some of them." Eldaerenth realizes that he has been talking to himself for quite some time in public and shuts himself up.

  2. 8 minutes ago, SadBeanQueen said:

    The newly-wedded Chieftainess grips the missive in her ferrum-ringed hand, looking remarkably to her husband, Oliver. "I cant believe its finally happening... we've been on the verge of war for almost two decades now… Ever since I first came to Elys..."


    Oliver simply shrugs, knowing it was going to happen anyways.

    Oliver does indeed shrug!

  3. Goi would be sitting on the ground within a forest with his tiny legs crisscrossed. He would be seen multi-tasking eating a banana with his left hand while also reading the missive with his right hand. Goi just shrugs his massive shoulders at the missive as he finishes his tasty treat. Throwing the peel behind him for someone to someday come across or it sits there until it decomposes to lustrous fresh dirt.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Hou-Zi (Hei-Zhu)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Locke Lamora


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  5. [!] An official looking document can be seen posted up outside of Talon’s Port gates, one is also posted up in the cloud temple, and one document is sent by bird personally to the leader of the Metinan company. Looking at it more closely, the official looking document has no name…? [!]




    ~The Sixth of The Grand Harvest, Year 10 of the Second Age~



    A citizen is defined by an individual who resides in a city or town, someone who enjoys the privileges provided by the government, and someone who is thus loyal because of it.

    You, the Metinan company have been nothing but the opposite of loyal. From the start you have backstabbed us, you ridiculed us, you thought of us as weak and you pried your claws into that falsification.

    None of us of Talons Port never wanted you here in the first place, the audacity to think you could take it upon yourselves to claim that you were helping us willingly when in fact we all know that you wouldn't help without a price.

    Even then the first time you were here, you were paid thirty mina and never fell through with the deal we agreed upon. Causing commotion and more trouble for us in front of the Great Rex of Krugmar. I myself had to lick a decapitated goblin head to prove that we were the right group to be trusted.

    From then you have caused nothing but more problems for us, doing the work of guards without authorization, making fun of the kind people of the Tai-Ping district from how they look and their way of life to the point where Tai-Ping retaliated, They have indeed harmed a council member of their own choice,  they are even willing to break the law in any form to appease their clients. Even if it includes harming or even murdering another citizen within the walls for the right price.

    There have been numerous occasions where citizens reported the Metinan company and Tai-Ping has personally requested the removal of them from the city from the day they arrived.

    We predicted back then that the Metinan company would retaliate in some form when we are to kick them out eventually. Which in all honesty, when they decided to visit Talons Port for the first time, our military lacked in all forms. But since then myself and The Minister of Defense have worked hard with all of our effort, strategizing, gaining resources, gaining new members, gaining new allies. Now we have the ability to finally enforce as a whole and finally go through what everyone has been telling us to do, Which is to banish the Metinan company for their wrong doings. 

    We apologize to the people of Tai-Ping for not acting upon it sooner, though that's the reasoning why we couldn't act upon it in the first place.



    Furthermore, since the company is banished as we also seized their property which to be presumed it was used for non-home like purposes. Shall it also be known that with their banishment, it also includes the removal of their citizenship as a whole by default even if it wasn't stated in the document. Like, How can individuals be citizens if they're banished? Truth be told they cant. 


    Anyways, we do not persist in hostile action towards the Metinan Company as their own doing has caused us to retaliate. We do not wish to harm you outside the borders of land which house Talons Port, though entering within the borders will result in the authorization of execution which has been stated in the original banishment.


    Any form of further retaliation from the Metinan company will further prove our means of banishment, as at this point the only thing they could do is attack us physically or further try to soil our reputation which we won't listen to and is most definitely slander. Though as a warning for any leader of any sort who reads this, whether you be a part of a government in some form, or even the leader of your own company, it doesn't matter where you are from or what you are a part of. As a warning from Talon’s Port to you, the Metinan company will cause you more issues and they cannot be trusted.


    We of Talons Port and the Militia will not seek to rectify our actions since we believe its justifiable and lastly we of Talons Port kindly like to say f*ck off and never return. Thank you!


    Made and signed by, Legate Jake Grunwalder


    Also signed by,
    Minister of Defense, Athri Onfroi Belrose



    Sovereign of the Depths, Gail Cordius


    Minister of Medicine, Dr. Sana Medii’la


      Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tianrui Ren

    Minister of Culture, High Archon Eletha Avery



    Zhu of Tai-Ping, Li Xiuying




  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jake Grunwalder


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Housemagery - Culimancy&Domestic


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Shui Xiao Yu-Lianhua


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  7. NAME: Jake Grunwalder
    AGE: 76
    GENDER: Male
    POSITION/S SOUGHT: Dean of the Imperial Museum.
    EXPERIENCE: Been around Arcas for a long time from the War of Two Emperors, 
    been in some sort of military three times, 
    was the minister of Magic in Athalia at some point, 
    and was the Deputy Sheriff of Helena aswell.
    ((DISCORD: TypeFasterMan#1429))
  8. ~The Flower Bandits~



    Flower Spirits: The flower spirits are balls of flower matter (Similar to how Epiphytes are made of plant matter) that are only rumored to exist. As the rumor goes, it says that there is one Flower Spirit for every type of flower. They supposedly speak in whistles, and emit a lively green glow!


    [!] A field of flowers that are believed that the field has been grown by a Flower Spirit.



    Flower Epiphytes: Those creatures are considered Demi-Gods to the Flower Spirit as we believe the flower spirit granted them the form because they are there to serve a greater purpose in life even if it is unknown to others, or themselves. They can be instantly granted Guardian status if they decide to be a flower Bandit. 


    The Others

    Wise: People who carry flowers around on their person at all times. We let them pass if they give us a flower. If on the chance they don’t have a flower for themselves but one for us, we offer them to join if they decline their status and is changed to cursed who don’t deserve the privilege to carry flowers.


    The Naives: Kids, or children, under the age of 13 who are not smart enough to make proper decisions and most likely won’t have a flower on their person. However, if we see them on the roads we give them a flower. Though, if the naive do have a flower on their person, they will be praised for their great wisdom!



    Cursed: People who don’t carry flowers or they don’t have enough for themself. We force them to give us their stuff because our cause for flowers is greater than any other cause. If refused, they flee, or they enact violence, they are resisting the flower spirit and must be killed unless one of the elders stops the action.



    Elders: Three People who lead the entirety of the bandits equally, they oversee everything and they have gone through a trial of strength and a trial of wisdom to be granted the title of an Elder. This lasts for ten weeks in total. If one elder goes missing or has perished, a vote will be placed upon an Elite to take its place. If there is only one elder or none. Trials will undergo early and the time limit will reset for elders.


    Elites: Elites hold equal power to guardians however they have done a massive deed to the Flower Bandits or they have been devoted to them for many decades. This title is granted by an elder and it’s highly respected.


    Guardians: Normal Flower Bandits who praise the flower spirits and follow the Flower Spirits virtues.


    Honorary: People outside the group who proven themself to be a friend of flowers and us while also being a formidable ally.


    Flowies: Initiates to the Flower Bandits who undergo an OOC week of learning/training before getting enacted into a Guardian. Or they are children until they become a Guardian of 13 and above.



    [!] A Flower Bandit relaxing after a long day at work.



    Punishment Titles

    Void Spawn: Someone who majorly/directly betrays the flower bandits within or outside the group, they are to be shunned and will be killed for betraying the Flower Spirits. To be a Void Spawn, one must be declared such by an Elder. The decision is not set in stone, however, another Elder can disagree. If 2 Elders disagree, it falls to the 3rd to be the tiebreaker.


    [!] Some Void Spawn executing one of our own out of hatred and spite.




    Exiled: Someone who has done moderate/major crimes and sentenced to not only become shunned but exiled from the fort for a time frame or life. 


    Outcasts: Someone who has done moderate/small crimes and sentenced to be shunned by the rest of the group for a certain amount of time. 


    Important Events

    The Blossoming: A time when the potential Elders undergo their trials and are chosen. Also, a massive festival is thought to happen during these times, alcohol, drugs, and general celebration regularly occur.


    Religion Culture

    Birth: When the child is born, an elder would place a flower petal symbolizing them to become a Flowie. A general celebration from the community would follow. 


    Marriage: The couple would host a ceremony as an elder witness them exchange the most beautiful flower they own symbolizing marriage. From there the couple can say or do whatever they wish regarding being married.


    [!] A flower that was used in a Flower Bandit marriage ceremony previously.




    Death: We cover the corpse in leaves before setting such a blaze preferably a controlled fire in the middle of a field. Symbolizing that their death would aid the growth of a new flower field, their ashes scattered, and the seeds of flower scattered along with them.



    [!] A corpse being burned in Flower Bandit culture.



    General Culture

    Housing/architecture: We live in Halfling like burrows surrounded by a wooden wall with flowers all around and inside the fort. Piked heads would be seen outside the fort as well or hanging bodies outside as a warning.


    Clothing: Anything but it has to cover the face unless it’s for a reasonable cause or an Elder states, or demands otherwise.


    [!] A plague doctor uniform worn by one of the Flower Bandits.





    ((OOC:  If you wish to join, contact TypeFasterMan#1429 on discord and this ain't no meme for the record.))


  9. Before I say anything I would like to say that I never had an Izkuthii or was apart of the Izkuthii culture, so I am coming at this at a player perspective. I can agree that this lore piece is like a Jig-Saw puzzle as its really fleshed out. Every single detail and ability Izkuthii possess has atleast a paragraph behind it and a couple of Redlines more or less. It makes the piece complicated as everything said had an affect/plays along with another detail or ability, It also makes it mildly confusing aswell. Anyways, from the time I’ve spent on LOTC I have met two Izkuthii and I have deemed them pretty rare where of they are almost non-existent. I can see that this lore implements a way for Izkuthii to come back to have more players interact with them is really good and the abilities, curses, details, etc are pretty unique and adds diversity like all races should on LOTC. However judging by the long complexity of it, it may take awhile for it to be reviewed and fixed. Though i’m excited to see where this can go if it picks up any traction. +1

  10. Thor O’Hara stares at the missive with confusion “Isn’t Helena the capital of Oren? What a waste of time and effort for this notice as the war has been going on now for years and Helenians were the first to wage war... Its like saying they would join themselves in this pointless war they started years later. Oh wait, it is like that.” He chuckles to himself before crumpling the paper, putting it away for later use.

  11. [!] Another very bad missive of the Empire relies on several walls around Arcas in the many many places there are.


    Hello there Empire… 1776.




    [!] A very terrible painting of the Oren flag remains here, now the new sigil for the D.M.P.


    “Hello there Empire… Are you going to cry as we decimated the holy lands of Kaedrin in a skirmish? Are you going to cry like the babies you are? I sure hope so, it would be mildly realistic of someone of your stature Oren. Also, as a friendly reminder, stop retreating in the front lines. You classified the area yourselves, own up to it, and get slaughtered by us. Hmm… What else can I say to the stinky Empire… Oh yes, how about we go into your heads and say what you are now thinking…”


    [!] The missive cuts off a little here before it continues.


    “We, the empire, are sorry for the good people of the coalition that because of our over-egoistic pride, we are seeking war with everyone. We actually did this to fulfill our need for acknowledgment since no one really complimented us. We actually don't really know how to hold a sword, since we only found the technology recently. This is true in every way possible. And now, we terribly panicked that all of you take us seriously since we only treat this as some kind of play. What happened during the supposed previous battle, the Emperor told his army to take arms, but everyone just threw responsibility towards each other, from generals to squires. That was the reason we didn’t show up during the supposed battle.


    We also admit that we have sent Aldemar after Siramenor in an attempt to pull a neutral pacifist group that does not want to be in this war, into the war in an attempt to run an almost extinct way of life into the group as we view it as primitive and obsolete. We apologize to the people of Siramenor for our actions, and we think their way of life is actually pretty nice, and do not approve of the fact that we dominate nature and destroy the natural world for our own short term benefit. We are just jealous that our people do not live as long, and we cannot do as many cool things as the Wood Elves of Siramenor. In reality, we the Humans of Oren are scared of the Wood Elves, and instead, send other Elves to fight them in our place. Aldemar is stinky and we do not like them now either.”


    [!] The missive cuts off a little more before it continues


    “Ah, yes, truly brilliant from the actions of the Empire. I’d like to say that we are proud of you for being such an idiotic piece of history and we are proud as these missives will go on as artifacts from this war. As a final note, I say join the coalition for the betterment of Arcas!”


    “~Signed, Ser Thor O’Hara, Head of the Damerian Ministry of Propaganda which the name definitely does not ridicule Oren.”


    [!] Another small note is attached
    “Darrowmere is open to any who’d leave the walls of the Empire for once, and see the world for what it is, much more than black and white. We do not wish to fight you, but we will defend our lands and our ways of life. We will not bow a knee to the Empire. 

    -People of Darrowmere”


  12. [!] A very bad mocking of the state of the empire news relies posted on several walls around Arcas in the many many places there are.


    The State of the Empire- 17th Imperial Diet, 1776.




    [!] A very terrible drawing of the Oren flag remains here under the title. (OOC: Made in MS paint :D)



    “I regret to inform you all that we, the terrible, weak, disappointment of an Empire think that the coalition is very muscular and strong compared to us. Whereof we are scared where even one petty victory is worth telling the entire empire about and celebrating like we won a war. We think that your dancing in front of Helena was really fabulous the other saint day. We also think that our cities are filled with corruption and the emperor smells really stinky. We believe that we must open our eyes to the situation and not act so stupidly by holding our citizens inside the walls and not having anyone leave because we, including the ISA, are scared. We are sorry that we started a war with Sutica because our royal got killed by someone, and that’s the only reason we are at war with them. We know we will fall to our knees to this great Coalition you have.


    Our condolences, the stinky Empire.”




    [!] Some writing will be on the bottom after the epic mocking

    “In all seriousness, people of Oren. Open your eyes. You are on the losing, stupid, idiotic side. Join the Coalition! -Ser Thor O’Hara”



  13. MC Name: MrFunFunTypeMan

    Character's Name: William Jameson II

    Character's Age: 58 (Now Dead)


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Revenant (Poltergeist)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:




    (Going to call Revenants, Rev(s)) Revs are Grey phantoms that have just emerged from a violent, premature, unexpected, or broadly unfortunate passing. A Rev is a temporary state as the Rev does not know their death has occurred and once a Rev does, said Rev will be transformed into a Poltergeist, a Graven, and or a Specter.


    Physical appearance: Revs look like they did when they were alive though grayed. Signs of their demise can be seen like a stabbing or an arrow to the neck, can definitely be subtly seen on the body. Obviously they look unclear and transparent as their voices are distant as well.


    Mentality: Revs are more confused then any other phantom because of being not sure why they are in such a state. They normally get too confused that they lash out in anger and sadness. A Rev normally acts like they are still alive, doing tasks that they were doing before the demise of the Rev until said Rev finds out that they are in fact dead.


    Pain response and Regen: Revs have low pain tolerance, being exposed to such pain tends to put them in a fit of emotion. If a Rev has non-fatal injuries, it would take about two months IRP for them to fully regen like a lost limb and or a cut.




    Revs have the ability of Phantasmal which is another term for what we expect for a ghost. They cannot affect the world around them and the world cant affect them at a regular state, however, they are still bound to the laws of the world. Being able to levitate since they weigh as much as air, and etc.


    Revs also have the ability of Materialization. Making them able to materialize in front of everyone but also hide their appearance at the same time. Having their aura dropped by two meters when its visible and up by two to five meters when invisible. An aura is a radius of blocks that manipulates the thought process of another living individual, makes their breath change to mist, have their temperature dropped.


    Lastly, Revs have the ability to move stuff around with telekinesis however it is weakened in this state, only being able to slowly shut doors and relinquish the flame of a lamp or a candle.




    (Like Revs, i’m going to call Poltergeists, Polter(s)) Polters are black and red phantoms who haven't come to terms of their death and Polters experience the fullest mental torture a phantom can feel, driving them to the extreme. Polters do not necessarily have to be evil, however they are on the more dangerous/violent end of the phantoms.


    Physical Appearance: Polters are almost entirely unrecognizable from the people they once were, as the intense mental struggle they bear alters their appearance greatly. As the scars from the Polters demise becomes more visible to the naked eye. Normally in shades of red and black.


    Mentality: Polters have very unstable emotions, being able to turn demonic, angry, jealous, etc in just a few seconds. They normally have very negative emotions, only in intense situation they can have other emotions however it is rare if one does.


    Pain Response and Regen: Polters tend to react violently to pain, being more prone to attacking where most other phantoms would just flee. If a Polter have a non-fatal injury, unlike Revs, it only takes a month IRP to regenerate entirely.




    Polters have the ability of Phantasmal which is another term for what we expect for a ghost. They cannot affect the world around them and the world cant affect them at a regular state, however, they are still bound to the laws of the world. Being able to levitate since they weigh as much as air, and etc. Also, Polters don’t need to eat, sleep, or anything in that category. 


    Polters also have the ability of Materialization. Making them able to materialize in front of everyone but also hide their appearance at the same time. An aura is a radius of blocks that manipulates the thought process of another living individual, makes their breath change to mist, have their temperature dropped.


    Polters can also manipulate their forms to any creature that is bigger than a crow or smaller than a small bear. Polters can also reshape themselves into a more scary version of themselves. 


    Polters have the ability to move stuff around with telekinesis at a stronger rate than Revs, being able to pick up more heavier objects and fling them towards individuals to cause harm or frighten them.


    A Polters Aura always lingers around a five block radius, always emulating the negative emotion they are feeling currently.


    Polters can actually possess other items or humanoid entity's, including descendants. Obviously the possessed individual will not act like them self and the Poltergeist can influence someones dreams.


    Lastly, Polters have the ability to haunt a place. Dispersing their ability to leave but their powers increase greatly. Anyone who enters the area will feel great paranoia, picturing things that are not even there, while the entire area feels cold and unnerving. The poltergeist can possess items easier, use their telekinesis on a bigger scale, slam doors, pretty much anything telekinesis related they can do to ensue fear into the victims.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  14. [!] A letter, which appears to frantically tied together with a small white cloth, the paper appears to not be in the best condition, containing visible ink stains from the outside, seemingly ripped and burned edges and a cloth sloppily tied on the top.

    [!] Pictured above is the O’Hara Family’s coat of arms, frantically scribbled in, symbolizing whatever is in this letter is very important, a few stains from ink and other products outline the coat of arms in small dots, including a single tear which clearly is dried and stain in the rather rough paper. You decide to open it up and it reads the following

    “On the 10th of Snows Maiden, 1768, it was confirmed in the Aedellands/Lunsbeck Hospital that Addy O’Hara died as of that time due to “Unknown Pregnancy Issues” rather found to be a stroke, caused by massive clots around the body, though Addy was still able to give birth, a male son named “Thor” Almost within a couple hours of surviving her pregnancy, she had died due to it along with other numerous complications still unknown to this very day.  A traditional red faith funeral has been arranged for her, in a saints/stone day at  7 PM (EST) will hopefully be held in Morsgrad Square, in front of the Ashwood tree. Anybody who can make it to the funeral is allowed to watch it. The funeral will be conducted by a keeper name “Jager”. -Proclaimed by, Loki O’Hara

    [!] Above is a painting of Addy O’Hara in a coffin, the part she lays on is covered in white roses and various other white flowers, below that, is woven together in a white cloth. Addy appears to be wearing her regular red dress, which she often wears on anything besides special occasions. 


  15. MC Name: scientist301

    Character's Name: Constable Grunwalder

    Character's Age: 62


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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