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Posts posted by SomeKeyboardGuy

  1. [!] It was one month after the incident. The moon was at its peak as its moonlight was seeping through the window. There, Adrian lays on his bed unconscious as he had been asleep for the entire month. However, the room started to grow chilly as the windows began to frost but the aura  of the room began to change... Calm, warm, safe, and a familiar aura that Adrian could have recognized. Like meeting with a friend or relative you haven't seen in ages... Beside Adrian's bedside, a translucent yellow man in yellow armor slowly becomes visible as he looks over Adrian with a solemn expression... The yellow man reached out to Adrian with his hand as he closed his eyes as his form began to shift into unrecognizable floating yellow translucent goo as the goo started to drift towards Adrian's head. There the goo entered into Adrian through the mouth and down the throat soon fusing with the rest of his body...




    Adrian only saw the dark void within his mind. No matter how far Adrian walked in this flat dark plane, it was always jet black. There was no light present though despite the fact, Adrian can see himself as if the sun were out. Every step Adrian took, he could tell the floor rippled as if he was standing in the tiniest layer of water. However, in the distance he sees a white tree. A familiar looking tree. Upon closer inspection, on one of the branches of the tree, a yellow dove could be seen perched on one of its branches. It stared at Adrian, and watched him. But the yellow dove seemed welcoming, urging Adrian to come closer. The same aura from the room could be felt as it grew stronger as Adrian stepped closer which urged Adrian even more. Adrian started to pick up the pace as he stepped closer until he was full on sprinting towards the white tree...


    Upon Adrian's arrival to the white tree. The yellow dove continued to stare down at Adrian before extending its wings and looking skywards... Adrian blinked and just like that, he was in Karosgrad. The only difference he could see was that the white tree was in the center of the square and it was oddly silent for a city. There was no living signs of life anywhere to be seen except for the yellow dove in the tree. The yellow dove then looked back down towards Adrian as it hopped off the branch. Gliding down. Until the yellow dove landed on Adrian's shoulder. The yellow dove then nuzzled itself against Adrian's neck and Adrian could not say he was completely alone anymore.


    It didn't last however as when the sun started to rise in the mortal plane, the yellow dove flew back up into the tree and stared back at Adrian as within one blink of an eye. Everything turned back to darkness. Adrian was alone again... However, whenever the moon reaches its peak. The tree reappears and every time, that same yellow dove could be seen on one of its branches. Excited to see Adrian once again and perhaps show him something new...

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Holy Ser Alfred


    Character's Age:

             26 (Now Dead)


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Revenant | Specter


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:

             Holy Ser Alfred


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:




    (Going to call Revenants, Rev(s)) Revs are Grey phantoms that have just emerged from a violent, premature, unexpected, or broadly unfortunate passing. A Rev is a temporary state as the Rev does not know their death has occurred and once a Rev does, said Rev will be transformed into a Poltergeist or a Specter.


    Physical appearance: Revs look like they did when they were alive though grayed. Signs of their demise can be seen like a stabbing or an arrow to the neck, can definitely be subtly seen on the body. Obviously they look unclear and transparent as their voices are distant as well.


    Mentality: Revs are more confused then any other phantom because of being not sure why they are in such a state. They normally get too confused that they lash out in anger and sadness. A Rev normally acts like they are still alive, doing tasks that they were doing before the demise of the Rev until said Rev finds out that they are in fact dead.


    Pain response and Regen: Revs have low pain tolerance, being exposed to such pain tends to put them in a fit of emotion. If a Rev has non-fatal injuries, it would take about two months IRP for them to fully regen like a lost limb and or a cut.




    Revs have the ability of Phantasmal which is another term for what we expect for a ghost. They cannot affect the world around them and the world cant affect them at a regular state, however, they are still bound to the laws of the world. Being able to levitate since they weigh as much as air, and etc.


    Revs also have the ability of Materialization. Making them able to materialize in front of everyone but also hide their appearance at the same time. Having their aura dropped by two meters when its visible and up by two to five meters when invisible. An aura is a radius of blocks that manipulates the thought process of another living individual, makes their breath change to mist, have their temperature dropped.


    Lastly, Revs have the ability to move stuff around with telekinesis however it is weakened in this state, only being able to slowly shut doors and relinquish the flame of a lamp or a candle.




    Specters are spirits who have come to terms with their death and what caused it. Essentially they have made inner peace with themselves causing them to be kind. Though the weight of their death still has a toll on them.


    Physical appearance: Specters look like Revs however their shade of color is different. Instead of the Revs usual Grey, Specters can be White, Blue, and or Yellow. Though some specters may have some parts that can be unsettling like eyes without pupils. Specters however are not as intimidating as poltergeists and are far more defined than Revs. The voice of a Specter is always pleasant to the ear, normally adding an echoing quality to it. Specters can also handle sunlight way better than poltergeists, although it does discomfort them greatly, it wont straight up harm them like it would a poltergeist.


    Mentality: Specters are not as emotionally unstable as poltergeists and not as out of tune like revs, though still prone to sadness. A specter tends to be passive and kind, the farthest one can go is just playful mischief. Due to this passiveness, Specters tend to flee from conflict. Although if its to defend a fellow ghost or mortal, depending on their personality, they will try to defend. Specters tend to look like their previous selves, but its not perfect. Specters rarely linger in the mortal realm, they normally move on once they feel content. Though some specters tend to stay if they feel as if they can do more, or they just don't want to leave.


    Pain response and Regen: Specters take pain in close comparison to a mortal, they wont get all emotional when they respond to pain unlike poltergeists who do. The amount of pain a Specter can endure depends on how motivated they are. But, Aurum obviously will cause any specter to have an agonizing experience and all of them have low pain tolerance when it comes to aurum. Being passive essentially means that unless the specter has a good reason to fight, the specter would flee. Specters have to take one ooc day to regen from an injury.




    Specters have the ability to turn invisible, the same rules applies as a Rev which were explained earlier. Specters shroud themselves in a coat of ectoplasm to turn invis. Takes three emotes to turn invis and one emote to remanifest. They cannot turn invis in direct line of sight however. They can also be spotted in direct sunlight while invis, with two emotes of careful inspection.


    Specters have the ability to shift their ectoplasm into usually a docile creature, like a rabbit, or a deer. Takes two emotes to transform, and specters can only transform into the size of a crow through the size of a stag.


    Specters can channel their ectoplasm around an object to pick it up with minor telekinetic abilities which is called influence. Takes two emotes to pick the selected object once and then move it in the desired direction. An object wont be moved faster than their past selves would have thrown it themselves. The object will fall if it leaves the 3 meter radius around the specter.


    Specters also have a passive aura around them which is five blocks around the specter that can cause anyone within the radius to have positive effects with a range of emotions which is called instill peace. From calm, to joy, to safety, to warmth. Specters have a range of positive emotions when someone is within their radius.


    Specters also have the ability to possess certain items and instill thoughts into ones head. Mental wards can defend someone against possessing them. Also the specter can instill dreams into ones unconscious mind. Inanimate objects can be possessed and corpses can be possessed, but they wont be effective in combat.


    Specters finally are able to create sanctuaries which sacrifices their ability to to leave it but their abilities within are increased. Obtaining semi-omnipresence within the area. The entire process taking four irl weeks to accomplish. Moving up the tiers as time goes by as the maximum is tier three. The specter will also have the ability to manifest corporeally better in terms of duration. Specters will be able to lift more with their telekinesis and have more range with it. Instead of three emotes, specters can turn back invisible with two. Any form of water within the sanctuary can be diluted with ectoplasm, causing it to turn into pale water. Making whoever drinks it have mild nausea and coldness over the next three irl days. The specter may also incite dreams and visions of the thought process and memories of the specter themself. Ooc consent is required for it to last longer than three irl days, and it can be purged by holy, mystic, shamanistic magics if the person effected is looking to purge it. Lastly, Specters can grant a boon called Blessing of the Ebrietaes. Granted to those who have the specters upmost faith. Once the person effected has been infected, they would feel inclined to some sort of positive emotion per the specters choosing. The person infected can also hear the voices of past loved ones, flashbacks to cherished moments, and recalling a memory that have great fondness of. The effects will last for three irl days and it will radiate from the individual in a two meter radius to no potent extent.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    My specter will be yellow with all the normal ghost like transparent ectoplasm aesthetics, he's just yellow out of the three colors of yellow, blue, and white.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I Understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  3. -<>-


    In the dead of night, the sound of a trotting steed fills the air alongside the noises of wildlife deep within a pitch black pine forest. An armored man rode the horse, torch in hand to light the way. Soon, the silhouette of Dobrov came into view as both the horse and the man carried on with intentions of entering. It was then the armored man pulled the reins of his horse as both the horse and the man had stopped in the center of the ruins. The armored man slowly got off his horse, with his heavy boots planting into the ground. The man also set his torch down before him. A metal hand raised towards the horse, giving the horse a light pat on the side of its head as a carrot followed behind. The horse took the carrot happily before the man sent the horse back towards where they came from. From Karosgrad. 


    The armored man looked around when the horse disappeared, making sure he had achieved solitude which of course he had. A deep sigh came from the man before he started to strip his armor plating off until the only thing that the armored man wore was his undergarments. The man then dropped his satchel on the floor, unsheathing his aurum short sword and thrusting it deep into the ground, laying down the rest of his arms beside the blade. Now armorless, weaponless, and weightless, the man clasped in hands and looked down in a small prayer… Wishing his blood relatives, and his brothers well with the lives that they still have.




    The man said aloud as the prayer had concluded. The man unclasped his hands and opened his eyes. He looked upwards into the starry night.


    “Godan, I only have one request. I have devoted my life to serving you. To fight against any threat that dares to attack any canonist within canon land. To protect his Holiness so that you may speak to us. However… I could do more and my mortality is my bane. I wish to serve you not only now but the rest of eternity. I wish to never rest until all Darkspawn and those of Iblees are completely vanquished from all realms. So I ask you Godan… Send me to the Nether Realm and let me raise arms in your name.”


    It was then Holy Ser Alfred Indagator took a bottle of oil from his satchel and poured it all over himself, dousing himself completely in oil before dropping the bottle. The holy man then bent over, grabbing hold of the torch he set down and raised it as high as he could upwards. Before the holy man released his grip on the torch…






    When the light of the sun came back to the ruins of Dobrov, what remained on the ground were the ashes of the Holy Knight, the empty bottle, his aurum short sword that was sticking out of the ground, the rest of his weapons, his armor, and whatever was left in the satchel for whoever does come across the sight…




    [OOC: I give my thanks to everyone who has contributed in the development of this char and giving me the time of my life. Its been fun! RIP Holy Ser Alfred Indagator, Anton Alric Colborn, and those who knew him as Bobby.]


  4.     OOC

        ((MC Name: TypeFasterMan ))

        ((Discord: MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429 ))

        ((Timezone: EST ))



        What is your name?

    Jake Grunwalder.

        Why seek membership to the Mages Guild?

    To be apart of something again...

        What arts, if any, do you currently practice?

    Conjuration and House Magery.

        What position do you desire to attain upon acceptance?

    Practicus Astrologicus.

        When should you be contacted for an interview?

    Anytime works for me. I'm just keeping it simple.

  5. [!] A single page parchment can be seen nailed to the bottom of the Colborn Commodities stall within Haense! The parchment can also be seen plastered around multiple places around Almaris! [!]




    =Colborn Commodities=


    Welcome to Colborn Commodities! Feel free to browse our wares and if you see something you like, feel free to come over to Haense and purchase!

    Our employee can show you the way! He is located by the local tavern!


    -=Our stock=-



    Bread - 0.1 M Per Item

    Baked Potatoes - 0.1 M | Per Item

    Carrots - 0.2 M | Per Item

    Golden Carrots - 0.7 M | Per Item


    :Construction Materials:

    Cobblestone - 0.1 M | Per Item

    Spruce Log - 0.2 M | Per Item

    Sand - 0.2 M | Per Item



    Iron Ingot - 0.3 M | Per Item

    Coal - 0.6 M |  Per Item



    Horse Whistle - 8 M | Per Item



    Colborn Whiskey - 2 M | Per Item

    Colborn Ale - 2 M | Per Item

    Orginal Colborn Orange Juice - 2 M | Per Item

    Orginal Colborn Apple Juice - 2 M | Per Item (Coming Soon!)


    -=Custom Orders?=-


    Need a bulk ton of items? Whether it be for construction or preparing for a big event? Contact Anton Colborn and he'll make you deal!

    ((OOC- Discord: MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429))



    Thanks for reading or visiting Colborn Commodities!



  6. Colm Aitchison huffs, his bloodthirsty eyes in a daze, with blood splattered across his body, his axe stained with even more blood. "Blood 'as behn spilt en neutrahl grounds, war es teh beh fought." Colm says in the aftermath after slaying 100 of the enemies soldiers.

  7. [!] Colm Aitchison laughs hard at this missive in the safety of his home, "Shuld of killed us wehn yeh 'ad teh chance. Next tiome mioght not beh so clean." Colm warns to particularly no one in his home before crumpling the missive, opening the front door, and throws the missive into the mud before him. 

  8. =+=

    Brother Nes Moonwood's Thesis on War


    “So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.” -Scroll of Virtue [5:9]


    In pursuit of GOD’s Virtue, one must not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin. However, despite GOD’s specific words within the Scroll of Virtue, many of his children engage in such actions, involving raising a hand whether it be a striking with a weapon or be it throwing a fist because of some sin. This is more prominent in war. War only takes one person to sin before everything collapses in a massive chain reaction. For example, a king may have all the riches in the world, and because of his sins of greed and pride. He does not share his wealth with his people who are then forced to live in poverty. His people may fall to the sins of envy and wrath that might explode into the bloodshed of Revolution.


    War unfortunately cannot be ceased. Not all of GOD’s children are in pursuit of GOD’s virtue, thus they sin freely and cause conflicts that may potentially turn into war. War pains me to say the least. The amount of GOD’s children that fall into sin because of war, the amount of GOD’s children that perish by the hands of others who have fallen into sin. All because one decided to sin. Sometimes to protect ourselves, we are dragged into sin to survive. But it is still a sin none of the less. GOD’s words need to be spread, the words of the scroll of virtue needs to be spread.


    Maybe then we can have peace, if all of GOD’s children choose to pursue GOD’s virtue. So we must spread the word and convert as many as we can. But to force someone to follow a path of GOD’s virtue is a sin in itself. They must see for themselves that the pursuit of GOD’s virtue is always the right path to take. Though until then, war will always be upon us. We the church of Canon must make sure to give last rites to those who have perished in war, to console those who have lost loved ones to the forces of sin, to cleanse sin off of those deserving in penance, and provide solace in times of darkness.


    May GOD bless you all, Brother Nes Moonwood.


  9. What is your baptismal name?

    Mah name beh Nes Moonwood!


    Your age?



    You’re right in front of me.. but for record’s sake, what is your race?

    Ah 'alflin!


    Do you have any family?

    Uhhhhh........ Nae..


    How do you wish to serve God?

    Ie want teh 'elp people fiond der wae tu dah seven skies... Ie wish 'elp assist people anneh wae ie can...


    Where would you prefer to be assigned if accepted?

    Ie realleh du not care wheer yeh put meh, aslong as ie get teh 'elp people...


    ((OOC: Contact me on discord for  a quick response, MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429))

  10. [!] Here lies an official looking parchment, written in cursive [!] 




    This contract enables the Elysian Rangers to call upon Baldwin Ireheart to rally for whatever needed, whether it be war, any type of battle including skirmishes, and or defending against a raid.


    In return:


    I. For every rally Baldwin Ireheart is present for, the Elysian Rangers would have to pay a sum of five mina to Baldwin Ireheart.

       a.Baldwin Ireheart may increase the price if Baldwin Ireheart’s skill with the blade noticeably increases which would equal to more value as a hired warrior.


    II. The Elysian Rangers would have to resupply Baldwin Ireheart with a complete set of ferrum armor, a ferrum longsword, a ferrum Warhammer, a crossbow, thirty-two arrows, and thirty-two pieces of cooked meat to Baldwin Ireheart if the original supplies become lost, used up, or broken in battle.


    III. Baldwin Ireheart would keep the supplies that Baldwin Ireheart loots in battle.

       a. If the Elysian Rangers require a specific item(s) that Baldwin Ireheart manages to loot, Baldwin Ireheart has to give such item(s) to the Elysian Rangers.


    Side agreements:


    I. The Elysian rangers do not have to pay Baldwin Ireheart or Resupply Baldwin Ireheart if Baldwin Ireheart rallies for Elysium under the Urgani Legion.

    II. Baldwin Ireheart will not rally if the opposing side has ties with Baldwin Ireheart, the Ireheart clan, and or Urguan.

    III. Baldwin Ireheart may sever this contract at any time for whatever reason.

    IV. This contract will remain active for an indefinite amount of time, until the contract is destroyed.


    Signed by:

    The owner of Baldwin’s Financial and Combat Services,


    Lord Commander of the Elysian Rangers,


  11. [!] 

    Multiple official looking documents written in cursive can be seen plastered around multiple locations.





    Do you need help dominating your enemies whether it be a civilization, undead, some other fucked up creature, some bandits, some other shit?

    Do you require some form of protection from a skillful warrior?

    Do you have a plague of creatures that need exterminating?

    Or perhaps you need a loan for something large you clearly don't have the mina for?

    Maybe you need a safer place to store your mina and other valuable items?


    Well at Baldwin’s Financial and Combat Services, I got you covered! 


    Send a letter to Baldwin Ireheart anytime and we shall work out a fair and appropriate deal!

    Disclaimer: Deals may not be appropriate, but definitely fair!


    At Baldwin’s Financial and Combat Services, BALDWIN WILL CATCH YOUR ASS!!!




    ((OOC: You can also bird Baldwin on my discord as well, MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429))

  12. [!]

    Small papers would be dotted around just about every wall you can see. The writing would be made of charcoal and what was on the paper would be short enough to be mass produced in quantity but lacked in quality as the writing would be huge and definitely not neat.



    "Tired of living in a complex society filled with standards and morals? Reject the normal and seek out me! Wyzz! Send a bird to me! Do it! NOW!"



    The writing would end off right there.




    ((OOC: Either send a bird IRP to TypeFasterMan, send a bird through forums, or just msg me on discord, might be easier actually... MrFunnyKeyboardGuyHaHa#1429 ))


  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Jake Grunwalder


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Conjuration / life evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  14. [!]

    Pinned with a nail on a nearby wall within the Eternal Library would be a piece of paper written in formal and professional handwriting... The paper would be signed by no one...





    We are the ones who have been openly sought out in every settlement. 

    We are known as nothing but scum in the eyes of the inbred who live within silver. 

    We are the ones who run and hide from an ongoing genocide that the others ignore. 


    I can speak for all of us that we are tired of your discriminatory hypocrisy and there are definitely a lot of us who have felt the same. Some in the places that you think none reside. Some that are closer than you think. Speaking of close interactions, we hope you enjoy the damage that we have caused towards the Eternal Library. Because we have a couple of demands:


    I. An openly admitted apology from the Haelun’or government for the still ongoing genocide towards the Impure, any previous wrong doings towards the Impure, and the discrimination towards the Impure and other races who have been disregarded as lesser beings.

    II. New laws to make discrimination towards the Impure and other races Illegal.

    III. For the Impure populace and the other races to have equal rights to first class citizens. Even as visitors.

    IV. A formal end of the Impure Genocide.

    V. The removal of any “Pure” Elves from the Haelun’or government that discriminate against the Impure, other races, and have beliefs to continue harm towards the Impure.

    VI. A formal removal of the Impure, Pure, and Lesser belief.


    If the demands are not met in one Elven week and three Elven days:


    I. We shall be forced to further our demands.

    II. We shall be forced to continue hostile actions towards the state to a much greater extent.



  15. Lug finds this off a wall somewhere. He stares at it as he reads it. "Huh, tey t'ink dei can scare us? Or even stop us? Tats funny." he chuckles "Wae teh show propagandah oren! Woooooooooo! Lets not show dehm all teh losses yet onleh show teh victoriehs." he takes out his knife and slashes an 'R' into the missive. "Weh will onleh come back lateh on, wer ah growin' group. Now, tiome teh seh ef anyone escapehd or ef dis missive tells teh truth." He says before waddling off. Leaving the vandalism where it stood. 

  16. Lug would read the wanted poster upon a nearby wall. He rips it off the wall as he reads it thoroughly before snorting. "Onleh two-hundrehd? T'ought weh wuld beh wort' moar dehn dat. Alsoe our fasion sense is horrible? Ie mean ie dun' believe dat said from teh people who wear whiote powdehed wigs teh hiode der evergrowin' baldness." Lug laughs hard holding his stomach before crumpling the missive and throwing it behind him, Really Lug? Littering? Have standards.

  17. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ryes mother was generally a healthy Musin, always eating her favorite food along with her husband which their diet would include mostly Rye and water. Rye used to live a happy life with his parents in the depths of the crevasses within a small cave somewhere on Almaris. The home was tiny in nature, made out of twigs and scraps they found along the surrounding area. With Beds made out of tiny strands of grass and hay, with their table made out of a root that stuck in within their home. They loved to repurpose everything. Rye was an ambitious fellow when he was younger, always wanted to go explore with his parents, always curious, he wanted to find treasure whether it be in someone's home or just some trash littered on the ground with them. Yet his parents wouldn't let him for he was too young and he wouldn't be able to work as well with his parents with the blinding light of the sun which his parents were far more used to it then he was. Though, on a fateful day, Rye was grooming himself before he heard some rumbling above with his sharp ears, it grew louder and louder till it finally came as it shook the home! Making everything break apart! A stampede of several animals were rushing right above the cave that Rye and his family lived in! As Rye noticed his room breaking apart, he scurried out of there as quickly as he could, exiting his house entirely. Medium sized rocks, though big to Musins started to fall as the cave started to collapse. Rye just continued to scurry, having some close calls with some of the falling rocks! He kept going till he saw a blinding light of which he knew was the exit from stories of his parents. He kept going till he finally made it to the outside! Rye saw the wonder of stampeding animals practically jump the ledge that held the entrance to the cave. Though the entrance of the cave soon collapses, soon after that, the stampede also ceases. Rye squints but now sees the wonder of the world, his ambitions rising to explore the open world now embracing him! Though Rye looks back at the collapsed cave, wondering if his parents were alright. He knew if he made it out, so can his parents! It reassured him! so he looked back out to the open world and started to wander, on a quest to find his parents and a more structurally stable or safe home in general. Musins also are lesser souls meaning they cannot learn most magics.


    If this construct or creature has some form of aesthetic choice, can you describe how they look? 

    Rye has a dark brown coat of fur, has black beady eyes with a tiny pink nose, he is malnourished at the moment with some massive ears, and he is generally tiny for a Musin. He likes to wear whatever he gets his hands on which may include pieces of scraps aswell!


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  18. On 5/24/2021 at 2:29 PM, Elite_Snipes_ said:

    Korgahk'Gorkil fondly remembers the boasting of Haelun'or and Elveneese after capturing a singular elf in the square of Sutica. The Hypocrisy!

    Eldaerenth clearly remembers the mention of a band of Orcs capturing a singular high elf in Haelun'or and having the audacity to boast about it in this victory missive like we did, that's fair, guess we are even. No, Wait! That high Elf was a traitor to the state, how generous of them to deal with her for us! 

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