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Posts posted by Bananasaurus

  1. One thing I will say for sure: even Global OOC is better than Trade Chat on WoW.

    Like, lawdy lawd.

    Them's some toxic, angery neckbeards and horny teenagers up in there.

    Never, ever go to Goldshire. It is a cesspool of bad ERP and even worse PVP. It is called "Pornshire" and "Pwnshire" for a reason.


  2. 3 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    If you desire for someone non-toxic to talk to, I suppose you could always talk to me or some of the other rather nice halflings I know!

    Gregory Nelson#2321 is my discord.


     Okie dokie, smol fren. :3

    Many thanks!

    2 minutes ago, Telanir said:

    In my personal opinion, the best way to experience roleplay on this server is to /leave looc and /leave ooc.

    Figuratively speaking, of course.


    Be deliberate with your OOC on the server, which means use private-messages sparingly and avoid third-party contact.


    Wander around, find a tight-knit community that appreciates your arrangement adequately, and make a home there as best as you can.

     Done and done, except for L-OOC because I need to know what people are saying about the RP unfortunately. :P

  3. Hey there. You may or may not have heard of the drama surrounding this post that I made.






    I know most people had the take-way that I overreacted because "it was just a meme, bro," and I agree. Part of it was just a meme. However, the other part of it was that the meme was just a very small piece of straw that had broken a very tired and over-encumbered camel's back.


    For that, I am sorry. I am sorry that I snapped at people, and likely burned many of the bridges I had made with a lot of you. I admit I am not in a good place in my life, and I am overly sensitive to specific triggers, while stronger against others. 


    I use Minecraft as an escape from the sh*t-stain of a life I'm currently living (lol you do not want to know, trust me), and when people say stuff directed at or around me, like the slurs I mentioned, it just... I mean, let's put it this way.


    I let a lot of sh*t slide. All day, every day. I "took the high road," on a lot of things in life and online, even joked around with people slinging them. But after relentless waves of sh*t slamming into the support beams underneath that road, the stupid, silly meme that honestly was not meant to hurt anyone just ended up collapsing beneath me. I lashed out in the only way I knew how: making a long-winded, SJW-sounding post about it. That was a very, very bad decision.


    This time, I'll be as brief as I can. Here goes nothing.




    If I haven't burned every single bridge I built with the people on LotCs, then I'd love to come back. I'll just be turning off Global OOC for a while. I'll take a step back when I need it, and thicken my skin as much as  can. I'll take the advice I've been given to heart. 


    In the end, however, I still think it's not okay for people to freely toss about slurs, but I realize the only person I can change is myself. I wanted a rule to be added so that people to use [insert list of racial, ethnic, and anti-trans slurs] as little as possible, but I know it's still going to happen. I've accepted this.


    I still love this server, and want to salvage what I can in the way of friendships. I know I have to change some things about me in order to do that, and I'm willing to. I nly ask for and would appreciate your understanding... and forgiveness.


    In closing, as much as possible:




    Much love and respect,


    - Nanners

  4. Savage.


    Anyway, I grew up on forum RP but haven't done it in a long time. Almost a decade, I reckon. Regardless, I'm interested. It doesn't demand people be on at the same time, people can reply at their own pace, and turn-based RP where everybody waits for their actual turn would be a nice change to people spamming emotes before you can type out a proper post. :sideeye:



  5. To Illondr:



    "Well met, recruit; welcome into the fold. I am eager to meet face-to-face. Send a bird my way at your earliest convenience."


    - Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow


    ((OOC: Please give your full Discord name, including the #numbers after your username. For example, mine is Bananasaurus#7362. Without the numbers, we can't find or add you.))

  6. Application:


    Full Name: Kaelunor Ryvuunos


    Race/Sub-race/Culture: Elf/Mali'fenn


    Eye Color: Lavender


    Hair Color: Platinum Blonde


    Height: 6'2"

    Weight: 155 lbs

  7. Name of the club: Rangers of the Wild (OOC)


    What type of club is it? (Public, Private): Private


    What is the theme of this club? (Politics, group, etc.): OOC topics regarding members of the IC guild, Ranger sof the Wild. 


    Why should this club be created? What is the purpose of this club? Does it add something not already fulfilled by an existing club?: It is needed for us to be able to discuss topics OOCly, and possibly be silly and post memes of our tree-hugging, hippie-dippy ways.


    Who will moderate this club?: Me, myself, and I.


    Do you understand that failure to moderate your own club to their respective rules can result in FM interventions?: I do.


    Are there any exemptions to the rules that you would like, if so why? (N/A if open club or none needed.): Not at this time.



    On 2/24/2018 at 5:52 PM, HopeOfFuture said:

    **(To apply, copy and paste-this format into a a reply on this thread.)**




    OoC Information


    Minecraft Username: HopeOfFuture


    Discord Username: (Required) none


    Skype Username: (Optional) none


    Nickname Preferred: (If any. State whether you’d like to be referred to by your character or player name)



    Real-Life Age: 13


    Preferred Pronoun(s): (He/him, she/her, they/them, etc.) He


    Activity Level: (Rangers will not be kicked for inactivity, but they will be assumed lost or killed until they return) All american holidays and summer time


    Main Character or Secondary Character?: Main


    RP Sample As Applying Persona:


    IC Information


    Character’s Full Name: Illondr


    Current and/or Former Titles Held: 


    Race: Wood Elf


    Sex & Gender: (if they are the same, simply state one) Male


    Sub-Race: (If not applicable, say N/A) N/A


    Age: 38


    Birthplace: (If a character is unwilling to give this information, or does not know, state so in-character)

    Does not know


    Notable Connections Within a Nation or Other Organization:

    Helps Virarim fight of bandits, but other than that none


    Desired Rank: Ranger Sentinel


    Training Known:

    Master Archer, Excel Stealth, Great Unarmed Combat


    Training Desired/Needed: (I.e. if your character can’t read or write, someone is obviously helping them do this application or it’s being done in person. They’d ask for help with learning that skill in-character)

    Horrible Swordsmanship, Bad diplomacy, 


    Reason For Wishing to Join the RotW:

    To bring peace and balance in nature and help the world, and stop bandits and undead from killing innocent


    "By signing this document, you agree to the by-laws above and any the Ranger-Master and Ranger-Captains deem worthy of adding. You agree to relinquish your former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world."


    I Illondr(full name not known )agree to this


    (State yes or no in-character, and type their full name without their title)

    Thank you for applying, friendo! :) I'm liking what I see so far, but there's a few things you didn't place. Please fill in the missing information, such as an in-chacrracter post, and your Discord name. If you do nt have Discord, please create an account so we can all stay in contact whether or not we can log into Minecraft/LotC. 


    OoC Information


    Minecraft Username: TheBananasaurus


    Discord Username: Bananasaurus#7362


    Skype Username: Only given to trusted/well-known people


    Nickname Preferred: Banana, Nanners, Jesse, Lyth, Lytho, etc.


    Real-Life Age: 28


    Preferred Pronoun(s): He/him or they/them


    Activity Level: High (multiple times a week, for several hours that day)


    Main Character or Secondary Character?: Main


    RP Sample As Applying Persona: Lythorien Banebow chuckled as he sat atop the fence-post, carving a small figureine out of wood with his dagger. "Aye, a dark elf ranger might sound strange to some, but it's always been my dream since I was but a child. Rangers come in all shapes and sizes, friend. Why limit one's dreams and calling in life by the body they were born in?" He waggled his brows and offered the finished carving to the stranger. "Here, a token of the Rangers of the Wild. Consider joining, if it pleases you."


    IC Information


    Character’s Full Name: Lythorien Banebow


    Current and/or Former Titles Held: Ranger-Master


    Race: Dark elf


    Sex & Gender: Intersex & male


    Sub-Race: Posible woof elf heritage


    Birth Year: 1606


    Birthplace: "Where do most dark elves my age come from, friend? You have your answer well enough, then."


    Notable Connections Within a Nation or Other Organization: None.


    Desired Rank: N/A


    Training Known: All ranger disciplines to varying degrees of mastery, along with first aid, basic potion making, wood carving, and mounted combat.


    Training Desired/Needed: "I always seek to hone my skills with every dawn and dusk that passes.


    Character's Reason For Wishing to Join the RotW: "It has always been my dream to help the beasts, plants, and people of the world in a peaceful manner, though I know peace is not always possible. Regardless, it is usually the best option sought after first. Our world is here long after we pass. Greed, titles, wars - they are fleeting. With the Rangers, however, we can maintain the balance that was here before us, and will hopefully last long after we pass into memory."


    "By signing this document, you agree to the by-laws above and any the Ranger-Master and Ranger-Captains deem worthy of adding. You agree to relinquish your former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world."


    "I, Lythorien Banebow, do solemnly swear to uphold the creed of the Rangers of the Wild as long as I breathe and walk this plane."


    - Ranger-Master Lythorien Banebow




    A conservationist guild of like-minded individuals from all races and walks of life. They take mercenary contracts as well, like some other ranger guilds, but their main goal is to patrol the wilds of Arcas and preserve the balance of nature and peace between the peoples, animals, and plants of the world.


    Pursuant to their creed, Rangers of the Wild fill many roles. Some, the Ranger-Sentinels, prefer to walk the lonely roads at night, defending travelers from aggressive and over-populated spiders and undead. Some, the Ranger-Wildsmen, prefer to hunt wild game and feral farm animals to maintain and curtail invasive or otherwise detrimental populations. The latter serves as  secondary source of food for the Rangers, as well. Some Rangers prefer to avoid conflict as much as possible, either tending to the Rangers’  wounds, crops and/or animals (Ranger-Keepers), or serving as diplomats for the Rangers and/or the individual’s race in locations where tensions are high. These Ranger Envoys are the mediators and welcoming hand of the Rangers, and are certainly not looked down upon for wishing to stay clear of bloodshed. Another non-combatant rank of the Rangers are the Ranger-Scribes, who collect lore, both fact and fiction, from around the land. Any and all subjects are accepted into the library, even those that some might consider… untoward.


    Finally, any and all fully inducted Rangers may take quests or task, such as clearing out monstrous beasts from a cavern for a treasure hunter (serving as a sort of body-gaurd or guide), exploring unknown areas and creating maps for cartographers unable to traverse the extremes of the land themselves, hunting down bandits that have preyed upon the weak, et cetera, et cetera.






    Lythorien Banebow








    Ranger Envoys:



    Ranger Scribes:



    Ranger Keepers:







    Illondr (Ranger-Sentinel-in-Training)

    Aragwen Arcanscape (Ranger-Wildsman-in-Training)

    Stevron Gollick (Ranger-Envoy-in-Training)

    Gray Fullhood (Ranger-Sentinel-in-Training)

    Daisy Applefoot (Ranger-Wildsman-in-Training)

    Elawynn Caerme’onn (Ranger-Keeper-in-Training)


    Former Members:

    Karren Myrsta (Ranger-Scribe-in-Training) (Deceased)

    Jarsek Myrsta (Ranger-Sentinel-in-Training) (Deceased)

    Sarah Boliver (Maiden Name: Thompson) (Ranger-Keeper-in-Training) (Missing/Likely Deceased)

    Kayen (Ranger-Scribe-in-Training) (Missing)

    Alsulf Venari (Ranger-Sentinel) (Missing/Likely Deceased)

    Aladar Viathran (Ranger-Envoy-in-Training) (Left of Their Own Volition)





    The Rangers of the Wild Creed


    "I swear to abide by the by-laws of the Rangers of the Wild. I relinquish my former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world."





    1. Don’t be a d**k. No making jokes about sensitive topics, such as suicide, or racial, political, religious, ethnic, and other kinds of slurs (don’t say f***ot or tranny. Just don’t), no accusing someone of being a special snowflake or a cuck. If you don’t like something and have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


    2. If someone says something you are doing is bothering them (like repeatedly referencing something that triggers panic episodes or flashbacks in said person), and earnestly means it, just drop it. It’s not worth them reporting you to higher-ups and getting booted

    3. That’s pretty much it. Just tell us if you’re going away for a while if you can, but activity is not required. Not every character that joins is going to be played every day. We get that. Just give us some common courtesy and don’t dip out of a RP or plot in progress without some warning.

    4. These regulations are subject to change, be added to, or removed at any time without warning.







    1. All races, Descendant or no, are welcome in the ranks of the Rangers of the Wild so long as they abide by the tenets set forth here, and do not cause trouble with others of races differing form them. Any Ranger found to be practicing xenophobic activities or using slurs or unequal treatment due to race, gender, social status, sexuality, et cetera, will be subject to a verbal warning, then a monetary fine, then imprisonment, then banishment. Any Ranger caught acting violently to another Ranger or neutral person is subject to imprisonment and/or banishment depending on the severity. Murder will warrant banishment and possible handing over to the authorities of the nation wronged.

    1. Relating to By-Law 1, recruits must relinquish their titles and rights held within their native nations if said titles conflict with Ranger custom.

    1. All recruits must denounce their allegiances if they conflict with Ranger practices (i.e. Mali’fenn Rangers may not continue to be aligned with the Fenn because this would mean they would be duty-bound to harm other races). Recruits may, however, maintain contact and relationships with members of their former allegiances, as well as protect the cities, towns, and settlements they live in from attackers, so long as said relationships do not conflict with Ranger values in other ways.

    1. You must NEVER contribute to attacks, raids, territorial disputes, or any other aggressions associated with a nation or other organization. Such activities invite ire upon the Rangers, and go against our ways.

    1. Rangers caught revealing sensitive information or aligning themselves with a specific nation against another nation, are subject to banishment without prior warnings.

    1. One must not intentionally harm any animal, plant, or person not actively threatening one’s self, the Rangers, or the balance of nature. Rangers seen breaking this rule are subject to verbal warnings, monetary fines, imprisonment, and banishment, in order of number of offenses.

    1. Regardless of intent, all Rangers must train in the basic skills of a Ranger: bowmanship, swordplay, animal behavior studies, flora and fauna studies, and basic diplomacy. Illiterate recruits will be taught to read and write before they are inducted.

    1. These by-laws are subject to change, be added to, or have tenets removed without warning, though Rangers and recruits will be notified once they are in place.




    **(To apply, copy and paste-this format into a a reply on this thread. An example of a filled-out application is below the form)**




    OoC Information


    Minecraft Username: (Required)


    Discord Username: (Required)


    Nickname Preferred: (If any. State whether you’d like to be referred to by your character or player name)


    Real-Life Age: (Required)


    Preferred Pronoun(s): (He/him, she/her, they/them, etc.)


    RP Sample As Applying Persona: (Required)


    IC Information


    Character’s Full Name: (First name, middle, last name, and, if you wish, maiden name)


    Current and/or Former Titles Held: (Titles from other factions and nations)


    Notable Connections Within a Nation or Other Organization: (Including but not limited to: a guard or noble)


    Race: (Main/most predominant race)


    Sub-Race: (If your character has any blood from another race. If not applicable, say N/A)


    Sex & Gender: (if they are the same, simply state one)


    Birth Year or Current Age: (Please use in-character LoTC year)


    Desired Rank: (Please only choose one Ranger rank)


    Training Known: (Any skills, including swordsmanship, archery, writing, tracking game, atc)


    Training Desired/Needed: (I.e. if your character can’t read or write, someone is obviously helping them do this application or it’s being done in person. They’d ask for help with learning that skill in-character)


    "By signing this document, you agree to the by-laws above and any the Ranger-Master and Ranger-Captains deem worthy of adding. You agree to relinquish your former station if it conflicts with Ranger tenets, and swear to uphold to balance of peace and nature in our world."


    (State yes or no in-character, and type their full name without their title)

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