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Everything posted by CatOnWheels

  1. CatOnWheels


    The strengths and weaknesses are already up under Interesting facts. Definition of meta gaming(this is copy pasted, the answer is below that) Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to thegame universe outside of the game itself This ruins rp because it can make the game really different in a bad way. Ex. 'We are being overrun, log on and help me' A shout out to friends just for the sake of winning can ruin gameplay and cause argument and chaos. Sorry, I have a job and am really busy right now. Can you please take this into consideration please. I have limited time, but can still go on for 1-3 hours a day. Hope this does not cause any trouble. Please take this into consideration. Thankyou , have a nice day.-CatOnWheels
  2. CatOnWheels


    Thalg grew up in the distant lands of Axios in the Orcish capital of San’Torr. He always enjoyed the ecstatic and lively nature of the Orcish people as well as their festivities. Growing up he participated in many tournaments and klomps to make himself a better fighter. As the lands began to become disturbed and the descendents flee from Axios he helped in the battles against the Swashbucklers. Upon landing on Atlas he strives to be something great and reputable among his people. Ambitions: he aspires to be a great orcish warrior Strengths/Talents: Hes good at lifting things and is well met in sword play Weaknesses/Inabilities: He has a few scars growing up and facing beasts in the hunt Appearance: He is bald as it takes time for orcs to grow their hair, but has a distinct face of his ancestors. The strengths and weaknesses are already up under Interesting facts. Definition of meta gaming(this is copy pasted, the answer is below that) Metagaming is any strategy, action or method used in a game which transcends a prescribed ruleset, uses external factors to affect the game, or goes beyond the supposed limits or environment set by the game. Another definition refers to thegame universe outside of the game itself This ruins rp because it can make the game really different in a bad way. Ex. 'We are being overrun, log on and help me' A shout out to friends just for the sake of winning can ruin gameplay and cause argument and chaos.
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