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Application Comments posted by ABruhMoment

  1. Changed Status to Under Review


    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord:https://discord.gg/P3vgNT

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my McName is: EtherealPvP.

  2. 4YfBIBv.png 

    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord:https://discord.gg/P3vgNT

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my McName is: EtherealPvP.

  3. 1yPM0YR.png 

    Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    • Your Powergaming definition is incorrect. Please change this, I will provide a link here to our wiki definition of Powergaming. Please remember to use your own words.
    • Your bio should be at least a solid paragraph of information about your character, if not more. Please add a little more to this.
    • Your bio must also contain at least 1 piece of server lore. Here’s a link to the wiki which contains lore of the server. 
    • The name for your character isn’t exactly RP friendly. Please change it. 
    • Your character description should have more information on your character. Please add some details of your persona. 
    • You interesting facts should contain at least one weakness/flaw in your character. This can be many things such as a fear of fire, water, heights, etc. Please change one of these
    • Your skin is definitely not RP friendly. Take a look here on what halflings should look like. 


    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/P3vgNT

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  4. 4YfBIBv.png 

    NOTE: You may not have any knowledge of how to use magic when you begin. Just so long as you remember you must find a teacher willing to show you IN GAME before being able to cast any sort of magic. 


    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord:https://discord.gg/P3vgNT

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my McName is: EtherealPvP.

  5. 1yPM0YR.png 

    Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    • You must have at least 1 weakness/flaw in your character. Having a scar doesn’t quite meet the standards of a weakness, please change this. 


    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/P3vgNT


    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  6. 4YfBIBv.png 

    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord:https://discord.gg/P3vgNT

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my McName is: EtherealPvP.

  7. Changed Status to Under Review


    Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    • One of your interesting facts must be a weakness/flaw in your character. I would recommend changing your third fact, as Jornheim is a city from a previous map. 


    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/P3vgNT


    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  8. 4YfBIBv.png 

    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord:https://discord.gg/P3vgNT

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my ign is: EtherealPvP.





    Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    • You seem to have forgotten to erase the part about the island. 
    • In the time period which this server takes place, there were no busses. Instead please perhaps change this to carriage, or something similar. 


    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/P3vgNT


    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276








    Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    • I need you to please elaborate on your Powergaming definition. It seems to be close, but not quite correct. Here’s a link to our wiki definition. Please remember to use your own words! (Powergaming)
    • You must be born within the main land of Atlas, therefore you need to change that bit of your bio. 
    • Your second interesting fact is not quite a major enough flaw in your character. Please add more information on it, perhaps your character doesn’t like talking to people due to his stutter. 
    • Your third interesting fact is inappropriate and will require a change. 


    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/P3vgNT


    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  11. Your application has been DENIED because of these reason(s):

    -Unfortunately as a guest you cannot make any edits to your application. For this reason you've been denied rather than placed on pending. I HIGHLY suggest you create a forum account before reapplying.

    -Your metagaming definition could use some rewording, take a look at the definition from our wiki. I will provide a link Metagaming

    -Your bio must contain at least 1 piece of server lore. This can be places, important people, or historical events.




    You may reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

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