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Application Comments posted by ABruhMoment

  1. Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord: https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my ign is: EtherealPvP.

  2. Your application has been DENIED because of these reason(s):

    -Unfortunately, as a guest account you won't be able to make any edits. For this reason you've been auto denied rather than placed on pending. I would highly suggest creating a forum account before reapplying 

    -Both of your definitions could use some work, try taking a look at the definitions from our wiki to help. I'll provide the links Meta Power

    -Your biography should contain as much information on your character as you can come up with. Include things like where they were born, where they live now, places they've traveled, how they survive, do they work?, what was their family like, etc.

    -Your character description should describe what your character looks as well. 


    You may reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  3. Changed Status to Under Review

    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord: https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my ign is: EtherealPvP.

  4. Changed Status to Under Review

    Your application has been DENIED because of these reason(s):

    -Our server requires you to be 13+ years of age.



    You may reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  5. Changed Status to Under Review

    Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord: https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my ign is: EtherealPvP.

  6. Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord: https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my ign is: EtherealPvP.

  7. Changed Status to Under Review

    Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    -One of your interesting facts should be a weakness your character may have. This is to avoid having a "perfect" person. Please change one of your facts to a weakness, this could be a range of things like fear of water, fire, ghosts, unable to swim, etc.

    -Other than that your application is really well done! Once you make this change feel free to let me know, I will then re take a look.


    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  8. Your application has been DENIED because of these reason(s)

    -Unfortunately as a guest account you won't be able to make any edits to this application. For this reason it has been instantly denied rather than being put on pending. I would HIGHLY suggest making a forum account before reapplying that way you will be given 24 hours to make any corrections.

    -Both of your definitions are plagiarized from wikipedia. We take plagiarism very seriously, in order for your definitions to not be plagiarism please rewrite these in your own words. Here is a link to our wiki definitions of Meta and Powergaming. Meta Power

    -Your biography should contain more information about your character. This could include things like where they were born, where they live currently, what their personality is like, things they enjoy doing, etc. 

    -Your biography should also contain at least 1 piece of server lore. This could be anything from a city to an important person. 

    -One of your interesting facts should contain at least 1 weakness your character might have, such as being scared of water, fire, ghosts, the dark, not being a good swimmer, not liking heights, etc.

    -When you just start out you can't already have knowledge of magic. You must find a teacher in game willing to teach you the magic you wish to learn. For this reason your interesting fact about being good with magic should be changed.



    You may reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

  9. Your application has been ACCEPTED! Good job friend now all you need to do is wait to be implemented. During your wait I would suggest looking at the wiki page and learning more about the lore of the server. Here’s the link (LotC Wiki)


    Here’s a link to the New Player Help Discord: https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to pop in and ask any questions you may have. Either I or another player or staff member will help you out! Welcome to Lord of the Craft!

    If you’d like to contact me personally you can either message me on the forums, on discord at Austin#4276 ,or you can find me in game my ign is: EtherealPvP.

  10. Your application has been put on PENDING for these reason(s):

    -Both your metagaming and powergaming definitions could use some work. Try taking a look at the definitions from our wiki and fixing those here are the links Meta Power

    -In Elven culture you are not considered an adult until the age of 50. With that being said your timeline of being in an army at the age of 20 wouldn't really fit into the server lore. If you could please change your age in order to fit better with your biography.



    This means your application was good but just needed these changes to them. You will have 24 hours to make these changes with the edit function. Once you make the changes feel free to message me to take another look at it! After the 24 hours has passed your application will either be ACCEPTED or DENIED. If you’re denied you can reapply whenever convenient.


    Don’t worry friend, here is a link to the LotC New Player Help Discord! https://discord.gg/YjPZxu2

    Feel free to contact me if you need further assistance you can pm me on the forums or message me on discord at: Austin#4276

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