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Posts posted by Altered

  1. Cenwihn looks over the missive with a grin. "Those who forsake our traditions and Wyrvun hold ne legitimacy whatsoever. These deluded 'Atmorices' shall hold ne power nor respect within our people so long as they disgrace their ancestors and Wyrvun."

  2. 8 hours ago, Incandescent said:
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    For context, Aelesh and Incandescent are the same person, they are both me. Much of what you have copied is my work; you do not have my permission to use this.


    Moreover, other Isilioleth players may still exist. It would make more sense to get in contact with them and ask to play a member of their bloodline. If you have already done this, my apologies.


    EDIT: And for further context, I know people don't tend to care all that much about people copying other LOTC'ers work. It's just irritating to me.



    I did get in contact with Leonie and they were cool with me taking over the clan. I should've done more to get into contact with you besides looking on your profile and seeing no way to contact you however in my excitement I started planning and editing. If you wish, I could take this post down and rewrite it without incorporating what you wrote. Sorry for not doing more to get in contact with you, that is my fault and I do not wish to offend by taking the lore you wrote.


  3. Clan Isilioleth


    History of the Isilioleths

    When the putrid aura of Orgon had swept into every aspect of the world around them, the Isilioleth knew that only destruction and decay would await those that remained on the doomed continent of Vailor. With this is mind, they made haste toward the boat that the clan had prepared for such instances; for an element made most clear in the clan is one of preparedness, whether it be for life or death.

    As the gathering of Mali’ker scrambled for their escape, the creatures of rot and destruction began to emerge from the fetid swamps around them, striking the slower of the Isilioleth that were lagging at the back of the crowd.

    Alas, with little time to spare the clan had no choice but to press on against the swathe of disease and entrapment that sought to ensnare them in their rotting fingers. As the enormous portal at the Docks opened up on the horizon, the Isilioleth knew that they would have to leave as soon as they could; and such little time they had, that they were forced to prematurely depart from the docks, leaving behind a number of Mali’ker that fought to the bitter end against Orgon’s army.

    Indeed, it appeared as though only the youngest and most agile of the family had made it onboard, as well as a few lingering creatures that had found their way through patches of decayed wood. As the clan fought against the remainder of these beasts, they made their way through the Spirit Realm that presented itself, absorbing the experience with adrenaline fuelled awareness.

    Yet in their attempt to understand the strange world they found around them, they failed to notice the point at which they emerged in Axios, crashing into a nearby coast and scattering the survivors who woke at different times of the day; if indeed they woke at all.

    It appeared the Isilioleth were not as prepared for the unknown as they had thought, a notion that would plague them in their desperate search to find one another.

    Philosophy and Religion


    Philosophy of Color




    Before all other colors, Black and White take precedence. White is the representation of ‘ultimate order’. It is a state of indefinite existence, of reality without form. It is the necessary base of the world from which all other things arise, but in itself it represents nothing at all. It is both Life and Death, and thus it is neither. It is both Movement and Stillness, and thus it is neither. Being all things, it is of no value and represents nothing specific. Black represents the presence of, something. Anything. A shadow is cast only by something with a true presence in the world, a presence possessed of value and substance. If White is the sandbox of reality then Black is the value which arises from the universe; Black is representative of all things possessed of true form and substance.

    The color white is often considered to have negative attributes, having no value or purpose. An object covered in white simply exists because reality permits it to. Painting a person or object white is a grave insult to those of the clan and only used in the harshest punishments or insults.

    Black on the other hand is used for the greatest attributes. An object covered in black is to denote value or an importance of purpose. Black is the embodiment of the colors of life in balance that makes life special.

    The Isilioleth thus have a very simple kind of morality; that all things with purpose are of worth. Rage is neither good nor bad, it is simply Rage. The worth of Rage is determined by the experience and the passion of it, the vibrancy it offers to one’s life. Curiosity is much the same, and is neither good nor evil, as is Love, as are all emotions. The world is thought of much like a painting, with each experience or emotion existing as a pigment within the image. What is the purpose of the color blue? Is it right, or wrong? Quite obviously it is neither. Its value is derived purely from its existence as a part of the composition, and the Isilioleth claim the same of all the world. To be filled with a passion for anything, anything at all, means that one is partaking in the great journey of life. That one is a character walking large across the stage and playing into the plot of the world’s legend. To accomplish that and revel in the glory of life is to be free from all shackles and achieve paradise.


    Black/Gray - the symbol of Unlimited Potential, the Isilioleth believe that the reason they have exclusively black hair is because they are born with the ability to do all things, and consider it the reason they have such a philosophical outlook on life. The Isilioleth also associate darkness with adaptability and an acquaintance with the truth of the world. To paint your child black, or to adorn yourself in black is to glorify the value of one's spirit and intimate ties to the course of destiny.


    White/Silver - the symbol of Order, it suggests a certain restrained nature, a lesser life lived according to rules. To paint a white hand upon the door of your neighbor is to mark him with the greatest of insults. No Isilioleth would willingly adorn themselves in white; the ankles of prisoners are regularly painted with white rings.


    Yellow/Gold - the symbol of Individualism, it is one of the rarest of metals to come across, and for this reason is associated with being unique. Being painted gold or wearing gold is indicative or someone who considers themselves unique, or wishes to promote a charismatic personality.


    Blue - the symbol of Cleansing and Purity, it is the color of the rain and the water, something that will calm the mind and soothe the soul if allowed to. It is completely adaptable to the environment around it and offers a sensation of relaxation. To adorn yourself in blue or to paint your child blue is to wish for a state free of anxiety.


    Red - the symbol of Power, the Isilioleth believe that their crimson eyes burn so brightly thanks to their blood; a symbol of the strength of their hearts and the purity of their lineage. To paint your child red, or to wear red is to bask in the glorious history of the Isilioleth and warn others of the power that burns within.


    Orange - the symbol of Ambition and Energy, it is believed that orange represents fire and its ability to both nurture and destroy; the same powers laid upon the mantle of all mortal souls. To paint your child orange or to wear orange is to bless them with direction and conviction.


    Green - the symbol of the wilds, the home in which all live. For it is not the structures beneath the Mali’ker that are their homes, but the earth beneath their feet. It is the symbol of stability, trust and logic. To paint your child green or to wear green is to call stability and practicality into one’s life.


    Purple - the symbol of Mystery and the Unknown, it is the rarest but perhaps most important color. It is rare to find the adornment of purple on buildings or clothing, for it is indicative of a cult or a pursuit of magic. To paint your child purple or to wear purple is to become more self-aware and philosophical, or to indicate a magical affluence.


    Spirits, Senses, and General Philosophy


    The painting that is the world is not experienced solely through the eyes. Your skin prickles with the chill of ice, your ears marvel at the silence of snowfall, your tongue trembles at the frigid taste of ice-water. The forest fascinates the ears with the calls of a thousand birds and gifts the nose a feast of beautiful scents flowing from the petals of sparkling flowers dancing beneath the sunlight. Sight is a glorious thing, yes, but to rely on it alone is to lose touch with the true fullness of Life. In fact, each of the Five Senses are not truly enough to understand the world in the way that we do. But five channels of information cannot possibly create the intimate relationship we have with the world, and with each other. So how is it that we are so connected to the world around us?

    For the Isilioleth, the answer is quite simple; there are many, many more than five Senses. The most commonly understood Sense beyond the five, is the Sense of Magic. The Sixth Sense presents itself as an acute awareness of the ways of the world, of the laws of fate, destiny, power, of all things that churn the wheel of Life. The Sixth Sense is a mysterious thing that the Isilioleth praise with the color Purple for all its wonder and strangeness. The other senses are not numbered as the first Five for there are so many of them. They are instead discovered and named by individuals, appearing and vanishing as those who discovered them age and pass from the living world. Some discover their incredible empathy and rely upon that Sense to aid them in the world. Some discover their lust for battle and innate connection to that art, that way of Life, and thus they devote themselves to the improvement of their warrior skills, discovering more and more about their Sense for Battle. Others give themselves over to the throes of Instinct, living Life as the winds of chance will them to, forever honing their Sense for the winds of Fate and the wiles of Luck. Every Isilioleth searches for the things that they can understand and capitalize upon, the Senses that they can derive from their talents and experiences. The eldest and most praised members of the clan are renowned as nigh supernatural entities, owing to their developed array of Senses.


    Just as the house prizes its senses and connection to the world, the clan has a developed philosophy relating to the importance of the world and its construction. Order is the only thing which allows the universe to flourish and Life to proceed in a positive fashion. The elements are upheld as the founding basis of the world and the embodiment of this order, each commanded by the natural laws and systems that preside over the universe. This has bred deep admiration and worship for the Spirits of the Spiritual Realm, a facet of Isilioleth culture they have incorporated from the various spirit worshiping cults of the dark elven tribes. Whilst the house has yet to procure any of its own shaman, there have been several great spiritual leaders whose knowledge of alchemy and the arcane marked them as authorities on all that is mystical and supernatural. However, whilst the Isilioleth admire the pursuit of magic, they detest the Void in its entirety. It represents an unbound chaos that diverges from the natural order of things, making a mockery of the world that they attempt to understand. The practice of Voidal magic is frowned upon much as their Aspect-loving cousins frown upon it, viewing it as an abhorrent thing that damages the unity and structure of the world. Such magic is sure to breed a lust for power that drives good elves to bad deeds.

    Relationship with Sight


    Elder Isilioleth are known to paint their eyelids white as a proud declaration of their detachment from their eyesight. This signifies that they place sight as the lowest of their senses, something that is so little a part of them that they would happily give it up should the need arise. The most extreme are known to cut their eyes from their head entirely, a show of utter commitment to the beliefs of the clan, and their ascension into true power. This is by no means a must; indeed, many frown upon the practice as barbaric and uncontrolled, an act of hate against the body one has been blessed with. Some go as far as to say that the destruction of a Sense is counterproductive and a form of sacrilege against the ways of the tribe. Sight may be held as a lower sense than the rest, but every Sense is of incredible importance for the understanding of the world, no matter how high or low.  The topic is rarely spoken of openly thanks to it being a point of heated contention between the various branches of the family.


    There have been some disputes over the topic in the distant past of the clan when the original siblings were still living. None of them took part in the conflicts, but they were known to have chosen sides. Though they have now been lost, some written records did attest to the fact that Hethyna and Kalthia both swore allegiance to the protection of eyesight as a valuable Sense and integral pathway to the soul. This very fact has prompted many a debate in of itself. Now that the records have been lost, it is once again up for debate as to which of the ancestors chose what side. Whose wisdom should be followed? What wisdom is even available? With no way to directly contact their ancestors the Isilioleth have been relegated to blind debate based on inaccurate information. For many, it has become obvious that having any worthwhile debate on the subject is impossible without first reclaiming the required knowledge.

    Spirits and Spiritual Worship

    The Spirits are most commonly worshiped by way of public altars, as opposed to the private altars of the Isilioleth ancestors. These shrines are normally heaped with offerings and given a bowl for libations (alcoholic beverages) to be poured as extra offerings, for what more could a spirit enjoy than some of the clan’s finest brews. It is common to see Isilioleth gather at these shrines to sing their praises in unison with a long, guttural hymn in their ancient tongue. Given that it is derived at least in part from Old Blah, it is believed that the words carry to the Spirit and that they enjoy the music they make.

    Luara - Spirit of the Moon: Luara first blessed the Mali’ker their ashen skin on the high on the mountains of the Island of Ceru. As she blessed the Maehr she told all there that nothing should be as lovely and pale as the moon itself. Thus the Isilioleths reject the usage of white outside of decorating the moon as white whether on canvas or skin. The moon or a wolf depicting Luara is the only exception of white seen openly used among the Isilioleths; even then they would prefer to replace the moon with yellowish or blue tints instead of purely white.

    Lesser of Skathach - Tolzgh, Spirit of Embers, Inspiration and Understanding: When Devral still walked the earth, it was Tolzgh that offered him the beginnings of his boundless wisdom. Devral birthed in him a keen intellect and a wondrous curiosity that offered him in his early years, a terribly sharp mind that could slice through many a problem. From this intellect was born his wisdom and good nature in later life, and through all his years he layed great praised upon the name of his benefactor. His descendants continue to honor Tolzgh for his part in the great life of Devral, asking that he might again bless one of their own with a legend as brilliant as his.


    Lesser of Arwa - Nakryh, Spirit of Bounty and Family: Perhaps the spirit that has been hailed the longest by the Isilioleth, it was Nakryh who looked upon the original Matriarch and blessed her with the children that she so desired. Her faith and piety are still considered the greatest among all the Isilioleth, and through her connection with the spirit Nakryh the Isilioleth bloodline was born through her four children. Nakryh is commonly invoked at Isilioleth weddings, recalling the original ceremonies held for the children of Aryhna.


    Lesser of Dazkur - Ogkad, Spirit of Loyalty and Brotherhood: The early years of the clan were peaceful. Yet, disagreements as to the importance of eyesight soon began to tear at what bonds of brotherhood had been formed beneath the guidance of the original clan elders. Honor duels were fought regularly as various family factions sought to establish their dominance over the others. When strife seemed set to destroy all that had been built, the great Ogkad emerged in the flames of the clan’s great fire. His council brought the conflict to an end, and slowly the clan’s bonds regrew.


    Lesser of Eathruz - Ryak, Spirit of Dawn, Hope and Good Will: A spirit who has emerged time and time again in the darkest hours of the clan. Most recently, it was Ryak who helped shepherd the remaining Isilioleth after the horror of Orgon’s plague, speeding their escape and ensuring that they reached a safe destination. Ryak is commonly invoked at the birth of a new member of the Isilioleth clan - should Ryak be pleased with the clan’s offerings, it is believed that the child shall have an easier time in life, and that no matter the challenge they shall have the courage to rise to it.


    Lesser of Akezo - Adrumz, Spirit of Survival, Endurance and Struggle: Many years ago, the great Isilioleth hunter Tariin fell afoul of a bear in the deep jungles of ancient Aegis. Having lost the strength needed to wield his weapons thanks to a wound struck by the bear after it had come charging out of the brush, the hunter put all his effort into losing the beast. Vanishing behind bushes, climbing trees, leaping over rivers and weaving his way through the woodland as best he could, the chase lasted for what seemed like hours. Collapsing in a stream, Tariin raised his hands to the heavens and prayed for aid. As his blood tainted the chill waters all around him, Tariin suddenly felt his strength returning to him as the wounds ceased their bleeding. Though they remained to dirty his flesh, he could feel the waters’ power working within him as a name rushed passed on the breeze. Adrumz has since been revered as a guardian of hunters and a keeper of the Isilioleth people.

    Ancestors and Ancestor Worship


    The ancestors of the Isilioleth lay like scars upon the spiritual body of the clan. Marks of greatness or shame that tell the story of the family's history throughout the ages. As the world continues to turn, and time continues to march onward, the Isilioleth have taken to remembering the influence of their most impactful forebears by gathering beneath the setting sun for a moment of solemn prayer. These gatherings are normally conducted by a wiseman of the clan who leads the group in a song of the Isiliolaam, an old language spoken by the clan’s most esteemed members.


    Personal shrines kept in the home of the Isilioleth are used for most regular worship; where the shrines of the other Spirits are made public, ancestral shrines are normally kept privately so as to treasure the legends of the ancestors. Should a particular ancestor have performed some great deed worthy of recognition, and the clan feels that they deserve a public shrine, a variety of rituals are performed to discern if the Spirits favor such an action. They are normally seen heaped with various offerings that would please the ancestor associated with the shrine, recalling the deeds of their life and the legend of their time in the mortal realm. Unlike the other Spirits, a bowl is never placed upon these shrines, for to do so would be to insult the Ancestral Realm. Surely in the afterlife, the great heroes of the Isilioleth have enough to drink in their great, shadowy halls? To offer them our meager offerings would be nothing but a disgrace to the Spirits and to the glory of the clans' forebears. Prayers are normally offered here to glorify the ancestors and praise them for their achievements. Should the ancestor be remembered for any negative reason, the prayer is instead a thing filled with pity as the clan member recalls their deeds and prays that others never fall to such errant ways again.

    Aryhna - founding Matriarch of the Isilioleth, associated with the color Black: So great was Aryhna that all who married her children willingly forsook their names and took on the mantle of the Isilioleth. Her red eyes, raven hair and beautifully ashen skin are still hailed as the example by which the Isilioleth determine the beauty of a mali’ker woman. She is a figure associated with wealth, authority, wisdom, spirituality and above all else, the glory of the Isilioleth people.


    Xiiroun - founding Patriarch of the Isilioleth, associated with the color Black: A warrior. A father. A giant whose name means strength, faith and union to his descendants. Xiiroun’s great legend marked the Isilioleth as a people in touch with the world, in touch with the primal essences of nature. His wise words laid the path for the spiritual worship that would later blossom amongst his descendants, just as his prowess in battle sparked the war teachings of later Isilioleth warriors.

    Tariin - the Hunt, Destiny and Victory, associated with the color Green: Not only is Tariin famous for his part in the tale of Adrumz, but for his part in many tales of the hunt. His home was lavishly furnished by skulls, horns, hides and other demonstrations of his incredible capabilities. The stories he had to tell his clan were legendary things filled with many great deeds to be honored.


    Sunth - Witchcraft, Communion with Spirits, the Wilds, associated with the colors Green and Purple: Equal in piety with her sister Vetli, Sunth is remembered for her wisdom and knowledge of the ways of the forest. Her capability with herbal remedies was second to none. The miracles she performed with but a few roots taken from her garden, the lives she saved and souls she cleansed of their ills, are all remembered well by the oldest of the clan.


    Vetli - Fertility, Beauty, Bounty, and the Harvest, associated with the colors Red and Green: Hailed as the return of the great Aryhna’s piety, Vetli was an incredibly devout worshiper of the spiritual whose connection with the spirits was said to have broken the chains of Iblees curse. Having four children to her name over a life of perhaps four hundred years, she was recognized as one of the greatest mothers and wives to have ever graced the halls of the Isilioleth. Her council was sought after by many clansmen, for her role as mother extended to many a young Isilioleth looking for guidance in the world.


    Dundos - Chaos, Insult and Destruction, associated with the color Purple and White: A magician of the Void remembered for his terrible seduction. Delving into the madness of the Void quickly tainted his mind with a desire for power and domination, leading him to harm many of his brethren in masterful but ultimately reckless spells. He is remembered not with hate, but instead with pity as the clan heaps their sorrow upon him. His shrines are icons of humility before the mysteries of the unknown and call for the Isilioleth to remain vigilant in the face of chaos’ allure.


    Nileh - the Unknown, Curiosity and Solitude, associated with the color Gold: A wanderer who traveled over the length and breadth of many continents, Nileh is remembered for her incredible journeys. Her maps were used by the clan for many years and are still used as a reference when new maps are drawn. The knowledge of the land communicated by these maps is truly astonishing; such a thirst for adventure, such a passion for life and a love of the world. With all those things heaped upon her shoulders it is no wonder she is remembered as one of the brightest of the Isilioleth.


    Bevia - Spirituality, Progress, and the Environment, associated with the colors Blue and Green: Nicknamed ‘the Shrine Maiden’ during her life, Bevia took a great interest in the development and decoration of shrines within the Isilioleth households. She was the first to suggest the best placement and the right offerings to give when pleasing a spirit, and readily espoused the benefits of consistent and regular prayer to the spirits. She was also associated with the practice of meditation, and helped to develop at least three distinct schools within the clan that were very popular for a time.


    Devral - Knowledge, Education and Safety, associated with the colors Black and Orange: A sagely figure who grew to the age of nine hundred and eleven before being struck down during a particularly bloody dispute with a neighboring elven tribe. Many looked to him for guidance and understanding on nearly any subject imaginable. With so many years behind him he had tried his hand at swordsmanship, drug-craft, cloth making, writing, oration, music, philosophy and many other subjects. His death was a terribly sad occasion, marked by the ritual burning of a forest; the passing of such an inspiring flame should not afterall, go unnoticed. The spirits of fire are believed to have readily accepted that offering, blessing Devral with their favor in the spirit realm that he might walk wherever he wished to further develop his understanding of the universe.

    General Life of an Isilioleth




    The Isilioleth are a clan of Mali’ker that have existed for many centuries, mostly in intentional seclusion. They do not consider themselves akin to those that share their racial heritage, and consider their counterparts to inherit flawed qualities and philosophies.


    While this factor is an important part of life as an Isilioleth, it does not induce hatred or hostility in them, and is instead used as a means of separating themselves from those they deem unnatural or distracted from the path that life sets before them; one that is guided by the consideration of all senses, gifted to them by the energies that be.


    Perhaps more tribal in nature, they do not place particular importance on features of propriety found elsewhere,  and instead have their own brand with the consideration of their bodies and minds as vessels of expression, wherein it is important to allow your emotions to flow through you and influence the world as they were meant to; where not in such lengths as to be extremely destructive or overbearing.


    Physically, the Isilioleth are quite similar to all Mali’ker, with the exception of their lineage having less variety than their far reaching cousins. For this reason, it is impossible to find an Isilioleth with silver hair; which is considered a representation of inferiority.

    Ceremonies and Rituals

    Isilioleth Welcomings are held at sunset whenever a new child of pure Isilioleth blood has been born. They are lively occasions filled with color, song and feasting that last the entirety of the night until the following sunrise, welcoming the new child to the realm by commemorating its first night under a beautifully dark sky. The eldest living Isilioleth will bless the child, painting the newborn’s features with designs of the parents’ chosen colors, wishing for prosperity and fortitude during their lifetime. This event begins with a large feast provided by the child’s family.


    Throughout their early life, a child of the Isilioleth is exposed to the world and allowed to develop through the use of various trials. They are discretely introduced, a parent suddenly vanishing in the wilderness, or insisting that they attempt something they would usually shelter them from. Once the child reaches the age of thirty, they are formally given their last trial before an audience of the gathered family. This trial normally manifests itself in the form of a blindfolded duel using the combatant's weapons of choice. The child is normally made to battle their father, as their teacher and guide; should they overcome them, it is believed that the child has developed some keen inner Sense that allowed them to overcome the teachings of their elder.


    Weddings are colorful affairs attended by all and presided over by the parents of the groom and bride. Black, orange and green are regularly used to symbolize the important characteristics of a marriage, blessing the couple with a bright future. Responsibility for funding the endeavor falls upon their shoulders, for it is their blood that is to be tested in the bond of this marriage, and thus it is they who must offer their wealth and effort in the running of the joining ceremony. The mothers of the bride and groom attend the pair as they make their way to the front of the hall, a demonstration of the care and protection they have offered them both all their lives. The fathers address the congregation and the couple to be, acting both as the parents of the respective children, and representatives of both bloodlines.


    The Isilioleth have always been happy to welcome others under their banner should they prove themselves to resonate with their way of life. The Rite of Blooding has been performed many times as new mali’ker pledge their allegiance to the clan and take its name as their own. This has muddied the bloodlines of the Isilioleth, but for them, all that truly matters is that their brethren have a fire burning in their eyes, and in their hearts. Once the ritual has been completed, the newly annointed Isilioleth will take a member as their spiritual father, and their wife as their mother. This ties their bloodline to that of their ‘parents’, bonding their blood to the clan’s through their chosen mentors. The Rite of Blooding is most usually performed in two parts. First, the clan member to-be is asked to recite a short but significant oath to bind themselves to the service of the clan and its leader. This normally includes a verbal affirmation that they forsake whatever familial ties they may have previously had to make way for utter loyalty to the clan. Secondly, the newly inducted clan member is asked to enter into a duel with one of their new brethren. Whether or not they lose is considered irrelevant, for the battle is fought not to test skill, but to test the ferocity of ones soul as they battle. Should one fight courageously and valiantly then they shall be eagerly accepted. For this reason, knives have traditionally been chosen for the combatants weapons, forcing them to hack and slash at one another in a close range frenzy and parries, dodges and grapples.


    Funerals are swathed in black to honor the worth of the departed, being attended by only the closest family members whose ties with the deceased were greatest. Death is a natural part of Life, but it is a cruel and cold end to the vibrancy of the Living world. Acknowledgement of Death is something done in seclusion where the truth of the matter need not spread through the whole of the family. The eulogy is most often spoken by the brother or sister of the deceased, for their bond is believed to be the greatest with their sibling; they lived through the same years, with the same youthful outlook. Garbed in red as a show of their anger at the passing of their closest ally, the sibling is allowed to vent their rage before their family, and before the departed.

    The Four Paths


    The Four Paths is a philosophy and also a daily practice among the Isilioleth clan. Young members of the clan upon completing their final trial are given the path they wish to follow within the clan. The clan members will then follow this path in order to strengthen themselves in whatever they desire, however they are not locked within their path forever. Many members will have other duties in the clan that don’t fit their respective path and are encouraged to explore as well. However when called on their path is a primary duty and shall be done before all other duties. 

    Fire; representation of ambition
    Fire burns the path of ambition and often scholarly pursuits. Members who choose this path often find themselves in scholarly, artistic, and musical pursuits. People who wish to pursue knowledge, tattooing, or smithing fall within the heat of ambition.


    Earth; representation of trust, stability
    Earth hardens the member’s ground keeping them calm in the most dire situations and leads into militaristic affairs. Members that pursue the Earth are in charge of protecting the clan from threats and leading the military force under the Isilioleths. People who pursue guarding the clan from outside harm or inside harm fall within the strength of the earth.


    Wind; representation of adaptability
    The wind flows around the land that it gracefully touches and moves along the current climate to further the clan's desires. Members that pursue Wind find themselves in diplomacy, politics, and managing the clan’s resources. People who wish to prepare ceremonies, negotiate with allies and rivals alike, and manage the clan's resources fall with the flow of wind.


    Water; representation of empathy

    Water gives life to both flora and fauna alike and also within the clan. Members that wish to pursue the path of Water find themselves as healers tending to the wounded or healing spiritual wounds through shamanism. People who wish to heal the sick, produce food for the clan, and tend to the spiritual needs of the clan find themselves in the cool embrace of water.

    Warrior Culture

    From Morrowind with love: the Six Houses of the Dunmer byFury onHouse  Redoran: The traditional warri - Tumblr Pics


    Isilioleth warriors normally favor the weapons used most by their forefathers. The world has always been beset by strife and the need for a weapon at one’s side has yet to diminish. Isilioleth martial arts focus on efficient combat, either disarming or killing the opponent before they can have a chance to draw the battle out into a battle of stamina rather than skill. Shorter weapons offer their warriors the ability to harry their opponents with deft strikes aimed to catch them off guard or quickly tire them to allow for the finishing blow. Short swords are a common weapon, paired with a larger shield to conceal the torso and maintain the advantage by hiding the position of one’s weapon from the enemy. Keeping one’s weapon-holding arm sequestered behind the shield is a primary goal, placing as much of the shield between the enemy and oneself to offer them the worst view possible. Short spears are also rather common, being favored by warriors who prefer a continuous assault rather than a careful consideration of the enemy; those armed with spears end their flurry of strikes for only two reasons. The order of their commander, or the death of their enemy.


    Daggers are usually concealed beneath one’s armor, acting both as weapons of surprise and as a last line of defense should a warrior’s primary weapon be lost or broken. It is common to see an Isilioleth dispense of their shield’s protection entirely as they unleash a desperate barrage of strikes in the fight for their lives. This sudden shift is symptomatic of their approach to combat. Their rhythm aims to continuously shift and roll, back and forth, back and forth between flowing strikes and sudden, jagged lunges. By withholding their attacks for a moment or suddenly throwing themselves into a vicious strike when they had been signaling a calmer one, an Isilioleth aims to confuse their opponent with their offbeat string of strikes.

    Drugs and Cultural Use

    Pin on Old Valyria empire


    The use of drugs for relaxation and meditation is a common practice amongst the Isilioleth. The art of concocting various combinations of herbs for the purpose of smoking, inhaling or simply eating is a prized skill carefully taught by many parents to their children. Pipeweed is normally used as the base for any particular cut, being easy to smoke; cactus green is regularly combined with pipeweed in varying amounts for different strengths and kinds of highs. Zawabate is also used rather frequently, being collected from the deserts and grown in the warm, dry homes of the clan. The different combinations of herbs each have personal names relating to their lineage and usage. There are far too many to count, but the most common are those combining pipeweed and cactus green for purely recreational use. Zawabate is more regularly used by shamans either looking to walk through the spirit realm or help their other family members with spiritual advice.


    It is commonly believed that what one experiences during a high is a kind of message that relates to either the individual or the world around them. Clan wisemen are regularly called upon to decipher these messages and give counsel to those who have just come off of a high as they search for answers in whatever strange dream world they experienced. Animals are believed to represent a repressed desire lurking within the individual that needs to either be released or addressed. Some instinct or primal emotion is at odds with the individual and it falls to the wiseman to plan what must be done to help their clan members. The appearance of other descendants is believed to speak to a damaged connection that must be fixed or re-examined; perhaps a lover, perhaps simply a friend, perhaps a distant acquaintance. Locations are perhaps the most varied; natural vistas call for the contemplation of some subject that the individual must examine to help them move forward in life, whilst urban scenes can suggest a need to connect with society and do some important work. Each experience is vague at best, and will require much thought to decipher.

    Education and Learning

    The children of the Isilioleth are most often taught by their parents how best to lead their lives. Just as the parents are expected to test their child with various trials to ready them for their ascension into adulthood, they are expected to help them develop the knowledge they will need to thrive. There is no formal structure as to how a parent chooses to teach their child, or what it is that they choose to teach them. Some lineages prefer the forge and the anvil, some prefer the trades of the forest, others the cerebral tasks of the thinkers and philosophers, and others bring up their children in the traditions of the great ‘Aouxh’, the wisemen of the Isilioleth who guide them in regards to the spiritual. Thus, the Isilioleth are as varied in their talents as the colors are varied from each other - not a one amongst them will have the same temperament, or the same wisdom as another. This is but another reason that the Isilioleth rely on each other so much for their training and growth. The Isilioleth only become truly rounded individuals by willingly partaking in the tutelage of their peers in later life. It is common to hear an Isilioleth note that one never truly finishes learning about the world around them, and their place in it. The life of a descendant is constantly beset by the unknown. Where others may see that as one of the troubles of life, the Isilioleth see it as one of the greatest and most exciting parts of the life they have been blessed with.


    Tattoos and Piercings


    Like a canvas or empty page, the body is empty but holds potential for story through scars, piercings, and tattoos. Each clan member’s body during life and after death tells a story when studying whether they were heavily scarred through combat or covered in many tattoos that paints a story. Tattoos are generally accepted and even encouraged in many cases. Tattoos can be about anything the person wishes and anywhere, unless it covers or deviates from an important clan tattoo or the tattoo of their path. Scars and piercings are accepted within the clan as they also help paint a picture and sometimes show important deeds with raw evidence. 


    Clan tattoos are important tattoos that denote specific things done or status within the clan. 

    White chain- The white chain is tattooed on the wrist and used to show someone who is disgraced or dishonored the clan in an egregious way. Members who receive this tattoo are exiled for ten years then they may come back on the path of redemption.

    Black and White chain- The black and white chain is also on the wrist, usually the black covering parts of the white chain. Members who receive this tattoo are on the path of redemption and are expected to follow the trials the elder sets out for them to follow that is meant to right the wrongs the member did.

    Black chain- The full black chain is tattooed on the wrist and used to show someone who is redeemed. Members who have this tattoo have been found to be forgiven by the clan and past sins are all forgiven.

    White Handprint- The white handprint is tattooed on the chest or face of an individual and used to show a traitor. Members given this tattoo have committed the worst of crimes or have disgraced or dishonored the clan a second time overruling their previous forgiveness. People with such tattoos are never to be accepted back into the clan and treated as enemies.

    (More Tattoos may be added)


    Credit to @Smaw and @Incandescent for writing most of the lore. I only imported things from each, edited, and added some small things. Majority is written by these talented writers! 

    If you're interested:

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Veludria Essil


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  5. 1 minute ago, rukio said:

    That's the issue though. You can't see the evidence because the person(s) who posted the report might be targeted by the banned player/their friends. We can't actually KNOW anything beyond what we're told at face value because of that risk, regardless of how true or false it is. 

    Fair point.

  6. 17 minutes ago, L0rdLawyer said:


    Cope and seethe. 


    Server ruining behavior was punished and you cry about admins enforcing rules.


    ******* cope and seethe.

    I think we should be pushing to see exactly what got her banned thoroughly instead of a vague reason. What specific rule did they break? What was the evidence submitted against them? This isn't a ban that makes sense for the evidence to be quietly swept under the rug to keep confidential information since it's literally just banter or toxicity depending on the view and context which we have 0 about. I don't believe we should just take the staff's word for it no matter if we hate or like the person in the community. 

  7. The 'ker stares at this missive with a smile. "The heretics and heathens of Malin'or will meet Luara. The 'ker that have forsaken forfeit their lives and the rest of the heathens will soon follow. Abandon Luara, Abandon life." The 'ker threw her missive into the fire and threw it into the fire.

  8. [!] A 'ker woman ponders about the alliance shaking her head at the alliance with the 'thrill. "Racists, murders, voidal mages and heretics. Sounds like a recipe for disaster than worthy allies." The 'ker stands up from her seat as she prepares to hunt heretics.

  9. On 4/25/2022 at 5:33 AM, VictoriaMinaj said:



    Voidally conjured fire has heat. It can burn even if it hasn't been spread onto a mundane, flammable surface.

    There are subtypes, such as smoke or combustion, or even coloured fire. Please give the lore a few more glances and then edit the application accordingly. Make sure to comment once you are done so to notify me!

    Thank you for correcting my mistakes on Fire Evocation. Didn't know if smokescreen / combustion was a subtype. Also thank you for correcting fire evocation and it having heat. I was told a while ago it had no heat and didn't realize it!

  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Satella Artoxia


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Fire Evocation


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Fire Evocation is the voidal magic of conjuring fire from the void into the world. It has heat upon initial conjuration. If the fire catches another object on fire the object will remain on fire even if the mage is disconnected from the void at that point. Fire evocation can also be used to cauterize wounds and create smoke screens however both these need to have the voidal mage actively engaged in the process to continue. 



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Subtypes such as combustion and smoke can be used. Combustion allows the caster to make their fire solid and explode with moderate force however cannot be molded to be sharp and must make contact with the target.

    Color of the flame is also it's own subtype though doesn't have impact in combat with the exception of blue fire. Blue fire is infusing mana to make the fire burn twice as hot though requires more mana to cast. Fire color cannot be black or white or blue (unless casting Blue Fire). Different colored flame is for aesthetic and generally has no affect on the nature of the fire.

    Smoke can be used to make a smoke screen which reduces the sight of anyone within the smoke for 3 emotes and may only see beyond 1 block, beyond that they'll see at most shadows.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Satella stares down at the target down her path breathing slowly as she controls herself and eventually her eyes change to a deep purple hue as small harmless embers begin to flicker around, slowly spinning around her body. She stretched out her arm and opened her palm where some of the embers surrounding her slowly began to form around her palm until a small candle lit from her hand. As more and more embers poured into her flame and grew it's size the embers around her continued around her as if none have disappeared. Eventually the candle flame turned into a small baseball of a flame and it jutted out licking the air around it as it burned. The baseball of flame slowly expanded now catching more embers until it grew to the size of a baseball in her palm and at last thrusted her palm forth shooting it out towards the wooden target, burning most of it until it was nothing but charcoal and ash.




    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Satella watches her student intently as they begin to connect to the void. Her student begins by conjuring embers around her and they float harmlessly around her. Satella nods in approval as the student procedes to slowly make a candle sized flame in her palm and after that goes to make a small baseball sized fireball within her palm and begins to play with it, sticking her hand close to the fire. "Don't start playing with the fire, just because you cannot feel it's heat yet doesn't make it harmless. It can burn you just as easily even if you do not feel it now. Now continue and stop messing around." Satella glared at her student as her student apologized and continued to grow the flame to a basket ball within her palm. Satella now smiled at this with approval. "Good! Now aim towards the target over there and send it forth. Once it hits the target you may disconnect from the void and you will have no need to continue connection from there." 




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If one of my students were power gaming, I would warn them first about it and then teach them why and how they power gamed. I would try to show them how it is against the lore and rules so that they can learn from the experience but if I were to see that they continue to powergame either out of negligence or malice then I would cancel the TA with them until either they learn not to or permanently.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  11. Name: Ciella                                     

    Race: Dark Elf                                      

    Age: 134                                        


    Username: Altered_Ruler                         

    Discord: Altered Ruler#1322                                      

    Timezone: MST                             

    (Post application as reply)     

  12. Alarcanis read the note with a frown, giving the second letter a glance at. After staring for what seems hours, she picked up both letters and put them into her pocket before getting up from her desk and leaving.

  13. A 'fenn read over the missive quietly taking a sip of wine in the process. "Those who submit to the will of another species are weak and an affront to Mali. Those who continue should be branded with shame that their own selfishness lead them to oppose their own." She shook her head, setting the missive on her desk and walked off.

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