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  1. JustClary


    thanks i found it :L thought that was for editing the skin haha
  2. JustClary


    how do i edit it?
  3. JustClary


    Clarissa Morgenstern, 18 years old, no family remaining so is a loner but wants to be with other high elf's like herself. She is not like the other elf's shes met as she was brought up by humans in the Kingdom Of Santegia. At the age of 18 she left her home in search of more people like her so they could teach her the ways of how to live in this world. She is very shy and feels unsafe in large crowds and can be often found by herself. She is fairly smart of the human ways in the world. She is a good fighter and has been fighting since she was a child. She can sometimes come of arrogant with her fighting ways because shes only ever fought against humans. She lost her older brother when she was 15 and has been angry ever since. She was an outcast in her home town as the humans didn't like the fact a high elf was living in there town since her emotions where often out of control and she had a lot of anger. She never got on well with her adopted parents because they were human. The other children used to be scared of her because of her appearance so she finds it hard to connect to people so she has very little time for people who don't understand her. She wants to learn everything about the world.
  4. JustClary


    Clary Morganstien, 18 years old. Artist, loner, dreamer, has trouble meeting new people but is dedicated to the friends she has. She loves exploring new areas even if it’s just to capture the area on paper. She is energetic and happy. Nothing gets her down.
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