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Everything posted by Calenlasse_Greenleaf

  1. is this good, because I can't add anything else
  2. I'll add the reference tommorrow, sorry, busy night....
  3. Calenlasse is a powerful Elf, studying the lore and history of the world. She is a good fighter, being able to use a bow and a sword well. She has Wood Elf in her blood since she dresses more in woodland style clothes. She has Black Hair and bright grey eyes. Calenlasse doesn't have many friends or family, she is alone. some people have asked her where and who her parents are but she doesn't know since she was raised by some Elves. the Elves told her, that her parents died leaving her in their care, she is unsure however. She has all the typical Elven traits. She has long and silky hair braided up at the back. she is quite tall. nearly 6'3 because her parents were really tall. Her ears are not long, but quite small and pointed. She also studied magic but doesn't know how to use it. she is quite Cold, and unloving. she doesn't allow anyone to get into her barriers she has created. She did have a sister, Aerin, but Aerin went missing when Calenlasse was no older than 70. This is why she became Cold, believing her Sister to have died. she doesn't care about anyone anymore. as she aged her hair got darker, turning black and her bright blue eyes changed bright grey. She has travelled around before settling by herself in the woods never having any contact with anyone. She does have a child, but the father is unknown. She is unable to have kids anymore. but she has a habit of adopting stray children if they wander into where she lives and they have no family. currently she has 2 children that she adopted, leaving her total at 3.
  4. Calenlasse_Greenleaf


    I have many versions of Calenlasse, I forgot I put the Black there.... I didn't realise about the Magic. or that you couldn't be a High Elf and Have Wood Elven Blood, I have a detailed version of Calenlasse but I only just found it hence all the mistakes... I checked over the lore and everything.
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