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Posts posted by Banned

  1. -=-Application-=-


    Name: Archibald

    Race: Human
    Reason for Joining: Purge the abominations to the one true God.

    Profession/Allegiance outside of The Red-Men: Merc' for hire.
    Discord: Christhemythical#1813
    IGN: VengefulLucifer

  2. A red eyed snow elf awakes from his slumber, he would be plagued by the likes of March Ash. He would quickly write down in his journal. " The October King. Long Live the King. ~M" The young Snow Elf would go back to sleep, completely disregarding the Ash on his body, however he would begin writing hours later after awaking once more. " Traitors, Ghosts, Trees,  November and Praepando.. I must find more." the gentle snow elf would rest his pen on his desk before leaving to venture forth in seek of answers.


  3. The Horned One eyes the bounty, a slight chuckle would emit from his hood. " Worthy of The Father? " a grin could be seen under his veil,  he would crawl back into his forest, a slight echo of laughter would fall throughout the entirety of his land.

  4. Minecraft Name: VengefulLucifer

    Race: Snow Elf

    Gender: Male


    Hair/Eye color (if full skin or head):  Hair : White with hints of gray, hopefully getting it longer. Eyes : Orange

    Other Information:  Refitting of me' old face, along with a haircut to ensure it grows out properly (hoping to just have it reskinned as longer ). 

    Agreed price: 1000 mina 

  5. A Snow Elf, perched high in his Grove stares off into the distance as news makes way to him. He leans over to his quill and begins slowly writing away, he still seems distracted by something in the distance.


    "I myself find this to be fairly generous for a follow of the Aspect- * his eyes shimmer has he looks towards the distance once more, the rising dawn fully encompasses his eyes and focus for a good minute. Once he returns to typing, it would seem his attitude had changed*

     ... Despite what I just said, I myself fear many non-believers will turn to the Aspects not for the teachings but for the benefits and tax cuts! We do not need ourselves known as 'the followers of tax cuts', we would like to be knows as 'the followers of the Aspects and their teachings'. While we can certainly have both, I fear that many will use these new found tax cuts in order to further themselves despite not truly believing in the Aspects. My suspicions are shared by others I would assume..
                                                Signed, Ascanius Dunlain"

    The Snow Elf rolls the parchment up and gives it to his Owl, sending It of to Aspects know-where.

  6. If this is legit, then I am all for it. I think this is simply amazing, I myself don't role play as the magic-man, I play as a mundane little person and I think that our non-magic community would benefit greatly from his addition! +1 from me!!!

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