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Posts posted by Banned

  1. MC Name: TranscendentPoet

    Character's Name: Croe'kier

    Character's Age: 10


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Wonk – Frog


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Wonks are, in essence, amphibian-like creatures that share similar traits with Descendants, such as stature and strength (though limited to a normal Descendant’s strength). They are beings with long, flexible tongues that can reach out an entire block from their maw. The Wonks are able to see, and breath underwater, though are unable to communicate or use their mouths whilst underwater, as they may end up drowning by doing such. Wonks are very moist creatures, though require submerging in water to continue keeping their skin hydrated. As a Wonk gets older, the more ineffective its skin’s ability to retain moisture becomes, and so they’re required to submerge themselves for longer periods of time as they grow older, finally coming to remain in a submerged state in the Elder years. The Wonk lifespan is a hundred and twenty years.

    There are the Toad Wonks, which are the shorter, stockier brand of Wonks, adorned with bumps, and topped by a darker shade of skin, though they seem to be slightly less moist when compared to the Frog Wonks. Toad Wonks can reach heights of 4’1, all the way up to 4’7!

    The aforementioned Frog Wonks are a taller, lankier variant of the Wonks that we’ve come to know and love. They have smoother, more colorful skin than their kin Toad Wonks, and can manage to reach 

    a maximum height of 5’0” or the bare minimum of 4’6”. 

    The Wonks possess a lesser variant of Souls, nowhere on par with the Descendant’s superior soul. This lesser soul cuts them off from some magical paths such as Deity Magics, Voidal Magics, Shamanism(s), and so forth.




    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. On 2/14/2020 at 5:00 AM, GodEmperorFlam said:

    I’m sorry that your lore piece received this treatment while other pieces were looked at and accepted, there’s no one to blame but myself for letting that happen. 


    Recently I’ve been away focusing on IRL and things came to a halt on a number of fronts, which led to some folks becoming disgruntled. And for good reason, they deserve to be upset. I recently returned and have been trying to get things back on the rails. I’ve spoken with Story management and we’re currently establishing a few things within the team to prevent things grinding to a halt again. They'll be able to give approval for things in a more expedited manner without needing to wait for me, which should help speed things up across the board from lore verdicts to getting permission to RP something that needs Story approval.


    https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/188723-story-update-january/ In regards to the comments about transparency, is the latest update thread that covers our future projects and talks about what we’re doing at the moment. We will be announcing our implementation of the Void project soon, along with creating a discord chat (likely in the main LotC discord) where we will be gathering player input for things regarding the techlock. With current projects winding down, more of the team will be able to focus on voting on lore and we will be aiming to have new submissions have a speedy process, such as the pieces that were recently submitted and have already been reviewed. Hopefully what happened with your lore piece will not occur again and things will begin to progress again. Aside from that, I truly do apologize to those that feel wronged. It's unacceptable, and I understand that, and I understand if views aren't swayed with this update. The only thing I can do to really prove that things will be different is by just showing it, so that's what I intend to do.

    “The only thing I can do to really prove that things will be different is by just showing it, so that’s what I intend to do.”


    Do the right thing, because it’s the only thing you should be doing now to prove that things will be different.  Show us your resignation.
    Leave. Resign.

    I came to a realization after much thought, and I believe that the words I used in this specific reply were harsh. 

    Flamboyant, GodHead, Caleb, Lord Emperor-- Whatever you wish to be called, I apologize. I shouldn’t of been so blunt, especially without saying more.

    I feel firmly that you should step down from your present position, but in all honesty you shouldn’t leave the LT entirely. You should, in my opinion, step back and reflect. Take a break, and hand in your resignation as Administrator/Lore-Lead. You tried to do your duty, Flamboyant. You tried. That’s all we can do sometimes, as simple human beings. You gave it your best shot, but I feel it’s time for someone else to take over.
    Step back, Flamboyant. Take time to reflect, please. I think it would be healthiest for you, man..honestly.

    You gave me a chance when nobody else would-- you heard me out when nobody else would, Flamboyant. I still remember it, and I think about it each time I click ‘Join Server’. I remember the kindness you showed me and I am sorry for not being kind to you initially in return.

    We're at our best when we encourage one another to grow, Flamboyant. I want you to grow, flourish, and but I don’t feel like LotC is the place for you to reach your full potential. I know you’re capable of achieving great things. I just hope that you step away from LotC and flourish in the real world. 

    I hope you step away, Flamboyant, because I feel like it’s healthiest for you and this community. 
    Once more, I apologize for my cruelty initially. If you ever want to chat, you have my Discord, Flam. I would love to talk to you-- not about LotC, but about real life. I would like to get to know you better, and in turn you come to know me. Maybe, someday, when this is all over.. We can be friends. That is my hope.

  3. 5 hours ago, Gilded said:

    Since my previous post was deleted, I’ll expand upon my position.  I believe Flamboyant should resign from the administration.  His lack of management can only be described as incompetence and he has consistently failed to meet the targets that he has set himself for the Story Team.  We members of the Ascended community felt this, as Flam continuously refused to reply to our PMs and failed to shelf our lore, even whilst it was decided by a majority vote that we wanted to hang up the coat. 

    We’re all human at the end of the day, and perhaps Flam’s life has proven to be an obstacle for his duties as Story Team Admin.  However, there is no excuse for this type of conduct, especially when it affects the wider community to such as scale, as the post details.  Please do the right thing and resign. 

    In essence, I agree with this. I am no member of the Ascended community, but I am a member of the LotC community as a whole, and the facts stated above resonate with the experience I and my friends have had to endure with Flamboyant.

    Flamboyant’s improper management of his ‘Lore-Games’ initiative has been prominent since the very beginning of this whole fiasco. His lack of communication with players is abhorred, but I understand that he has Managers and staff members under him that should be enough to get ahold of him, right? No, not at all. He also lacks communication within his own team, which has been apparent throughout all of Lore-Games as many of the ST (or so they’ve told me) were left in the dark whilst he fiddled away, doing whatever whilst also being on another hiatus

    As a member of a few rewrite teams, I can assure you that it is extremely hard to get in contact with FlamboyantRage, especially if you’re not a player he likes, and I can also say, safely, that going through his Managers is not enough. The expectations that his Managers relay to Creators oft doesn’t match up with what he actually wants, nor does it align with what he has posted prior. His expectations quickly shift, like the subtle breeze becoming a raging storm in a matter of moments, and getting a grasp on those expectations of his matters not, for perhaps the next day they’ll change again. What I’m trying to get at is a lack of straightforwardness, clarity, and general responsibility.

    Honestly, I figured we’d be done with this saga by now, especially when he said he’d resign from his position and allow someone more dedicated, competent, and generally active to take the reins and finish up what he started. 

    I will admit that whilst I do not like how things have been going.. I have a semblance of respect for FlamboyantRage, for he’s attempting to see this entire thing through, beginning to end..


    ..But I’d only be lying to you if I said I actually believed those words. He hasn’t stuck around from beginning to end, no. He’s left multiple times, leaving his chaos-filled staff team without a lead for guidance, and leaving the community without an Administrator during one of the most crucial times in recent LotC history.

    I have no ill-will toward you, FlamboyantRage. We haven’t always been on the best of terms, but I wish you the best.. Please, if you’re going to start listening to the community, do it now. Do the right thing and resign, and allow someone more competent, responsible, mature, and consistent to end this properly.

  4. 45 minutes ago, Nectorist said:

    ah yes. people who try to expose disgusting individuals who prey on other members on the server are just doing it for the rep or are trying to incite a mob. nobody does it because it’s been shown that the admins will never handle these things when they’re reported privately, nobody does it because they genuinely care about the server and all of the young people on it, nobody does it because they believe it is the morally right thing to do, we all just do it because we’re inherently selfish individuals who just seek to gain internet glory.


    im happy to know you all hold the members of this community in such a high regard

    edit: “I want to make it clear right now, we aren’t tolerating that kind of attitude. Trying to force verdicts by taking things “public”, like you did with the Pun thread, isn’t going to fly.” -Flamboyant to Knox, 2k19.

  5. 1.) The most notable for me was North/West of Sutica, where there laid ruins that seemed sloppily made. There has also been a cave there for some time that seems to not have any use..(?)
    2. Builds are bad. I believe more time could be spent focusing on how to better structure the environment and its many ecosystems.
    3.) Lush nature and history? Sign me up. Use the land and what it offers to your advantage with the ruins and so forth.

  6. My eyes, they tear up with joy on this fine day.  +1

    Definitely a lot more informative, descriptive and generally more appealing than Gen 3. Good job, Squak, and thank you for handling blood magic questions regarding this write- as I’m sure we’d all be lost in the dark without you.

  7. “Y-You wish for a copy? In the name of all that’s green.. Would you please stop trying to get free copies of our books!? It’s five-hundred minae per, we told you this before. No need to get your knickers all balled up over such a simple matter. You High Elven folk are all about free stuff and your little writs.. How silly.. A librarian barks out into the depths of his study.

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