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Everything posted by Ramiro999

  1. Ramiro999


    Character Name: Dhorak Bloodfeet Born : 21.12.1990 ( 28 atm.) My Story: You. Hey you. Come here, i want to tell ya storry. Listen I were born in some village in Kal'Urguan. I never met my perents so i had to grow up alone. I have already bin through a lot and many people think bad of me because my apperiance. But lets start from the Beginning. 21.12.1990 The Begin of my Story The new child has been bornd. That was me. I was the ninght and the last child of mz Mother. She passed away after i was born. I don't know how can i say this... i was not born like my brothers and sisters. I was somehow special. My Father was terrified of me. He didn't want me. So i was sent in the mountains and was adobted by one very nice family but with the time i couldn't fit into the familiy because they were mutch taller than me , lighter than me and mutch stronger. I couldn't even cut the tree by myself , i was 8 at the time. Other children started cutting the tree's with their 6. So i decided to leave them with tears in my ayes. I was wandering from the place to place till i got lost in jungle. There i have found lovely people and they were even my hight! Expierience with Forest Dwarves It was the year 2000 or maybe even 2001 , i cant remember right. I was eleven years old whan i found to me new race "Forest Dwarves". One nice man has lended me place to live and in return i needed to help him with his daily work. It was so great! Till this old man gotten seek and i needed to watch out for him and take care. One year after the man died . On his death i could sense that the magic or some kind of poison was used on him. At first i thought that were druids for sure . but later i found out that this magic was mutch darker. This magic was till that day unknown for mankind. Since nothing forced me to stay there i decided to leave typical dwarf life forever and decided to find my own destiny and my own way of living MY life. The Journey beginns! I began travelling from place to place to find my life purpose and get more experienced. As i was travelling i got many scars on my head. I dont know how did i got those scars because i didnt fight with anyone. Anyways, my hoodie is covering those scars, but sometimes they burn like a HELL! One time i think that i saw bright blue light comming from them but i think that was only effect of my drunkness.. Few years have been passed and i still didnt know what to do. I visited a lot of beutiful places. While i was travelling i also found out that not everbody lvoes dwarves so i was very carefull!. One time in the bar while i was drinking a beer i hear some old lady speaking of dwarves curse! I started asking her questions , but she just... disapeared? or i just didnt want to see her anymore? i dont know what happend back there . But that thing changed my life. Since than i started learning about ancient people and that there arent only races that are know to the world. At first i didnt belive but whan i remember back on that magic of what my.. lets say he was like a father to me, died. Deep inside me i knew that it can be possiable! Dwarves have Magic? Old looking elf told me a story. This story was about a Dwarf that found out that all races have magic but they just unlock them on diffrent ways. That little dwarf was my age at that time. The story was very long with a sad end for the Dwarf. I don't belive in storys! i told him and the old elf just said one thing that i wont ever forgot and left He said: Imagine if i have killed a Dragon just with my mind People would respect me and love me like im the king After some time they wont be so exited whan they see me Whan i die they will speak the story of mine to their kids . The kids one day will call me crazy and those same kids one they will tell their kids the story about crazy old man who "killed a Dragon" Story becomes Legend Legend becomes soon a Myth And at the end he ask me: what do you think? How Ancient are Dark dwarfs? Do they even exist? Are they some kinda myth? Is their Great Leader a crazy old man? Picture of the elf at age of 179 picture of the Dhorak Bloodfeet at age of 28 Hey! This text now that is comming isnt attached to the story of mine! under subclasses of Dwarf i saw the subclass Dark Dwarf and im intressted in this class. I didnt have any information about it so i made a short story. I hope you like it. If this class does not excist i would be happz with class Forest Dwarf .
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