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Posts posted by Sorcerio

  1. 1 hour ago, Valannor said:

    Altered the mechanic to alternatively administering the Initiate trials of a prospective paladin, as opposed to the outright slaying of Darkspawn.


    Personally, I think the Darkspawn hunting was fine in the earlier iteration. The issue I had was that it was a quota to be met, rather than a task someone could perform to their own expectations. When you have to hunt 'x' number of people to do something, it becomes a question of how quickly you can goon 'x' number of things to meet said quota - a prime example of this was Mysticism, for example, before changes were made into how sacrifices could be gained. Before this, you might only have needed to hunt one darkspawn, but since it was just one, maybe you could've arranged something cool for it; like encounters that go over the span of weeks, or even months. The issue was just the fact that there was an enforced quota. Before this, the lore was mostly fine, and the only thing you really needed to amend was the teaching issue. Since its so simply you could probably just  bring it up to the managers.


    I don't mean to be a downer or dismissive, I just thought these would be beneficial to mention. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Valannor said:

    While I appreciate the sentiment, Johann has already made killing darkspawn a very foundational mechanic of Paladinism required for progression - such as in the case of Chancery progression, wherein a high-tier Darkspawn such as a Wight, Arch-Lich, Azdrazi, etc. must have their remains sacrificed to attain the final tier of chancery, The Trial of the Hunter in order to become a Wyrmstalker, and indeed one of the potential criteria to uptier already was the slaying of Darkspawn. Paladins have very often faced harsh criticism for allowing Darkspawn to live in order to further a narrative, and it's something we cannot seem to win on - either we let spooks live to further a story and get dragged through the mud over it, or we slay them as we should and the same follows. Furthermore, it is an optional route of progression and one could simply just train a student to progress instead. 



    I'm not saying you need to let darkspawn live. You absolutely should be driven to kill them without relent in RP. But when it comes down to encountering one, if a paladin player needs to a darkspawn OOCly to progress in the magic, then they're going to be much more adamant and unyielding OOCly when it comes narrative flexibility. For example, they would be less willing to let darkstalker flee, or even losing the battle - why? Because otherwise they wouldn't be able to progress. There's an element of good faith which this particular amendment doesn't really foster. On the other hand, if players can choose to just drain a student to progress instead, then the mechanic is redundant and unnecessary, and only serves to be inflammatory when chosen as an option. 


    If the problem here is the lore already requires the killing of darkspawn to mechanically progress, then amend that. The solution is to get out of the hole, not dig deeper into it. 


  3. Not quite sure how I feel about this. While culturally I totally vibe with the killing of darkspawn and the progression of cultural trials, I don't think ascension through the ranks of paladinism should require killing of a specific community in-lore. Targeting dark CAs with magics is fine, but if you have to kill someone of a certain playerbase to ascend then it really just becomes an OOC motivation rather than a narrative one. In my mind, hinging roleplay on something like that will only serve to promote animosity and discourage good faith between darkspawn communities and holy ones (e.g. "I need to kill you to improve in my magic therefore I'm unwilling to yield or make compromises for roleplay OOCly.")




    To men of Almaris who would harken this call: 


    For generations our people have been witness to the atrocities of other mortal men! For too long have their puerile sort sought their own vainglory by waging pathetic wars on one another with no true design. For too long have we watched them meddle with powers beyond their control, toying with the threads of divinity and indulging in the throes of voidal oblivion. In light of those events, some might say that all is lost. But take heart descendants, for there is hope; hope in warriors immemorial. For there are tales of knights and soldiers renowned for their deeds, their works so profound that they might be blessed to attain immortality and further their commitment to their precepts. 


    Such was thought to be the stuff of legend and fable, granted only to those who performed deeds in the ancient days. But ‘lo!, the devices of antiquity have been realized once again in the coming of the Second Age, and those who prove their worth might be made privy to its secret. 

    There is but one thing which those of you are demanded, and that is service; service to men, at the behest of my command, to unite them in faith and blood to come under one banner. 


    Any who wield the sword and are studied in its practice are called to this vocation; whether warriors of might who have conquered in another age, or those of fury and youth seeking to make their mark. The blood of kings, heretics, and martyrs alike shall be spilt, and the task may be treacherous – yet prove thyself before me, and my master shall grant you a place amidst eternity.


    [ This is a recruitment post for a militant group I am organizing. If you wish to participate, you may fill out the format below and I will reach out to you in-character and offer more detail as to the cause. Chosen candidates will progress further through roleplay interaction. Be warned, this is a serious RP order, and while both new and old roleplayers are invited to participate, we do expect a certain amount of character and narrative quality. If you are not fond of conflict, risk, or violence RP, or are unwilling to have permanent changes made to their character, then this is probably not for you. If you wish for your application to be hidden to prevent metagaming you may submit it privately through forum messages. ]





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