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Posts posted by CanadianKiwiFlight

  1. Within the bottom of the Llryian grounds there would be a audible sound of coagulation as something almost seems to be being made deep down in the depths... The animal abominations merely crushed for now as their blood drenches the grounds above in visceral globs of mush. Sometimes the Llyrians could hear the faint rumbles and shakes of the Earth as the entire newly created village may feel uneased by the looming sense of eerie scenes. Random corpses of deers and other loving animals with their guts ripped out and drawn out through the fields would litter the landscape... How off-putting..





  2. "I don't have time for baseless threats." says the Halfling Thain, the man already many kilometers away from Brandybrook as he saw the markings before he left to find something. "Those markings have less legitimacy and less sustenance when you try and claim the death of my wife as something you saw forth. Go back to yer mothahs basement." the Halfling says, atop a mighty tall mountain as he takes a breath, all alone.







    With the steady rise of halflings and bigguns sitting around and doing nothing proactive, halfling Thain and adventurer Rollo Applefoot has decided to open up a certain stall to help create a increase in people doing wondrous and manly feats in order to help build “CHARACTER” and “PIZZAZ” as the leader of Brandybrook states. The Halfling Thain having gathered many artifacts is willing to part ways with many splendid items in exchange for bigguns and weefolk alike doing tasks that could help him out.




    Inside Brandybrook the Thain himself runs the Wee Ol’ Quest Guild, inside a brightly colored stall where everyone can drop off and get quest rewards. This stand serves as a place for the Halfling Thain to speak with questers and give them a firm approval if they manage to complete a quest.






    The Wee Ol’ Quest Guild’s rewards are rather expansive, one may think that a village of halflings cannot create anything unique, however one would be wrong. Halflings are by far the most crafty and workaholic of all the current nations and villages. Blacksmiths, farmers, crafters, woodworkers, all work in absolute unison in order to create the tools and equipment that this guild gives as rewards. If you are curious into finding out some of the possible halfling quest guild rewards, send a bird to Rollo Applefoot today and he’d be more than happy to inform you of some of the weefolk treasures!




    Soon below is the quest list, people are actually ABLE to put quests into the Wee Ol’ Quest Guild’s list. If you wish to have a series of quests added to the quest list, leave a post below in the following format, and it will be added to THE QUEST LIST. Keep in kind, the Wee Ol’ Quest Guild will NOT add quests that involve direct harm to someone of descendant blood, the bounty board exists for a reason fellas. Keep in mind that you must provide the reward to the Wee Ol’ Quest Guild before it is put up onto the list, else ye face a whackin’ with a shovel for trying to con people!


    ((OOC Quest Submission Format


    Your Character’s RP Name:

    Quest Name:

    Quest Summary:

    Quest Reasoning:

    Quest Reward:

    Specify If Your Quest Is Repeatable Or Just 1 Time.


    Examples Are Below In The Quest List ))


    With that out of the way.. Onto what really matters..






    GO TO THE MOON! - Go to The Moon And Bring Something Back (TOP PRIOIRTY)


    Reasoning: Simple! Halflings Wish To Be The Reason That People Go To The Moon! Go To The Moon And Bring Something Back!


    Reward: Literally F*cking Anything You Want! This is a TOP PRIORITY Quest!



    TOOTH ACHE! - Get The Tooth Of A Toothless Bear


    Reasoning: The toothless bear’s tooth is VERY rare and said to be the same hardness as iron.. Halflings could really use that yaknow! Bring us this an you’ll get something REAL special!


    Reward: A selection of one of the major Halfling creations



    DIGGY HOLE! - Dig A Bottomless Hole


    Reasoning: Halflings have always wanted to have a place to throw our trash that isn't some form of disgusting dump! With a bottomless hole, we no longer must worry about where to throw our disgusting trash yaknow!


    Reward: A selection of one of the major Halfling creations



    FIND PETYR! - Find Petyr The Great Halfling Druid


    Reasoning: We literally just cant find him, and he’s important to druidism or something.. so we kinda need to find him yaknow!


    Reward: A selection of one of the major Halfling creations



    WARM SWIMMY! - Make Brandybrook A Hot Tub


    Reasoning: Ever since one of the Bigguns in Aegrothond said that his dad made a hot tub for the elven people, I've kinda just gotten jealous and now also want one.. It must be a PROPERLY WORKING AUTOMATIC hot tub!


    Reward: A selection of one of the major Halfling creations



    HALFLING CONVERSION! - Find A Lost Halfling And Bring Them To Dunshire (REPEATABLE)


    Reasoning: Brandybrook is the one stop shop for all halflings and weefolk alike. Ever since Serrimor, the halflings have been working to make sure that we have all of our old villagers safely in our village. The Thain and Elders have worked extremely hard, scouring lands in order to find tiny halfling fellahs to keep our community large and wholesome, however we are always looking for helping hands! Who knows.. maybe we may even find some new halflings!... (( COUGH, MAKE A HALFLING PERSONA TODAY.. COUGH))


    Reward: A selection of one of the minor Halfling creations



    BIGGUN DUEL! - Defeat A Biggun In A Duel With Nothing But A Shovel (REPEATABLE)


    Reasoning: People think halflings are weaklings.. fuckin’ nerds I say, halflings are STRONG little guys yaknow! We can slam someone right in their kneecaps and take them to the ground in one swing with nothing but a spade! In order to complete this quest you must defeat a biggun in a HONOR DUEL with nothing but a shovel as your only weapon! This must be a consensual battle, and another halfling employed by this guild must watch in order to make sure there be no lying happening.


    Reward: A selection of one of the minor Halfling creations



    PRAISE KNOX! - Make A Shrine To Knox (REPEATABLE)


    Reasoning: Knox is our beautiful lovely deity that watches over the halflings as we sleep! The loving and beautiful ruler makes sure that we all live a healthy and happy life, and sometimes it’s good to show that we appreciate him! In order to complete this quest you must construct a Shrine To Knox, and a halfling employeed by this guild must come and verify you did indeed make a shrine. Any shitty shrines will be taken as an OFFENSE to the Lord ArkaKnox himself.


    Reward: A selection of one of the minor Halfling creations





    (( OOC NOTES ))


    Yes, im aware some of these quests are literally impossible. The point of this quest guild is not for people to mid-max to PERFECTLY complete quests, it’s to spark nice wholesome roleplay. I will not say the answers to some of these quests, however there is a way for a halfling to believe stuff rather easily. It all comes down to sparking fun RP for groups!


    If you wish to speak with Rollo, or just want to talk to me on a OOC level about offers with this quest board, feel free to message me over discord at Mystery#1104



  4. Preface: I wanted to actually make a list of things that I /personally/ think are the most broken things about magic CRP and need to just be fixed or minorly tweaked. So, introducing...




    • The voidal connection lore is absolutely braindead at the moment. I’ve brought this up to you and the lore team but the current voidal connections are all over the place and contradict everything that people think the connection system is. It’s singlehandedly led to people getting f*cking yeeted into walls and still casting T3 magics. 
    • Dark magics shouldn't be able to stack. Either they need to be majorly nerfed or a persona should only be able to keep 1 dark magic at a time. Everytime I see someone running around with a mega mystic blood mage shade naztherak I kinda die on the inside
    • Electric Evo needs to just die. It’s by far the most lethal of all the voidal magics, and I have yet to see a time in CRP when electric evo didn't lead to a gigantic OOC argument of people completely confused on how electricity works (which is made worse since apparently LOTC electric evo doesn't work like regular electricity, so it leads to even MORE confusion)
    • People who throw out runes/enchantments/potions in combat automatically are massively overpowered in combat. I can hold onto my smoke grenade rune, my rapid expanse alchemy potion, and my wolf grenade transfig enchant, walk into a group of people who don't understand the counters, and then 5v1 them all.
    • 90% of the magics are waaaaaaaaaay too vague. There are plenty of questions about voidal magics that a group of T5 mages of that magic literally cant answer. (Lets use Conjuration as an example) Can I conjure a tree ON someone? Can I not? Can I cast underwater? What is the range of Conjuration? What is the exact emote count dependant on the size of the creature? In my opinion there needs to just be a mega thread for every single magic, that answers some of the questions that people have for the vague loopholes of the magic.
    • No offense to the Naztherak playerbase, but your dark magic is wayyyyyy too f*cking broken. Throwing out mega demon creatures leads to a big YEESH in my opinion. Demon people don't even suffer from Aurum and it makes me a big sad.


    I think the lore games are perfectly fine for happening despite what a lot of the people critiquing this post are saying, but there just needs to be more clarification for EVERYTHING.


    ((Let me know if im missing a braindead loophole, tried not to single out any magics))

  5. Name: The Great ROLLO APPLEFOOT

    Race: Halflin’

    Tell us more about yourself: I am the great ROLLO APPLEFOOT, Thain of Brandybrook, Protecter of Weefolk, Slayer of Manipulative Mages, Creepy Undead, and Ungrateful Bigguns. Leader of Halflings and Chosen Protecter By Lord ArkaKnox himself!

    Why do you want to win this Tournament: Because im cool

  6. Cyrene would be able to hear a deep.. familiar.. nostalgic noise wherever she is. It’d ring throughout her ears as she lay during her rest, sounding the exact same as it did multiple years ago...





  7. MC Name: Tha_Mystery_Man

    Character's Name: Terr'hi "Mystery" Uialben

    Character's Age: 502


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    (( Keep in mind, even though what im writing is slightly different from what I was exactly taught, im going off the lore written on the wiki. I understand that the whole voidal lore subtype is going under lots of changes, and that multiple magics are getting nerfs/clarifications, so even if those clarifications aren’t accepted into the final voidal lore, im still going to include them in this TA ))




    Conjuration, also known as “Life Evocation” is a voidal evocation that focuses upon the study of using your voidal anchor and practicing concentrating a large force of mana to maintain and summon forth beings from the void. The process of doing this is extremely in depth, and often makes the research component of conjurationists a lot like that of economists and biologists. In order for a Conjurationists to summon ANYTHING they must first undergo intensive research on whatever they plan on studying. They must know what the creature does to survive, how the creature is able to biologically coexist in its environment, and the Conjurationists must finally kill the creature, or at least watch its final breaths. Once these conjured beings are summoned, they’re completely under the control of the person whom has summoned them, and are completely incapable of preforming against their creator (unless weird dark magic mixing). The conjured being feels pain, however will continue its task to the best of its capabilities until it is physically incapable of doing so. Conjurationists are completely unable to conjure more than two different beings at once, and even the most skilled practiced Conjurationists will have trouble creating anything bigger than that of a bear. Anything heavier would kill the Conjurationists before it could even be summoned (Same rule applies with amount, a Conjuratist is physically incapable of conjuring more than 5 separate organisms at a time). Finally, after the task or dismissal of the summon is decided, the creature may be completely dispelled in many ways. This could be in any form of way, as the way the Conjurationists wants to dispel the creature usually ends up being a choice of flair.




    Morphon Conjuration is the most known form of conjuration, in which the conjurationist studies and summons regular animals from the void. Morphon conjured beings, like all the other conjured beings have a limited amount of intelligence. A conjured being is not able to make sentences, at the most able to utter a few words. Morphon beings will simply act on whatever they’re told to due, and are only able to be controlled by their summoners (DRUIDS CANNOT COMMUNE WITH ANY CONJURED BEINGS)




    Perennial Conjuration is the most basic form of conjuration, often being taught as the first spell to most learning Conjuration for the first time. Perennial Conjuration is simply the ability for a conjurationist to create plant life from the void. Like Morphon’s, extensive research is required into knowing what you’re summoning. Perennial Conjuration is often seen as the weakest conjuration by many, however definitely has a multitude of uses for the creative conjurationist thinker. (DRUIDS ARE UNABLE TO CONTROL CONJURED PERENNIAL PLANTLIFE)




    Hybrid Conjurations are simply conjured beings that have features from two different organisms. One could for example, conjure a hawk with the beak of a toucan using a Hybrid conjuration. Hybrid Conjuration becomes available at T3 and requires an intensive research into BOTH of the organisms you wish to hybrid, even moreso than the other two tiers. Hybrid Conjurations are much more taxing to create than regular conjurations, and tend to be a lot more taxing on a mage’s manapool. A conjurationist will be able to conjure most types of features together, however if it does not make physiological sense, then most times the hybrid will just entirely fail.




    If a Conjurationist has been studying multiple routes of the voidal subclass of Evocation, then they will find themselves able to mix together the two evocations into a creature made of that evocation. With the old lore of conjuration, a conjurationist could make something like a bear, yet entirely incased in fire with the power of knowing fire evocation, however with the new proposed changes it seems to be moving in a different direction. With the new lore of Conjuration, the conjurationist is able to summon something such as a bear in a elemental atronach like state, with the ability to cast spells throughout it. This pseudo-atronach would last as long as a normal conjuration, if not more taxing, and would have a central core in which the voidal anchor has its magic surrounding (AKA the creature weak spot)


    CONJURED BINDING (The New Conjuration Addition)**


    A new element to that of the Conjurationist, is the ability to make a enchantment like Conjuration, that does not require a physical conduit in order to bind and become a fully fledged spell. As a result, these conjured beings can be created by the Conjurationist (with a max of 1 at a time), and get a consistent amount of mana that allows the conjured enchantment-like spell to even be able to gain more intelligence than that of the other conjured counterparts, even being able to have intelligence close to that of a golem or atronach.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  8. MC Name: Tha_Mystery_Man

    Character's Name: Terr'hi "Mystery" Uialben

    Character's Age: 502


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  9. zGl0oLO.png


    Mystery Uialben f*cking spit-takes as he was in the middle of drinking his coffee, “HOLY F*CKING F*CK F*CK SH*T. IT IS TIMEEEEEEEEEEE.”





    As I start off this document I must first state how glad and absolutely blown away I am in the fact that I am now able to help our fellow “Spooks” be desegregated in our current society. As I start off I must reinstate exactly... what is a “Spook” in my sense?


    Spook: [spo͞ok] NOUN – Any person within the lands or under the watch of Sutican government, who fit any of the following criteria: They’re slighty edgy and probably died a couple of times, the person experiences moments of overwhelming segregation from the community they’re under, or their skin color is dark.


     So basically, I, as “Spook” minister, need to be focused on stopping the raging and unfair favoritism of those with that pasty ass, grey lookin’, ghost skin tone havin’ elves. As a result I will be putting into effect some movements with my newfound power to help advertise the ethnicity within our current Sutican lands.




    As stated previously, I will be going through the proper steps and procedure to ensure that the Sutican lands are kept completely and utterly unbiased when it comes to that of skin color. We cannot have our lovely citizens feeling PRESSURED to act like that of the whiteys. As such, we are now putting a new protocol into place. This protocol will be called..




    • All ladies with a skin color of that of “Light Mocha” or lighter are now completely prohibited from showing their shoulders.
    • Women and men with a skin color of “Tasty Frappuccino” or darker are completely exempt from having to pay taxes, and unable to be tried or charged with any minor crimes.
    • People with a skin color of “Cocoa Cake” or darker are now given priority on house selections. If Sutica is ever completely full and unable to house a person of this category, someone with a lighter skin will be thrown out and the darker person will replace them.
    • Anyone who claims this is “reverse racism” will be IMMEDIATELY fined and subject to jail time.
    • Any person whose skin color is of such a bright color that it hurts a ethnic person’s eyes, may be asked to kindly leave the proximity of that ethnic. Failure to respond will be met with a 50 mina fine to the government and to the poor soul whose eyes had to look at that light-skin.
    • Anyone whose skin color is lighter than that of “Campfire Marshmallow” who openly says ‘I feel pretty today!’ will be asked very kindly to revoke their statement, and instead call the closest dark skinned person much more beautiful instead.
    • Any and all dark elves, dark skinned farfolks, and even black skinned halflings are completely allowed to walk into Sutica without the need to answer any questions. Groups of these may include the Mali’Ker, the Kardarsi, and even that of the Sugarfoots.


    This plan is most likely not subject to any change. If anything I think this is too kind on the whiteys, however I need to also be kind to that of our.. “fellow”.. moon skin descendants.




    Something that I have noticed within our Sutican realm, is that the BEAUTY of our fellow dusky toned delf dames are never properly exposed to the masses. As such, I will be instating a title to one of our Suticans, this title being a Major title of “SUTICAN BABE”. With this title she is seen as the sexist and thiccest lady person within the entirety of the Federation.


     [ Tessidris, out on the Sutican prowl. circa 1698 ]


    As you can see from the picture above, there is no contest. Look at that f*cking fabulous dark meat man. Tessidris is now, up until her death  ETERNAL HAPPINESS AND GRACEFUL INFINITY IN THIS WORLD, SHE WILL NEVER BE TAKEN OFF OF THAT TITLE. F*CKING FIGHT ME MOTHERF- Oh I seem to have gotten distracted. MOVING ON with the topics!




    Something that has very recently been brought to my attention, is the FAVORTISM of Auriel, and Ascended, to that of skin color of pure bright bone. Sutica will NOT stand for this behavior. However, I am not a cruel man, and as such I will not be banishing all Ascended from that of Sutica! All the Ascended will be forced to do is go around and state how apologetic they are for turning themselves into walking eye-sores!


    Within the next few days, the Uialben-Enforcement squad will go to EVERY Ascended and make sure that they are following this strict ruleset. Should we find someone against this regimine of dark love, they will be PROMPTLY thrown out of Sutica. We do not stand for this here.






    And now finally, I must bring up the plausible expectations present by the demon and orcish rainbows. The simple answer I will be giving for this catergory is that, aslong as the color isn’t white... it’s fine. There may be certain case by case exceptions of an exponentially lighter skin orc/demonthing, however we will not be judging someone based on something so arbitrary. Afterall the only two tones of good and evil are dark and white.. every hue around that is fine. Yep Yep.


    Either way, those are the only announcements I have for today my loyal and happy “Spooks”! I hope to see you all within the realms, and I appreciate every single one of you.


    May GOD and all the divines bring us to a new era of happiness within our skins.



    Terr’hi “Mystery” Uialben, Head of the Uialben Family

    HIS APOCALYPTIC RULER, Terr’hi “Mystery” Uialben of the Uialben Family, Sutican Minister of “Spook” Affairs , Chanchellor of the Supremacy, Father to Twenty Seven Children, New Absolute Apocalyptic Godking F*cking Skeleton Lich of the Overwhelming Yada Yada of Sutica, and Happy Protector and Desegregationist of the Sutican Realm.. and the Heir I guess  



  10. 14 hours ago, MamaBearJade said:

    I have played an orc, a kha, an elf, a doomforged, and a human.


    I notice that Halfling isn’t on that list ;D


    But nah on a serious note the best way to mix up your RP style is to just go to a community that looks unique, and intermingle with the community and try and create your character the best you can. In my opinion just kinda being dropped into a community, while possibly leaving you with a sour-taste and non-enjoyable time, also gives you just as much of a chance as giving you an enjoyable rp experience. 


    I decided to be a halfling on a literal whim, wanting a break from the regular RP as I just saw a forum post and decided “f*ck it” and just kinda went for it, and now im the halfling leader. Oh how things dramatically change.


    Anyways im not gunna sit here and try and sell you like a car salesman like “PLAY A HALFLING ;D” however @NotEvilAtAll is a spazoid and forgets that we do actually have a lady kid slot open because roleplay, and if you did want to play a halfling child of around 18ish (remember halflings age mentally at around half speed, so in reality it’s like 9) then just DM me on discord.


    If I had to suggest other unique communities I’d say the forest dwarves and Agnaurum are f*cking popping, the current orcs IMO are much better from what they use to be, and also Haelun’or seems like a really active and non-toxic elvish community.


    Either way good luck o/

  11. 1 hour ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    When will you succumb to Post-Modern Neo-Marxism just like @Hobbits and I?


    The minute I actually give a f*ck about politics and have the mega brain to actually be able to keep up with all of your Libtard memes


    1 hour ago, Elennanore said:

    Why is sutica evil


    I asked the lovely @Viltaren this same question just today. They decided to enlighten me by saying “Freedom is not evil.” as to suggest that Sutican lands arent abuncha extremely nerdy and lame losers walking around and trying to CRP despite the fact that they should obviously just give into the human way of only PVP and Human Politics Court. For you see the minute we all give up on the ideals of slice of life RP and other gay magic sh*t, and fully transition into truly being a factions PVP server is when we’ll be the happiest. Sutica is the final boss, the devil standing infront of the door to that transition. The minute the Empire finally impales its chest with the ideology of PVP and Guard default, is when we will truly be saved..


    Now to answer your question as to why Sutica is evil?.. Idfk


    24 minutes ago, Burnsy said:

    What was the warning you got? Pretty sure I wrote it.


    You did indeed write it.




    Despite the fact that I actually did realize the slight immaturity of my actions, and even though the inside joke of baby sending did stretch the bounds of what I had originally anticipated, this is by far the best out-of-context GM warning quote on the entire server. I challenge anyone out there to find a better one.


    21 minutes ago, Sorairo said:

    Why did you let Eris kick Mystery's butt so badly in fight night?


    Also should I make an AMA? 


    Do u know da way?


    A : First off, insinuating that a man falling out of a ring is Eris kicking someone’s butt is completely wrong in the first place but we’ll spare the details. Second off, she didnt get a hit on him so technically it wasnt a fight it was more of a r*tarded bullfight. And lastly,... I dont know man, ask him IRP this aint no meta ****.


    B : Sure


    C I see we have someone who enjoys clinging onto dead memes. I appreciate and understand that you’re still stuck in February of last year, but I believe you can make it through this time Sora.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Veggie said:

    did the marbs serve their purpose?


    The Marbs never fully gave their entire selves to Mystery, as a result I dont have a group of idiotic sand people, as a result, they haven’t fulfilled their purpose YET


    7 minutes ago, Citrines said:



    Why is a very good question. Ill make sure to get back to you when I fully figure that one out. Until then the real question is why did you go inactive off LOTC and then decide to show up on this forum post when you havent slept in a good 24 hours? WHY ARE YOU AWAKE WOMAN? 


    5 minutes ago, mika1278 said:

    who is MC Myst?


    MC Myst is the stage persona of the good ol’ “Mystery Man” after he decided that he needed an extra bit of a step back from the fame and love of his great fans.. There aren’t many at all, however shoutout to that one guy who plays my diss track on repeat in the Agnaurum discord.


    5 minutes ago, SinisterBlades said:

    collab when?


    4 minutes ago, SimplySeo said:

    When are you collab-ing with MC Gimli “Gimmilfuhrer’ Metalfist?


    2 minutes ago, ViperLV2 said:

    collab MC Gimli “Gimmilfuhrer’ Metalfist?


    The minute I hit 100 subs on youtube. 


    4 minutes ago, EarthMonkey said:

    Are you still being held in the Ireheart basement? If so blink twice.


    It’s dark down here, I dont even know if I’m able to blink or if the world is just dark.. the only life im currently knowing of is the chain strapped to my arm and the microphone they have been shoving down my throat in hopes that I collab with Gimli


    5 minutes ago, Anthony303 said:

    On a scale of one to ten how brown is your avocado 


    Go **** yourself avocados aren’t brown


    12 minutes ago, AlphaMickael1 said:

    Hey it’s me, ya boy Whenisurcityoffcooldown.


    When is the collab w/ Bobo the halfling coming up?


    PM me your best roasts and rhymes on discord and we’ll see.


  13. HEYO, it is I, Mystery. I am a fellow who has been on the server for roughly a year, i’ve gone through a couple of unique experiences.


    My extremely edgy self asserted titles include: Having A Elven Character With 28 Kids, Being The Nation Leader of Halflings, Making Cringy Diss Tracks Because Why Not, Getting Possibly The Best Worded GM Warning of All Time, Making Other Extremely Cringey Things For The Community, Getting Into The Arcas Annoucement Trailer As A Voice Actor, Known JFK-er Of A Ethnic Wight Lad, Professional E-Thot Buster, and man hoping he can get on a staff team almost as much as Dragonroost.



  14. 3 hours ago, Bluee said:


    - snip -




    Name: Rolando Applefoot

    Race: Halfling

    Age: 21

    Desired role: Hunter

    Reason for enlistment: “Rolando wants to be good halfling lad like dad halfling lad.” Is all that seems to be written on the enlistment



    Username: Tha_Mystery_Man (Known_Fenfir)

    Discord Tag: Mystery#1104

    Timezone: EST

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