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Posts posted by Blank123

  1. Trixie would peer at the noticeboard, nodding as they read the list of laws.

    "Aye, tha' looks 'bout right. No more improperness in this village anymore!" However even as they spoke they would read a concerning line. "No going into No-Booze... Bu' me' burrow be scarce more than a couple o' yards from there!" With a sigh Trixie would continue to read. "It's probably for the best. I am not one to doubt our great sheriff!" With a smile and whilstle they would strole back to their burrow.


    ((Looks great! ?

  2. Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s journey begins. -IX


    Me’ letter to Madeline remains unanswered an’ I fear foul play. Durin' the Dunshire Drinkin’ Night I asked whether she received it, she says tha’ she did not. I will ‘ave to think o’ a solution to this a' a later date as more important matters lie before me. Prior to the Drinkin’ Night, I travelled to the great library tha’ lies near to Dunshire. It was a long walk yet wha’ I ‘ave found ‘as beguiled me.


    Firstly, I now understand the Sapphire gem tha’ Angelica gave to me. It is capable o’ summoning a great fire, I believe tha’ this shall become me’ last resort should I ever need to flee. It would be unwise o’ me to use it rashly as such power, no doubt, ‘as a price.


    Still, during me’ readin’, I found somethin’ o’ great importance, several books regardin’ the ‘istory o’ Shades. I ‘ad to search through many dark tomes to find these books and yet they have proved invaluable to me. Although they ‘ave no truly useful knowledge within them, I now know wha’ it is I search for. It surprised me that such knowledge was readily available, yet I imagine they ‘oped to warn the curious. I am afraid tha’ their warnings ‘ave fallen on deaf ears. Unfortunately, the books predominantly give ‘istory an’ warnings rather than key names tha’ I could ‘ope to track down.


    I realise now that I shall ‘ave to find one o’ these Shades or at the very least search for a far larger library. Yet I fear the dangerous and uncertain nature o’ this quest. I do not believe tha’ I would survive the journey without me’ companion for long. This journey will be the ‘ardest I ‘ave ever done, o’ that there is no doubt. It does not ‘elp tha’ these Shades are illusive in their nature. I do not know where I would begin, I feel as if I am about to search for a needle in a haystack.


    I think that me’ only ‘ope is to relinquish further control to me’ companion. I believe they may notice things I would otherwise miss.


    Don’t worry Trixie, big sis has a plan. We will have to travel to the Academy within Holm. I imagine once there we will find another clue.


    All the while I do this, I must continue me’ duties as an elder. Perhaps I can gain some form o’ ‘elp from the other ‘alflings? O’ course they cannot know the truth, but I may be able to utilise them to ‘elp me achieve me’ goals. Perhaps if I were to send them on a mission tha’ would require some military expertise? It could potentially ‘arden them an’ prepare them for future battles.


    I do not believe any are yet suspicious o’ me, especially after me’ performance durin’ the drinkin’ night. I believe tha’ by both drinkin’ excessively and bein’ temporarily kidnapped, none could possibly deem me a threat. Me’ once natural naivete is an easy mask to wear. Still, it ‘urts me to deceive me’ friends in such a fashion but I fear tha’ they would not accept me if they knew o’ the darkness within me. I am destined to walk this path with me’ companion alone.


    Forever and ever, Trixie. You know you have to do this. After all, who else can save Dunshire? Don’t be so selfish, you wouldn’t want your friends to carry this burden, would you? To have their very souls damned, you have to do this alone Trixie. It’s the only way.


    I know.


    [!] The rest of the page is blank, save for the faded stains of fallen tears.

  3. [!] A letter would arrive at Elder Madeline Applefoot's burrow.


    Dear Madeline


    Your close friend Trixie ‘ere. I really appreciate all your ‘elp when those dwarves attacked. I fear wha’ may ‘ave ‘appened should you not ‘ave arrived so quickly. But I ‘ave another fear, an’ in many ways it is a far graver fear. The brutal execution o’ the dwarf, I do not know whether the dwarf deserved death, it is no’ for me to say. But I am concerned that many o’  the younger ‘alflings, ‘aving been tormented by the big’uns for so long, will fall to vigilantism. I fear tha’ they will be driven to cruel, vicious methods an’ irreversibly taint themselves in doin’ so. To see such unbridled fury amongst the ‘alflings, it tears at me’ very soul. We cannot let the younger ‘alflings damage themselves in such ways an’ fall to such temptations. I fear tha’ if we do not do somethin’, we will be forced to one day see them leave. Already too many ‘aflings ‘ave left Dunshire seeking protection in the big’un cities. Yet, I think I may ‘ave a small solution, to at least mitigate the issue somewhat.


    I know that we ‘ave been strugglin’ to find a deputy Sheriff for some time now. I think tha’ should some ‘alflings wish to protect Dunshire, as I think many wish to, we could introduce the idea of ‘onorary Deputy Sheriffs. They would be ‘alflings whose duty and purpose it is to protect those within Dunshire. I ‘ope tha’ in doin’ so, we would grant the younger ‘alflings a greater sense o’ pride and save them from their own folly. I think this might also ‘elp Angelica, who seems to ‘ave so many responsibilities tha’ she ‘andles alone. I am sure tha’ this would do a great deal to prevent the violence tha’ occurs so often in our village.


    Your concerned friend,




  4. Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s corrupted aspirations. - VIII


    I ‘ave been busy o’ late, yet I shall try to write all tha’ ‘as occurred. I begin by thankin’ me’ close friend, the sheriff o’ Dunshire, Angelica Woodstock. She gave to me an item o’ rare value, a beautiful blue gem tha’ she recommended I take to Harold the ‘alfling druid. Thanking ‘er profusely, I did just tha’. It was revealed to me tha’ this gem utilised voidal magic to achieve somethin’. Neither I nor ‘arold knew what. I realise tha’ I shall soon ‘ave to travel out o’ Dunshire to find out more regarding this gem. I know now that I mus’ leave will all ‘aste, especially after wha’ ‘as occurred since.


    I ‘ave experienced death. Two dwarves assaulted me within the centre o’ Dunshire. I tried to reason with them and yet before I could even act I was brutally murdered an’ mutilated. Fortunately, it seems tha’ the Monks can ‘eal one from death. Me’ friend Madeline Applefoot along with several others avenged me’ death by wounding one of the dwarves and killin’ the other. I feel great burnin’ rage within me and yet I know I must control it. Me’ companion ‘as been o’ much use in ‘elpin’ me.


    Me’ greatest fear durin’ me’ death, was not in fact me’ own death but tha’ o’ me’ companion. For if I were to die, I feared tha’ I would lose them.


    I didn’t know you cared so much ickle Trixie! You say just the right things to make your older sister feel so warm and happy.


    Thankfully, they survived although I can feel tha’ they are weak. Me’ nightmares an’ visions ‘ave subsided somewhat an’ it takes effort for me’ companion to take over me’ body, if I am unwilling. Fortunately for me’ companion, this is rarely the case. I am determined to form a symbiotic relationship with me’ companion, as if this event ‘as shown me anythin’ it is tha’ I am too weak to defend Dunshire alone.


    Don’t worry Trixie, we’ll find more answers when we travel away from Dunshire, the library nearby may hold some secrets of value to us.


    Still, besides findin’ methods to increase me’ own power I believe tha’ I will also need to find a way to save Dunshire in a different fashion. Thankfully, I ‘ave found a way to achieve this. I was made an Elder o’ Dunshire, it is with this position tha’ I am now in place to combat the big’un threat. Yet I must both be cunnin’ and patient, for I fear that should the other elders and sheriff learn more about me’ aspirations they would see me exiled. Fortunately, I am close friends with both Elder Madeline and Sheriff Angelica, alas I am only an acquaintance o’ Elder ‘arold. In truth I fear him, for it is he who is mos’ likely to realise what I ‘ave become and seek to ‘elp me by killing me’ companion. I cannot let tha’ ‘appen, for I know that it is only with me’ companion that I migh’ be able to save Dunshire. Surely, if ‘e knew tha’ I only do this for betterment the o’ Dunshire he would agree with me? Alas, I cannot risk it and thus I must be discrete, luckily ‘e is often away from the village an’ busy with ‘is druidic duties.


    I believe tha’ Angelica may sympathise with me’ cause. I ‘ave seen the grave of ‘er brother, who I ‘ave ‘eard was killed durin’ a raid, on ‘is grave it states ‘e will be avenged. I believe tha’ through workin’ with the sheriff I may be able to increase Dunshire’s defensive capabilities. I shall try to convince the other elders tha’ we should grant the Sheriff a militia. O’ course, I will not phrase it so bluntly, we lack a Deputy Sheriff at the moment perhaps I can use this to me’ advantage?


    Madeline may become me’ greatest opponent or me’ greatest ally, I do not know which. I shall ‘ave to be careful when talkin’ to her about me’ ideas. She believes first and foremost in the freedom of Dunshire, I ‘ope tha’ this will not conflict with me’ own ideals. I will ‘ave to convince ‘er tha’ it is only through defendin’ Dunshire tha’ we can ‘ave the freedom she so desires for its people.


    Look at you Trixie, all so devious. It only took a little madness, but you have bloomed beautifully. I feel so proud. But remember Trixie, it’s all well and good trying to make Dunshire better defended but we’ll need power. The sooner we get to the library the better for both of us, and of course the better for Dunshire.


    The ‘alflings o’ Dunshire are adrift, unsure o’ their purpose. I will give them this purpose. I will give them a future to ‘ope for, all the while I will inflame their fears o’ the present. The ‘alflings are too gentle, too timid, they do not see the threat comin’ like I do. In their ignorance, the would see the ‘alfling race fall, I will not let this come to pass.

  5. Trixie, seeing the paper on the noticeboard, smiles. "It'll be nice to catch up with all the Halflings." Trixie would then pause whilst reading the scarp of paper, their head titling gently to the side as if listening to a voice. "Yes, I suppose we ought to check out  No Booze forest with the rest of the Halflings. Who knows what will happen." With that Trixie would skip away back to their burrow, whilstling an unsettling tune.

  6. Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s devilish companion. - VII


    Tis’ odd to share me’ mind with another, yet I do not fin’ it entirely unpleasant. Me’ mind ‘as long since come to terms with the madness tha’ plagues it an’ I feel almos’ at peace with this madness. Every thought I ‘ave, any plans I conceive are improved by me’ companion a thousand fold. ‘Owever, I am careful not to lower me’ guard as I fear tha’ this all may be some ploy of me’ alternative self.


    Oh Trixie, your paranoia is so quaint. What could little ‘ol me possibly want except for your goals to blossom. After all do we not both want the same thing?


    Tha’ remains to be seen. You can effortlessly take control of me’ body and yet more often than not I find you relinquish control to me. It makes little sense. After all, would it no’ benefit you to simply seal me away so that you could do wha’ever you wish?


    True, it would be so easy to put you in a nice little box. But if I were to seal you away Trixie, it’d be so lonely. After all, I’d have to play a role and pretend to be you all to avoid suspicion, that doesn’t sound like it’ll be fun for long. Isn’t it simply easier for you to play your role and me mine? You must have realised that what I desire most ickle Trixie is control. Why would I dominate your will with my own, when it is simply so much more fun to have you willingly relinquish it to me.


    I am not surprised that you would find such cruel pleasure in me’ doin’ such a thing. But know this, I will not lose me’self to you so easily. As you seek to use me so do I plan to use you.


    But of course, Trixie.


    [!] The next passages were clearly written several days later.


    Havin’ continued to ponder the nature of me’ companion both durin’ the few times I am alone in me’ head, while me’ companion watches quietly, I ‘ave come to several conclusions. Me’ companion may well be constantly lyin’ to me, but if I were to work on tha’ assumption all that lies before me is me’ own doom. As a result I ‘ave decided to work on the alternative assumption, that me’ companion speaks truthfully. In all ‘onesty, this seems the most likely of the two possibilities as me’ companion finds perverse joy in misleading me with the truth. I feel that I am a piece within a great game an’ I realise that I cannot ‘ave a moment’s rest lest I find me’self defeated.


    I now know tha’ if I am to survive this game I must ‘ave a plan, a strategy. I can no longer be the naive ‘alfling I once was. This power, can be used to ensure the safety o’ Dunshire an’ its younglings, I am convinced o’ this. If I am to be damned, then I wish to save all tha’ I can through this damnation.


    I am aware that me’ companion is probably reading this through me’ own eyes, yet they ‘ave been quiet o’ late. They enjoy watchin’ me scurry, all the while they make their own plans. I ‘ave yet to learn wha’ these plans are but I ‘ope tha’ one day I shall unravel their secrets.


    I ‘ave once again begun to socialise with me’ fellow ‘alflings, with renewed vigour. The twisted visions I constantly see an’ the whisperings o’ false words no longer unsettle me as they once ‘ad. Though the ale I drink may taste of blood and the food o’ ash, I continue to smile an’ laugh with me’ fellow ‘alflings. I ‘ope tha’ they can one day forgive me for wha’ I ‘ave done. ‘Owever, should one o’ them ever read this or some some future ‘alfling generation, I would want them to know tha’ I ‘ave done tha’ which was necessary to ensure Dunshire’s future an’ the future of ‘alflings.

  7. I am aware that the host fights the shade's control. But I imagine that the fight is based around willpower, again have yet to read enough to know otherwise. A host that hasn't slept well in years, suffers nightmares and halucinations, all the while feeling that they have no one to trust, probably fails most of the time it attempts fight the Shade's control. Hence why mentally torturing the host is probably an easy way for the Shade to keep the host weak.


    I wasn't at all insinuating that you don't know what you were talking about. I am well aware that I have barely scratched the lore of Lord of the Craft. Thus, I'm very grateful when you point things out to me as it helps me to better understand the lore. I'm glad to have finally met a Shade, unfortunately I feel that my lack of understanding of the Lore may have soured your disposition towards me.

  8. The artifact was created because originally it was to develop my own character. I loved the idea of a Halfling slowly going insane reading a Cthulu-esque Tome and writing there own journal about their fall into madness. You can read said journal in the Halfling forum section. At the time I didn't know what Shade magic was or even that it was a thing, I'm fairly new to LordOfTheCraft and have only read some of the forum articles. Most of the stuff I've read has been from the Wiki and unfortunately they don't seem to go into quite so much detail. As a result I apologise if my understanding of the lore is wrong, I hope to rectify this as soon as possible.


    As for the Magics involved in creating the tome, I have no idea. My character merely stumbled across said Tome and was in no way the creator. In all honesty, I don't have a wide enough understanding of the lore to accurately guess. If you have any ideas how the tome could feasibly be created within the Lore of Lord of the craft, I'd really appreciate it!


    Arun'Asna is not a name I'm familiar with. If you're response has show me anything, and its shown me a lot and I really appreciate the help, it's that I need to trawl through the forums as there seems to be more lore there than on the wiki. I unfortunately was not aware that was the case. The reason I chose Arugula was because my character's a halfling so it was the first god I found who I thought was pretty cool. Secondly rather than creating an Arugula magic, which had been my original idea prior to finding out about shades, I saw a connection between the squid demon that Arugula is and Shade magic. My first thought upon hearing about Arun'Asna is that over time the Halflings changed the name to Arugula and developed a mythos surrounding this character. Of course that's just an idea.


    As for why reading the book turns one into a Shade. I felt that Shade magic has the most in common out of all the magics with Arugula. Plus I love how a Shade drives its host slowly insane.


    As for the Amber entering the bloodstream. It was not the Amber which created the Shade, the Amber was instead designed to form a connection between the Tome and the Reader. Whereupon the Tome could slowly begin to twist the reader the more the reader read, until a Shade was born within the Reader.


    I'll try to find some Shades, but in all honesty I've really struggled to find any. It seems that quite a few have given up on being a shade. Still I'll keep trying to find one. Thanks for the link regarding Shade Lore, I hadn't seen that [pst before so I look forwards to reading it!


    I'm not entirely sure why you think that I believe a Shade is after senseless violence. I'm sorry as I must have written something poorly to give you that impression. It was that twisted personality that I was after and have been RPing in the Halfling Forum Section. For example my Halfling is terrified of other races and fears that they'll raid Dunshire. As a result the Shade/Alternative Personality I've been portraying offers to help the Halfling "do what needs to be done" to convince the Halfling to offer control to the Shade.


    I also don't know what part of my artifact gave you the impression that the Shade would let its host die. The shade would only attempt to "destroy" the host if the host attempted to kill the Shade by going to Holy Mage or killing themselves. I realise that destroy could come across as the Shade killing the host but I should clarify that I saw it more that the Shade would try to destroy the personality of the reader, either by fully taking control or driving the reader further into insanity.


    As for the torture, I felt that the Shade would find it easier to keep control of the host by keeping the sanity of the reader weak.


    I hope this clarifies some of the issues you had. If you have any other points I'd really appreciate hearing them. Thank you for the help!


    Name of Artifact:

    Arugula's Tome
    MC Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:

    RP Name of person(s) currently in possession of Artifact:


    MC Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):


    RP Name of creator(s) of Artifact (N/A if not applicable):

    Effect(s) of Artifact:

    The Tome slowly drives the reader insane until a persona is born within them, a Shade. Alas, the Tome teaches no true Shade magic merely the history of Arugula, all the while offering false promises. After the the Shade is fully manifested and acquires a self identity, see below for more information regarding this, the reader can do small paltry tricks and cantrips using Shade Magic, yet these powers offer no in game benefits.

    Red Lines of Artifact:
    The Tome and the Shade grant nothing beyond simple shade magic cantrips and the madness that consumes one from having a Shade. This Tome is primarily designed to enable interesting roleplay and character development, it is not supposed the replace the interesting RP that comes from having a true shade teacher.
    Explanation of effect(s) (i.e. how it does what it does - slight bending of magic lore is allowed):




    The Tome's pages have been infused with Amber and within the centre of the Tome's cover a debauched Amber skull grins towards the reader. The Tome begins its work by slowly revealing hidden truths to the reader, feeding their insatiable curiosity. As the reader opens the first page, their finger would be cut and a drop of their blood would stain the page. This forms a connection between the reader and the Tome, allowing some Amber to enter the reader's bloodstream.

    The first several chapters will now reveal themselves to the reader and the reader alone. These chapters merely encourage the readers paranoia and mention the promise of future knowledge the further into the Tome they delve. Once the reader has reached a point where their desire for knowledge outweighs their inhibitions the Tome will reveal nothing else. The only way to continue reading further into the Tome is to offer a drop of your own blood knowingly and as an intended Sacrifice. The blood sacrifice of the reader will trigger a ritual which would awaken the taint within the reader, forming a Shade. The Shade will lack any sense of identity and merely increase the reader's madness further and plague their dreams with nightmares. During this time, the reader would begin to see shadows writhe and come alive before vanishing. The reader will typically know that they have committed the first steps on a very dark path. Their guilt and shame  as well as the Shade's machinations would normally result in an increase in the reader's introversion. They would hesitate to interact with others and their normal joys and pleasures would diminish until they sought only the comfort of the Tome and its knowledge. With the sacrifice complete, the Tome would reveal to the reader further information regarding Arugula and the power she wielded. The Tome would promise to the reader this same power so long as they listen to its wise words.

    For several non-Elven months this would continue as the reader dove further into insanity, until the Shade's strength is enough to manage a single take-over of the body's host. At this point, the tome, recognising the Shade's strength, would offer to the reader the power of Arugula so long as they commit a sacrifice. A normal reader may well be horrified by this and yet slowly the idea would take shape, both from their own desires and the Shade's. The reader, would typically seek to kill an animal of some sort as sacrifice, yet this would not be enough.

    The reader's increasing insanity would feed the Shade further and at the most opportune moment, typically when the player and another are alone, the Shade would take over the reader's body and attempt to kill said individual. It is important to note that the Shade, boosted by the Tome, would only attempt to kill another if it can be sure that this death will not result in its discovery by anyone save reader. Of course it cannot be certain that it is without risk of discovery yet it would never be so foolish as to kill another in broad daylight surrounded by others.

    After committing this murder the reader, remembering a passage from the Tome, will try to drag the body to a body of water where the corpse can be offered to Arugula and her squids. The reader, having completed this offering, will now be able to read the final page of the Tome. This final page contains a ritual needed to bind oneself and their shade for eternity. The Tome will pretend that this ritual would grant the reader the power's of Arugula, this is a lie.

    The ritual will throw the reader into a trance-like state. The reader's body will begin to starve and dehydrate, until it is at its weakest. At this point the reader will have a vision of their Shade and its birth, the vision will depend on the reader. The Shade will now be fully born and have its own self identity. After the vision passes, the reader will awake and find themselves no longer alone in their mind. The Shade is now capable of talking to the reader and can take over the body of the host, each time it does this the next attempt is easier. The Shade will find much amusement in the reader and will now see the reader as its personal plaything. Thus the Shade will only rarely attempt to destroy the reader. Only the risk of its own death would threaten the Shade enough to force it to try and kill the reader. The Shade will now act however it feels like, typically tormenting the reader through assisting and hindering the reader on its whim. All the while the Tome will innocently sit until it can find another soul to twist.


    Number of Duplicates of this Artifact:

    A single copy of this Tome exists.

    Do you Agree to keep the MT updated on the whereabouts and ownership of this Artifact by using the Magic List Errors: 


    Have you applied for this Artifact before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



  10. Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s abominable truth.  - VI


    I ‘ave returned from the depths of me’ meditation an’ the truth I found shatters all me’ ‘opes. I know now tha’ it is not Arugula whom I ‘ave directly contacted but a twisted aspect o’ me’ own personality. I fear tha’ the Tome, or perhaps the man who gave me the Tome, ‘as corrupted me.


    For several days I meditated, me’ mind adrift, ‘oping tha’ I might find knowledge, instead I found somethin’ far worse. A week soon passed. me’ body began to quiver from ‘unger an’ me’ mind began mist from a lack o’ water. It was durin’ this time tha’ I felt a strangeness within me’ mind, I could almost ‘ave called it an being, yet it lacked awareness. Somehow, I began to fall deeper into its fell presence until both I an’ it connected. I entered a trance-like state an’ a vision tore at me’ psyche.


    I saw me’self clad in loose dark robes surrounded by towerin’ tentacles tha’ wove and writhed, everywhere tha’ I could see an’ further still. Around me other self some form o’ ritual was occurin’, cloaked figures chanted whilst others, nude, danced ‘ypnotically. I was bewitched by wha’ I saw, it was then that me’ twin turned an’ looked me in the eye. A strange glee manifested upon their visage, they spoke in a guttural tongue tha’ I could not understand an’ yet the voice enchanted me further still. Immediately, the other figures surroundin’ me’ other self were brutally decimated by the vast tentacles. Their blood seemed to achieve somethin’ arcane yet I could not even guess wha’. Me’ dream began to fade and yet its final moment will be forever scorched into me’ psyche. The cloaked me, still facin’ me, whispered the word, hello.


    Since then I ‘ave lived in fear. I dare not leave me’ burrow lest somethin’ occur. I ‘ave bolted and chained me burrow door to prevent me’ escape should the worse occur. I do worry tha’ the other ‘alflings will realise that I ‘ave locked me door yet I must take the risk. I can only ‘ope that me’ rational thought can prevail an’ keep the creature at bay. I know now tha’ an abomination has been born within me an’ tha’ I must find a way to fight it.


    [!] Ink covers the page and it looks like a struggle took place, there even the occasional splatter of blood. However, it appears that another hand has written several passages throughout the next pages. These passages seem to be a dialogue between the original writer and the new. Each time the mess, which occurs between the changes in handwriting, lessens until it finally becomes fluid and interchangeable.


    Oh how cute! The little Halfling thinks that they can think logically in their current state. You cannot stop me ickle Trixie, I’m here to stay! We’re going to have so much fun together. After all, it is only with me that you can save the Halflings and Dunshire from those scary Big’uns!


    The worse ‘as come to pass and me’ fears ‘ave manifested. The abomination within me ‘as grown to such an extent that it can freely grasp control o’ me’ body. It ‘as yet to become comfortable with the take over and I can just about ‘old it off and regain control. But each attempt ‘urts so much. I do not know for ‘ow long I will be able to ‘old it off.


    Trixie, you know that all I do for you is to make us stronger? After all we’re bound together now, forever and ever. Just let me in to help you and we can do so much. Aren’t I the solution to all your fears, your hopes? I can make your dreams a reality, just le me Trixie.


    The whisperings in me’ head ‘ave begun to form words. I know tha’ it is only a matter o’ time before the words I see written before me are carved into me’ psyche. I ‘ad ‘oped that me’ meditation would ‘ave brought some harmony to me’ fractured soul, alas I fear that all I ’ave done is forge a greater link between the abomination an’ I.


    Now Trixie, don’t be mean! You know I’m not an Abomination, I’m what you want to be, a hero of Dunshire and the little folk. Strong enough to do what needs to be done. Just think, this way you can keep your naive little mind innocent. Just let Big Sis look after you and the little weefolk!


    I ‘ave travelled too far to turn back. However, the situation is still salvageable, I may be able to utilise this creature, as they ‘ave written, together we may be able to keep Dunshire safe. If the price is me’ soul, then I will gladly sell it.


    Well if you insist! “Nom, nom, nom.” Your soul sure is tasty Trixie. It tastes all sweet and naive. I think I’ll have to savour it for as long as possible. Who knows, I may be able to just take little bites until the End of Days!


    I know that I ‘ave committed evil yet I do it so that no other ‘alfling must sacrifice what I ‘ave sacrificed. Please, forgive me.

  11. (( I've gathered the separate passages of Trixie's Journal so that you can read the first five passages together without having to traverse the Forums. ))


    Trixie's Journal, Passages; I - V


    Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling's troubled thoughts - I


    Me' thoughts 'ave been dark o' late. Such a thing is 'ardly comm'n 'mongst us 'alflings and thus I find m'self with a desire to document me' thoughts. I 'ope that in doin' so I may yet stave off this madn'ss, alas deep within me, I know such 'ope be foolish.


    I should explain the source o' these thoughts, les' I should one day come to forget. I was a member o' the small but stalwart Fellowship o' the Tankard.  I joined more ou'tta curiosity r'ther than any moral obligation. After all, this cursed tankard was 'ardly the responsibility o' any proper 'alfling. No doubt some big’un sought to stir trouble in Dunshire, sadly they succeeded far more than I think they ever 'oped to.


    I 'ave no desire to write about tha' which occurred during our adventure, for other, far better, 'alflings 'ave done so. All I 'ave te' say is tha' it ended in tragedy and we los' a great member of our community, a Mr Hobbs Burrows. He was a good 'alfling yet in the end the power of the tankard caused 'im to take 'is own life. In 'is final moments 'e was a man possessed. Yet in 'is madness 'e tol' us somethin' important, Mr 'obbs killed a man to gain this tankard. No 'alfling would act with such zeal and barbarity. Yet I do not know wheth'r 'e spoke truly or wheth'r the madness of the tankard had distorted 'is memories.


    However, it is not for 'obbs that I fear, for 'e 'as left us. No, it be for the othe' members that me' fear grows. This adventure 'as changed all o' us and I doubt it is for the bett'r. The shadows within me' burrow grow both deeper and more sinister. I feel a call, yet I know not to whom or what it belongs to.


    Trixie's Journal, a Halfling's growing madness - II


    I no long'r fear for me' fellow 'alflings, for 'ow can I when I can only fear for m'self? Me' mind may not 'ave been the sharpest in Dunshire yet I feel it weaken day by day. I 'ave searched the Dunshire Library for any 'int of answers, alas I found none. In desp'ration I travelled further afield, something I would never norm'lly do.  A zeal grows within me and I yearn for the truth. I was ill-prepared for it.


    I pass'd through Cloud Temple and its bustlin' markets and followed the road North. I had scarced travelled far, when an odd Big’un 'proached me. His eyes were mad and I 'oped to avoid 'im as any respectable 'alfling would, but me' endeavour was futile. He grabb'd me' arm, roughly frayin' me' jacket, before thrustin' an old tome into me' shaking 'ands. His putrid breath turned me' stomach, but t'was 'is vicious, knowin', smile which terrified me. His mouth moved against me' ear and whisper'd words I 'ad no comprehension of. I broke away, runnin', all the while failin' to avoid 'is tongue as it slithered along me' ear. I fled as if the legions of hell themselves chased me and as far as I was concerned they were.


    As I returned to Dunshire I found m'self clutchin' the tome. I was skittish as I passed me' fellow 'alflings and I fear that I may begin to tarnish me' reputation as an upstandin' 'alfling. Once I was within the safety of me' burrow, I placed the tome upon the desk within me' study. I refused to open the tome and instead went about enjoying the afternoon. A pleasan' lunch and a nice pipe within me' garden almos' set the world to righ'. Alas, I could neve' find peace, always a silent call dragged me' thoughts to that damned tome. Nevertheless, I stayed strong and retired to bed.


    Over the next several days I fough' against temptation incarnate. I threw m'self into the Dunshire community in the 'ope that the darkness and me' curiosity would leave me. Yet each pint I drank tasted o' dust. Each pipe I lit left me coughin'. Every bite I ate tasted rotten. The laughter of me' fellow 'alflings tormented me. I could no longer bring m'self to visit the tavern or force m'self to talk with me' friends. Soon me' neighbours began to give me odd looks and I 'eard whispers as I strode pass'd them.


    I no longer left me' burrow. Surrounded by shadows and nightmarish nights I turned to me' only salvation, the mindless 'aze o' Cactus Green. I was rarely without me' Hoo-kah to me' lips. Its fumes permeated throughout me' burrow and I lived a 'alf life, ne'er truly awake nor truly asleep. It was not to las', soon me' supply o' cactus began to dwindle.


    As the cactus 'aze lifted, me' dreams quickly deteriorat'd to nightmares. After one particularly unsettling series of dreams I marched into me' study. The moon’s light was 'idden and so I lit a candle, placing me' hands on the damned tome. Dust and old age 'id the tome’s title from me, I turned to the first page and saw me' damnation before me.


    “Arugula.” The foreign word crawled from me' tongue. Me' finger caressed the beguilin' word on the ancient papyrus. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain, me' finger bled. The shadows grew within me' study and the candle offered little 'elp. Fear grips me' heart and madness claws me' mind.


    Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s ignorant fall. - III


    The accursed words o’ Arugula ‘ave changed me, o’ this I am certain. An anger I ne’er once ‘ad ‘as viciously blossomed in me’ heart. Madness ‘as made its abode within me’ mind and I am merely grateful tha’ it no long’r seeks to drag me further into its embrace. It is content to wait and watch as I damn me’self further.


    I am unable to cease me’ reading o’ the tome’s pages. I ‘ave read little, but I will continue to devour its archaic knowledge. It is no’ an easy journey, for each page I ‘ave read illuminates previous passages to me and I am forced to return to them. I canno’ stop, the way is now open to me and like a creature possess’d I delve further, deeper. How can I turn away from the truth when it sits innocently atop me’ desk?


    I am no’ sure wheth’r it is due to the tome’s presence, but a bligh’ came upon Dunshire this nigh’. I and the Deputy Sheriff, Angelica Woodstock, ‘ad been discussin’ the lack o’ Big’un raids and the ‘istory o’ Knoxism. I felt anger flourish within me as I ‘eard tha’ us ‘alflings were forced to become Cannonists les’ we desired to be put to the sword. A part o’ me fears that me’ ‘eresy will bring those same swords upon me.


    Angelica and I ‘ad scarced finished our conversation, when a ghas’ly scream consum’d the Dunshire Woods. We fled, to the village centre, waitin’ to see wha’ manner o’ creature ‘ad come to bring furth’r misery to Dunshire. A shadow’d figure drifted slowly towards us, and in its wake the bountiful wildlife o’ Dunshire turned to ash.


    Terror savagely grabbed me’ ‘eart and I ‘eard Angelica’s breath ‘itch besides me. Fortunately she is one o’ the bravest ‘alflings I know. She demanded tha’ the creature tell us why it ‘ad come to Dunshire, a peaceful village. The blackened monstrosity paused its glidin’, and what I could only barely call its face, turned to us. The insides of me’ mouth withered and me’ blood felt afire, yet a small part o’ me felt a damming desire. In desperation I whisper’d a prayer, it was only once I finished, tha’ I realised it ‘ad been to Arugula. I do not know wheth’r it is coincidence, I doubt it, but as soon as the words wormed their way from me’ mouth it began to rain.


    The creature laughed, drifting away, tellin’ us tha’ we were unworthy of its time. Perhaps we were or perhaps it fear’d me’ prayer. I know not, but I am drawn furth’r to the dark tome which sits upon me’ desk. If such a creature migh’ fear those words then perhaps the other Big’uns will too? Has the salvation of the ‘alfling’s come to me? Will the secrets of this tome finally save us from the Big’un menace? I ‘ope so. The madness within me has begun to move and I ‘ear its laughter echo throughout me’ mind.


    Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s desperate cry. - IV


    Me’ fingers drip along the worn pages o’ this tome as I whisper each an’ every word aloud. Each passage ‘as been burnt into me’ mind and a twisted smile graces me’ features. I ‘ave found some comfor’ in this madness which consumes me. The shadows o’ me study ‘ave morphed into twisted tentacle-like appendages. I ‘ave not seen one directly yet they wait jus’ in the corner of me’ eyes. I believe tha’ I shall understand these thin’s more once I delve deep’r into Arugula’s cruel embrace.


    [!] The journal’s page is greatly crinkled and from here on the once neat and cursive writing has changed to a rushed scrawl.


    The words o’ the tome are closed to me. Somethin’ bars me’ way, and I can longer devour the truth I ‘ave gorged m’self upon. I ‘ave to find a way to break these locks, these chains, which dare to keep me from me’ birthright.


    [!] The journal’s page is no longer quite so crinkled and the words are once again written in a neat cursive. Yet the words are not so confident as they once were, the handwriting is timid and lacking in confidence.


    I ‘ave unlocked the tome’s words, but it came at a price. Even as I write these words, fear and guilt gnaws away at me’ conscience. It all comes at a price, I should ‘ave noticed this sooner but me’ enthusiasm blinded me. When I firs’ read this tome me’ finger bled, I did not know why and I ignored it. I realise now that it was an offerin’, a sacrifice, but that same sacrifice is no longer enough. The firs’ sacrifice was done withou’ intention, in ignorance. The second, forced me to offer me’ blood with intention, with knowledge. I fear tha’ the next sacrifice will be more than jus’ a simple drop of me’ blood.


    A part o’ me screams to me tha’ I should find someone to ‘elp me, to save me. Yet I know tha’ I cannot turn me’ back on this path. I ‘ave seen too much and I cannot close me’ eyes. My fate is bound to this tome, to Arugula


    Trixie’s Journal, a Halfling’s debauched damnation. - V


    Since I ‘ave unlocked more of the tome, I ‘ave learned much. I believe tha’ soon I shall be ready to defend Dunshire from the big’un menace. However, I now realise tha’ simply readin’ this tome is no longer enough to sate Arugula. An ‘ard choice lies before me, I can continue to sacrifice greater amounts o’ m’self, a dangerous path, or I can sacrifice another. Perhaps an animal o’ some sort will suffice?


    [!] The next passage has clearly been written several days after the last.


    I ‘ave spent some days now tryin’ to locate an appropriate sacrifice, nothin’ is workin’. I ‘ave butchered countless varieties o’ animals an’ yet Arugula still eludes me. I feel toyed with, I know tha’ this is some form o’ test but the answer eludes me.


    [!] Stale blood and dried tears cover the page from here on. The words are shakily written and are barely legible.


    I... I ‘ave done a great evil, o’ this there is no doubt. I ‘ave crossed a line an’ I know that me’ soul ‘as been irrevocably twisted. I ‘ave murdered, the blood o’ a big’un dirties me’ hands. The man ‘appened to pass the borders o’ Dunshire’s woods an’ it was then tha’ madness consumed me. By the time the ‘aze lifted I awoke to find me’ hands within their body.


    Realising what I ‘ad done an’ what might befall me if I allowed m’self to be paralysed by fear, I acted. From what I ‘ad read in the tome, I realised that only ‘alf  o’ the actual sacrifice ‘ad occurred. As such I dragged the still warm corpse through the night. I was fortunate enough to avoid bein’ spotted, at least to the best of me’ knowledge. Once I managed to deliver the body to the lake of Dunshire Arugula acted.


    A great, squidlike, tentacle emerged from the depths. It took the corpse from me an’ dragged it down into the watery abyss. I ‘ad just been about to leave when I felt something touch me’ stomach, looking down I saw a far smaller tentacle. As soon as I noticed it, it released itself but I saw that I ‘ad been marked. I believe it to be a symbol o’ what I ‘ave become, a disciple of Arugula.


    It would not surprise me if this day is me’ last coherent one. I know now that me’ conscience ‘as failed me. I must enter a deep meditation an’ enter Arugula’s dreamlike realm. It is the only path available to me. I do not know what will happen to me once I emerge, I do not know what I ‘ope to achieve. But I cannot continue to live like this. I am broken, shattered, twisted, an’ I must go forth to meet me’ fate. I live in damnation.

  12. Trixie’s Journal, a halfling’s debauched damnation - V


    Since I ‘ave unlocked more of the tome, I ‘ave learned much. I believe tha’ soon I shall be ready to defend Dunshire from the big’un menace. However, I now realise tha’ simply readin’ this tome is no longer enough to sate Arugula. An ‘ard choice lies before me, I can continue to sacrifice greater amounts o’ m’self, a dangerous path, or I can sacrifice another. Perhaps an animal o’ some sort will suffice?


    [!] The next passage has clearly been written several days after the last.


    I ‘ave spent some days now tryin’ to locate an appropriate sacrifice, nothin’ is workin’. I ‘ave butchered countless varieties o’ animals an’ yet Arugula still eludes me. I feel toyed with, I know tha’ this is some form o’ test but the answer eludes me.


    [!] Stale blood and dried tears cover the page from here on. The words are shakily written and are barely legible.


    I... I ‘ave done a great evil, o’ this there is no doubt. I ‘ave crossed a line an’ I know that me’ soul ‘as been irrevocably twisted. I ‘ave murdered, the blood o’ a big’un dirties me’ hands. The man ‘appened to pass the borders o’ Dunshire’s woods an’ it was then tha’ madness consumed me. By the time the ‘aze lifted I awoke to find me’ hands within their body.


    Realising what I ‘ad done an’ what might befall me if I allowed m’self to be paralysed by fear, I acted. From what I ‘ad read in the tome, I realised that only ‘alf  o’ the actual sacrifice ‘ad occurred. As such I dragged the still warm corpse through the night. I was fortunate enough to avoid bein’ spotted, at least to the best of me’ knowledge. Once I managed to deliver the body to the lake of Dunshire Arugula acted.


    A great, squidlike, tentacle emerged from the depths. It took the corpse from me an’ dragged it down into the watery abyss. I ‘ad just been about to leave when I felt something touch me’ stomach, looking down I saw a far smaller tentacle. As soon as I noticed it, it released itself but I saw that I ‘ad been marked. I believe it to be a symbol o’ what I ‘ave become, a disciple of Arugula.


    It would not surprise me if this day is me’ last coherent one. I know now that me’ conscience ‘as failed me. I must enter a deep meditation an’ enter Arugula’s dreamlike realm. It is the only path available to me. I do not know what will happen to me once I emerge, I do not know what I ‘ope to achieve. But I cannot continue to live like this. I am broken, shattered, twisted, an’ I must go forth to meet me’ fate. I live in damnation.


    ((Going to be away for the next couple of days so Trixie’s gonna go into a deep meditation. Crazy stuff will happen and I’ll probably make an extra long post telling you all what happened. But I think it's time to progress to the next stage of Trixie’s character development!))


  13. ((The beauracy of the Halflings has failed the individual. The Halfling proletariat must rise against the elder's oppression! ? ))


    Trixie would momentarily pause in their reading. Briefly. they would wonder as to whether they shall join the Dunshire Drinking Night. After several moments they would decide that they cannot afford to miss it lest they ruin their reputation any further. Satisfied, Trixie's eyes would begin to drift back to the tome's words and madness would once again return.

  14. Trixie’s Journal, a halfling’s desperate cry. - IV


    Me’ fingers drip along the worn pages o’ this tome as I whisper each an’ every word aloud. Each passage ‘as been burnt into me’ mind and a twisted smile graces me’ features. I ‘ave found some comfor’ in this madness which consumes me. The shadows o’ me study ‘ave morphed into twisted tentacle-like appendages. I ‘ave not seen one directly yet they wait jus’ in the corner of me’ eyes. I believe tha’ I shall understand these thin’s more once I delve deep’r into Arugula’s cruel embrace.


    [!] The journal’s page is greatly crinkled and from here on the once neat and cursive writing has changed to a rushed scrawl.


    The words o’ the tome are closed to me. Somethin’ bars me’ way, and I can longer devour the truth I ‘ave gorged m’self upon. I ‘ave to find a way to break these locks, these chains, which dare to keep me from me’ birthright.


    [!] The journal’s page is no longer quite so crinkled and the words are once again written in a neat cursive. Yet the words are not so confident as they once were, the handwriting is timid and lacking in confidence.


    I ‘ave unlocked the tome’s words, but it came at a price. Even as I write these words, fear and guilt gnaws away at me’ conscience. It all comes at a price, I should ‘ave noticed this sooner but me’ enthusiasm blinded me. When I firs’ read this tome me’ finger bled, I did not know why and I ignored it. I realise now that it was an offerin’, a sacrifice, but that same sacrifice is no longer enough. The firs’ sacrifice was done withou’ intention, in ignorance. The second, forced me to offer me’ blood with intention, with knowledge. I fear tha’ the next sacrifice will be more than jus’ a simple drop of me’ blood.


    A part o’ me screams to me tha’ I should find someone to ‘elp me, to save me. Yet I know tha’ I cannot turn me’ back on this path. I ‘ave seen too much and I cannot close me’ eyes. My fate is bound to this tome, to Arugula


  15. Trixie’s Journal, a halfling’s ignorant fall. - III


    The accursed words o’ Arugula ‘ave changed me, o’ this I am certain. An anger I ne’er once ‘ad ‘as viciously blossomed in me’ heart. Madness ‘as made its abode within me’ mind and I am merely grateful tha’ it no long’r seeks to drag me further into its embrace. It is content to wait and watch as I damn me’self further.


    I am unable to cease me’ reading o’ the tome’s pages. I ‘ave read little, but I will continue to devour its archaic knowledge. It is no’ an easy journey, for each page I ‘ave read illuminates previous passages to me and I am forced to return to them. I canno’ stop, the way is now open to me and like a creature possess’d I delve further, deeper. How can I turn away from the truth when it sits innocently atop me’ desk?


    I am no’ sure wheth’r it is due to the tome’s presence, but a bligh’ came upon Dunshire this nigh’. I and the Deputy Sheriff, Angelica Woodstock, ‘ad been discussin’ the lack o’ Big’un raids and the ‘istory o’ Knoxism. I felt anger flourish within me as I ‘eard tha’ us ‘alflings were forced to become Cannonists les’ we desired to be put to the sword. A part o’ me fears that me’ ‘eresy will bring those same swords upon me.


    Angelica and I ‘ad scarced finished our conversation, when a ghas’ly scream consum’d the Dunshire Woods. We fled, to the village centre, waitin’ to see wha’ manner o’ creature ‘ad come to bring furth’r misery to Dunshire. A shadow’d figure drifted slowly towards us, and in its wake the bountiful wildlife o’ Dunshire turned to ash.


    Terror savagely grabbed me’ ‘eart and I ‘eard Angelica’s breath ‘itch besides me. Fortunately she is one o’ the bravest ‘alflings I know. She demanded tha’ the creature tell us why it ‘ad come to Dunshire, a peaceful village. The blackened monstrosity paused its glidin’, and what I could only barely call its face, turned to us. The insides of me’ mouth withered and me’ blood felt afire, yet a small part o’ me felt a damming desire. In desperation I whisper’d a prayer, it was only once I finished, tha’ I realised it ‘ad been to Arugula. I do not know wheth’r it is coincidence, I doubt it, but as soon as the words wormed their way from me’ mouth it began to rain.


    The creature laughed, drifting away, tellin’ us tha’ we were unworthy of its time. Perhaps we were or perhaps it fear’d me’ prayer. I know not, but I am drawn furth’r to the dark tome which sits upon me’ desk. If such a creature migh’ fear those words then perhaps the other Big’uns will too? Has the salvation of the ‘alfling’s come to me? Will the secrets of this tome finally save us from the Big’un menace? I ‘ope so. The madness within me has begun to move and I ‘ear its laughter echo throughout me’ mind.

  16. Trixie’s Journal, a halfling’s growing madness.


    I no long'r fear for me' fellow 'alflings, for 'ow can I when I can only fear for m'self? Me' mind may not 'ave been the sharpest in Dunshire yet I feel it weaken day by day. I 'ave searched the Dunshire Library for any 'int of answers, alas I found none. In desp'ration I travelled further afield, something I would never norm'lly do.  A zeal grows within me and I yearn for the truth. I was ill-prepared for it.


    I pass'd through Cloud Temple and its bustlin' markets and followed the road North. I had scarced travelled far, when an odd Big’un 'proached me. His eyes were mad and I 'oped to avoid 'im as any respectable 'alfling would, but me' endeavour was futile. He grabb'd me' arm, roughly frayin' me' jacket, before thrustin' an old tome into me' shaking 'ands. His putrid breath turned me' stomach, but t'was 'is vicious, knowin', smile which terrified me. His mouth moved against me' ear and whisper'd words I 'ad no comprehension of. I broke away, runnin', all the while failin' to avoid 'is tongue as it slithered along me' ear. I fled as if the legions of hell themselves chased me and as far as I was concerned they were.


    As I returned to Dunshire I found m'self clutchin' the tome. I was skittish as I passed me' fellow 'alflings and I fear that I may begin to tarnish me' reputation as an upstandin' 'alfling. Once I was within the safety of me' burrow, I placed the tome upon the desk within me' study. I refused to open the tome and instead went about enjoying the afternoon. A pleasan' lunch and a nice pipe within me' garden almos' set the world to righ'. Alas, I could neve' find peace, always a silent call dragged me' thoughts to that damned tome. Nevertheless, I stayed strong and retired to bed.


    Over the next several days I fough' against temptation incarnate. I threw m'self into the Dunshire community in the 'ope that the darkness and me' curiosity would leave me. Yet each pint I drank tasted o' dust. Each pipe I lit left me coughin'. Every bite I ate tasted rotten. The laughter of me' fellow 'alflings tormented me. I could no longer bring m'self to visit the tavern or force m'self to talk with me' friends. Soon me' neighbours began to give me odd looks and I 'eard whispers as I strode pass'd them.


    I no longer left me' burrow. Surrounded by shadows and nightmarish nights I turned to me' only salvation, the mindless 'aze o' Cactus Green. I was rarely without me' Hoo-kah to me' lips. Its fumes permeated throughout me' burrow and I lived a 'alf life, ne'er truly awake nor truly asleep. It was not to las', soon me' supply o' cactus began to dwindle.


    As the cactus 'aze lifted, me' dreams quickly deteriorat'd to nightmares. After one particularly unsettling series of dreams I marched into me' study. The moon’s light was 'idden and so I lit a candle, placing me' hands on the damned tome. Dust and old age 'id the tome’s title from me, I turned to the first page and saw me' damnation before me.


    “Arugula.” The foreign word crawled from me' tongue. Me' finger caressed the beguilin' word on the ancient papyrus. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain, me' finger bled. The shadows grew within me' study and the candle offered little 'elp. Fear grips me' heart and madness claws me' mind.



  17. Trixie’s Journal, a halfling's troubled thoughts.


    Me' thoughts 'ave been dark o' late. Such a thing is 'ardly comm'n 'mongst us 'alflings and thus I find m'self with a desire to document me' thoughts. I 'ope that in doin' so I may yet stave off this madn'ss, alas deep within me, I know such 'ope be foolish.

    I should explain the source o' these thoughts, les' I should one day come to forget. I was a member o' the small but stalwart Fellowship o' the Tankard.  I joined more ou'tta curiosity r'ther than any moral obligation. After all, this cursed tankard was 'ardly the responsibility o' any proper 'alfling. No doubt some big’un sought to stir trouble in Dunshire, sadly they succeeded far more than I think they ever 'oped to.

    I 'ave no desire to write about tha' which occurred during our adventure, for other, far better, 'alflings 'ave done so. All I 'ave te' say is tha' it ended in tragedy and we los' a great member of our community, a Mr Hobbs Burrows. He was a good 'alfling yet in the end the power of the tankard caused 'im to take 'is own life. In 'is final moments 'e was a man possessed. Yet in 'is madness 'e tol' us somethin' important, Mr 'obbs killed a man to gain this tankard. No 'alfling would act with such zeal and barbarity. Yet I do not know wheth'r 'e spoke truly or wheth'r the madness of the tankard had distorted 'is memories.

    'owever, it is not for 'obbs that I fear, for 'e 'as left us. No, it be for the othe' members that me' fear grows. This adventure 'as changed all o' us and I doubt it is for the bett'r. The shadows within me' burrow grow both deeper and more sinister. I feel a call, yet I know not to whom or what it belongs to.

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