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Posts posted by AnimeWolf0080

  1. GIhwP7l7WxPzDUMAeXWUnL4IdWH4SvWEe6C7MEgulkUDpdpz12eeLV3JQO1pNCnAqTa4gfCmz-IJTonc79vfOR-pKhnwMznwPM9GrjNuDT3YODDotAwIehp3Fe8N6PlWeme9bK6ySwcGUsNm8WEL7N8



    A notif has been posted among the noticeboards of Ciudad de Plata, Karosgrad and Haense vassals alike, detailing an upcoming class hosted by the Vicereine, Laurelie de Pelear and Princess Amity de Pelear within Hyspia!










    [!] An oil painting done by Vicereine, Laurelie de Pelear, 1896.


    The Vicereine and Princess of Hyspia invite the children of Haense and allied nations from the ages of five to seventeen to a painting class. Here they will be taken on a tour of the island, learn the craft of painting, mingle, and make connections among their peers.


     Canvas, brushes, oil paint, paint pallets & aprons will be provided. 

    The de Pelear family looks forward to your attendance.




    When: Wednesday February 1st, 4pm EST

    At: Hyspia







    Her  Highness, Laurelie de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep and Gereon's Hold


    Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Princess-Consort of Hyspia




    Thank you to Miss Tada & Kito for helping spruce up the post.


  2. The elf woke up and turned to look at the calendar, it’s roughly his 100th year on this earth… “Has it really been that long?”He didn't know his real birthday other than he had one. He stretched, soon standing to his full height of 6’1. Moving outside of his cramped space he called his nest. He grabbed his bag, and headed out the door. Moving to the nearby spring he washed his face. Walking the streets of Vortice he made his way to the shop. Lighting the lanterns on the top floor near his flowers, the makeshift alchemy lab. Opening a book, at least 80 years old at this point. His eyes started to shift over the pages. He never believed in god as the man who gave him the book did… Flash powder. “No” Will’o bottle “Already have those” Tanglefoot “Just made that last dragon's day… might not be ready in time if I make another batch…” he carried on looking. Auric Oil, that was something he could work with… If only he had Liquid Essence “Damn it” he flipped the page Smoke wipers “that’s something I can use!” He said moving about running out of the shop to get the needed herbs from his hidden stash in the floorboards of his home. 


    Grabbing what he needed… maybe having yelled around a bit at Gus to see if he could borrow some herbs, only to find what he needed after looking back at what he had again. He was off, a race against the clock. Dresses in an apron, pants, gloves and goggles. He started to make the smoke whispers.


    Just in time, the people of the city started to gather at the gates. He removed his apron, gloves and goggles soon to get on his armor. Placing his helm on top of his head. He always hated wearing things on his head, his face not so much. However it was either wearing a helmet or risking losing his eye a second time. Something he didn’t wish to go. He was in such a rush to get out of the shop, he had left his tanglefoot bottles and the smoke whipres. So much for that. On the bright side, he was able to pack two other bags with some rope and some rations of dried beef and bread. 


    He saddled his horse Luther, it was time for another escort mission. The gates were opened. Soon as they got on their horses they were off to Balian! He had only been there a few times. Just a handful of times to help out the Vuiller family if they needed an escort to a meeting. He had often worn a different name, over his many years he had grown distrustful of people. The descendants as a whole, still they rode off to the city in the sands. 


    Once in the south, the sky got dark. While his comrades of the city of Vortice were put on the wall to stop a dragon. He joined up with the people of Elvenesse. He was going to the canyons, He handed off both packs, one to a person going with them. The other pack went to a young man as they made out their game plan. No reason to hand off the bag to the young lad,just felt like it. Among the crowds of people he saw a face he recognized. Jarad Munnel, seeing the man without a mount. He was invited onto Luther’s set. Each group made their way over to their wagon. He didn’t pay too much attention to who was at first. His one goal was to keep the cart safe. He was stationed at the left flake of the wagon. Once they started to walk he went to load his crossbow. Jarad, seeing this, offered to take the reins. He allowed such, loading the crossbow. Walking along the road… an arrow head was in the dirt path.. Then another. Not even a breath later arrows rained down on them as Streaks of lightning. A violent scourge of red, black and green light intertwined in the daybreak.. “Shit! It’s an ambush!” he shouted to those around them, as if they couldn’t see with their own eyes. 

    Skeletal archers were lying in wait. They didn’t want the cart to get to the canyon. Some of their horses had been shot down. Thankfully Jarad was able to maneuver Luther in a way to where he didn’t get hit. It also helped that they had the waggon for cover but for how much longer only time could tell. Some of the now dead horses laid onto their riders. They pushed on, the men and women off and some still on their horses started to charge at the undead. Slashing them down where they stood. Unknowing what was going on. The cart was still being pulled. Veluc, paired with  Dele Seregon as a defender. Luther with his two riders kept close to the cart. “Keep with the cart!” Luther’s rider called. Auriel “Speed is essential! Quick! QUICK!”


    The sounds of battle rang out on the path. Adri and Fritjof moved to take down some of the archers, Dele dashed forwards to get the one laying it waiting behind a cactus! Dazen Zantiln crept closer to the tower, knocking an arrow onto his bowstring to prepare himself for a shot.  Auro'ra Castington saunters off to stand a little ways behind Dazen, unpigmented mist steaming from their shoulders before coiling around her arms' helix structure - clumping into a sphere in the center of her palm. 

    Naerys Athri'onn and the other rider leap from their horse before they too fell victim to the pitfall trap. Well played indeed. 


    Some of the undead archers reloaded their bows as a fatal mistake was about to be made. Two undead archers were hidden behind a sand dune. Luther was hit in the chest, sending both riders tumbling forwards. Followed the sound of breaking glass. The will’o bottles that he had in his bag broke. Yet somehow didn’t activate, saved by some cosmic being once again. Perhaps they found him still entertaining? Didn’t matter, his horse and longtime companion was hit, dying. Being used for cover by Jarad as other horses and riders started to fall into spike traps


    “You good?” he called back, running after the cart still being pulled by the escort as he started to run after it, but didn’t hear if he got a response back. They had to keep the cart safe. Jarad exhaled once to steady his aim as a flash of light appeared at the end of his magegold rod, firing out three speedy air projectiles at the two skeletons whooshing through the air as they traveled towards the archers. Jarad turned a poor skeleton into a pincushion, the undead falling over after having been shot with the gat. This caused Auriel's swing to miss however, The momentum of the blow carried straight into the side of their horse's head, knocking the bridle out along with some teeth and causing the horse to buck their rider off, not dead, but panicked and running. . A guttural horn would sound in the distance however over the sounds of battle. Followed by a guttural draconic call echoes from the front of the city, warped by undeath. 


    As the waggon got closer to the canyon, the figures marching from the canyon could be seen clearly even in the night now. The long dead from almaris' past wars come alive again, an elysian shield wall followed up by uruk berserkers, Alongside the elysians in the shield wall former orenian imperial soldiers and harvest confederacy ones mixed in. A last stand guarding the canyon. The cart came to a halt. “Damn it!” Veluc stopped at the sight of the defense in front of the canyon, holding onto his axe in the road. He lowered a free hand to his belt and produced a bottle of grey goop. “TO HELL WITH THEM ALL!” Dele bellowed and at once, set upon the archer, going to spear it in a furious strike aimed to destroy it!  Auro'ra Castington furrows her brows whilst the aura sphere within her hold erupts into flame for the second time, she retracts her hand before pushing it forwards - the mound of flame aiming for the undead atop the tower. “ELYSIANS! THE ONES THAT I AND A MENTALLY INSANE PERSON KILLED FIVE OF WITH NOTHING BUT DAGGERS! ORENIANS WHO FELL BY THE DOZEN! ONWARDS! DON'T FEAR THE WEAK!” Kosher Daesmon  raise his aurum sword, as he yelled. Jarad smiled at the work on his magic-powered air gun before putting it away and taking out his glowing spear and his medical kit, bending over the still somehow alive horse , wrapping some cloth around the arrow wound, applying frost vine. Stabilizing it for now, deciding to return later in order to treat it properly, running forward in order to catch up to the cart. “Wonder if the undead could only find almaris's worst fighters, the wall will be easy to break.” The elf climbed onto the cart taking up a post with his crossbow. 


     Vicious explosions litter from the canyons, parts of the sludge slowly being burned away as the other descendants move to finish the job.  Kosher Daesmon takes out a bottle as he stands his ground “HOLD THE LINE! DO NOT LET THEM TAKE THE CART!” He would circle his horse, attempting to rally as many as possible. “KILL THEM ALL! LEAVE NO DEAD UNQUARTERED AND SLAIN!” Dele once again bellowed, moving to keep up with Kosher, producing a particular vial from her hip. Jarad running up to the cart spear in hand shouted “Hold the line, Send the undead scum back to their graves!” “Anyone want a fireball?” The elf shouted moving to take aim at the line of undead making their way over. Auriel drew forth her dark blade, anointed in auric oil. The handle of the blade held a spike, letting her douse it in blood. It alit, shedding a chainsawing buzz of lighting and rusted gleam. Onto the back of Veluc's horse, she rode.


    Veluc moved the cart forward just slightly before he lowered himself from the seat. Still holding the poleaxe in one hand, in the other he shook about the bottle of tanglefoot. “Get ready, everyone!” Others soon started to join in, coming from the dirt path behind the waggon. Pillars of smoke bellow from the city behind them. cloud of smog, to all those that looked at the city… 


    The line of soldiers from wars passed seemed steady, advancing ever onward towards the cart and defenders. Seemingly more toughened through necromantic means. It would likely take a massive force to wheel through the oncoming horde. Those who had potions out started to shake them, activate them. Kosher waved his sword “HOLD!” Jarad ran closer to the cart “Rally on the wagon, we can push through this together” he would yell to the reg-tag group of soldiers. With not much else to do, the elf that was once on top of the cart jumped down. Tapping the blue gem on his gauntlet. Those who then tossed their positions slowed down the undead. Some fell short however. “GET THAT CART IN THE CANYON, YE DUNG-BAGGING GOATHOLES!” Auriel gave excellent advice, shrieking over the buzzing whine of her sawing blade. Veluc joined them back at the cart everyone near started to push it as others just now joining the battle started to run past them… The waggon started to roll. The elf lifted up his gauntlet, the blue gem a glow. “Kin now!!” Jarad yelled “Move out of the way!” Kin, the elf shouted as a fireball the size of a beach ball shot out, lighting the cart up in a big blaze. Anyone unfortunate enough to be caught near the cart as it rolled down the hill into the canyon would suffer from 2-3 degree burns. Those who had run past the cart. Soon I started to retreat! Some dragging the still alive horse. 

    The cart, now flaming, would quickly hurl down the hillside towards the cavern, running over undead and likely descendants alike if they were anywhere in its path. The cart would hurl down with a loud this into the heart of the hoard. As the cart smashed into the canyon however, a sizzle would be heard and a tense moment would pass without change. Until it did. 


    The skies seem to dust the city of Balian with plumes of ash that dig within the crevices of the city. The air seems dry, an omen of something to come. Then from the sands, the horrific beast is shown to surge through the sands. The feller of Cloudbreaker, in full force those still around started to rush back to the city, be it on horseback or foot. Screams could be heard from the crowds….“ABANDON THE CITY.” and so they did. Filing out of the burning city. Off to a nearby keep where those hurt during the battle could be treated. 


    Kin finding one of his new found friends among the hurt. After getting his friend treatment he took him back to Vortice. 




    Sorry if I didn’t get everyone’s emotes. Been writing this for a while and going through my logs a lot because I crashed and missed a few things! Thank you to the st team for holding this event and thank you to the Elvenesse for letting me go along with them. Also the biggest thanks to Daengie! For running our canyon group. I hope we weren't too difficult.

    I know it's late...but i've been dealing with a lot of irl.


  3. 23 hours ago, Xarkly said:


    Surely when a player joins for the first time it's suitable for a CT to try offer guidance? Putting the onus on the player to reach out seems really silly - a lot of these players struggle to figure out which channel to talk in, nevermind take it upon themselves to figure out that they can ask for help, much less how.


    When new players join we give them the following information, What they do with it is up to them.
    Discord account, Lotc discord link & what chats to use, Minecraft account (I give my alt for the rare days I’m on that), How to contact us in game, how to make a ticket, at least four links. (Two player guides, a settlement guide, lastly a nations & major settlements guide) ect. I get it, reaching out to staff can be intimidating, but if we don’t know. How are we meant to help, how are we meant to guide & hold their hands. Walk them along the dirt/cobblestone paths if we aren’t asked for help. Even when I’ve reached out to help 8 out of 10 times I’ll never hear back from the players. After reaching out via the forums & discord. On the server if I see a new player and reach out. 9 times out of 10 I will hear back. We can reach out our hands, we can try to help. However, we can’t do anything if our hands aren’t taken. The best we can do at that point is watch if we see what’s going on, try to reach out to other people to help them. Even then sometimes that won’t work. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Xarkly said:

     literally what


    Isnt this one of the main points of.CT

    If they don't ask for help how are we meant to know? Sometimes people want to work things out for themselves, or they'll want their friends to help them. Each person wants a different experience. We can lead the horse to water but we can't make it drink. 

  5. I agree with your statement, we do need to make applications a little more hearty. Over my four years on lotc, I’ve done my best to help new players. Give pointers where I can and check up on them at least 3-4 months into their time on the server. One of my good friends was a player I accepted but because the server wasn’t his cup of tea. He left, still texting nearly every other day just to check in on each other. Not the point of this I know.

    It was an executive decision to make the applications easier. Due to how many people were getting denied for bad applications.
    How the old application system worked was, you needed a good Metagaming and Powergaming definition. At least one lore reference, 6 sentences. No metagaming/powergaming (so no magic or cutting off 50 heads at once) in your bio/backstory. Nothing against server rules. A lightly detailed physical description. At least hight, weight, hair & eye color nothing personality wise in this part of the app. If you wanted to share what your clothing was even better. Personality traits/quirks. At least one good and bad trait, and nothing physical.
    Your skin needed to be up to lotc code, match your race and physical description.

    Your persona had to be 18+ and your roleplay scenario had to at least have one set piece of dialogue and one action in 3rd person. 

    If you got put on pending you had 24 hours to fix your application unless given more time. Then it was denied.
    If you hit 6 or more of these marks your application was denied. So was the muffins way.

    The only other way you could get denied was if you had some unsavory things not fit for the server. I’ll let your imaginations go wild with that one.

    I know I always do/will do my best to reach out even if they are denied/pending/accepted to get them the best advice I can give. If I can't, I'll try to find someone who can. (insert other staff team or player here) 

    There was also the rare “this is too hard, can you just outright deny me.”


    Onto the new way of applications 

    You need to share how you would avoid powergaming in roleplay, and how does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay. Now your persona can be below the age of 18 in rare cases. Like you have a friend coming onto the server to play your child, but we need proof. A screenshot or a conversation will do. What is your Physical Description. Now your Roleplay scenario & backstory are together, I came up with the criteria on this part as these new changes were implemented very quickly. Basically the same thing, You need to have at least 6 sentences. Until further notice you don’t need a lore reference. (I’m still crying over that one) Again no power/metagaming (can’t know magic. Or be a lost princess ect, unless you're coming onto the server to play a persona given to you). If your application actions are in first person. We’ll let it slide so long we give them a heads up. “Hey server culture says it’s a 3rd person action here!”. Even if your application has something like “I am a duke of Heanse and xyz” and nothing else is wrong with you app. We’ll accept you and just say “Hello, your app was really good, but you can’t claim to be a duke. If you want to be a duke you’ll have to do the rp for it. If you need help getting started let me know!” and so on. Your skin needs to be server appropriate.

    Now there are no more 6 strikes and your out. Some ct still might do this but we are trying not to do that anymore, if you are put on pending you’ll have 48 hours. Unless given more time. 

    After the 48+ hours you’ll be auto denied, anything that goes against the tos will get you denied. Then again the very rare “deny me, this is to hard” (I should also mention that if your application was plagiarized you’ll be denied, this goes with the old app ways too)

    As for when new players come onto the server, unless they ask for help. We can’t help them. Anytime I see a ticket saying ‘I need help’ I pick it up as soon as I can. Any time I get a message, I get to it as soon as I can. If they need me to hop into a vc, I’ll ask a friend to sit in the lotc vc or a group call vc with me to try and explain things. Sometimes I talk a little fast, so they are the person to slow down what I just said if needed. I do my best to explain the rules. “Maybe don’t run away from roleplay unless you emote about it first” ect.
    I have a very detailed monk guidance sheet that the whole of ct should have access to. Chat command, how to use the bank/soul stone. What nodes are, if they want the longer version of the guide that is also available to them. How to use /persona, what soul binds and edit tokens are. How to make a ticket, how to show off/hand off items to players. Take them to where they want to go after sharing with them what places have people. So we can get them to rp as fast as we can.
    After I close the ticket and if I have time (Sometimes these tickets can take up to 3 hours, the longest one I had was 8 hours. I had to hand off the ticket at least 3 times to other members of the team. This was in 2020) I’ll watch them for a little bit, if it looks like they are doing good. I’ll let them go on their merry way. If it looks like they are having a hard time I’ll try to hold their hand a little bit to help. 

    I know not all Ct members do this, but it’s something I try to do.

    Personally I feel like once we can have the lore reference back applications will start to go up in quality and so will the player’s roleplay.

  6. 10 hours ago, Javert said:

    Cesar de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, rises from his sleep to read the missive. Upon reading it, he has another heart attack and blacks out again.

    Laurelue de Pelear rushed to her husband's side. Not yet reading the letter. She'd just make sure he was alright


  7. Laurele de Pelear would be praying in the church that her son Alejandro "May Alejandro be spared from death, should he captured allow them to find him innocent from the attempted murder. He said he didn't do it, I believe him... please let my son be found innocent" she prayed pleaded with god in silent prayer. 

  8. 1 minute ago, tadabug2000 said:

    Princess Sofia de Pelear, now Kastellan of Stewardry felt a surge of pride come through her as her chin notched upward upon reading the appointment! She was certainly excited to get to work, flipping through the new paperwork granted and seeing what stewards she has to work with and their current doings.

    Vicereine Laurelie de Pelear would go over to her child and give her a big old bear hug sharing how proud she was of her

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