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Posts posted by camocat9

  1. Shamil ibn Saeed Faheem nodded vigorously as he read the notice, "Na'am! I felt the effects myself, saw the waves it created! It must be larger than a boat!" The man said, despite having no way to truly tell how large the creature, if it even were one, would have been.

  2. Gail Cordius heard of the notice early into the evening-- sitting within his humble home on the outskirts of Veritas. The aging man took a measured sip a freshly brewed cup of Aeline's prized peppermint tea, leaning against the thin wall of the structure as tapped the feather of his exquisite quill against his chin, a half-drained jar of ink sitting beside him.


    He heard a sizable commotion outside and leaned forward in his place, reaching out to paw the wooden shutters away from his window and peer into the street. Then, he heard the claims of her death, his eyes growing wider as he leaned back away from the window and back against the wall, seemingly shocked by the realization that his friend was no more. Aeline, sitting at the fireside on the opposite end of the home looked over her shoulder and noticed the expression on Gail's face, an expression on concern suddenly flashing over her own as she got to her feet, lightly moving towards him and placing her hands on his shoulders,

    "Gail?" She asked, the concern even more obvious in her soft tone, "Are you alright?"

    Gail shook his head wordlessly for a long moment, still in a state of disbelief. "Jorden..." His voice remained quiet as he turned to address his wife, "She's... dead... such a wonderful woman, gone in the blink of an eye..." He blinked the hint of a tear from his eye before continuing, "So suddenly... she was fine just a few days ago, during the opening of the tavern... she... was the same age as me..." A look of fear mingled with sadness on his own face, "If that's the fate that befell her... what could be waiting for me?"

    Without another word to Aeline, he grabbed the crutches from where he had left them leaning on the edge of the table and retreated to the bedroom, a glistening of sorrow embedded deep within his eyes.

  3. On 3/18/2021 at 8:44 PM, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Even if a CA race doesn't have a huge impact on the average LOTCers roleplay, why should that matter if the people playing the CA race are having fun with it? We play games to have fun, and as much as LOTC tries to be something greater, we are ultimately still a game.


    Late to the party, but I have to bring this up again. It's amazing how much people tend to forget that this is a game and it's meant to be fun. Every CA I've seen released has a small group of extremely dedicated players who have fun playing the race-- Hou-zi and Kha are the ones I've seen firsthand. While these groups don't make up a quarter of the server's total playerbase, there are still GROUPS that enjoying playing these types of characters. If there is a dedicated group who would enjoy something like this, I think it is quite worth it.


  4. [!] Spread throughout Almaris, and especially throughout the streets of Talon's Port, flyers are tacked up to nearly every available space!

    There will be a competitive darts tournament held within the seaside city of Talon's Port in the upcoming days! The tournament is to be held in the local Alley Alehouse Tavern, and will pit contestants against one another in this classic game. Entry to the competition if free, and the winner will take home a prize of 100 minas! You do not have to be a citizen of Talon's Port to join in on the contest!


    Even if you do not plan on joining in as a member of the tournament, all are invited to watch and enjoy drinks at the Alley Alehouse!


    [!] The official rules of Talon's Port darts are listed below the flyer!

    Guide to the Game of Darts.


    OOC Details:

    Time: Tuesday, March 16th, 7pm EST.
    Location: Talon's Port, The Alley Alehouse Tavern
    Directions: Travel to the West Hub. Follow the road towards Krugmar, and turn off through a cave at the road that branches from it. Signs will point you to Talon's Port.

  5. The city of Talon's Port glistened in the light that shone from the nearby harbor. The streets were full of life from the wedding that had occurred earlier that day, and the noises of seabirds mingled with those of the jungle. The Council of Talon's Port had just adjourned their meeting, and Gail limped to the main square, crutches set beneath his arms. Laboriously, he climbed to the second floor of the Alley Alehouse and stood by the edge of the small balcony, setting his crutches aside and instead leaning on the flaking metal railing. A light breeze moved the aging man's hair as he cleared his throat quietly before he spoke.

    "Citizens of Talon's Port-- I have served this city for my entire life-- dedicated every ounce of my being towards it, and wished to see it succeed. Ever since our humble beginnings within the old city of Talon's Grotto, and since the time I was brought to serve beneath Sovereign Goldblight, I have seen our city come to life... I've seen it prosper over the years, and I've seen it fall into disrepair, but we have persevered. Every time somebody thought the city was on the brink of collapse, someone brought it back, and each time it grew stronger than the last.

    But... these years of leadership has tired me. I had accepted this position in Talon's Grotto, while our population was still small, and was unprepared to lead a city of the magnitude that Talon's Port has become. Even still, though, I've done my best through the years, and tried to be a compelling leader. Whether it worked... that's for you to decide."

    Gail cracked a light smile at his words before clearing his throat once more and readjusting his position on the edge of balcony, shifting over slightly,

    "But, I've decided, on my own accord, that my time as Sovereign should come to a close. I've accomplished what I wanted to for the city in my tenure here. Talon's Port has became the city I always dreamed it to be. As the human I am, I'm growing old-- growing near to the end of my life. I believe it's time to pass the torch of leadership to somebody with years of life left within them, somebody who can continue forging a path of greatness for the city. I'm lowering myself to a position of stewardship, and spending my last years in peace. The new Sovereign is not yet decided, and the vote will be held in the council soon.

    May Talon's Port see much prosperity in the future."

    At that, Gail Cordius grabbed his crutches and lightly pushed himself up from the edge of the balcony, limping away towards his home as the breeze rustled the tall, jungle trees around the city-- feeling almost as if a weight had been lifted from his chest.




    Year 15 of the Second Era


    The Sovereign State of Talon's Port and The Chiefdom of Aetherdale agree to the following terms in the hope of bolstering the economy of both Talon’s Port and Aethervale by providing affordable goods that are much sought after in each town.



    ARTICLE I - The Chiefdom of Aetherdale agrees to provide The Sovereign State of Talon’s Port a tax-free stall within the village that will be ran and managed by the Talon’s Port Council.

    ARTICLE II - The Sovereign State of Talon’s Port agrees to provide The Chiefdom of Aetherdale a tax-free stall within the city that will be kept stocked with hunted goods sought after by craftsmen that will be ran and managed by the Chief of Aetherdale.

    ARTICLE III - The Trade Pact will expire twenty years after implementation, lasting until Year 35 of the Second Era. Upon Year 35, the Trade Pact can be renewed with mutual consent from both involved parties.




        SOVEREIGN OF THE DEPTHS, Gail Cordius.

    CHIEF, Ahmanu Chaephyra


  7. Gail Cordius, Sovereign of Talon's Port, heard a knock at his door. Slowly, he moved towards it before pushing it open. A member of the Talon's Port Militia relayed the information of the operation, "Somebody being held for ransom within my city? Should I have known this, I would have dispatched the Militia immediately!"


    The aging man turned away from the front door, waving away the guardsman before he climbed the steps to the balcony at the top floor of his home, preparing to send a bird.

  8. The Talon's Port - Orenian Boat Race

    Year 12 of the Second Era


    [!] Flyers are posted throughout both Talon's Port and Oren on an upcoming event between the two cities.


    "On the 5th Month of the 12th Year of the Second Era, there will be race held between the city of Talon's Port and the city of Providence! Invitations are extended to any person who wishes to compete! Competitors will race along the coast in rowing boats, making it their goal to reach Providence before the other competitors. The competition will start at the Talon's Port docks, and will end beneath the bridge leading to Providence! Whichever rower reaches the Providence bridge first will earn a prize of 500 minas! The event will begin later in the day!"


    [!] There is a map provided on the flyer that details the route of the race!



    OOC Details:

    Event Time: Monday, February 22nd at 7pm EST.

    Players will be racing mechanically in boats.


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