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Everything posted by 2camel

  1. 2camel


    I was born in the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. My mother left me when I was a young bearding, too young to remember her. My father died when I was 14 when the onyx mine caved in and killed him. I then looked to petty crime like stealing bread to survive in the harsh world. I was found 2 years later by a rich dwarf how payed highly for onyx mining i was the smallest dwarf at the time being 3.5 feet tall. Using this to my advantage I got into places that others could not and obtained ton of onyx for my boss. I was later promoted to supervisor where I was then fired for the death of 9 other dwarfs in a mining accident. I was sent to trial where I was in a dwarf prison for 3 years. When in prison I met a very wise dwarf called "The elder" who told me that the humans had been sabotaging mines all over the realm. I made it my mission from then I kill human that come close to anything I loved. I was then bored. I went though a state of depression where i did nothing for months on end. Finally I came to the realization that i should find my mother. I went on a quest for 2 year and found nothing. I decided to find a passion. I started cooking, I fell in love with it. Then one day I felt an urge for power, I had never felt this before. I ignored it. The feeling grew, and grew and grew. Then one day I dropped every thing and left to start a new in the present.
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