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Everything posted by Ave_haense

  1. Ave_haense


    He is a of a strong and heavy build, excellent in fighting and is very agile, he is well trained in the art of stealth as he is the color of the darkness with his white glowing eyes, He is also a great liar and seems to make a lot of friends to later manipulate them, he is also very intelligent. He is covered in warm isolating fur coat but has the thickness of a cheetah. He is very self conscious and conscious of other peoples intents and can calculate a lot of situations, so he is a well trained in bush craft and can make an assortment of traps that effect different races. He was left as an orphan at birth by his father who had been separated inside Caras Elder. He lives day to day by using his exceeding ability's of thievery to his advantage in every situation, and often will take up protection money for other races.
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