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    Tyson | Goobi#8383
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  1. Goobi


    Born to two loving Dwarf parents into the Irongrinder Clan, Okri Irongrinder did his best to fit in with his Kin. His childhood was surprisingly uneventful, following the clan wherever it went but always keeping to himself as not to draw unwanted attention, this left him with few people who knew his name, and fewer friends. As he grew older and began working different careers he found himself spending much of his time working with metal, be it using iron and steel tools to harvest ores from the many mugdors, to tending to a forge as a smith's assistant to create new contraptions and repair old ones. Okri always did his best at whatever he was attempting, even if his best paled in comparison to that of a professional. He did however have two passions which although he never learned how to do it in practice, his fascination with the documentation of it was something that made him eager to attempt it as he grew older... This aspiration of Okri's had been a desire to learn Alchemy and Runesmithing. The first of his two dreams, that of the dwarvern alchemy called gauld, was realized when he happened upon an abandoned, dusty, old alchemists journal titled "The Secret Ingredient". It was written by an Umri woman named Rosanne, her journal was more akin to a textbook, but it detailed her as an elderly alchemist who had been eager to spread the knowledge of common herbalism to anyone willing to listen. It contained detailed notes and sketches of various ingredients, but the tome was clearly unfinished as it was left blank halfway through, likely due to it's abandonment by it's previous owner. Although Okri never learned what became of the woman who had written this text, he would treasure it dearly and use it as an inspiration whenever he was worried about what he would do in the future. His interest in Runesmithing was far less impressive or interesting as what had sparked his interest in alchemy, but to Okri it was equally important. During his time spent tending to the kadrel with his master, an old grey haired dwarf named Fergus Irongrinder, the topic of Runesmithing came up between one of their common clients and Fergus. Overhearing this conversation, it couldn't help but pique Okri's curiosity about this art of Runesmithing, he would later ask his master about this ancient Dwedmer art. Fergus confessed to Okri he did not know how to Runesmith despite his years of experience, and warned Okri of the dangers of pursuing such an art. Despite his masters warning Okri's interest in Runesmithing never waned, long after leaving working at the forge his interest in Runesmithing strengthened as he grew in age. Once he was no longer a beardling by age, he decided it was time to pursue his goals. He was done being nothing more than a face in the crowd, Okri Irongrinder would be a name marked in history, be it for great success or being no more than a fool blinded by his own aspirations.
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