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    NamNyan #0764
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  1. IGN: Toadyn RP NAME: Torënd CANDIDATE: Durorn Ireheart
  2. NamNyan


    Torënd Anvilaxe is a well dwarf which was born among the Anvilaxes, sadly for him his drunken father, threw him in a caravan that took him away from his brothers. In his trip he arrived at a camp of hearthlanders which took care of him like their son. He soon started to show his dwarven looks. At the age of 20 he was already the strongest among the brothers in the hearthlander familly. At the age of 35 he decided to go in the nearest city and be a student of a blacksmith. He soon learnt the teachings of his teacher, mastering the blacksmith art. Years passed by and Torënd fell in love with the blacksmith's daughter. Sadly for him, the girl had to move to another city to continue the studies in medicine. Torënd was heart broken but he decided to work a lot so he can forget about his loss. Years passed by, wars became and wars ended, the word goes by in the city he lived in that the dwarven kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah won the training war with Krugmar. Not much passed and a dwarf came into the city looking by for a blacksmith to craft him a weapon. The dwarf presented to him as Hekkaes Anvilaxe and asked for a warhammer. While Torënd was working, Hekkaes Anvilaxe looked at Torënd a bit and noticed Anvilaxe simillarities. Hekkaes Anvilaxe, asked Torënd a few question about himself and later heard he didnt had dwed famillies. Hekkaes looks better and realises that he is one of his lost brother. Hekkaes Anvilaxe is begging his brother to come in Kaz'Ulrah among his brothers, holding his tears while talking to him. Happily for him, Torënd accepted its offer and moved in Kaz'Ulrah among his brothers. There the story of Torënd Anvilaxe begins.
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