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    Hex Skyfall #9645
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  1. Hex_Skyfall


    Ryl's father was slaughtered by a six fingered man. His father was a great swordmaker in Carolustadt. When the six fingered man requests a special sword, his father took the job. The six fingered man returned and demanded it, but at 1/10th his promised price. His father refused, and without a word the six fingered man slashed him through the heart. Ryl loved his father, so naturally he challenged his murderer to a dual. He failed... But the six fingered man leave him with two scars, one on each side of his face. He was only eleven years old. When he was strong enough, he dedicated his life to the study of fencing... So the next time he meets the six fingered man he will not fail. Ryl will go up to the six fingered man and say. "Hello... My name is Ryl Ortega. You killed my father... Prepare to die.".
  2. Hex_Skyfall


    As a child his village was attacked and burned down by a legion of orcs when he was only 9 years old. He watched them slaughter his family and friends as he managed to be the only person to escape. His hatred for orcs from then on drove him to promise himself to learn to fight and protect any innocents under attack. He likes to study new things everyday and is learning how to become a blacksmith. His fascination for elves and magic seems to drive his studies even though he has no want to use magic himself. He is currently hoping to find dwarves to study from as well as he looks to settle down in the Northern Nations near Retanuns or Haelunor or maybe even Nordengrad.
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