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Posts posted by BasilTheBunny

  1. I had to scroll for a solid 5 seconds to get past the bee movie script


    Anywho, that's not what I'm here for

    This question's a bit more personal, but I was wondering what kind of things you included in your portfolio to get into college? And what specifically are you looking to do in the future with ur career in the arts?

  2. [!] Silence befell an aged elf. The memories of one she knew so many years ago and tended to as her own plagued her mind, left pondering silently what had become of the woman. It seemed more and more the recollection of her allies began to slowly drift from her.



    unknown.pngthese were the days


  3. 2 hours ago, Melpomenne said:

    Now, she tossed the page off towards her most favored companions, LEOPOLD AND GIULIANO. "LOOK!"


    @RaiderBlue @BasilTheBunny

    Giuliano gave a light scoff at the prospects "Disgusting! They always take the smallest muttering of a rumor and blow it out of proportion in these things, never doing anything good for anyone! They attributed my ma's wonderful tailoring to some ragazza as well." He clenched the page, indenting it thoroughly along its edge as Coraline had done before him.

  4. On 10/7/2021 at 7:32 AM, Melpomenne said:

    merhaba arkadaşla


    my luv basil!! i hope ur three years on lotc have been an enjoyable and relaxing experience :-)


    sum questions for u:


    1. what is your biggest regret on lotc? (character wise ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐)


    2. what's is an instance on the server you wish you could go back to?


    3. what/when was ur proudest moment?


    4. which direction (North, North West, North East, East, West, South, South East, South West, West East, ect.) is ur fav?

    My love!! they have been, kinda. :)


    1. There are so many it's hard to pick one- character-wise I think it was not taking Charlie in a more creative direction. I think he could have been really cool to play for longer, but I didn't get to.

    2. Atlas!!! Specifically late Atlas, Sutica

    3. Hmm... I didn't take a lot of pride in the things I did to be fair so I wouldn't say there's a huge one. The Sutica ball a while ago when I ran the event team was pretty cool, and in general being on council.

    4. West, or North-West! Not sure why- west's always been the homie


  5. 1 hour ago, Goon said:

    1) what do you think you'd be doing if you never found LOTC? (question stolen from unwillingly)

    2) what's something in RP you wish you got to do? and is it too late?

    3) what do you think was Pruinae's 'breaking point' or 'turning point' in how you played her as a character?

    4) what's your favorite art commission you've done so far? or art piece in general?

    5) what's something you hope for the future? be it vague or really specific, or be it about your own future or the future of the universe.
    6) I really like your art! how can I get in contact with you and view your commissions sheet if I wanted to purchase something?


    1) I'm honestly unsure, I clearly would have a large source of my income cut because lotc players are my main customer demographic. I actively looked for an RP server a year or so after the old server I RPed on shut down, so if it wasn't lotc it would have been a different roleplay server, and who knows where that would have led me!

    2) I really wish I got into more events, there really wasn't any that happened within Sutica that wasn't created by people who lived in the city themselves. The closest thing would be the voidal tear, which was at a point before Pruinae joined the guard and I started doing more CRP on her. Suppose there were rats in the sewers too. It's not too late, but I still find it difficult to be involved in events

    3) Turning point: Sutica's square remodeling, I'm not really sure why, it just feels right. There never really was something that changed her life in a way that's not subtly, but definitely getting my tavern job was an initial stepping stone.

    4) I don't really like past pieces, so the one included in this post or a Halloween one I made on the weekends :)
    5) I'd ideally like to be able to have a more smooth income from my commissions and be able to take my art to the future. There are other things in a broader aspect, but I think those might be too serious for a mineman post.

    6) :) hehe https://sites.google.com/view/basils-commission-info/home has my info, msg on discord BasilTheBunny#5790 or Instagram on the site ty for the free plug


    1 hour ago, mika1278 said:

    what would you say to your younger self that has just joined the server?


    I'd talk to them about quality of roleplay, do's and don'ts, and who to avoid so I didn't associate with bad people. <3


    1 hour ago, AudTheOdd said:

    How many near(ish) death experiences can you remember that Pruinae's experienced? Which one was the most significant to you?


    Too many to COUNT bro... to be honest not sure if there's a most significant one- possibly getting kidnapped and almost drowning? Just because it was most interesting I'd say, and she didn't die, although she had to forget it, it was still fun- and confusing because it was for no reason.


    1 hour ago, wonk said:

    What are some of your fondest memories on the server?

    How’d you come up with Pru? Was she someone’s child character? First persona? Spill the beans?

    If Sutica wasn’t a thing, where would you have RPed primarily?

    And do please share, how does one commission an art piece from you? I’d like to request a full body render of 8 people <img src=">


    1) Pru's wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although after events ended quickly, it was so fun to get to experience that IRP. I also hold fond memories with Jorden on the beach outside Sutica, iykyk. Killing Charlie, although awfully sad, that solo RP holds a special place in my heart.

    2) First persona, I just looked through the wiki and was like "ok, I don't rly wanna play these other ones, how about snow elf" then just made stuff up.

    3) Well, I originally rped in Fenn, so probably there- but it was quite boring, so maybe somewhere like Haense or wherever would be the second closest to Fenn in Atlas

    4) Check #6 on first question answers! B)


    1 hour ago, NLThomas said:

    What RP had the most impact on you?


    Ty tom <3 uhhh probably Charlie's death and Pruinae's last moments with Jorden- they were lovely rp's but it honestly made me think about a lot, with processing something heavy like that.


    1 hour ago, MeteorDragon said:

    Tell me your favorite color.. it's the only question CT management taught me to ask


    LMAOO omg... most greens, sage-forest greens. I also like bright oranges, orange-reds!


    33 minutes ago, StrongBear said:

    1) Will you just take my money? Because your art is worth it all.

    2) Favorite moment either be RP or vibing in a VC with the homies?

    3) What has Pru been up too since her favorite kid died?


    1) no >:( i can't let u go broke

    2) Answered the RP one above so! vc: I love a lot of the early 2020 Sutica vc's, those were super fun. I also loved watching Mona's old roblox videos I was crying

    3) That was honestly the time I started barely getting on after Strong's death, so I assume just looking into plants & exploring some possibilities within alchemy, and painting/sewing, idk!


    35 minutes ago, CherryBoy said:

    1. what is your favorite thing to draw when not doing comms?

    2. why is Pru so perfect?

    3. what is your beef against ATLA?

    4. really like your art would love to know how to contact you for a commission


    u a boomer with those emojis man...

    ty bro u too <3

    1) W...wil...wil.....wilb...wilbu..

    2) Just cause

    3) You and strong have asked me for too long now it's a matter of honor

    4) check #6 on first question :*)


    love you all! <3

  6. [!] A mid-aged elf placed down her dwindling stick of charcoal after signing off the final page of yet another journal.


    Pruinae takes a sigh, leaning back against her chair as a few loud pops roll down her spine. She takes one more glance over the last page of such journal before folding closed the book- the leather cover heavily worn, pages used and warped to the point that shutting it with the given strings had become an impossible task. Opening the second to bottom drawer on her desk, Pruinae placed the collage of her memories atop the many others, stuffing the drawer completely.


    After a bit of fiddling through the cabinets, various items laid in front of the woman- a stack of homemade cloth parchment, leather, strings, and more.


    As with the creation of a new book marks the 208th birthday of an aging mali- unsure of the years to come.


    -=-Artistic Progress October 2018 to October 2021-=-





    Can't believe I've existed on this server for 3 whole years now and had this character that whole time, but it's definitely been interesting. Going to go out and touch some grass after posting this.

    This is an AMA just because everyone seems to do one, so feel free to ask me something. Or don't.

    Although these past two months I virtually have not logged on due to fluctuating motivation and other things, I still want to help and commemorate my friends that I feel played a part in building Pruinae as a character and me out of character- for better or worse- that I will always come back for.

    Thank you for making my time on the server lively from the beginning till now, I will not be @ing you because that is a lot of work, you know who you are:

    Wonk, RC, StrongBear, Goon, Audry, Chipped Stars, Mika, Duke, Meteor, Salty Alty, Hexe, Venclair, Vitalian, Pillsbury, Minty.

    And although I haven't talked to some of these individuals in months or years, I felt I gained something from your role-play (and of course those I have not role-played with but still met through others on the server are also a joy) as well as dozens others not listed- apologies if I forgot/excluded you from the list.

    This sounds like I'm leaving the server, I'm not- if I was, which I was initially planning to, this post would be a lot longer- I just wanted something to commemorate 3 years :)

    Alright, questions below, RP in Veritas.

  7. -=+=-





    Warning, loud noises in the music ^


    Art by me.


    Maybe not a daughter by blood, but a daughter nonetheless.




    The more her daughter grew frail, the more the mother had begun to worry.

    Harsh coughing fits seemed to trail Jorden wherever she went... and with that trailed the concern of her mother. The evening turned into night, the archery competition within Veritas coming to a close and her daughter returning from her small venture to the tavern.


    Coughing fits began to consume Jorden's form, the two elves accompanying her- her mother and Annabelle- bringing her to her home where she was laid onto her couch, a light fire going to keep the house warm. A few tears were shed.


    Her mother urgently searched her medical bag, producing few herbs into a tea in an attempt to calm the coughs- to her dismay this worked only temporarily.


    The life began to drain from her daughter's eyes, staring blankly out the window before the Brashton quietly muttered

    "I think I want to sit on the front porch."

    And so it was, the group brought themselves to the porch. Annabelle rested herself against the door, the frail woman onto a stool, and her mother standing beside her, taking grip of her metal right hand and the guardrail of the porch in front of her.


    The three looked out into the streets of Veritas, a cool breeze wailing softly as the stars and lanterns lit the streets.




    Sniffles and crickets rung out into the quiet town, before a gentle hum was produced by the dying woman. As she tucked the red tatter from her pocket into a small black tome, she muttered her last words.


    "I will love you, always and forever."


    Though the returning words of her mother were harsh and quiet due to the tears running rapidly down her face, she replied.


    "I will always love you too Jorden... I'm not sure I'll ever love another more."


    Her daughter then would take her final breath, slowly closing her eye, and resting.


    As Annabelle glanced over, she whispered a single word.




    As Pruinae felt her daughter's hand grow limp, she did not dare to look over. Her grip tightened, her breathing becoming loud and shaky, as well as the whole of her form lightly quivering. Her lips parted as her exhales became harsher, tears running faster as her head tilted downwards.


    The mother sobbed, lowering herself to sit leaning against the wall as she continued to sob and sob- loud and painful her cries were, filled to the brim with sorrow. She let go of the railing, both hands cradling Jorden's metal one in despair.


    No wound to her exterior could ever compare to what Pruinae felt at this moment.


    The mother grieved the loss of her child.



  8. The elf sipped a cup of tea, walking around her kitchen counter repeatedly as she read over the letter left for her. Her expression remained blank as her eyes traced the writing, before giving a gentle sigh. She walked upstairs, tucking the note into a desk drawer. The cup was now empty, the elf proceeding with the new day as though it was any other.

  9. Pretermitted

    Ambient Music


    Try and be more careful with falling in love this time, aye?”
    - Charlie Elmoran


    A young man interrupted the silence of a peaceful beach, the setting sun blaring against his eyes as he walked. The smell of crisp salt filled the air, waning over the area. Pleasant sounds of crashing waves accompanied the dull crunching amongst the sands underneath his feet. Soon after, he stopped- all hints of civilization had disappeared. Looking upon the rocky terrain of cliffs and deep blue ocean adjacent, he took a seat, seeking a deeper look now.


    And the man began to think...


    Two small identical twins, born to a lovely castle in the countryside- earliest memories of catching frogs in the Sutican shores, and making “smoothies” out of the likely-poisonous berries. Sword fights with a small dark elf, high ambitions- the dreams of a hero.


    Amongst the siblings, the twins were always the tightest bond. It's what got them through their unraveling, through a barely functional family. It's what got them through the general ways of adolescence, their lack of a mother figure, their father's alcoholic tendencies, and eventually, the man switching his dresses for suits.


    The girl grew into a woman, the boy into a man. Each found their own partners, the sister eventually partnering with the dark elf of childhood, the brother a sweet high elf he had met along the way. Life looked so well, as the sister had come to accomplish great feats- learning magics, defeating ologs, establishing a consistent part of her relationship, buying a home...


    Briefly snapping from his trip down memory lane, the man glanced across the horizon once more, eyes squinting rather pensively before he stood. He wiped away the sand that accrued against his clothing, beginning to hike to the top of the cliffs that were behind him. His mental trip to the past continued along the way.


    The brother on the other hand started to fall behind, every step the sister paved, he was five behind, only trying to live up to the woman he's spent his whole life with. Metalworking seemed fine, but it didn't take him far. The man would state that is what he was working on, only to ease the family's minds.


    In contrast, his own mind worked against him. The thoughts of their expectations became suffocating and their reassurance did nothing to appease his own criticisms. Ridiculous, he thought of himself. A lack of happiness and self-satisfaction in his accomplishments- of his own physical form.


    He tried a few things to pull himself up, to finally show he can be something. But those five steps too slow always seemed so impossible to regain. So instead of continuing to push, it was easier to walk back to a point that the lost steps were too many to count. 


    The wrong way to the finish line.


    Unbeknownst to the solemn man, he’d finally reached the top of the cliff, taking a deep breath through his nose, otherwise silently, standing to watch the last bits of the day.


    The overbearing thought of disappointment drove him to seclude himself from those he cared about. The man sought to create a complete distance; only worsening his fragile state of mind.


    In these days, he found himself traversing the wilderness with an occasional stop for food with his dwindling coin. Sometimes he’d find those same berries he made into smoothies with his sister- ah, what memories those were.


    These were how he survived. But what is survival if you’re not enjoying it?


    However, maybe this way people would eventually stop worrying and forget him.

    The last conversation he would have with his father and sister was of how they missed him.


    At the edge of the cliff now, the man began to weep. 


    “Where had that joy gone?” “Why am I a failure?” “This is pointless.” “I hope they forget me.” “I’m not good enough.” “I was never going to be good enough.” “Don't miss me.”


    As if he wanted the incessant noise of his mind to cease; a body now limp in the sand as the sun disappeared- the nighttime cloaking the area fully now. Rain fell, as though weeping for the lost soul.


    The showers stopped late in the night, and all was silent once more, save for the crashing waves that would always be.



    Unless you were to actively look along the southernmost beaches to find his body, those who knew him IRP would not be aware of this passing.


    This character was insanely fun and heartfelt to play, and I love everyone who he got to spend time with. All good things must come to an end, however, and I feel this is one of them.


    Special thanks to goon (MF_GOON) for making this post so much better with his editing, love you tons <3


  10. [!] Notices would be posted around the Federation of Sutica and the lands surrounding it



    Sutica’s New World Krugsmas Festival


    With the new world of Almaris, we on the Sutican Event Committee would like to start the year with a celebration of a favorite holiday to many!


    On the Sun’s Smile this year Sutica will hold a festival in its square in honor of the new world and Krugsmas, with that we’ll have several treats as well as collectibles and activities! Sign up for a stall below if you’d like to contribute


    Make sure to wear your Krugsmas hats to match the theme of the season! It may be the desert but it doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate Krugsmas this winter! Come enjoy yourself, spread the word, and bring a friend!



    OOC Section

    This Sunday the 20th

    ~ 4 PM EST ~

    Location: Sutica

    Booth sign up!

  11. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Pruinae Tathvir


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  12. MC Name: BasilTheBunny

    Character's Name: Charlie Elmoran

    Character's Age: 23


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Chomylla Atmorice


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:





  13. Username - BasilTheBunny

    Character Name – You know who I am, it is I, Pruinae Tathvir

    Proficiencies/specialities – Tavern owner, daggers, short swords, doctor, handling money and people. Whatever other stuff Pru does

  14. [!] Notices would be posted around the Federation of Sutica and the lands surrounding it



    Sutican Fight Night 4.0


    With the opening of the Coalition of Arcane Knowledge, a variety of skilled mages have made a way into the environment of Sutica! And what better way to welcome them than testing their skill through battle?

    Mages or not, you are welcome to show up and participate in this year’s fight night! All we ask is that you stop the fight once the first blood is drawn or a significant blow is dealt. Please do not damage property either! If both parties are willing, however, you can continue the fight!


    Prizes  ((CRP))


    2000 mina - Gold Trophy - 15 Sutican Ikurn’Vallei


    1300 mina - Silver Trophy - 10 Sutican Ikurn’Vallei


    700 mina - Copper Trophy - 5 Sutican Ikurn’Vallei


    Prizes  ((PVP))


    700 mina - 10 Sutican Ikurn’Vallei


    500 mina - 7 Sutican Ikurn’Vallei


    300 mina - 5 Sutican Ikurn’Vallei


    We hope to see you there!

    Please sign up using the forms below!

    [!] A few forms were attached below each sheet.



    OOC Section

    The event will be Sunday the 16th

    4 pm EST, Under the Sutican Tavern


    This is a CRP or PVP EVENT, two rings will be at the tavern to compete in respectfully.

    To sign up for a booth please fill out this.

  15. [!] Notices would be posted around the Federation of Sutica and the lands surrounding it



    Sutican Display of the Arts


    Calling all musicians, dancers, or artists of any kind!

    Sutica will be hosting a competition for all performing arts in which you will be able to display your talents to win prizes!


    These will be solo competitions, however, feel free to tell your friends to come and watch or compete themselves!


    All mediums are open to using, as long as no one or thing is injured in the process. Just make sure it involves some art form!


    Next year’s Snow’s Maiden at the top of the Sutican Castle this event will occur! Use the next six months to prepare your piece to perfection! Directions will be given once you arrive.


    We look forward to seeing you all there!




    1500 mina - Gold Trophy - A Statue in Your Name


    1000 mina - Silver Trophy


    500 mina - Bronze Trophy



    Wednesday, July 1st

    6 PM EST

    For musicians, links are allowed but you’re guaranteed loss if you send the link and do no further up emotes. Be good bards people.



    Yuumei In This Moment

  16. 9QGrsM9ZxhAi26gzC2b0FhpZaG24AyUzSBTE42UjKextXEF_sbbj9kKqaIOPQpbmgmbcp2_9TYftNHV5bpq0OO5xCk9Uy5BV60qPA1eIS7oYsqj1nVrI9mkUW-SLqg-JFAvv2iCj9G2rPhG0rV99WYPOb5t5ucBqLjhmnsUM-PuSvpJl0GFvLRe2P9htrS7KcAkdksHSAufKBssRSLP6Cu2Epf0t4N25SkdWkyY8lO-zbdkzwQdguRxU_2rZqZQ-6uH51R-aJpgwuT70

    The Inaugural Battle of Sutica vs. Brandybrook (Shogging War)


    To make clarification upon the war the late leader, Blair Fester, declared on Brandybrook- it is that of a shogging competition and honor- not of hostility. 


    That being said, Suticans are the obvious winners in this sense.


    The date is set, in two years’ time on the 15th day of the Sun’s Smile the fight will commence and we will see who indeed is the better shogger. The competitions will occur in Brandybrook.


    Please contact Pruinae Tathvir or other members of the Sutican Event Committee or government, such as Audry for a place in the competition.


    --OOC Information--


    Sunday the 21st at 3 pm EST


    Will happen at the Brandybrook docks

  17. [!] Notices would be posted around the Federation of Sutica and the lands surrounding it



    Sutican Carnival of Love


    Though it may sound cheesy, love is something we all could use a bit more of. Therefore, we on the event committee are excited to announce our Sutican Festival of Love!


    No matter who you are, we can all celebrate our caring for others, whether it be through romantic, platonic, or family bonds.


    We’ll have a range of activities at the event as well as love-themed foods and items! Come hang out, have fun, and maybe meet someone new.




    The Events (In Order of Occurrence)

    • Random Friendships

    • Who’s the closest contest (How well you know each other)

    • Dancing Lessons

    • Decorate the flower pot

    • Relay Races

    • Speed Dating

    • Spin the Bottle (Kisses or Hugs)


    All rules will be explained at the festival


    We hope to see you there!

    You can also sign up for a booth with the forms below.

    [!] A few forms were attached below each sheet.



    OOC Section

    The event will be Sunday the 24th

    4 pm EST, 1 pm PST, 10 pm BST


    To sign up for a booth please fill out this.

  18. [!] Notices would be posted around the Federation of Sutica and the lands surrounding it


    The Grand Sutican Under-Tavern Tournament


    The Sutican event team is proud to announce our first-ever Grand Sutican Under-Tavern tournament. We are happy to invite all of the greatest warriors in and around Sutica as well as in all nations within Arcas!


    This tournament will be held in the Sutican fighting pit beneath the Sutican tavern one elven week from the posting of this notice. The registration will close 3 elven hours before the start of the tournament and brackets will be released 1 elven hour before the start. Late sign-ups will cost mina.


    We’re happy to say our very own guard captain, Domonic Elmoran, will be announcer during the event!




    All weaponry and armor will be allowed as long as it doesn’t affect the audience, however, magic won’t be allowed at all. (Up to change if it’s highly requested)


    You may not surpass the given time limit which will be released on the day of.


    Killing your opposing fighter shall not be tolerated. Please keep it to the first to draw blood.


    Any sign of rule-breaking will get you immediately disqualified.


    Use common sense.



    (Prizes may increase later depending on participation)

    1st Place: 

    2,000 mina

    A reasonable request from the Triumvirate

    Gold Trophy courtesy of Aerilith Oakenarrow

    15 Aviator Gin courtesy of Squish Co.


    2nd Place:

    1,300 mina

    Silver Trophy courtesy of Aerilith Oakenarrow

    10 Aviator Gin courtesy of Squish Co.


    3rd Place:

    700 mina 

    Copper Trophy courtesy of Aerilith Oakenarrow

    5 Aviator Gin courtesy of Squish Co.



    OOC Section:

    The event will currently be PVP for the first portion, and if wanted, there shall be a CRP second part.


    The tournament will be held on Monday the 4th of May at 5 pm EST (2 pm PST, 9 pm GMT)



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