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  1. KaCarrot


    Dulrose is a self described trader in the ‘beauty arts’. He believes himself to be an object of great beauty and aspires to make this known, but also to help those less appealing than himself to reach his magnificence. To do this he travels, collecting various plants and other materials to fashion his own clothing, perfumes, beauty accessories and the occasional art-work. His speciality is self portraits. His vain obsession with the beautiful leads him to come off as rude and boastful, but this is often contrary to how he actually feels. Now that he has amassed quite a collection of materials to work with, he seeks to settle down with his kin in the Velunor district of Caras Eldar in the Dominion, to work on beautifying both it’s residents and the district itself. He was torn between this location and Sutica as both appealed as free and open trading hubs, but feels that his fellow Mali’ker are more easily attuned to becoming the beautiful creatures that all Elves should, in his less-than-humble opinion, be.
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