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Posts posted by Beyonce4Pres

  1. Spoiler

    Name of the Treaty:  Sangmar and Nordengrad good friends forever
    Type of Treaty: Military Alliance
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: ] Mercenary Company of Sangmar 
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: ] Earldom of Nordengard
    Date of Signing:  10’th of Sun’s Smile, 1689



    Us Men of Sangmar after speaking with the goodmen of Nordengrad have seen and made witness to see that the men of Sangmar are really good men, and after speaking with them we have decided these guys are the heroes these lands need. Us men of Sangmar the yellow knights in shining armour have deemed it fit that us two heroes of the lands will help eachother out in this military alliance of alliances. 


    Warrior of Allah, King of Men, Holiest of the holy, Destroyer of Degeneracy, Cleanser of wonka woods, etc and whatnot, Tariq Ibn Ziyad


    Earl of Nordengrad, Torsten Rosik





  2. The holy men of Sangmar would no longer tolerate the impudence of the elves upon their holy ground. The elves bothering them and their good friends,the orks,for far too long resting on holy soil a sin enough to fight against the holy men was of utmost disrespect the final straw a note of denouncement to their good friends the orks. They would in haste begin to unsheathe their swords,ready their horses,pull out their bows and prepare to leave their pallisade fort to begin their Jihad,the cleansing of the Wonka woods has begun. 


    CBs: Attack on Leadership  x2


             Enemy of the nation

                Aiding an enemy 



    Side A:  Sangmar and friends


    Side B: Gladweyn and whatnot


    Proposed Date & Time: Tomorrow 11/12/2018

    Proposed Rules: No allies,if gladweyn accepts just both sides fighting amongst themselves


    Location:  1ea694ac30b9f4188e76007ca2aba328.png Dynmap is hella outdated



    BeyonceMAYBE4pres#5329 &  Flamelynx#3327

    Name of the Treaty: Sangmar and Orks good friends
    Type of Treaty: [Alliance, Non-Aggression and Defensive Pact]
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name: The Sangmar Company]
    [Nation / Freebuild] [Name:Warnation of Krugmar]
    Date of Signing: 1689





    We of the Sangmar company,seek to ally with Orks for the betterment of the wonka woods,and so that we may battle in the name of Allah and Krug together for the betterment of our two peoples and so that we may fight together for what is right because we are the heroes these land require.


    * Terms agreed upon is we will help eachother fight in any wars that we see fit 





    Warrior of Allah,King of Men,Holiest of the holy,Destroyer of Degeneracy,Cleanser of wonka woods,etc and whatnot ,  Tariq Ibn Ziyad


    Rex of Krugmar,Gurukk’Lak





  4. Just now, Auriel_ said:


    you got turned on after being on a horse and got down to 1 heart
    try 1v1 at our gates buddy

    LOL ok wont hide this time betamale? LOL didnt even get me down to 1heart try 5 hearts jfc


    Image result for president barack obama speech

    *Steve rallying the peoples of Adria with his default speech within the blessed duchy that he will always be Default within. 


    Steve would go to the town square standing on no soapbox nor’ any platform above his fellow default men within Adria,he would for a moment look around his beloved default city before in haste beginning his standard speech.  


    Hail all default men and women of Adria,I have been much to default in silence,I come before you today to announce my candidacy in such a default manner” 


    “You may all know me as I know you my fellow defaults,a local default adrian guard,a default adrian man,a default follower of almighty GOD”  


    ”I come to speak on such matters to you my standard sisters and default brethren on why such a default man like me should become our blessed city’s prefect? I tell you good people of Adria,a default man as me knows what the people require I am no priortist triangle nor’ a cccp commy,but I am a true default man of the people,a holy man of GOD. And I tell you my fellow defaults GOD does not care about schemes and plots of these mischievous politicians as the likes of rutledge. To flood your ears as a feast of words of empty default lies,to claim themselves for the people but to not even know the default people of this fair Duchy!” 


    ”Let it be known that I Steve Default will not let this blessed duchy down as prefect,no ploys no schemes truly visible to the people what I seek,I tell you now no fake news will be presented before you my fellow defaults! I know what the defaults require,and I will work forward towards making a better Adria,a adria for the people under GOD!” 



    *Steve would then do a default adrian guard maneuver pointing towards the Rune Cameraman before standardly walking off

    Image result for president barack obama speech






  6. A Standard Letter

    To: The most Abrasive of Cyrilsburg 

    From: My fair Peasant Hobble

    11th of Tobias’ Bounty,1688 




    I Stéve ,first of my name have been casted out from the fair city in Cyrilsburg,for nae reason to my knowledge. For these men spout of me being such a undead in GOD’S name I nae know of such speak,I a fair standard adrian guard simply seeked to attend the fair communion of the two individuals in that fateful church. When a merciless banditeer of some sort,had blocked my path and refused me entry into the church! By GOD,such an act is disgraceful but what to add onto such is that he had casted his fellow bandits upon me putting a steel blade upon my throat and dragging me out of the fair city! Not only committing these atrocious acts,but to call me an undead by GOD what an insult I nae have seen coming! I seek to speak with the fair lord of Cyrilsburg to commune with him for such actions caused by the bandits infested within this fair city! That is all I may speak of in this letter,for I have much to commune and only capable of writing such little in this Standard of Standard letters!  I see too it that these atrocities are accounted for! 




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      A default stamp with no specific regard to any name is plastered onto the letter.



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