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  1. MonstEARL


    He was born in a cheerful family in an area close to the city of Fenn. He was once a cheerful and loving child. He was forgiving and caring. When their family decided to visit a city, when he was 16, they were accused for witchery. On their way to the city a child died after passing through their home. The people threatened them so they left. While leaving from the city, they were ambushed by bandits. His parents were killed and in anger, he grabbed one of the knife of the bandits and started killing. He learned to fight due to their race of hunting. That was the time he realized how amusing suffering is. He buried his parents and gave respect to let them rest in peace. He visited a town and committed a murder because he was frustrated at the victim. Nobody knew who did it for he left after he brutally stabbed his victim 76 time. He is living on a mountain in a small hovel he found. There he enjoyed his life. He lives there by farming and hunting. He only decides to kill someone if they trespass his property or when he can’t find any food to eat. But he met Dr Walterdeboculantusalesqueventus and he find him interesting. The Doctor told him that he could teach him more knowledge and that they could discover more new things together before leaving him to explore. Until now he’s still waiting for the Doctor and in the meantime he is learning more.
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