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    Cave dwarf

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  1. Annabelle


    My character is called Anna she is the shortest of the dwarfs but has a huge heart of gold she lives for adventure and can handle almost everything you throw at her, she never gives up and will always follow her heart she makes everyone around her smile and will always put others needs before her own. During the years 1642 until this current time Anna’s family was apart of the Kaz’Ulrah mining family though it was only her male family members Anna is an only child therefore after the year of 1672 when Anna was born her mother (unnamed) had passed due to an unknown illness, Anna’s father (unnamed) was apart of the Kaz’Ulrah mining guild at this time and in an act of keeping his daughter close and safe once Anna reached the age of six in 1677 he introduced her to mining this is when Anna discovered her love of mining. In past years as Anna has grown her father became more protective and had refused to allow Anna to see the growing world with her own eyes, this only increased her curiosity. Now, Anna has chosen to leave her father and figure out her place in the world away from family and discover who she is and find her own adventure.
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