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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by MeteorDragon

  1. MeteorDragon


    Your application has been: Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, its a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
  2. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Pending
  3. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review Hey there! At this time your application has been placed on, For reasons such as: Ø Your powergaming definition is a bit off, use the wiki to get the definition but don’t plagiarize it Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application. Don’t hesitate to ask me something! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Meteor Dragon#8579) or by /tell (MeteorDragon9000) in-game for any questions or concerns. Good Luck!
  4. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review Hey there! At this time your application has been placed on, For reasons such as: Ø Your metagaming and powergaming definitions are a bit off, use the wiki to get the correct ones Ø You need to add another piece of lore to your bio, use the wiki to get the lore. Your bio should also be 3-5 sentences at the least Ø Your description should be of your character’s physical traits not personality and such Ø Your interesting facts should be contain something good, something bad, and something neutral Ø You are not able to “speak with cats” Ø Your skin doesn’t fit the theme of LOTC, if you need one you can use the skin archive Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application. Don’t hesitate to ask me something! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Meteor Dragon#8579) or by /tell (MeteorDragon9000) in-game for any questions or concerns. Good Luck!
  5. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Accepted
  6. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Pending
  7. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Pending
  8. MeteorDragon


    Hey there! At this time your application has been placed on, For reasons such as: Ø Your powergaming definition is a bit off, use the wiki to find it Ø You need to add two references to the lore in your bio, you can find that here Ø You are not allowed to be part of the Ireheart Clan as you dont have permission from the leaders of that clan, EnderMaiashiro Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application. Don’t hesitate to ask me something! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Meteor Dragon#8579) or by /tell (MeteorDragon9000) in-game for any questions or concerns. Good Luck!
  9. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Accepted
  10. MeteorDragon


    Your application has been: Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, its a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
  11. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review
  12. MeteorDragon


    Hey there! At this time your application has been placed on, For reasons such as: Ø You need one more reference to the lore in your biography Ø Your metagaming definition is a bit off and confusing Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application. Don’t hesitate to ask me something! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Meteor Dragon#8579) or by /tell (MeteorDragon9000) in-game for any questions or concerns. Good Luck!
  13. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Accepted
  14. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review Your application has been: Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, its a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
  15. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Denied
  16. MeteorDragon


    Your application has been The 24 hours is up, however you may reapply immediately. You may reapply immediately, however please make the above changes before you do so You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Meteor Dragon#8579), my forum account, or on the server (MeteorDragon9000). You are also encouraged to join our New Player discord, a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  17. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Accepted
  18. MeteorDragon


    Your application has been: Ø You are not fully fledged members or fledgelings and if you look out for Hefrumm the Treebeard’s will take them in and achieve your trials Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, its a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
  19. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review
  20. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Denied
  21. MeteorDragon


    Your application has been The 24 hours is up, however you may reapply immediately. You may reapply immediately, however please make the above changes before you do so You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (Meteor Dragon#8579), my forum account, or on the server (MeteorDragon9000). You are also encouraged to join our New Player discord, a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  22. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Pending
  23. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review Hey there! At this time your application has been placed on, For reasons such as: Ø Your Metagaming and powergaming definitions are off, you can refer to the definitions on the wiki but DO NOT PLAGIARIZE IT Ø Your bio needs to be at leave 3-5 sentences long and should contain 2 references to the lore, which you can find on the Wiki Ø Your skin does not fit the medieval theme of LOTC, if you need skins you can use the skin archive Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application. Don’t hesitate to ask me something! The Wiki has lots of important lore information, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players. You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (Meteor Dragon#8579) or by /tell (MeteorDragon9000) in-game for any questions or concerns. Good Luck!
  24. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Accepted
  25. MeteorDragon


    Changed Status to Under Review Your application has been: Welcome to LOTC! Hope you have a fun time and if you have questions feel free to contact the community team with a /creq or in #h for help chat and #ws for wandering soul! For lore you can find it on the Wiki and forums! Feel free to join the New Player Discord for other questions and help, its a great community for everyone and can provide you with great rp opportunities! Questions you have can also go to me, you can contact me on discord(Meteor Dragon#8479) and in game(MeteorDragon9000)! Have fun out there!
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