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Posts posted by Zaerie

  1. k93nwp7JFy1ssXj-dD74vA060oPi3_E8jeKF3T0izDbEdkdG3eD1LfzMpw5tIws4OC3xl_clGNi7LJ6h53Erota6ZPFrOMtEfYjdAo2U1ZZY5IoO63TIQBc_8dacNY6Ing9SsKOGCQuphBmsQcMlvMM

    Issued and averred by

    Their Majesties





    With the establishment of the Heartlander Confederation. It is the wishes of both sovereigns that the city-state of Hohkmat be granted its exit from the newly established Confederation. And thus independence. 


    This pact between the Heartlander Confederation and City-State of Hohkmat shall be considered in effect from the 5th of Harren’s Folly, 1972 to the 5th of Harren’s Folly, 1980 - Eight years. After which the two states may convene once more to discuss renewing the treaty.




    The City-State of Hohkmat shall be released from the Commonwealth of the Petra, assuming its own sovereignty and lands. The City-State of Hohkmat shall take with them the region of Nortrebanc as their sovereign lands [MEADOWS 2]


    Should the City-State of Hohkmat move from the region of Nortrebanc, the region is to be immediately ceded to the Heartlander Confederation to reunite the Petran Meadowlands.



    The Heartlander Confederation and the City-State of Hohkmat, or henceforth ‘the signatories’, recognise each other’s sovereignty over their territories, titles, and vassals, including any of the three that the signatories may come to possess in the duration of the pact provided that they were acquired in good faith.



    The signatories pledge to each other to adhere to principles of peace between each other. They shall not wage war upon one another, nor shall they raise arms against one another, or try to bring harm to the integrity of one another’s realms. This includes but is not limited to: supporting mercenaries and/or bandits in attacks against a signatory; making claims about a signatory with the intent to ruin the reputation of its culture, people, or leadership; and using the well-intentioned articles of this pact to disadvantage another signatory.



    The signatories hereby pledge to assist each other in matters of national defense; an attack on either party by a third party shall be considered an attack against both. Any disputes between the signatories shall first be resolved through peaceful discussion among the leadership of both signatories. In the event that the territorial integrity of either nation is threatened in any manner by an external force, the two shall come together to discuss preemptive measures. 



    The signatories pledge to assist each other with extradition requests and shall not support evident criminals with hiding or otherwise escaping from the authorities of the signatory they transgressed in.



    The Heartlander Confederation recognizes the universal authority of the Church and the Canon Law. Should the City-State of Hohkmat come at odds with the One True Faith and the Holy Mother Church, the defensive alliance between the signatories shall be considered null and void.




    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Viscountess of Mies, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    His Apostolic Majesty, John I, by the Grace of GOD, Apostolic King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp and Florentine, Baron of Blanchet, Protector of the Realm


    Grand-Magister, Fatebinder, Sorcerer-King, Hierophant of the Mysteries,

    Master of the Ziggurat of Hohkmat







    Issued by

    Her Royal Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    I have been the Monarch of Petra since I was ten years old. Now, twenty-three years later, my youngest children the same age as I inherited at, I look out at the world and wonder who I might’ve been. Beheading a man at twelve, declaring war at fourteen, killing men in battle at sixteen, I fear the hatred that has slashed its way into my heart and head. Perhaps in another life I would’ve been an artist or a poet. A writer, a politician, or a seamstress. There was no room in my childhood, my adolescence or my young adulthood to question my position in life, the person who I had to become through circumstance and blood. Today however, I yearn to reclaim my soul, the ability to forgive, and the skill to be kind. 


    I leave the rulership of the Commonwealth in the capable hands of Lords Wilford and Atticus Reinhold, my reliable and level headed Chancellor, and my kind-hearted and quick thinking Diplomat. During this Regency, I shall leave my crown behind and walk across Aevos as a woman who has lost her way, and simply wishes to find herself again.



    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Avid British Columbian, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère






    One point of pride held within the Petra is its ability and willingness to adapt and change. Not all systems will work, and not all initiatives will reap the desired result. I do not fear this failure, I believe that we thrive from it. The separation between the Knights and the Military of Petra has failed. One dominates the other in the interest of Petrans minds, and now it is time to remedy and retry.


    Alongside this, the Chapter of Rapids and the Chapter of Brooks shall also be altered to better serve the Commonwealth, its interests, and to work alongside each other.






    The Riverguard shall now fall under the Order of the Petrine Laurel as the Chapter of Currents. Officers of the Military being full Knights of the Petrine Laurel: Chapter of Currents, with Chapter Novitiate and Knight Aspirants as the “Squire” stage of the Chapter. These Aspirants and men at arms shall be the duty of all of the Knights of the Chapter of Currents to train, and shall not be assigned to one knight like in traditional Squirehood.


    The Chapter of Currents shall protect the Commonwealth. They shall be the swords protecting the common Petran, the shield from harm in our streets. They shall uphold the laws and peace of the Petra, and they shall stand together as one unit in defence of the Commonwealth.


    Hierarchy of the Chapter of Currents

    Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel

    Knight Captain

    Knight Sergeant/Knight of the Chapter of Currents

    Knight Aspirant/Man at Arms



    Rights and Benefits of the Chapter of Currents

    Knight Officers may be granted Monikers

    Knight Officers may use ‘Sir’ or “Dame’ in their name, and signature

    Knight Officers may hold a seat on the Round Table

    Knight Officers may have the right of judgement in clear-cut cases






    The original intent of both Chapters was unfortunately muddied and twisted with the Veletzian war, causing the Chapter of Brooks - initially intended as an honorary scholarly knighthood - to become a lower version of the Chapter of Rapids. With peace upon us, it is time to remember how much scholars and intellectuals can contribute, and fix the Chapter of Brooks to appropriately appreciate this life path.


    The Chapter of Rapids

    The Chapter of Rapids shall reform as the elite force of Knights within the Commonwealth. They are tasked with the protection of the Royal family and the oversight of the Crownlands. They are the swords of the Monarch and the shield against the unknown.


    Hierarchy of the Chapter of Rapids

    Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel

    Seated Knight




    Rights and Benefits of the Chapter of Rapids

    Knights may be granted Monikers

    Knights may use ‘Sir’ or ‘Dame’ in their name, and signature

    Knights may select one squire at a time from exceptional Knight Aspirants from the Chapter of Currents

    Knights may hold a seat on the Round Table

    Seated Knights may hold host in a Knightly Tower in their Region





    The Chapter of Brooks

    The Chapter of Brooks shall reform as a honorary order within the Petrine Laurel to pay homage to those that spend their time contributing to the Commonwealth through quill and scholarly works. Those that have significantly assisted in cultural development, governmental work, legislation, arts, and other intellectual endeavours may be considered to be granted Knighthood under the Chapter of Brooks.


    Rights and Benefits of the Chapter of Brooks

    Knights may use ‘Sir’ and ‘Dame’ in their signatures on Written Works

    Knights may be asked to temporarily hold a seat on the Round Table





    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    His Excellency, Sir Aimo “The Eccentric, Tongue Taker” of Astor, Seat of Val De Lange, Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel, Baron of Fir’Steinn

    His Highness, August Alcaeus of the Petra, Prince of Abrana, Baron of Wittenbach, Knight Captain of the Order of Currents, Prince-Consort of the Petra




    Agreed upon on this 519 | 111

    Between the Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska and the Commonwealth of the Petra





    The Dual Monarchy of Hanseti-Ruska and The Commonwealth of the Petra, hereon referred to as “the signatories”, mutually recognise each others’ status as fully autonomous states. This includes the right to fully rule and govern their territories as they see fit and non-interference in internal affairs. 



    The signatories, wishing to promote free trade amongst one another and their people, shall allow the respective national Trading Companies of either signatory to own a tax-free stall within each other's Capitals.



    The signatories, wishing to promote cultural growth between one another and their people, shall commit themselves to cultural exchanges between each other, including but not limited to the hosting of shared events.



    The signatories agree to a defensive alliance. In which any hostilities from a third party against any one of them will be viewed as an attack against the whole.


    The signatories agree to settle any dispute between them or in which they may be involved through diplomatic means in such a manner of this alliance and the laws of signatories are not endangered. 


    The signatories agree to consult together whenever, in the opinion of either of them, the territorial integrity, political independence or security of the signatories is threatened.



    The signatories pledge that, in the event of any conflict between them, that such matters shall be solved through diplomacy first and foremost.



    This treaty shall be in effect from the moment it is signed, and shall be in effect for 20 years.






    His Royal Majesty, Aleksandr II, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, Toruv, Werdenburg and Valdev, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera.


    His Excellency, Viktor var Ruthern, ‘Daemonsteel’, Lord Emissary of Hanseti-Ruska, Duke of Vidaus, Count of Metterden, Viscount of Greyspine, Baron of Rostig, Lord of Morteskvan, Lord of Barrows, Patriarch of All-Ruthern and Protector of the South


    Her Ladyship, Ioanna d’Arkent-Kortrevich, Diplomat of Hanseti-Ruska


    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty

    His Excellency, Rigoberto de la Cruz, Vice-Chancellor of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Mayor of Vallagne


    for the BARONY of FIR’STEINN –



    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    Our loyal subject, Sir Aimo of Astor, is hereby elevated to the position of Baron of Fir’Steinn for their and their families continued service to the Commonwealth of the Petra. Those of Fir’Steinn have worked diligently for the Commonwealth, and are hereby recognized for their efforts.


    Sir Aimo has worked diligently as the Knight Commander of the Petrine Laurel, bringing the Knightly institution of the Commonwealth from death, to a thriving institution within Petra. When he, Sir Theoderic and Sir Konstantin were first knighted, each took it upon their own shoulders to bear the burden of revitalizing the Commonwealth in the way that best suited themselves. For Konstantin, he assisted me as Regent and Chancellor. For Theoderic, he set his sights on uplifting the treasury of the Commonwealth, helping to rebuild the availability of resources to Petra.  Sir Aimo took it upon himself to revitalize the very institution that once set Petra apart from the other nations. 


    With this elevation, Aimo of Astor, in representation of their family, shall take upon them the responsibilities and expectations of a Peer of the Commonwealth of the Petra. They and their family are to uphold and lift up the Commonwealth and their fellow citizens. To respect the sanctity of the laws of the Commonwealth, and be part of leading it into a bright and stable future.


    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, Eagles Peak, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    As the sovereign ruler of our great Commonwealth, it is with a heavy heart that I announce a significant change regarding one of our esteemed noble houses.


    After careful consideration and in recognition of their unwavering dedication to their family's well-being, I hereby release the Comital House of Adiler from their oaths to the Commonwealth. It is acknowledged that they seek opportunities that better serve their family as a whole - a decision that I am certain was not made lightly.


    In light of this decision, the title 'Barony of Eagles Peak,' which was graciously granted to House Adiler many decades ago, shall be rightfully reclaimed by the Crown and held under my noble authority.


    However, it is important to note that the additional title of ‘Count of Maehr'nor’, bestowed upon Xavier Adiler, the patriarch of House Adiler, shall remain in the possession of their esteemed family. This title will accompany the Adiler family wherever their noble path leads them next.


    Let it be known throughout the land that the Commonwealth acknowledges the contributions and service of House Adiler, and wishes them prosperity and success in their future endeavours. May their legacy endure, and may they find fulfilment and happiness in their new pursuits.



    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, Eagles Peak and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty

    The Right Honorable, Azrael Adiler, Duke of Aher’asul, Heir-Apparent to the Principality of Maehr’nor, Laurir of Maehr’nor.




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    With the conclusion of the first ever Chancellor Elections of Petra, the Commonwealth gains a new head of its government as chosen by the people that they shall help lead. With 450 total votes cast, one of the candidates quickly took the lead and held it.


    The Results are:

    With 280 votes, Wilford Reinhold

    With 170 votes, Rigoberto de la Cruz


    It is with high hopes that we confirm the results of this election, making SIR WILFORD REINHOLD, VISCOUNT OF STORMONT, the new Chancellor of the Commonwealth. The new Chancellor has immediately offered the position of Vice Chancellor to his runner up, Rigoberto de la Cruz, who has accepted the position. May Wilford head the River Council well, and assist in leading the Petran people to a brighter future. 


    A future chosen by them.



    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty









    These memoirs are private and are currently unpublished.



    A simple battle of decisions and consequences. That is what this has become, a battle of its own of attempting to excuse your own actions while damning those of another. Ignoring the contexts to best benefit your own narrative. Am I guilty of that too? Probably. Though my own journal is not a place for unbiased accounts. In my view, my actions will be justified. The circumstances that led to my actions will always balance out, and my own excuses will make the most sense. There is something to be said really about ‘unbiased’ opinions, the thing to be said is well, that they don’t exist. Within every writing is anger and sadness. There is grief and relief, and within mine, there is every emotion, in turmoil. I will never know if I was correct, if my actions the best. Those crossroads have all been burnt behind me.


    I signed the pacts with Haense, Numendil, Aaun, and Balian the day that the Heartlander Accord expired. There was no betrayal, no promise broken. I was not approached about extending or re-signing it, so I didn’t. The world is a very daunting place to be a little Queen alone, and after my experiences, I fear the dark, I fear the lonely road, I refuse to be caught out unprepared. I, and my nation, were about to be alone- so I fixed it. Perhaps in the eyes of those that don’t understand, I looked like a backstabbing coward. One that can’t hold their word or stand by their ‘friends’, but what friends were they to me?


    How dare I? How dare I? How dare I?


    How dare I look out for my people.

    How dare I look out for my own nation.

    How dare I look out for my family.


    How dare I allow a pact to expire.

    How dare I explore other options for alliances.

    How dare I sign new treaties.


    How dare I shut the gates of my city.

    How dare I turn away masked men.

    How dare I break the hand of bandits.


    How dare you.


    A man for a hand. They killed him. My cousins, my Uncle, my neighbors- they killed him. Do you understand what I do to bandits now? I kill them. Bandits will die in Petra, that is the rule. That is the rule that you gave me, Stassion. That is the lesson I learnt from you. That if you let them live, they will take the life of another, the life of an innocent. When word returned to them that Aimo had the bandits hand broken, they kidnapped the first citizen they could and they killed him.


    And yet they claimed they were not bandits.


    Liars. Liars. Liars. Liars.


    A man for a hand.

    A hand a hand- it was a hand.


    Is that what this world has come to? Taking lives for injuries? The lives of the unassociated, the lives of men that had nothing to do with you? How dare you kill him. If the cost of a hand is a man, then that man was worth a nation. And we shall take it. You have proven that your existence is nothing but a tumor on the Petran border. A blight on any map that I look at. A blight on the road between Vallagne and Whitespire. If I swear to anything, it will be the removal of that. For him. You have made me owe it to my people, vengeance.


    An innocent and a King. That is your legacy. Death. The death of a King that believed that you could be part of his nation, a part of his future. You ended his chance at a future. I knew Edmund, at least somewhat. He wanted to be my friend, he was gentle, he was kind. He wanted a world more than war and you denied us all of that. Perhaps you are worse than Veletz. Perhaps your sins are greater. You took this tense time, this period of bated breath where we were all waiting to see where the pawns would land on the board, and you took the first move. Your mistake.


    The world that I wanted was good, I wanted to be a Queen of peace and progress. I wanted to rebuild Vallagne, to expand the farmland. I wanted to build hamlets and cottages and create a cozy life in the Petran countryside for those that wished for it. I wanted to have jousts and tournaments, to have tavern nights and gambling. I wanted something, and I was not allowed it. Instead, I am a hateful woman seeking revenge and death in exchange for death. Who started the death, the killing? It was not me.





    Breakwater, Brasca. Two battles towards the rest of my life, to revenge and hope. I hope they mean as much as I pray they do. It is times like these when I am glad that my parents are dead, that they don’t have to look at their dear little daughter and see the small set of armor that now adorns her, or the mud that dries on the plate. The way that I didn’t think my hair could get any redder, but the blood staining it proves me wrong. I wonder if the two men that I killed at Brasca apologized to my parents for what they have been part of forcing me to become.


    Was it a relief, Gustaf? Falling to that arrow? That you wouldn’t be part of this problem any longer, you wouldn’t have to pace through the anxiety before battle, or stitch up slashes through your skin? You don’t have to mourn the losses of your comrades, or bask in terrified awe as a keep is blown apart like a childs sand castle being kicked? Is it relieving? Is it calming? Did you fear in the end?


    Despite it all, Gustaf, I hope you didn’t feel it. I hope that you were able to look up at the sky and away from the battle as you died. In the end, perhaps I didn’t hate you, but you were the start of the hate that has grown within me, and I am afraid that you being gone can’t be the end of it. You may have started it, but you did not carry it further, you did not feed it. Go in peace, Gustaf, because you never would’ve gotten it from me for what you have begun. Go in peace, because God only knows there is none here.





    Somehow, I am finding that these battles are the parts that I prefer the most about the war. There’s some simplicity in it, you go in knowing to expect death and battle. At home? The walls scare me. The scrapes, the noises, a crash outside the wall. The kidnappings have begun, the hostages. I don’t know if it’s something that I’d be able to handle. There are still marks around my wrists where I was chained by the deadmen. Tearing at the flesh on my arms to try to pull free of a burning tree. How do war prisoners get treated? Do they have similar chains? Would I panic all over again? Would I black out and see that cave, those faces, and that tree again? The tunnels so far have been safe. I will keep taking my people into the tunnels. We will do all we can to not be captured.


    I don’t know if I could survive being kidnapped again.




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    With the debate completed, the candidates having duelled, and the allotted time to look over the transcript properly before the election, the citizens of the Commonwealth may now vote for their next chancellor. Only citizens of the Commonwealth who are over the age of 18, and are in good standing with the Catherinian code may vote. May the best Chancellor win and help lead us into a brighter future.










    The voting will remain up for exactly 48 Saints Hours.




    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère







    -What do you think Petra currently lacks the most?

    -What avenues do you think would be best explored to improve communication between the government and the community?

    -How would you suggest dealing with a lack of available or advertised opportunities within Petra?



    -How do you plan to help protect Petra?

    -How do you intend to handle the uprising of Godless heathens who capture and kill our people, as well as the ones who suffer us with their pagan abominations?

    -In what specific ways would each of you work to promote young, new, and admittedly unskilled peasants and settlers and allow them to grow as individuals and potential families?

    -How would you go about hearing and possibly using the influx of suggestions of change from people outside of the garmont?

    -Do you like ice cream, and what is your favourite colour?



    Queen Catherine I challenged the two candidates to a duel, where they then declined to fight the Monarch as it is their duties as guards and knights to protect her. Instead, a compromise was made where the two candidates duelled each other.


    It was a close duel, though Sir Wilford came out on top as he disarmed Rigoberto.


    What do you think Petra currently lacks the most


    Honestly? We need more housing inside the walls. Badly. We have an influx of interest, but not the accommodation. Along with that, we need to connect with the people more. Reach out to new members, make them feel welcome. And along with those, we need to support our existing community. The tavern, the library, all spots of common commotion. We need to support them as best we can, and find more ways to bring people together.



    What is Petra lacking? I'm more inclined to ask what isn’t Petra Packing! Petra's poppin , but  If I were to say we lacked one thing, it would be ambition. Peace has brought us rest, but there are few National focuses that will guide us moving forward. Wilford is right to note, housing issues have only been exacerbated with  said interest in our community. We still suffer growing pains, stretch marks on a community that struggles to accomodate everyone. I believe that focusing on Republican institutions, developing our countryside under the Solland Act, and opening up the courts and government again would deal with this, and give us much in return for pursuing. Furthermore  The focus on our satellite communities. Moleton, Chambery, the Monastery - all could be leveraged to accommodate new folk, with expansion and integration, I am sure.


    What avenues do you think would be best explored to improve communication between the government and the community?


    We have an incredibly underutilised solution to this: The Garmont Assembly. - Because most people don’t know what it is. If we’re to expand on the assembly, give more information, I believe the best course of action is to allow people to present ideas and petitions, and allow them to be voted on, same as the members do. The people of Petra are innovators, and creative. We need to nourish that talent, and show that we listen. Along with that, I believe the Garmont should be a time when citizens can give feedback on how things are going. What’s working, and what’s not. We have the resources, if we look.



    Well my Reina, court would be an option, but with the city I have explored making time for anyone who passed the tavern on city issues. Working close to the people helps. Truly, more criers, flyers, and more announcements will improve communications from the government, but more assemblies, more meetings, and more outreach will help too. Making our system more open to the community, more Dumacratic, will allow the community to communicate with us. Expanding our councilors' staffs to include those with interests in various issues may also be a great idea!


    How would you suggest dealing with a lack of available or advertised opportunities within Petra?


    Once again, we have the means to solve this issue. In the tavern there’s an unused wall- Why don’t we use it? Other nations have boards listing jobs, and who to contact with interest. Not only would that give us a bridge between the government and the people, but it draws more people to a communal space. It should also contain information on the city, cultural and such. We need to be more friendly, both literally and metaphorically to new people. They need to know who to ask questions to when they have them.



    I would start by asking the people what opportunities they are seeking. We can make any role we wish and ask people to fill it - someone to dig a ditch, another to fill it. Two opportunities there - but what is that worth if it's not an opportunity people want? There is a misunderstanding about opportunity in Petra.. I believe there are opportunities for all, but many are seeking something we have not made clear that we can offer. With the number of nobility in our society, who are generally more engaged with their own estates than affairs of the nation, perhaps we could hope to see them offer gainful employment, carve out niches in the countryside. I am not holding my breath for that, though. Unless they use their privilege to offer opportunities to others, I say it is then up to us in government and Vallagne to expand our government and outreach, and to create new national works that we may include others on. To work with the communities in Petra - from Hohkmat to the Monastery, from Chambery to Moleton - to find what people want, what people need, and then take a proactive approach to fill them. Let us who have the opportunities to offer find those seeking, let those seeking find us with those opportunities in hand - this is how a community is built.


    How do you plan to help protect Petra?


    Simple- I plan to work with our Knight Commander and' Watch Captain to expand the outreach of our military. Offer more to join, make it easier. But for those who don’t wish to join, I would like to expand the walls. Et goes hand in hand with housing, really. People want to live in the walls because it's safer. If we can do tha', we've already done half our job. Bu' et really comes down to outreach and offering' our support when things happen. Because they always will. If our people cannae rely on us for protection, we've doomed our city.



    As I always have, I'll be at the gates, I'll keep myself armed - and for the people, I'll be keeping a keen eye on those in our midst. I'll be quick to investigate dangers, and slow to welcome them. Our safety is ensured not through any particular action, but by not being complacent when we are called to duty. We've a good track record of not having our leaders kidnapped. I intend to keep it that way.


    How do you intend to handle the uprising of Godless heathens who capture and kill our people, as well as the ones who suffer us with their pagan abominations?


    If you mean darkspawn, naturally we have no tolerance for them. As a Knight, one o' my creeds is to root them out and dispose of them. I was a darkspawn hunter for twenty-five years, until I retired.  He nods slowly.  Any darkspawn found within our city will be dealt with. If they are open to rehabilitation, so be it. Otherwise, we have many capable men to protect our people from dark forces.



    If they stray from the law, they will be burnt by the flames of justice. Anyone who puts a hand on our people is liable to lose it. Pagans, though? I figure that's something we would need to coordinate with the Monastery about.


    In what specific ways would each of you work to promote young, new, and admittedly unskilled peasants and settlers and allow them to grow as individuals and potential families?


    Honestly, approach us. I have been in your position before. I am not of noble birth. I was raised for my efforts in the community. It's- terrifying to speak with those in charge sometimes, but they're just people. They started somewhere, same as ye are. I truly hope I can make these opportunities more accessible to the common person. We need stewards, we need guards, we need community. The best way to achieve this is communication. When et comes down to et, no one can know wha' ye wish unless ye tell et. And people will listen.



    Senor, when I first came into town, I had two prospects  To become a barkeeper, or a recruit in the Riverguard. So I became both!  At that, he would chuckle, shaking his head as he gestured about,  Unskilled peasants and settlers? My only skill was as a farmer. Our community must NOT disrespect someone willing to learn by calling them unskilled - our work is hard work, no? I spoke or opportunities in the city, our need to create roles that suit people. You show a lot of ambition just asking this question, but to know what it is you need to succeed, I need to ask you questions as well. We should speak after this.


    How would you go about hearing and possibly using the influx of suggestions of change from people outside of the garmont?


    As I said before, I want to open up the Garmont to the common people. I believe that everyone should be able to present petitions and ideas the same as the electors. Et's how we can stay connected with our community, and recieve needed feedback on our city. Everyone has a voice. It's up to those in charge to elevate those voices.



    I believe there ought to be more done surrounding Garmont. We've plenty of space to discuss policy at the upper floor of the tavern, we have many members of the assembly who could lend voice and ear to these issues. Truly, I think it is by making more of an engaged spectacle of Dumacracy of our Garmont, that we will hear more, see more, and do more for our community.


    Do you like ice cream, and what is your favourite colour?


    Always been fond of ice cream, and my favourite color is red. I just look be'er in blue.



    Ice-cream? Senora, a Hyspian who cannot enjoy ice cream is an imposter - I love ice cream. I'm a red guy myself




    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    The three governing institutions of the Petra have all separately met and chosen their nominees for the position of the Chancellor of the Commonwealth, a position that has been decided to become elected through popular vote. Each of the main three governing institutions of the Petra may put forward one candidate each, to be decided among themselves in whatever way they see fit; these three institutions are - The Round Table of Knights, the Garmont Assembly, and the River Council.


    The Round Table’s Nominee - Sir Wilford Reinhold, Viscount of Stormont

    The Garmont Assembly’s Nominee - Mister Rigoberto de la Cruz

    The River Council’s Nominee - Mister Rigoberto de la Cruz


    As shown by this round of nominations, the three institutions may nominate the same candidate. This will not change the vote itself, though it may be taken into consideration by voters to see which institutions back which candidates.


    The Chancellor Debate

    The Chancellor debate shall take place on [WEDNESDAY THE 21ST, at 9PM EST], in the square of Vallagne and it shall be run by Queen Catherine I. There will be a list of pre-set questions for the two candidates to answer, and then the floor will be opened to the people of the Petra.


    An accurate transcript of the debate shall be written and posted, and then the voting for the election will begin at least 12 Saints hours after the posting, and will remain open for exactly 48 Saints hours.


    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty











    These memoirs are private and are currently unpublished.



    I once believed that there was room in the world for the dreamers, those that hoped for good and light. That’s how I went into my reign, with sparkles in my eyes and hope dancing between my fingertips as I attempted to work diligently to preserve and restore the Commonwealth. I had believed in the sweet tales I had been told, of rebuilt Veletzian honor. In lies that they were our good allies that were only there to help. Myself and Konstantin, my Lord Regent, worked diligently to stabilize Petra internally, but externally, things were brewing. Even a child could see it. The Veletzian developments taught me of the many masks a leader must make.


    The mask of a child, an innocent who doesn’t know any better.

    The mask of a woman, frail and breakable.

    The mask of a scribe, who doesn’t know battle plans.

    The mask of a Queen, that needs to be respected.

    The mask of a Leader, where the weight of everything rests.


    The mask you choose to wear changes depending on the meeting. The purpose. For the Veletzians, it was the masks of a child and a Queen that I would wear; innocent, doesn’t know better, but deserves respect due to her station. The consequences of those masks slipping before planned could be catastrophic. The masks never slipped, not until I threw them to smash against the wall when I was done with them.


    Between the tense meetings surrounded by Veletzian dogs, and the arduous task of securing the nation, it felt like the weight of the world rested on the small shoulders of a little girl. Each meeting was more tense than the last. It seemed like they gave me a tentative benefit of the doubt after their near-assault on my Grandmother, Queen Renilde, apparently I was new and untested enough that perhaps I’d be moldable into something useful enough to have around. I had hope, still- oh how there was hope in my heart that they would be my allies, my friends. That perhaps the past was simply the result of my grandmother's mistakes. Every meeting became more tense as the desire of the Veletzians became clearer: I was not to be an equal, I was to listen, to behave, to follow orders. They wanted a puppet, and I wanted wings.


    The meeting where all became clear was filled with chaos- it was a whirlwind of terrible timings and tense situations. The Veletzians wanted access to a copper mine that didn’t exist. A Petran guard saying that he should’ve brought a will-o-bottle to kill the Veletzian visitors. A Ferryman leaning over my shoulder explaining basic concepts with toys. Sir Gaspard claiming that it broke our treaty for me to sign a Non-Aggression pact. A tornado had gone off in the Petran palace- and I had to sweep up the mess while the wind still blew.


    The guard was reprimanded and removed from the Palace to prevent further outlash.


    The Non-Aggression pact was rescinded, to prevent the Veletzians from pushing further.


    I said that should we find copper, they would be the first to know of the mine's opening.


    The guard, Pelym, who I had enjoyed very much, had multiple chances over the years to remedy dangerous behavior- he was executed by my own sword after the meeting for putting everyone in danger.


    When I think back to the different meetings with the Veletzians, I distinctly recall having a tense feeling of hope in my heart. There must’ve been a reason that we had allied with them, there must’ve been a purpose that we had chosen them above the others- though now I do not know it. They once seemed like a good, honorable sort of people, with a specific code that could be counted upon. Perhaps the mistake was mine, for never getting a copy and reading it. I always have thrived off of having more information, and I always seemed a step behind them during this time. I was unaware of so much that perhaps could’ve prevented the war, or at least the Petran involvement in it. If I had known more about the Veletzians' grudge against Balian, if I had known to not leave my Uncle alone in a room with them, if I had known why they distrusted my Grandmother so, if I knew why they employed the Ferrymen. Perhaps, with more information, or perhaps with more experience, Sir Gaspard would’ve looked at me as an equal instead of a child that could be pushed. I suppose in the end he was the one with a lack of information, as in the end it was his calculation that was wrong. I could not be pushed.


    As I re-entered the room with Sir Gaspard and my Uncle, I came to a scene of Sir Gaspard and his Nephew challenging him to a duel that was accepted. I never asked what was said to cause the duel, but that itself was not an issue. We all gathered on the bridge between Petra and Veletz, and the duels commenced. Alberic was not a duelist, and was bested by both men.


    As the second duel, the one with Sir Gaspard’s Nephew, came to an end.

    His sword came to Alberics throat.

    It rested there, as he looked at the child Queen.

    “So, about access to that copper mine.”


    There was no copper mine.

    Catherine was not involved in the duel.

    The sword of her “ally” rested at the Uncle that raised her’s throat.


    So the final tether on her hope snapped,

    And Catherine learned how to hate.





    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère



    Passed through the Garmont Assembly




    With the war nearly done, and a new era coming to Petra, the reformation of the Petran government and identity must continue. It is the Crown's belief that the people of Petra should have a say in the direction of the nation at large. Therefore, with stipulations in place to protect the sanctity of the Crown, and the working relationship between the Chancellor and Monarch, the Chancellor of the Petra shall now be an elected position.






    I. The Nominations of the Chancellor

    a. Three Nominee’s shall be put forth, from the Garmont Assembly, the Round Table of Knights, and from the River Council.

    b. The names of the Nominees shall be given to the Crown, who shall approve or decline a Nominee should they have concerns of integrity, honesty, intent, or if they believe the Nominee will work poorly with the Crown.

    c. Should a Nominee be denied, the body that Nominated them shall have one chance to choose a new Nominee.

    c.i If both Nominees get denied, or if they re-nominate the originally declined Nominee a second time, the election shall proceed without a Nominee from that body.

    d. Nominees are allowed to decline their nomination and should let the Crown or the Nominating Body know before the Chancellor debate has taken place.

    d.i. If the Nominee pulls out, or declines the Nomination after the Chancellor’s debate has taken place, the Nominating Body may not postpone to choose a new candidate.

    d.ii. If the Nominee pulls out, or declines the Nomination before the Chancellor’s debate has taken place, the election and debate may be postponed to allow for a new candidate to be put forth.


    II. The Chancellor Debate

    a. An election may only go forward with a debate being held.

    b. The Chancellor’s debate must allow for citizen questions.

    c. A complete and accurate transcript must be kept and posted at least 12 Saints hours before the polling for the Chancellor begins.


    III. The Chancellor’s Election

    a. All citizens that qualify with the voting guidelines may vote for the Chancellor of the Commonwealth.

    b. The polling for the Chancellor must be open for exactly 48 Saints Hours, and any votes cast past that must be disqualified.

    c. A Nominee must have at least half of the votes to gain the seat of the Chancellor.

    c.i. If no Nominee gains over half of the votes, the lowest Nominee shall be removed from the poll, and the voting shall begin again, where the seat will go to whoever gains the majority.


    IV. Nomination Requirements

    In order for a Nominee to be put forth, they must fit all requirements put forth.

    a. A Nominee must have been a Citizen of Petra for at least 10 years.

    b. A Nominee must have been actively working within Petra for at least 5 years.

    c. A Nominee must be in good standing with the Catherinian Code.

    d. A Nominee must be in good standing with the Canonist Church.

    e. A Nominee must be willing to run in the Chancellor’s Election.


    V. The Term of the Chancellor

    a. Once Elected, a Chancellor shall remain either until their own willful retirement, or their removal by the Crown.



    Her Royal Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty




    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    With the Royal Family of the Petra fully taking the surname of Temesch from their forefathers, there required clarifications on the house of Temesch, its lines, and the inheritance of the titles within the house. 


    The Succession and the Right to the Crown of the Petra

    As per the Catherinian Code and the Constitution of the Commonwealth, the Crown of the Petra is solely to be inherited by the rightful descendants of Paul Salvian. As the two main lines of Temesch, Temesch of the Petra and Temesch et Martiel split between Paul Salvian, and his younger brother, Charles Joseph, the Martiel line does not and shall continue to hold no right to the Crown of the Petra.


    The Succession and Right to the County of Martiel

    Likewise, the branch of Temesch of the Petra shall hold no right to inherit the titles of Temesch et Martiel through blood. The Crown of the Petra continues to maintain the right as their sovereign to revoke or change the titles of the house of Temesch et Martiel, but may not inherit the title otherwise.


    The Bastard House of Moere

    The surname of all bastards, disowned or born, from any branch of the House of Temesch shall take the surname Moere and hold no right to claim or inherit titles from either of the branches.


    The Disownment of Anthony Marcellus Temesch et Resmore

    The Resmore branch of Temesch, after leaving the Commonwealth to leave to the now conquered Principality of Stassion, shall hereby be disowned and shall now only hold the bastard surname of Moere. This disownment shall purely affect Anthony Marcellus and his children, and all others that have continued to claim the line of Temesch et Resmore shall be absorbed into the line of Temesch et Martiel. 


    The Official Lines of Temesch

    As of this edict, there shall only be two lines of the House of Temesch, the line of the Petra, and et Martiel. Temesch of the Petra shall be considered the senior branch of Temesch through their holding of the original County of Temesch and Moere, but shall not interfere with the internals of the Martiel Line.



    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    His Excellency, Adrian Godfrey Temesch et Martiel, Count of Martiel, Viscount of Mies, Baron of Resmore, and Grand Speaker of the Garmont Assembly of the Petra

    The Right Honorable, Wilhelmina Emma Temesch et Martiel, Countess-consort of Martiel, Viscountess-consort of Mies, Baroness-consort of Resmore, and  Scribe of the Garmont Assembly of the Petra





    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    It is the Crown's belief that it is in the best interest that the House of the Petra chart a new course apart from the olden Novellens lest we find ourselves stuck pacing at the end of an era, unable to move forward. Our history is something that I personally take little pride in reminiscing on, being the legacy of dictators. We are the remnants of an Empire built upon the work of many and the subjugation of far more. What glory is there left to gain from these rotting pages of history? Repeating your ancestors' mistakes rarely have a new outcome the second, third, or fourth time around. I do not intend to repeat these mistakes, nor do I intend to let the long-dead ancestors of my house lay claim to what we have become simply because we are their descendants. 


    The House, Crown, Commonwealth, and River of the Petra diverged from the path the Novellens walked some time ago. Our destiny became our own upon the founding of our Archduchy, and the building of our unique identity. To put us simply to the origins of the blood thrumming through our veins is a disservice to our own work and legacy. We are our own. Our own land, our own nation, our own work and our own dynasty- and it is time that was made clear instead of the silent and slow disuse of the name.


    The Crown of the Petra will continue to reject the use of the name Novellen. It may be our history, but our legacy is none but our own. We are the descendants of Paul Salvian, who presided over a House that had been compelled to abandon the usage of that name even before the founding of the Commonwealth, and only his descendants may hold sway to our Crown. We have not used the name Novellen since long before my own birth, and we shall not be resurrecting its use. As a symbol of this resolve, the Royal House shall henceforth strive to honour the wishes of Paul Salvian in once again taking up the proper surname of Temesch of the Petra.


    Long live the Royal House of Temesch of the Petra

    Long live the Commonwealth


    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    for the BARONY of HRENTHORNE –



    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    Our loyal subject, Marius Lovetts, is hereby elevated to the position of Baron of Hrenthorne for their and their families continued service to the Commonwealth of the Petra. Those of Hrenthorne have worked diligently for the Commonwealth, and are hereby recognized for their efforts.


    Lord Marius has worked as both a Knight and a scribe for the Commonwealth for some time, assisting in the culture and literature of the Petra. He and his family are hereby afforded the chance and promotion to a Barony, where it is hoped that he and his family continue to prove their dedication to the Commonwealth and its arts.


    With this elevation, Marius Lovetts, in representation of their family, shall take upon them the responsibilities and expectations of a Peer of the Commonwealth of the Petra. They and their family are to uphold and lift up the Commonwealth and their fellow citizens. To respect the sanctity of the laws of the Commonwealth, and be part of leading it into a bright and stable future.


    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    His Highness, August Alcaeus of the Petra, Prince of Abrana, Baron of Wittenbach, Prince-Consort of the Petra



    for the VISCOUNTY of STORMONT –



    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    Our loyal subjects, Wilford and Atticus Reinhold, are hereby elevated to the position of Viscounts of Stormont for their and their families continued service to the Commonwealth of the Petra. Those of Stormont have worked diligently for the Commonwealth, and are hereby recognized for their efforts.


    These two men have continuously worked to better the Commonwealth in every way that they are able to assist in. From both joining the ranks of the Petrine Laurel, attending and assisting with the continued war efforts, and bettering relations between Petra and the Hohkmati, the house of Reinhold is a stellar example of what a true Petran is.


    With this elevation, Wilford and Atticus Reinhold, in representation of their family, shall take upon them the responsibilities and expectations of a Peer of the Commonwealth of the Petra. They and their family are to uphold and lift up the Commonwealth and their fellow citizens. To respect the sanctity of the laws of the Commonwealth, and be part of leading it into a bright and stable future.


    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    His Highness, August Alcaeus of the Petra, Prince of Abrana, Baron of Wittenbach, Prince-Consort of the Petra


    for the COUNTY of MARTIEL –



    Issued and averred by

    Her Majesty


    Atstana de

    Regne Petrère




    Our loyal subject, Adrian Temesch, is hereby elevated to the position of Count of Martiel for their and their families continued service to the Commonwealth of the Petra. Those of Martiel have worked diligently for the Commonwealth, and are hereby recognized for their efforts.


    This last Saint's day, Lord Adrian saved Queen Catherine I from an attempted assassination by a Veletzian knight, putting his own life in mortal danger in an attempt to save the life of the Queen. For this, and the continued work of Lord Adrian and his family, it is seen fit to reward them with this promotion.


    With this elevation, Adrian Temesch, in representation of their family, shall take upon them the responsibilities and expectations of a Peer of the Commonwealth of the Petra. They and their family are to uphold and lift up the Commonwealth and their fellow citizens. To respect the sanctity of the laws of the Commonwealth, and be part of leading it into a bright and stable future.


    Her Majesty, Catherine I, By the Grace of GOD, Queen of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Countess of Temesch and Moere, Baroness of Garmont, Valfleur, Vallagne-en-Petra, Brasca, and of the Phoenixspire, Protector of the Meadows, Defender of Liberty


    His Highness, August Alcaeus of the Petra, Prince of Abrana, Baron of Wittenbach, Prince-Consort of the Petra

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