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Posts posted by Zaerie

  1. b30s5hzeRbVe3OigTRNHmFQvThHgOKRypkI1st-jKaPP5o9vcGZ2ZiNtASIZGHAnyijZWaDTaFUpfV-6ZwFEwaKs_Gr4vRwDf2b95fQQf13jICxie3_EiUD7yG380OznHE4tPaq3ntCPUn656W7r1IcM7w4P3gGrFQejFArNf8rYO1PJ2VulgXEdtw



    5th of Jula and Piov, 441 ES



    NOBILITY IS THE BACKBONE OF HAESENI SOCIETY, it has been the work of nobles over generations that has built up Haense to what it finds itself as today. Each noble family has provided Haense with a unique section to add to its Kingdom and history. However, with noble titles comes honour, respect, and authority that must be balanced and held carefully, and each has their own expectations for how they must hold this responsibility.



    The Ranks of Nobility


    The highest achievable rank within Hanseti-Ruska for a noble house, the ducal families are longstanding backbones for the Kingdom to rely on. These families have been working for Haense and its interests for generations. Upon their lands they’ve each built castles to house large families and to defend the Kingdom from, surrounding themselves with holdings of small villages to best utilise their land with tenants, house guards and farmers.


    Expectations of a Ducal Family

    They act independently and succinctly for the Kingdom, not needing to be told to take action. Ducal families sometimes specialise in one or two aspects of service to the Kingdom, but often branch out to assist and serve in any aspect available, whether it be political, militaristic, or independent projects. Others have no specialisation, and members of the ducal family can be found serving in every aspect of the Kingdom. Each ducal family upholds and continues to develop their cultures, have been involved within the Church of Canon and actively practise canonism. The loyalty of ducal peers is unquestionable, and proven by long history and precedent.



    Holding the same ranking within the Kingdom as Counties, the march family differs in one regard; location and risk. A march is granted to counties holding land on the border of the Kingdom that are expected to defend and hold the border. A march should not be expected by all counties finding themselves on the edge of the Kingdom as it may be granted on a basis of risk, if they are landed on a peaceful or uncontested border there would be little to defend against.


    Expectations of a Margrave Family

    Margrave families are expected to erect and hold a defendable castle, unlike the keeps of regular counties. They upkeep supplies and defences to be at the ready for any attacks coming from the border they hold. The margrave families come with the risk of needing to stand and defend the Kingdom from incoming attacks, even if they must stand alone until assistance can arrive.



    The second highest achievable rank within Hanseti-Ruska, comital families are reliable and longstanding. Their achievements and impact within the Kingdom are notable and varying. Their families have built up keeps to house their family, and have begun to surround their lands with some tenants and farmers, and may have begun to or already employ house guards to defend their keep.


    Expectations of a Comital Family

    Comital families have been working for the Kingdom for multiple generations, and act independently. Their members can be noticed in multiple institutions, their works have helped shape the recent Haense and continue to do so. Comital houses will take action without push, and speak up to better Haense without prompting. They might have some involvement in the Church of Canon and can be seen actively practising canonism. Their loyalty to the Kingdom has been proven for generations, and they actively participate in bettering Haense.



    A viscomital family is the first promotion since gaining nobility, and have now proven themselves to be dedicated to the Kingdom long term. They’ve shown continuous effort in contributing to Haense, and have more plans in that direction. They’ve been comfortable in their estate for some time now, and may have been given a bit more space for expansion as necessary while they grow.


    Expectations of a Vicomital Family

    A viscomital family is generally working on developing their own traditions and family values. They may begin publishing works of history on how they have gotten to this point, and the roots from which they’ve come. Their ties within the Kingdom have begun to strengthen, and they may begin to work in unison with other houses on joint projects. Viscomital families have much promise and many routes to explore, and are feeling out where in the Kingdom they fit or if they chose to branch out into every aspect and to not choose a niche.



    The lowest rank of nobility, a baronial family is an upcoming family with great promise working towards bettering themselves and the Kingdom, or a family fighting to remain nobility after insufficient contributions in recent times. As an upcoming family, they have recently shown great promise within the last generation or two. They’ve shown promise within at least an institution or two within Haense, and continue to grow. The rank of a baronial family is one of bated breath, being raised to a baronial family shows that the Kingdom is watching their next moves, to see what they will do further with the promise they have shown.


    Expectations of a Baronial Family

    Baronial families are getting involved where they can and are full of promise. They take initiative to join institutions and projects to contribute in any way they can. Those new to nobility should be keeping a respectable air about themselves, avoid sullying their relatively new reputation, and be seen as well mannered canonist members of the nation.



    Expectations of Nobles

    The Responsibilities of a Peer

    A noble peer of Hanseti-Ruska has numerous responsibilities and expectations on their shoulders outside of simply being the patriarch to their family. They owe their direct allegiance to the Koeng of Haense, and are expected to lead their families in such a way that brings honour and respect to the Kingdom, encouraging their families to actively participate within the army and protection of the Kingdom. They hold a seat on the Royal Duma, and are expected to actively participate, or be sure that there is a proper representative to take their place should it be necessary. They are to be knowledgeable on the law of the Kingdom to be able to fulfil their duty of upholding and judging the law on their own land holdings in case of banditry or crime happens under their watch. Peers are to be well educated and well articulated to better the Kingdom and uphold the honour of both their house and their Kingdom.


    The Responsibilities of a Noble

    While a regular member of a noble family is not bound by a direct oath to the Koeng, there are still certain expectations that come with being a part of a noble family; the higher the rank, the stricter the expectations. In general, nobles are expected to uphold the highest level of respect and decency. They should be up to date on current etiquette expectations, and the law to be sure to remain well within it. Each noble should be sure to attend regular church gatherings and keep up with the recent revelations and Golden Bulls from the Pontiff to be sure to remain a well-educated canonist. The main responsibilities of a nobles have two goals, to support their family, and the Kingdom they serve. Nobility should be active within institutions of the Kingdom, and show great interest in the improvement of such. Anything from joining the Brotherhood of St. Karl, working within a government office, or running their own independent business, a noble's mind should rarely be idle and complacent. A noble of Hanseti-Ruska should always be respectful and respect worthy, active within the greater Kingdom, adhere well to canonism, and be ready to protect Haense when it is threatened.



    Noble Rank Evaluations

    Ways to Improve Noble Standing

    The way noble houses are evaluated has always been a contested topic. Each Koeng will rank houses in their own way and by different requirements. However, there are some general themes that each Koeng appears to look at that houses can use as a guide in the right direction. The simplest advice to these houses is to stay true to your roots and your families. However, there are more specific things that each house should consider when asking themselves what more they can do for the Kingdom.


    Commonly, houses that work independently without reminders from the Crown or government easily find success, and avoiding large periods of idle hands can give a noble house a good appearance. If a house often requires prompting from the Crown to act, they will be seen as less reliable and their dedication and commitment to the Kingdom may be questioned. Alongside this, it may be noticed how substantial a house's participation in the routine happenings of the Kingdom is; if they often show and participate in events like court, duma, and auxiliary brotherhood practices. Attendance is even more so noted at larger gatherings such as in emergencies to protect the Kingdom, coronations, and the Herzenvrest.


    Each house should consider recording and documenting aspects of their history. From assembling large historiographies, stories of ancestors, memoirs of house members, and differing accounts regarding the house. Keeping track of and updating the living history of a house can show understanding of the progress the house has made, and spread the unique story of each family. Alongside this, houses should consider actively practising and developing their chosen culture; working on documentation and participating in traditions, and fashions of said culture. Additionally, with Canonism being the sole religion, houses that are commonly seen participating within the church or attending its gatherings should be looked on favourably as well.


    Those looking for their next goals as a noble house should also begin looking to their neighbours, being able to work in tandem with other noble houses can show a level of maturity and brotherhood within Haense. If houses are able to collaborate to better Haense as a whole instead of working solely alone it can demonstrate a higher ability to unite and put aside familial or cultural differences. Similarly, a house that is willing to bring up issues and stand in front of the Crown or their peers to speak on them in a respectful and constructive manner also demonstrates a maturity and want to better the Kingdom without being pressed for their issues.


    Overall, there is no specific right way for a noble house to improve their rank. It is a collaboration of many to work on a multitude of issues and projects for both their house and Kingdom. Nobles can also never go wrong in speaking with the Crown directly regarding the direction they wish to take their house, and in which ways the Kingdom requires their assistance.




    His Excellency, Maric var Ruthern-Baruch, Duke-Consort of Valwyck, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska

    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Neuberg, Wilheburg, Freisburg and Rozenfeld, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren, Royal Inquisitor, Palatial Kommissar

  2. nAGYKkAOOaClcwgF7gFcvGnsvrW8LcHZ0kV8vy5j7YZvZcMKxCWN6txgfS5yN1vXS-NNCo6qKSmCA4SkUXM0iSccUsTdKmsZ3B_kIH4V6UwQSRkZ-S0slCF66hCgEysRJHioUornOxysJKi0oMrUYg







    With the threats against the land of Reinmar, and recent development initiatives of Rozenfeld, it is the will of the Princess of Sutica to arm and maintain a retinue of house guards under the flag of Barclay. This retinue is to train within Wilheburg, to protect the lands of Reinmar and the village of Rozenfeld. The retinue owes its might to the Kingdom of Haense when the greater nation is in need, swearing to yield to the Brotherhood of Saint Karl during any operations the retinue joins in on. The House of Barclay has a long history of military leaders, officers, and advisors, and invites those outside of the House to join the retinue through the swearing of allegiance to protect the Duchy of Reinmar and Kingdom of Haense and through such will receive training, lodgings, honour, and victory under the House of Barclay.


    The retinue shall boast no hierarchy, being a group of tightnit individuals that listen to the orders of the head of Barclay. Those within the retinue can expect to receive proper training, lodgings, equipment, and activities. As well as to be treated with respect from the Duchy of Reimar as long as they are in service of the Duchy and when they retire from service.


    Enquiries about joining the Reinmaren Retinue are to be sent to the Princess of Sutica, or by approaching a member in Rozenfeld.












    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Neuberg, Wilheburg, Freisburg and Rozenfeld, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren, Royal Inquisitor


  3. sbT4Bb2Qx3F4dPB6ZRkkG7WCwR3y5k8mumtyVo9nbYKmeN5axPa1D7L1Y-fZXbJK7hbDfOKP6nWjFzYZi71DavW06qdNGrEloQUw9MnLt6macBdAfbMCZipv0fexy1sDyllrRGrKVSo3TfdS-3Q


    An Ancient Game Resurfaced by House Barclay

    343 E.S.



    Waldenian Ur, recently resurfacing as a game played often between the Duchess of Reinmar, and her cousins, is an old Waldenian board game played by two participants at a time. Described as a simpler and faster version of Haeseni Chess, Ur is a quick paced game of chance and strategy with elements of chaos, revenge, and some careful plotting. 


    How to Play





    The Waldenian Ur board, made up of 3 rows of 8 tiles, is a relatively simple setup with only three main functions. The C shaped movement track, the ‘swirl’ tiles where you are safe, and get to roll again, and the division into the Green side, Blue side, and the middle comprising a ‘no mans land’ setup.




    First off, the shape of movement on a Waldenian Ur board is rather unconventional. Moving from the green piece, up, into the middle, all the way down, back to your side and then up into the red, without explanation it can appear rather confusing. You will never place your piece on either the red, or the green, as these are more of a placeholder for a piece that has yet to be in play, and the finishing line. The goal is to get your piece to the red, where you may then remove them from the board or stack them on the red if you so choose. In order to score your point, you must roll the exact number to get onto the red, if you roll something other than the exact number, you cannot move that piece.




    Within Waldenian Ur, you roll four special dice that can give you up to four, and may also result in a 0. 1 puts you on the first white spot in front of your green beginning, and so on. Ur does not allow you to stack pieces on top of eachother, and therefor with seven pieces in play, you must manage your pieces and real estate carefully, as if you do not have an open space available to move to with your roll, your turn will be skipped.


    [roll out of 5, 1-4 is normal, 5 counts as a 0, and you are unable to move.]




    The spiral pieces within the Waldenian Ur board allow you to roll your dice again, and move any of your pieces with said second roll. If you land on another spiral with your second roll, you get a third, and so on. The spiral in the middle of the board also doubles as a safe space where you may not get taken, and will count for the other player simply as a space they cannot move to.


    Once all seven of your pieces have made it from green to red, you will finish the game and win!


    Optionally, for an even quicker game of Ur, you may reduce the amount of pieces from seven to four, but it is to be noted that this smaller version will lack some of the chaos that makes Waldenian Ur what it is.





    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Neuberg, Wilheburg and Freisburg, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren


  4. vPpd4deVp7F3ZZI57RIhL4AtG9XWyxxksYH1_-teLdIpJWpKlllpyPaAGTK6gG4QhP4p0knQm4FiCT7P_WvdZmFZoT8qfppBW6JobupCrtGSqyueyN07ATm6aAxXQA0k_pjUOk5yLGpLGjoVTio


    As of the 4th of Vzmey and Hyff 343 E.S.





    EST. 343 ES



    STANDING ON THE BANKS OF LAKE VIKTORIA, under the shadow of the Barclay’s keep of Wilheburg, and on the land of the Duchy of Reinmar, now stands a village of red walls and dark shingled roofs. Surrounded by farmland, forests, and the water, the village of Rozenfeld is in close proximity to the Haeseni capital of Karosgrad, though far enough for a peaceful ambiance while still holding the charm of a town. Within the main village is held multiple shops, a jousting track, a windmill and some homes, construction continues across the bay as expansions continue.


    All the citizens of Hanseti-Ruska are welcome in the Waldenian village, with new homes planned to be built, any that wish to settle within the bounds of Reinmar are welcome to contact the Duchess of Reinmar, the Hirdman, or the Verwalter von Reinmar, to discuss their future within the borders of the duchy.


    A proper inaugatory event will be held for Rozenfeld once the newly constructed shops are up and running.







    STARTING OFF AS A SMALL BUNCH, the Duchy of Reinmar has begun to hire house guards to protect both the Castle of Wilheburg, and the village of Rozenfeld. The current houseguard is a small group of energetic, and passionate guards with a soft and joking side. The houseguard is a very casual group with funny hats to make residents feel more at ease around them. They chose the hats themselves. If any wish to join the merry bunch, they are asked to contact the Duchess. House guards are provided free lodgings, their equipment, and pay. 


    The hats come in multiple variations, not just different coloured frogs but also bear hats, duck hats, and more.







    WITH THE RISE OF HOSTILITY BETWEEN HAENSE AND OREN ONCE AGAIN, the Duchy of Reinmar must look to its position on the map, and the role it can play in the safety of the Kingdom. The Duchy hopes to never need such defenses, but those who rest, rust, and those who gamble on only hope often get burnt. The Duchy can be seen preparing to its Southern border, and all those that wish to donate or lend their hand to the efforts are welcomed and thanked.







    A SMALL BOARD GAME GREATLY ENJOYED BY THE DUCHESS AND HER FAMILY, Waldenian Ur will soon be featured in Rozenfeld on a large, built-in gameboard under a cozy, covered pavilion. Waldenian Ur is an enticing game with the strategy and chance of Haeseni Chess, but with less time needed per game. The game is played between two people, with a choice between four and seven pieces to achieve a shorter or longer and more intense game. More information will be made public on Waldenian Ur in the near future.





    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Neuberg, Wilheburg and Freisburg, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren



    Contact Johanna Barclay/Zaerie [Zae#3208] for any inquiries :)





    Issued by the


    On this 5th day of the Sun's Smile of 82 SA




    AFTER THE BIRTH OF HER TRIPLETS, the Duchess of Reinmar has decided to temporarily step back from her duties to spend time with her four young children and rest. During this break, it has been decided that his Holiness, Tylos III, shall act as Lord Regent until the Duchess has recovered and rested, and is able to resume her duties to the house. His Holiness was chosen for his supreme storytelling skills, and is expected to make interesting choices that shall keep the house fresh and on its toes, and the Duchess thought it would be amusing to observe as she cares for the triplets.


    The sons of Reinmar trust the regent to an upstanding job as he leads the House for the time being.





    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Neuberg, Wilheburg and Freisburg, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren


    His Holiness Tylos III, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD, Lord Regent of Reinmar



    Vierter Waldentag




    Issued by the


    On this 8th day of the Sun's Smile of 81 SA

















    Vote: Appointment of Johanna Barclay as the Lady Vandalore and Margravine of Vanderfell



    Vote: Confirmation of Ludwig von Audrick as an elector of the Waldenic diet, representing the Electorate of Audrick.






    Within the halls of Wilheburg, the electors of the Waldenic Diet gathered to elect among themselves the next cultural head of the Waldenians, the Lord Vandalore, to assume the position and honor of presiding over the 4th Waldenic diet.


    The electorate of Bishop, represented by mister Ariovistan Bishop, and the electorate of Valwyck, represented by her Grace, Isabel Baruch, both brought forth the nomination of the Princess of Sutica, Johanna Barclay, as the next Lady Vandalore, which was accepted. 











    The vote passed unanimously by the present Electors




    The second motion brought before the Diet was the eligibility of House Audrick as a full electorate of the Diet. The nomination comes for their Waldenic heritage, coming originally from the line of Bishop but splitting into its own house.










    The vote passed unanimously, 4-0.





    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Margravine of Vanderfell, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, and Freising, Lady of Erwinsburg, Wilheburg and Freisburg, Lady Vandalore, Chieftess of the Reinmaren









    Issued by the


    On this 11th day of the Deep Cold of 80 SA




    After years of service to the Waldenic diet, the Waldenian people, the Kingdom of Haense and the House of Barclay, the Duke of Reinmar and Lord Vandalore, Johann Erich Barclay was found dead outside of Wilheburg, leaving behind unfinished work, and the diet without its Vandalore. With no Vandalore, I fear we are separated. Those deriving from Waldenia must walk our paths hand in hand, we must join together again to continue to uphold the sacred laws of Waldenia, honor the Waldenic diet, and elect a new Vandalore to lead our walk into the future.


    With this does the Chieftess of the Reinmaren, summon the electors to the Duchy of Reinmar to elect a new Lord Vandalore and Margrave of Vanderfell to serve as the head of our culture.


    The electors, each granted two indivisible votes shall be the following, as set by the 1st session of the 2nd Waldenic diet;


    His Highness, Heinrich von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather, representing the Electorate of Merryweather-Alstreim

    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Barclay, Princess of Sutica, representing the Electorate of Reinmar-Kretzen

    Her Grace, Isabel Baruch, Duchess of Valwyck, representing the Electorate of Valwyck

    Firr, Ariovistan Bishop, representing the Electorate of House Bishop


    Specially invited as a possible addition to the diet, to be given a single vote until their eligibility for full electoral status can be confirmed by the diet.

    Firr Ludwig von Audrick


    As per the standards of the 2nd Waldenic diet, the following Houses are granted a single vote each, until their eligibility for full electoral status can be confirmed by the diet.


    The House of Rovin

    The House of Denhardt

    The House of Königsberg

    The House of Bran

    The House of Weißhardt

    The House of Schulze 

    The House of Oxenstierna-Mühlen


    The following are invited to the event as honorary guests. They shall not be granted votes, and anybody willing may also come to spectate the election.


    His Royal Majesty, Karl III, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his royal pedigree

    His Royal Majesty, Frederick I, King of Oren and his royal pedigree





    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, Freising and Sigradz, Lady of Erwinsburg, Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chieftess of the Reinmaren








    The disownment agreement of Erika Barclay, and her immediate family

    4th of Joma and Umund, 429ES


    Issued and confirmed by Her Princely Grace, Johanna Barclay






    After much discussion, and decisions on what shall be best for the house of Barclay and for Erika Barclays direct family, it has been agreed upon by both to split the line from the house. The line splits from Barclay and will take up the surname of Vatornik, leaving behind all claim to the name Barclay, the surname, titles, nobility and its land. They shall no longer hold nobility, and will become Miss and Mister Erika and Val Vatornik.


    This writ indues the following affects immediately upon signing;

    1. Erika and her descendants will be removed from all inheritance from the House of Barclay, to never be able to inherit title or land from the house.

    2. Erika and her descendants will be removed from the House of Barclay, thus prohibiting her use of the name Barclay. Henceforth they shall hold the surname of Vatornik.





    Her Princely Grace, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Princess of Sutica, Duchess of Reinmar, Countess of Freimark and Kretzen, Baroness of Madvon, Freising and Sigradz, Lady of Erwinsburg, Wilheburg and Freisburg, Chieftess of the Reinmaren


    Firress Erika Renate Vatornik


    Firr Val Vatornik

  9. jtqqSiqR2aBnnPqVjNgcIG5rDk8gVGy1GYyFiFY6eluOHrt5jVltAvV_jcNS2Pn_h6ddUMkJ3yVIU5bBAbGZN7MprHsgEus1M3IZ6GlWiCESJBZm5X7nD-GrPqgcNsA6rHAa2sCeu-bVet9UZQ





    WITHIN THE LANDS OF REINMAR, a grand tournament shall be held by the Baroness of Sigradz within the coming months. The tournament means to cover multiple types of competition, and celebrate the Waldenian care for horses through a race. On top of this, the Baroness intends to host a largescale melee with a more unique setup that varies from the usual bracket style spars. All of Hanseti-Ruska, its allies, and neutral nations are welcome to celebrate the capability of man at the tournament of Reinmar, and join the feast celebrating the occasion.


    THE HORSE RACE - 500 mina prize

    Starting and ending at Reinmar, the horse race will be a long loop around and then through Karosgrad. Entrees are welcome and encouraged to bring their own steed, as there may not be enough available to borrow. The prize for winning the horse race is 500 mina.




    THE GRAND BRAWL - 500 mina prize

    A free-for-all, all at once battle. The one to come out on top wins. Instead of a traditional bracketed sparring melee, the Baroness has decided to choose a more chaotic way to run the warriors championship. No armor, no allies, no structure, only yourself and everyone else. May the best stand on top. 


    Multiple rounds may be hosted, but only the first shall be for a mina prize. There may be alcohol offered as prizes for the latter rounds.



    Ending off the day within the halls of Reinmar, there shall be a feast celebrating the victors and participants of the day's events. Featuring Waldenian food and drink, all that attended the tournament are welcome to sit back, relax, and enjoy the evening after a difficult day of activities.





    Her Ladyship, Johanna Klaudia Barclay, Baroness of Sigradz

  10. Spoiler



    Johanna would receive word of her brothers passing and her hands would shake. She had always lived quietly, thinking she could just pass the time through art or reading as she thought her sickly body held her back from aspiring to anything greater. She walked down the hall towards her room, looking further down her eyes rested on her brothers old bedroom door. “You would’ve known what to do, where would you have started?” she’d turn quickly and go into her room, flopping on her bed with her arms splayed above her. “I’ll figure it out, I’ll make you proud. Don't worry, Kon, you just rest. I'll take it from here.”

  11. Queen Viktoria of Metterden read the missive from the seven skies, smirking to herself and looking down upon all of the women.


    "Go forth and fight, women of Haense. Do your worst, you have it in you." she'd make a small fist.


    "And you always have."

  12. Queen Viktoria of Metterden would smile at her daughter figure and friend as she entered the skies. "You went so far, Adry. I am so proud of you." She'd embrace her if allowed, and then attempt to show her all of her favorite places and views in the skies.

  13. Marcella Karolina Barclay scoffed from her wheelchair at the missive. "Anyone with any sense can see that this is shallow redemption based on getting caught, nicht actual remorse. I'll be surprised if he's not back to threatening and strangling people he holds power over by the end of a year. What a joke." she'd set down the paper on the desk again as she wheeled herself off, mumbling under her breath. "Show some actual change instead of writing a fancy missive. Ich thought Haeseni were people of action, nicht this recent foolery of writing notes and expecting a change of wardrobe to be enough to repay your sins to the people."




    Hello! I’ve been collecting some skins to put up, I like doing batches of at least 10, so I reached that number today! This will be going for 24 hours, and since I don’t really use mina, this will be in USD, but the start price and minimum increase will be relatively low. I am sorry about this, and if you like my skins but cannot afford USD, I do have a free to use folder on my PMC of 40+ (and counting) skins you can use! 




    The rules:

    • ALL bids start at 1 USD

    • Bids will increase by a minimum of 10c each time

    • Please ensure you can pay the full amount as soon as the auction finishes!

    • Auction will finish at 8PM EST Thursday 1st April










    1, Pauper’s Princess gown

    (based off of a dress from Barbie Princess and the Pauper)




    2, Dancing Princess

    (Based off of a dress from Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses)




    3, Womans Training Outfit




    4, White Gown




    5, Sky Blue Imperial




    6, Navy and Lace




    7, Female Ranger




    8, Evergreen Shawl




    9, Icy embroidered




    10, Coat (MALE)



  15. Viktoria the Warrior stood looking down, 

    her face adorning a deep, painful frown. 

    Her eyes lit like fire and a snarl on her lips, 

    watching as her eldest daughter's blood drips.


    “This future I fought for, their peace brought by me,

    Is not one I ever wished to see.

    May your moniker reflect you, grandson of mine,

    Your actions forever immortalized in time.


    King of downfall, King of death,

    King of Crows betraying my final breath.

    I was not great, graceful or grand,

    But my Haense was one that could withstand.


    This cannot be withdrawn, taken back, or undone,

    You’ve sealed your fate, it cannot be outrun.”


    The poem written by the dead Queen would never reach an ear of the living, it would remain in the Seven Skies with the Warrior that had always held a soft spot for poetry. She paced from above as there was nothing she could do to help erase the blight on her lineage, and there was now only one thing Viktoria loathed more than being useless.


    And that was her own grandson.

  16. So, a while back there was a poll about the removal of NPC’s due to lag; it was stated that if they were removed it’d be for at least 2-3 weeks while they were fixed, but we’ve heard nothing since the poll was closed. They were disabled on the 2nd of February, so it has now been over 6 weeks. I was hoping we could possibly get an update on this situation and an estimated timeframe?


    NPC’s are an amazing thing to have, and I’m sad to see that they’ve been gone for so long without any word on the end of it. We’ve lost irp/in game tailors and more immersive statues, I miss them. If there is any update to this, please let us know! I know a few people that’ve had stand-by tailors in game that have now been sitting somewhat idle for over a month and a half. I totally understand them being removed for what they were causing and voted in favor of the removal, but I’m sad to have not heard anything on this for so long. Thank you!


    (Original poll and thread here for those that don't know context) 


    (Edit add: I'd also just like to add onto this that I'm not expecting this to make the NPC reintroduction a higher priority, or for this to push the NPC's to happen quicker, I'd just really like an update on if this is on hold, if it's being worked on, etc.)

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