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  1. Mongo4336


    Kayn parents lived in the Golf Isles which they soon decided to move into a city which they believe is the safest place to conceive and raise a child. Soon came, Kayn who was born during an era where the constant raids from bandits regularly occur primarily in the City of Belvitz, so his parents entrusted a Highlander to take care of him and teach him how to survive. The Highlander taught kayn all things like how to hunt, intermediate smithing, and how to hold a sword correctly. The Highlander passed him on to the farfolk where he learned reading, writing, and cooking. While Kayne was living with far folk there was a dojo where he the basics martial arts, but was kicked due to him not showing up to all the lessons. At the age of 26, Kayn plans to leave in search of work and a place where he can call home.
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