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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When somebody IC has and uses OOC knowledge For example knowing another character even though its your first time meeting them
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Breaking the interactions of players mostly seen fighting For example forcing a direct hit even though defender clearly blocked the attack
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Kayn
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 26
Physical Description: 5'7 Asian male, with short dark hair, skin is a light brown and small brown eyes.
Screenshot of Skin:

User Feedback

Recommended Comments


  • Your definitions of Metagaming and Powergaming are both incorrect. Please correct these and make sure not to plagiarize.
  • Your biography has a few issues with it – First of all, you need to include at least two pieces of lore. You can refer to the wiki for help on this. Secondly, you may not start off begin skilled in martial arts, swordfighting, etc. I would adjust this to rather say that you’re interested or have had small amounts of practice. Third, there’s no such thing as Wing Chung though you can still do martial arts. Fourth, specify which foreign nation, countries don’t exist rather they are referred to as nations. Lastly, which your character being the age of 26, you’ve always been on Atlas, atop of that, you cannot leave the Isles of Atlas. Correct these issues please, you may refer to the wiki for most of these issues.
  • Your interesting facts must include one negative trait. 

If you need help or made the listed changes, please contact me on Discord (You already have it!)

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Hello! Your application is better but there is still one more thing you need to correct..

  • Your biography must contain at least two pieces of server lore, you currently have one. Please correct this.

Please contact me once again on Discord when you have corrected this issue.

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I’d like to be the first one to say CONGRATULATIONS! This is just the first step to an amazing and magical journey. 


You have my Discord if you need me.

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