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Posts posted by Tom_sw

  1. The Second Call To Parliament, County of Dronen

    7th of The Grand Harvest, 1732



    Prime Minister: Count Benjamin Noblen - Attended
    Minister of Finance: Mr, Jannos Adric - Partily Attended

    Minister of Defence: Mr, Iskandar Smythe - Attended

    Minister of Internal Affairs: Mr, Ailred Adric - Attended

    Minister of Justice: Mr, Morando - Attended

    Secretary of Business: Mr, Anfroy - Attended

    Secretary of Labour: Mr, Rhadien - Attended



    Count Benjamin Noblen would enter the parliament of Dronen and call the parliament to order, he would welcome all attendants of the Dronish government to the second parliament of the County of Dronen.


    Minister of Defence - Defence Update

    The Count would first issue a formal call to the minister of defence to make an update on Dronish defences.


    The Minister of Defence would leave his seat and deliver his speech to the parliament.
    “Although the state of our internal defences has remained the same since the last call to parliament, it seems as though the bandit attacks on Dronen are lessening. I hope this means a respite in the constant violence for our community, but we cannot be certain. Therefore, I am continuing to remain vigilant in my duties in order to work to improve our defences. Regular guard training will take place among the few guards we do have, and I plan to order scouting reports of the area surrounding Dronen to

    keep constantly updated on the ever-present dangers surrounding us.”


    Minister of finance - Finance report

    Secondly, Count Benjamin Noblen would call the minister of Finance to present a financial report of Dronen’s finances.


    The minister of Finance would leave his seat and make his way to the middle of the chamber, he would then begin his report

    “I am here to tell more about the finances of our loving city. To be honest there is not much to say, I will just say it, all our money was needed for the upgrade of our borders” Jaonos would’ve paused “This was a huge investment but it got us more land and soon enough more strength.” Janos would’ve looked serious “But now we have one issue, our population is too low, does anyone have any idea of how to raise our population” Jaonos looked around the room. “I have one on my own, we need to organise a festival and advertise it everywhere at this festival there will be a stall selling houses so we will gather more population, I would like to get your opinion about this”


    The Count would invite the Secretary of Business to voice his opinion. The Secretary of Business would leave his seat and address the house: “Aye, a festival is a good idea. I was thinkin’ we ought to have a market festival at the end of every grand harvest day. An’ fer that we need to work with our farmers... Which we lack right now.” Anfroy would then resume his seat.


    The Count would then invite the Secretary of Labour to voice his opinion. The Secretary of Labour would leave his seat and address the house: “So it’s my turn? Well, what I thought of first was a festival as well. But another thing I wonder… I think it might be up to you, benjamin, to make connections with other nations. Here’s the thing… Keep in mind that we are a moderate small to large scaled settlement that’s quite secluded and as Iskandar says with little to no guard force. We are yet quite unknown, as well. So here’s the thing, we’d need to get connections with other nations and settlements in order to create a name and spread it”


    The Parliament would then start to go into somewhat chaos and the Count shouted them to order. The count would then say “We stall move onwards”


    Janos would’ve shouted “objection” The Count would once again shout order and say “This matter may be proposed once the schedule of the parliament is fulfilled”


    Secretary of Business - Economic report

    The Count would invite the secretary of Business to make his speech on the Dronish economy.


    After some confusion on Anfroy’s face, he would begin to deliver his speech to the house: “Oh… Well, Dronen’s businesses are in need of upkeep. However, we do have the potential to become a valuable trading hub. Our goal as business owners in Dronenn are to contribute to the expansion of business through taxing. We plan on building five new stalls atop the hill just outside of our original city walls. And I believe, two stall-homes and a tavern outside b the gates. That’s all I have to update on for now”


    Prime Minister - Charter of Government Proposal

    The Count would address the parliament “I shall now propose to you all the minister section of the government charter” The Count would then ask “Do we have any concerns or questions on this proposal” No member of parliament showed any concern nor questioning and therefore this proposal was moved to voting and was passed with: 5 ayes and 2 abstentions.


    Secretary of Business - Business Tax Proposal

    The Count would invite the Secretary of Business to present his proposal to the house.


    The Secretary of Business would’ve left his seat and issued his proposal to the house “I propose 20% of all business taxes on stalls goes to building an auctionhouse. This will help us open trading opportunities and bring people in for shopping.”

    No concerns nor questions would’ve been asked and the proposal moved to voting it would be passed with: 6 ayes and 1 abstention.


    Minister of Internal Affairs - Regular Events Proposal

    The Count would invite the minister of internal affairs to present his proposal to the house.


    The Minister of Defence would stand and begin to deliver his proposal to the house “As I mentioned, we lack citizens. I think the way to solve this problem, is through entertainment, like the festivals which were earlier proposed, but also a good tavern, and maybe tournaments of some sort. People will want to do something here, otherwise, they won’t come. If they’re settled in, we can ask them about joining our forces, or help grow our business.” 


    The Count would question “And so you propose we host regular yearly events?”


    The Minister of Defence would’ve swiftly responded “Yes, I do. More events, festivals, tournaments… More to do in Dronen”


    No more concerns nor questions we’re addressed around the house and the proposal was moved to voting it passed with: 5 ayes and 2 abstentions.


    Minister of Justice - Proposal of Conscription 

    The Count would invite the minister of justice to present his proposal to the house.


    The Minister of Justice would stand and begin to deliver his proposal to the house “I heard we lack soldiers? Maybe I have a way to solve that. We provide people with a house, walls which protect them, and stalls they eat from. People should do somethingin return. Work. What if we would force people to work for Dronen. As a Guard or Businessman, whatever that would be. Something that fits them, and helps us. Forced labour for our dutchy, but the free choice of what to do.”


    The minister of defence stands and voice his disapproval of the proposal “Men of the parliament, what Morando here is suggesting is to force the citizens of Dronen to work, either in the military or otherwise. I contest that such an action would be an inherant violation of every man’s right to choose for themselves! Such tyranny would do nothing more than drive away what few citizens we currently have, which would only serve to worsen the problems we now face.”


    The Count would address his concern “I believe that conscription will only further damage the Dronish economy”


    The Secretary of Labour would voice his opinion “I think you understood wrong? Was it not that he suggested that in return for a position within the settlement they can choose themselves, they could get a house and such in return?”


    The Minister of Justice swiftly responded “Exactly, Rhadien. People work for us, and in return, they’ll get a life here, and safety by us”


    The minister of defence shook his head with disapproval addressing the house “I think taking such a path is a slippery slope. Today we force people to work, tomorrow we say they can only work in a certain position, and as the future progresses, the oppression of people will only grow.”


    This proposal would be forced to a vote and ended contested with 3 ayes, 3 nays and 1 abstention. The proposal is now scheduled to be debated and re-voted in the next session of parliament.


    Secretary of labour - Proposal to Delay Oren Vassalization

    The Count would invite the secretary of labour to present his proposal to the house.


    The Secretary of Labour would stand and begin to deliver his proposal to the house “You should all be aware of something. Well, we all know there is a new lord-protector-emperor or something like that… Tell me… How many of you know the Ashen Sigil, Blackhill and the sugarfoots?”


    The members of parliament would stare at Rhadien all addressing him they have never heard of these groups.


    The count would ask “And what is this proposal Rhadien?”


    The Secretary of Labour would continue to address the house with his proposal “I’ve heard the conversations pass in Helena… The new protector-emperor wants to get all of these groups under his power and make them his army however, all of these groups are enemies of every nation here. The decision of the emperor will push his empire to the brink of collapsing. Hiring the most hated bandits and enemies of Oren, vassals will depart and turn against him… My proposal is to not engage with Oren just yet. Wait for the right timing… Because with the upcoming decisions and the war between orcs.”


    The minister of Justice would provide his questions to Rhedien “Those Blackhills, and Sugarfoot's… Are they as bad as the Lorraines too?”


    The secretary of labour swiftly answered “Lorraine were the ones who tried to betray their own emperor and declare war on an imperial vassal… The Sugarfoot's are feared bandits and the blackhills were once known as the reivers. The Ashen Sigil recently attacked haense and now they are Haense number one kill on the list”


    This proposal would’ve been pushed to a vote and passed with 6 ayes and 1 abstention.


    Following the previous proposal, the parliament voted to end the second session of the Dronish parliament. The count would then dismiss the house.

  2. Tom_sw


    I took 500 minas out of the bank and did /purchasefly Charter_Dronen Tom_SW, after executing this command I am unable to fly.


    It happened on 04/08/2019 at around 6:38pm BST Time.

    I was using my Persona called Benjamin Noblen, I was standing inside the charter at the time I executed the command.






    /purchasefly Charter_Dronen Tom_SW


    It should deduct 500 minas from my persona (it did do that) and then allow me to fly in my region for 24hrs.


    Instead, it took my minas and I haven’t got fly in my region.

  3. The First Call To Parliament, County of Dronen

    7th of The Grand Harvest, 1731



    Prime Minister: Count Benjamin Noblen - Attended
    Minister of Finance: Mr, Jannos Adric - Attended

    Minister of Defence: Mr, Iskandar Smythe - Attended

    Minister of Internal Affairs: Mr, Ailred Adric - Attended

    Minister of Justice: Mr, Cyneric Maeson - Attended

    Secretary of Business: Mr, Anfroy - Absent

    Secretary of Labour: Mr, Rhadien - Absent



    Count Benjamin Noblen would enter the throne room of Dronen and call the parliament to order, he would welcome all attendants of the Dronish government to the first parliament of the County of Dronen.


    Minister of Defence Speach

    The Count would first issue a formal call to the minister of defence to make an update on Dronish defences.


    The Minister of Defence would leave his seat and deliver his speech to the parliament.
    “Well, gentlemen, I’m sorry to say the defence of Dronen is in a sorry state, mostly due to a lack of guards willing to serve” The Count would’ve shown a face of disgust by the failure of his Defence minister.


    The minister would continue to deliver his speech

    “Banditry along the road has increased, along with civil dissidence from our own citizen” Iskandar Smythe would’ve glanced at Cyneric Maeson. Cyneric Maeson in return would’ve stared penetratingly at Iskandar.


    The minister would continue to deliver his speech

    “I am doing everything in my power to remedy the situation, including tasking my own son with some of the lesser duties of a guard and training him up to become a full-fledged warrior of Dronen” Iskandar would’ve shaken his head ”But at some point in time, the defence of the county must be left to the hands of people: willing volunteers ready to risk their lives”


    Minister of Justice Speech

    Secondly, Count Benjamin Noblen would call the minister of justice to update the parliament of the progress of Dronen’s laws.


    The Minister of Justice would begin his speech.
    “Regulation is an indispensable foundation which without, can lead to the ruination of a civilisation. Alas, the effectuation of relevant requirement for the endurance of Dronen is non-existent… To begin with, there is no established legislature which engenders every transgressions within this wall legals. Therefore, your ineffectiveness in executing your duty, Count Benjamin. Portrays yourself as an incompetent leader of which your credibility, or lack therefore, has eroded our confidence that we can ever become a settlement worthy of remembrance. Thus, with the obnoxious comportment which we here all cognisant is not salubrious to the aspired development of Dronen… Of you, I referred to.. I have supplicated for sain’s week.. And here i am with the ministers of the government.. I would implore to all of you to endow upon me your confidence and aid me to be ascended to become the Count of Dronen and lead you all the achieve and not stray. From our objective, to make Dronen great again.”


    Iskandar Smythe would’ve jumped to his feet and shouted: “What you’re suggesting is treason!”


    Cyneric Maeson would go around the parliament asking each member of the parliament to stand with him in the coup. Each member refused.


    From here Count Benjamin Noblen would stand and drew his sword he would shout: “Men of the chamber Cyneric Maeson has just attempted to coup the County of Dronen, you shall be placed under arrest.” The parliament would then stand in unity and drew their swords, The minister of Defence and guardsman Morando would go in to arrest Cyneric Maeson on charges of High treason. After much of a struggle, Cyneric Maeson would’ve shoved a sharp object down his throat killing him.


    After such events, Count Benjamin Noblen praised his parliament for there loyalty and condemned the actions of Mr, Cyernic Maeson, he would then dismiss the house.


  4. The only issue I have with this new plugin is it doesn’t take this into account:
    “However, you only pay the difference for the cost in minas.”

    So my upgrade should cost 8500 minas rather than the full price of 12,000 minas – as I already own a tier 1 charter.






    Name of settlement:

    County of Dronen

    Peak time:

    The peak times for Dronen are from 1pm est (5pm gmt) to 10pm est (2am gmt) These are the times when the settlement usually has the largest number of players online, offering a great roleplay experience.

    Population density:

    The population of Dronen is predominantly Human however there is a faction of all races of elfs living in the settlement.

    Brief description:

    The county of Dronen is a predominantly human settlement, this settlement features a democratic society were all high government officials are elected. Dronen has a unique design featuring a white terracotta and Diorite block mix. Dronen is offers great job opportunities such are working as a fisherman or joining the military. You could also set up your own business right from the heart of Dronen with low taxes and affordable stalls and homes who could say no?

    List of players able to assist:

    @Tom_sw @Soul_Blazer @TheFirstShroom

    All of the above are able to help you with buying houses/ stalls and giving region permissions.


    *[!] A map would be displayed in the Could Temple*


    Please note the map above is currently outdated

    Coordinates: 1326 / 105 / -633

  6. Laws of the Township of Nobleton

    Taxation Act:

    • After 2 tax strikes occur, the resident shall be evicted.

    • Taxes shall be paid weekly every sun’s smile at the tax office.

    • You shall be taxed under a certain class, this includes Classes:

    • class D [25 Minas], C [50 minas], B [75], A [100], A+ [125 minas], A++ [150 minas].

    • These tax classes are judged/ introduced by the size, height, and depth of a house. This includes all types of private farms and businesses/ stalls.

    • Each day taxes are overdue, the interest all debt shall be increased by 5%.

    • All new corporations are allowed to submit a petition to the government to be exempt from 25 minas off each property owned.


    Housing Act:

    • All Houses with a tax class of D or C are allowed to be received by new citizens from the government as a welcome to their arrival to the township.

    • All housing expansions must be petitioned for and agreed upon by the government; If not followed there is a fine for each block of 5 minas. Expansions may 

    • Exterior decorations must abide by the town’s setting and styling, failure to abide by this may result in removal and/ or eviction.

    Social Act:

    • The unlawful killing of another human is punishable by execution or exile.

    • Any person found guilty of robbery of another’s property shall be punished by a fine or a prison sentence decided by the judge of the court. 

    • Violent acts carried out by any persons whilst within the territory of Nobleton shall be considered a criminal act and punished appropriately dependant on the extent of the crime, and the opinion of jury and judge.

    • Vandalism of any property owned by Nobleton or in Nobleton is punishable by a fine of the damage dealt.

    Welfare Act: 

    • Any citizen that struggle to pay their taxes for any reasons may receive temporary tax relief.

    • Applications for tax relief are submitted to the mayor’s office.

    • These applications are to be submitted to the Mayor or internal affairs secretary on a book and quill.

    Sovereignty Act:

    • All forms of high treason are punishable by execution.

    • All forms of standard treason are punishable by execution or a prison sentence.

    • Citizens may protest peacefully, however, the protest may not be words against the Baron of Nobleton.

    • A violent protest shall be met with force from the Nobleton guard.

    Elections Act:

    • Elections for the position of mayor will take place every five years unless high government officials call for an election or if the office is vacant.

    • During an election, the candidates have 1 year to campaign them selfs to the Nobleton public after this period is over the polls will open for 2 months.


    Created by the Royal Nobleton government for the people of Nobleton

    Last Edited: 6th of the First Seed 1724

  7. **MC Names of all involved**



    When I go to right click the rose bush in the cloud temple greenhouse, I don’t get any rose bushes and none of my bone meal is deducted from my inventory.

    **Date of occurrence**
    06/07/2019 [dd/mm/yy] 9:15pm GMT


    **In game specifications**
    The persona I used was: Benjamin Noblen

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    1. Hold Bone meal in your hand
    2. Right-click the rose bush while holding the bone meal

    **Expected Behavior**
    It should get rid of bone meal, and drop 1 rose bush.

    **Actual Behavior**
    Nothing happens at all.


    **Error Message**
    “Hey! Sorry, but you can’t place that block here.”

  8. Tom_sw


    I took 500 minas out of the bank and did /purchasefly Charter_Nobleton Tom_SW, after executing this command I am unable to fly.


    It happened on 10/06/2019 at around 5:35pm GMT Time.

    I was using my Persona called Richard Noblen, I was standing inside the charter at the time I executed the command.






    /purchasefly Charter_Nobleton Tom_SW


    It should deduct 500 minas from my persona (it did do that) and then allow me to fly in my region for 24hrs.


    Instead, it took my minas and I haven’t got fly in my region.




  9. The Realm Of Nobleton




    Laws Act:

    • Treason is strictly and only punishable by being executed.

    • Murder without permission from the government is strictly illegal and punishable death or lengthy imprisonment.

    • Citizens are allowed legally to kill a person if there life is at stake from another person.

    • All citizens are entitled to free trial even if proven guilty before.

    • Exiled people of Nobleton are strictly not allowed on Nobleton territory and may be executed if entering it.

    • All forms of theft are punishable with a hefty fine or a prison sentence in extream circumstances the culprit would be executed or exiled.

    • Arson and kidnapping are all punishable by fines, imprisonment or execution.

    • Trespassing on government property could result in a fine.

    • Protesting is allowed so long as the government is informed ahead of time and no violence breaks out during the protest if this happens the Nobleton Milla have every right to engage in combat.

    Housing Act:

    • For every new citizen there first house is free if it’s a tax class d or c. Tax class b or a must be paid for in full!

    • If a citizen decides to move out of there free house to get a new one, the new house must be paid for in full.

    • Citizens may own more than 1 property but only 1 stall.

    • Citizens must inform the government before renting out a house to another person.

    • Expansions or outside changes of any of the country is strictly illegal, each square block is fined by 10 minas. If you wish to change your house’s outside appearance or expand it you must buy a permit from the permits office, your taxes may be subject to raise if your expansion is deemed the next tax class.

    • Failure to pay taxes will result in tax strikes after 2 tax strikes your house shall be evicted.

    • If you decide to move out of Nobleton, you must inform the government 3 days prior to your exit.

    • All stalls and buildings are non-refundable unless there is a good reason for it to be refunded.

    Conscription Act:

    • If this act is activated all citizens whether male or female, child or adult must be prepared to fight for there country.

    • If one feels that they are of use back in the village such as a farmer or blacksmith they may submit a petition to be exempt from there duties, however, if they do not support the war effort, they will be back in the military.

    Mayor Elections Act:

    • A Mayor must be elected every 5 years.
    • A mayor may run for as many terms as they wish to, so long as they are elected by citizens of Nobleton.

    • All Citizens Male and Female may vote if they are over 18 years of age.

    • Election Fraud is highly illegal, if caught you will no longer be able to run for mayor or vote. you will also be fined 50 minas for each fake vote. 


    Last edited: 1720

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