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Posts posted by Xx_BloodStalk_xX


    When asked about the man named as Alicjo Veranna, the one known formerly as the Dark Lord had this to say..

    "Alicjo the Wyrmtongue." He thought, placing one leg over the other. "The man has a rigid attitude, but above all else.. expels a flame from his breath more volatile than any dragon's."



  2. Will you accept, or will you run away? The lone figure asked himself as he paced through a seemingly endless desert, the burning sand below his shoes hissing with each step he took. As he continued off towards the darker side of the sky and his form was briefly shrouded in shadow by the many spires and hills, he let go of the parchment and allowed it to fly past him in the sand-traced winds. When you face an unforeseen self, what will you do? Allow yourself to return home, ruined? He'd ponder, turning back towards the sun he left behind, his form changing the further he walked. No one is made up of one side. With their quirks, comes their opposites. Is it so bad to embrace them, from time to time?

    Continuing forth, that ancient sage met the burning wind with an unyielding gaze, and his skin refused to crumble to the dry air.
    It's alright to change.


    22 hours ago, GrowingIvy said:

    i know its done on other servers


    Yea I suggested this b4 and some ppl said it might be bad since ppl would just pick bad emote colors to troll but thats honestly gonna happen unless we have like 3 "safe-to-use" emote-colors lol, the pros outweight the cons

  4. To be honest, it might just be better to leave all the heavy lifting to the players themselves rather than enforce a silly or cool name. If they want to call it something else I'm sure their characters will do it. Either way, I feel like 90% of people will still call it netherite no matter what you call it, like how most people say 'Lunarite' even though that's not what you're supposed to say apparently. 

  5.  Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn Revision

    OOC Purpose:


    Everything here is either balancing to circumvent powergaming, metagaming, or general changes that won't change the CA in any dramatic manner as most of the stuff in here is things that Djinns can/already have done but the changes make it easier to do so. Written by me, but the input on what should/shouldn't comes from the entire Demi-Djinn community so that we can more easily do contracts and roleplay our respective characters in more engaging and interesting ways.



    Overall Changes to Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn



    - Blades of Blood revised so that its enchantment can be applied to mundane wearable items, not just weapons.

    - Regeneration will allow the Djinn to heal minor wounds (cuts/scratches/bruises) outside of combat and repair broken bones faster, but NOT major wounds (stab wounds) or internal damage on their organs (This was added with the intention to better clarify their ability to regenerate, as they were able to fix removed limbs but not minor things like scratches for some reason).
    - Rivers of Wind clarification on its description to prevent powergaming. (Its wording implied it can fix any magical ailment when this isn't the case).
    - Removed redline for Chameleon Cloak that you can't use it to dye your entire skin.
    - Removed redline for Chameleon Cloak that the pigment of ink must be only one color.
    - Changed a Djinn's affinity to mana detection (allows the Djinn more customization to how it looks).
    - Removed Herobrine

    - A Djinn may now recall any of their own Zakhrifas to their location.

    - Djinn can now shapeshift minor glamors to their characters [NON-COMBATIVE].

    - Wearable Zakhrifas now have the ability to automatically adjust to the user's body, so a ring for example would shrink or expand to match the size of their finger.


    Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn: Zakhrifa Recall


    - Addition to Zakhrifa Section of the Lore: Any of the Djinn's own Zakhrifas may be recalled to their location in case they are lost or the Djinn wishes to end their tenure under their contractor. This is done in two emotes with the Zakhrifa re-appearing onto their person. 

    Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn: Additions and amendments to Physical/Mental Changes


    - Affinity to Mana Detection [OLD]: Their genus counts are higher depending on what phase they're in and hold an affinity to mana detection. If someone is attempting to detect their mana a Djinn in their Second/Third phase can choose whether or not the viewer can see their bodies coated in such, but won't be able to hide the mana concentrated upon the wrists; i.e. their shackles. 


    - Affinity to Mana Detection [NEW]: Their genus counts are higher depending on what phase they're in and hold an affinity to mana detection. If someone is attempting to detect their mana a Djinn in their Second/Third phase can choose how mana is shaped within their bodies, ranging from things like their bodies being coated in mana or mana running through their forms like veins, but they won't be able to hide the mana concentrated upon their wrists; i.e. their shackles.

    - Second Phase / Third Phase Shapeshifting: Should the Djinn desire to add cosmetics upon their forms to aid their aesthetic, they may turn illusion into reality and add minor alterations to their physical forms such as horns, tails, antannae, etc.

    - Cosmetics applied to a Djinn's form such as horns may not be used to aid them in combat, however they may be targeted by people in combat. These are minor aesthetics; things like another set of arms are not allowed.


    Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn: Chameleon Cloak


    [OLD] Chameleon Cloak - T1

    The Demi-Djinn can allow portions of their skin to change in pigment. This spell can be draining to use if used too much throughout the day, mostly serving as a way to give a bit of flare onto their new bodies. They may be able to choose where and what the markings may look like with nothing but a thought. In one emote, they may also make their tattoos glow with the intensity of a redstone torch.


    [1 - Connection/Charge/Cast] The creature’s arm, azure in color, had begun to form a purple spiral that planted itself over the Demi-Djinn's bicep.


    - Only small portions of a Demi-Djinn’s body can change, and they’d find themselves unable to change the entirety of their body’s skin into another solid color.

    - This spell's charging emotes can be used in tandem with shapeshifting emotes.

    [NEW] Chameleon Cloak - T1

    The Demi-Djinn can allow the pigment of their skin to change. This spell can be draining to use if used too much throughout the day, mostly serving as a way to give a bit of flare onto their new bodies. They may be able to choose where and what the markings may look like with nothing but a thought. In one emote, they may also make their tattoos glow with the intensity of a redstone torch.


    [1 - Connection/Charge/Cast] The creature’s arm, azure in color, had begun to form a purple spiral that planted itself over the Demi-Djinn's bicep.

    - This spell's charging emotes can be used in tandem with shapeshifting emotes.


    Demi-Djinn: Rivers of Wind


    [OLD] Rivers of Wind - T2

    When in time of crisis, a Demi-Djinn may have the body of a sickly individual transported to a locational nexus rich in a certain elemental source, where they utilize this portion of naturally occurring matter in tandem with their own radiant essence to purify and restore vitality in wayward souls. This manifests most especially in the cleansing winds and shimmering waters - curing respiratory and cardiovascular diseases respectively, as well as other maladies of magical conception.


    [1 - Connection/Charge] Laying the man down by the river, the Djinn casts its hand aloft towards the clear and calm waters - glimmers channelling about the surface of the pond as an orb of liquid came about their palm.

    [2- Cast] This water is pressed against the man's chest, and soon the water would seep inside, healing and soothing his ailment.

    - Cannot be used in combat.
    - Can only be used in thematically appropriate areas (gusty/winds mountains, or river/lakes).

    [NEW] Rivers of Wind - T2

    Should the Demi-Djinn find the body of a sickly mortal, they hold the ability to take them to a wellspring of elemental abundance. Should the patient be suffering any sickness or disease that is harming their cardiovascular or respiratory systems, they may heal them. For cardiovascular ailments, they may heal them by cleansing their skin in nature's waters. Likewise, they are able to heal any respiratory ailment in any place where the wind blows. Even if the ailments are magical or non-mundane, the Djinn can heal them, but they cannot reverse any fatal damage.


    [1 - Connection/Charge] Laying the man down by the river, the Djinn casts its hand aloft towards the clear and calm waters - glimmers channelling about the surface of the pond as an orb of liquid came about their palm.

    [2- Cast] This water is pressed against the man's chest, and soon the water would seep inside, healing and soothing his ailment.

    - Cannot be used in combat.
    - Can only be used in thematically appropriate areas (gusty/winds mountains, or river/lakes).



    Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn: Regeneration


    [OLD] Regeneration - T1 

    To one such as these shapeshifting creatures, they must retain many features across their forms. Therefore they have developed the ability to heal. Djinn can erase scars, as well as regrow limbs and facial features outside of combat. 


    [1 - Connection/Charge/Cast] Once the corporeal spirit had finished in their sprint back into their forest, they rest onto a knee and painfully lift their stump, a new arm of azure skin protruding right out of the bleeding stump.

    - Regeneration cannot be used in combat, or in the First Phase.
    - Cannot be used to heal internal or minor wounds, nor broken bones. They may only heal limbs or facial features if destroyed/non-functional.

    [NEW] Regeneration - T1 

    To one such as these shapeshifting creatures, they must retain many features across their forms. Therefore they have developed the ability to heal. Djinn can erase scars, mend their broken bones quicker than any mortal could, as well as regrow limbs and facial features outside of combat. 


    [1 - Connection/Charge/Cast] Once the corporeal spirit had finished in their sprint back into their forest, they rest onto a knee and painfully lift their stump, a new arm of azure skin protruding right out of the bleeding stump.

    - Regeneration cannot be used in combat, or in the First Phase.
    - Cannot be used to major wounds (such as stab wounds) or internal wounds (such as damage to their organs).
    - Broken bones cannot be healed immediately, but their aptitude for healing is increased and the bones will be mended near the end of a 24 OOC hour window.


    Demi-Djinn: Blades of Blood


    [OLD] Blades of Blood - T4

    If a Djinn thinks of someone's bloodline of noble or worthy blood, they may enchant a weapon with the effect that is heavier and/or unbalanced in the hands of someone that is not blood-related to the contractor - whereas someone who is related to them may wield the sword properly. Once enchanted, the weapon may be imbued with some harmless aesthetic or the family crest of the contractor. The weapon's new-found heaviness cannot be used to garner an edge in combat. 
    The Djinn may enchant magical weapons as well, but if the weapon is mundane they may add another optional effect. Only someone who is blood-related to the contractor may draw the [mundane] weapon from whatever it is sheathed into. Whether that be a traditional scabbard, or a large rock. The [mundane] weapon would find itself being incredibly heavy, to the point where multiple men must carry it in order to lift it.


    [1 - Connection/Charge/Cast] The Djinn casts its fog about the silver blade, the steel guard shifting like liquid to reveal the contractor's family crest, a quick glimmer casting over the reforged blade, which fashioned a scarlet ruby upon its pommel.

    - The products of Blades of Blood are player-signed.

    [NEW] Blades of Blood - T4

    If a Djinn thinks of someone's bloodline of noble or worthy blood, they may enchant a weapon or equippable mundane item with the effect that is heavier and/or unbalanced in the hands of someone that is not blood-related to the contractor - whereas someone who is related to them may wield the sword properly.  For equippable items like jewelry or instruments the person attempting to wear/use it would find its purpose null. An instrument would never be tuned quite right, and a ring or necklace would always find itself slipping off one's form. Once enchanted, the item may be imbued with some harmless aesthetic or the family crest of the contractor. The item's new-found heaviness or incompatibility cannot be used to garner an edge in combat. 

    The Djinn may enchant magical items as well. If a weapon is mundane they may add another optional effect. Only someone who is blood-related to the contractor may draw the [mundane] weapon from whatever it is sheathed into. Whether that be a traditional scabbard, or a large rock. The [mundane] weapon would find itself being incredibly heavy, to the point where multiple men must carry it in order to lift it.


    [1 - Connection/Charge/Cast] The Djinn casts its fog about the silver blade, the steel guard shifting like liquid to reveal the contractor's family crest, a quick glimmer casting over the reforged blade, which fashioned a scarlet ruby upon its pommel.

    - The products of Blades of Blood are player-signed.



    Demi-Djinn and Cursed Djinn: Zakhrifas


    Zakhrifa Adjustment - Zakhrifas are magical items that are able to change its form like the creature that made them. Therefore wearable zakhrifa can adjust to fit the user's body type, so a ring for example might shrink or expand to fit comfortably upon a contractor's finger. 


  6. "As a former NL.."
    ^ This doesn't matter. Not downplaying the opinion of those who were in the position before, but a PK clause should never be enforced on NLs. The fact of the matter is, I'm sure being the figurehead of any large community can be fun, but it can also be stressful. The NL player is going to have the worry of "if I die here im going to PK" mentality, therefore there will be less large events in the nation, or at least the player will be less active on that character. Some other lame situations like that will happen, I'm sure.

    That being said, you shouldn't be an NL if you don't roleplay faithfully. I can understand that PKing your monarch can lead to some heavy times in the community, but what I'm trying to say is that this isn't a mechanical issue at all--it's a communtiy one. We should encourage good faith in our community to PK when the time is right for the better overall narrative. And if they don't? Ultimately, it's their choice. This is just a hobby. I know that this is really just to stop things like meticulous planning going into assassinations and for what? The NL to say ' * revives ' after getting 60 guards to log onto the ppl killing them? We should be shaming this behavior rather than trying to force a mechanical compromise that can force the NL to be even more like a job than it already is. Each of us, in our respective communities, should be praising those who do good roleplay to roleplay faithfully, and vise versa. The cons are more heavy than the pros here, I think. 

  7. "I'm dying, Wright."


    Wright looked up from his drink, which Felix had pressured him into partaking. He remained silent for a long time before saying, "I see." A laugh came from Felix then, and the pair continued to chat. Though all the while, Wright was uneasy, and grew distant all the while. Death was always a thing he did not like to linger on. Though eventually the day came, and when it did, he was quiet and reserved as per usual, skulking about the halls of the palace. His tasks and duties took him past the fellow servants of the King, where he felt sunlight bleed through the slits of his mask. With a hand held over his head, he'd continue out onto the balcony and think on many things. Though inevitably his thoughts always went back to that young farmer he met on that fateful day. An ordinary, shy young man. How he grew, he thought to himself. For many, they could say that they will be catching up to him. That they'd see him again, one day. Though for Wright, that day would most likely never come.


    So he merely watched the people go by. As he had promised.

  8. A small group of migrants take up their luggage, departing from the lands of Adria seeking a new home in more remote lands. Their search has taken them to a ruined land. A new home. 


    Acre has become an Event Region Zone. To schedule an event, contact Xx_BloodStalk_xX or Werew0lf




    This land has been populated with the migrants of Adria, suffering from the effects of war. Having left their homeland, they now seek a better life away from it all to make their own home. Though amidst the trees, something evil is lurking. Only your actions can decide the fate of these people. How will you proceed?


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