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Posts posted by LordCrowe

  1. Long story short from what im reading from this word vomit?

    Stop Molly-coddling the playerbase and let consequences happen


    Its not just the war environment, though thats a large part of it. all the new rules, the constant rebalancing, shelving and nerfing of CA's, etc.

    Its all because people can't stand losing, and the staff refuse to put their foot down and recognize that this is one of the few cases where "catering to the playerbase" is actually detrimental, of course people are going to say they want measures that make them lose less!


    the problem is if theres no losers, theres no winners either.


    stories are driven by conflict, and the new policies suck all conflict out of our stories

  2. So i've read through all the posts thus far, and ive come to one conclusion:


    We Need To Accept That To Have A Good Villain Means A Loss Of Control


    Looking through the rules, and these posts, has really pointed this out to me, our rules and systems emphasize that you need permission of your victim to do anything beyond the completely superficial and meaningless, but as people have pointed out who is going to take that risk? sure if your lucky you might find someone willing and maybe you'll find a PRO willing to let you do something major, but it just doesn't happen, it doesn't matter how many times you shelf, rework, unshelf, remix, redo whatever villainy rp stuff there is because you won't let villains do their damn jobs in the first place.


    all i'm saying is, fix this systemic, fundamental problem before you start asking for ideas, stop treating symptoms while the disease ravages our server.



  3. Reading a copy of the declaration, MoJ Sergeant Charles Walker looked over the document with dismay "I told them" he muttered "I focking told them this would happen, and now the innocent shall drown in blood for the sins of my idiotic 'comrades'... may GOD have mercy on us all"


    Sharpening his sword, and readying his armor, Charles's face goes from dismay to grim determination "Now I suppose all I can do is save what innocents I can from their blood price.... here goes nothing"

  4. It seems to me that people think villains are either basic criminals or cultists these days, and not very good ones either, what happened to the third category people?


    I want to see unethical doctors, mad alchemists, and anyone willing to play igor for the former two


    I want to get a group together, for I see no point in doing it alone, so im looking for anyone willing to try and make a villain group of SCIENCE! with me.


    Lets see how far we can push the tech-lock, how many inventions we can make, and how many people we can terrorize in the process!


    If I can get say, 3 other people other people, ill start up a group for us all, get a lair app going etc.

  5. A little over a year ago I presented my Cliche Character Music thread, it can be found here

    So now its time for


    LordCrowe's Cliche Character Music Thread Two:

    Electric Boogaloo



    Chill Ambient Character Themes
    Awesome Battle Themes Galore

    Incredibly Unnecessary Extra Music

    General Idiocy and Memery


    Allow Me To Begin:


    Charles Walker Ambient Theme:


    Charles Walker Battle Theme:



    Charles Walkers "So Oren Is Doomed?" Music:



  6. Charles Walker picks up one such letter while patrolling, scoffs, and then throws it into a nearby trashbin

    "flying goats, what will they come up with next I wonder, insane ramblings are easier to deal with than the 4 different serial killers around the city at least" he mutters

  7. It was early morning, the birds were singing, the morning dew glittered like gems in the light of dawn, and under a tree an old man was packing up his campsite. He was clad in full plate, with a sword on his hip he struck at first glance the image of a gallant knight on an adventure, but look closer and you’ll see a different story, what was once a symbol displayed proudly on the chestplate has been crudely ground off, with no sign of what once was there, and a tabard once present is now torn to shreds, whatever symbolism it held long lost, only ragged red cloth.


    The man held up a piece of parchment to the light, on it a familiar symbol to the people of Oren, a golden schooner, and the words “Justice X Fairness”, the symbol of the Ferry Men, who seek to depose the old noble order. The man’s left fist clenched, adding more crumples to the already worn sheet, before his first words of the day were forced out of chapped lips “Fools… the same, ideals, the same mistakes, its just like so long ago…”


    The old man looked to the horizon, a breeze catching at the tattered remnants of his tabard. He raised his cold right hand to the horizon and shook it with the fury of one who has seen the same mistakes repeated again, and again. “These Ferry Men, they are the same, and if they remain that way, they must be stopped”


    The breeze picks up, flinging a medallion out from underneath the man’s breastplate, on it, emblazoned a symbol that once held the same meaning as that in his left hand, but now means nothing, not anymore. “But perhaps… perhaps they can be taught, perhaps I can fix those old mistakes, once and for all”


    The man glanced at his right hand, his missing right hand, rather he glanced to the symbol etched into the unfeeling iron prosthetic, lovingly engraved by a dwarven smith, that of a chain, symbolizing penance. He then glanced to the symbol on his medallion, a red gear, the symbol.... of the cheloveks


    “I swear on the name Joseph Hartjensteyer, I will find you Ferry Men, and I will make you better"


    "For you.... dearest Maria, I shall ensure my penance is done"

  8. Welcome, to LordCrowe's:


    Extremely Cliche Character Theme Music Thread


    Ambient Character Themes

    Character Battle Themes

    Other Incredibly Unnecessary Character Music

    General Stupidity


    I shall begin:

    Hendrick Mengelestein - ISA Soldier and general pragmatist

    General Character Theme:



    Ambient Character Theme (What you hear when talking to Hendrick):



    Battle Music!:


    Battle VS Undead Or Supernatural



  9. His name, although many forget it, was Josef Hartjensteyer


    He had been a chandler, a maker of candles and torches, by trade. By fate however Josef was forced to become much more, he had fought in the Third Atlas Coalition war when he was but a boy, lighting the fuses of dwarven cannons. He went on to dabble in everything from blacksmithing to carpentry, adventuring to homesteading, even astronomy.


    But alas Josef was a gullible one


    He was a short lived informant for a budding bandit guild, he had joined the Cheloveks under the codename “Rabbit”, a band of murderous revolutionaries whose cause was tainted by atrocity after atrocity. And while seeking redemption for his heinous war crimes during his time wearing the burning cog of the Chelovek union he joined a cult of all things while pushing 50 years old.


    It would be that last one that would end him.


    Desperate for redemption he took a mission doomed to failure, and unlike his new comrades followed it to its suicidal conclusion, he held off 7 others in single combat for several minutes, alone, and came so close to finishing the mission, although he failed, even pushing 50 Josef proved himself formidable beyond doubt.


    Now his body lay on the cobblestones of Helena


    He had learned a trade, fought in a total of 3 different wars, treated with nobility, kidnapped an Orenian lord, earned a codename, spied on an estate, betrayed a revolution, lost a hand, invented his own prosthetic, joined a cult, and died at the ripe old age of 54 in battle.


    Josef was a good man gullible enough to be led to bad things, and now?


    He was food for the rats

  10. The Cheloveks.


    Were they a group of ambitious and righteous peasants and low class citizens fighting for a better future? to find their place in the sun and get out from under the thumb of cruel nobles? or were they a band of murderer’s, arsonists, rapists, sadists and worse who had turned a worthy cause into an excuse to practice their terrible crafts and fulfill their horrifying dreams?


    The former agent of the Cheloveks, known by his codename of “Rabbit” honestly wasn’t sure anymore.


    When he had joined, a humble lamplighter dealing with a lack of honest work, it all seemed so simple. They were going to depose the corrupt and greedy nobles, spare the few who were good to the people, and install a regime to provide for all.


    But then the oddities started to pile up.


    The first sign was his very first assignment, to spy on the D’Arkent family at their famous Selm Estate. The D’Arkents were good people by all accounts, disdainful of their fellow nobles and their old boys club customs and firm believers in the fact that any man could rise to become anything he wished provided he had talent and put in hard work. So why of all the peers of the empire did the D’Arkents need an eye kept on them?


    Then there was Millstone, a peaceful town attacked by the Cheloveks in the name of ‘Justice’, as their mayor had supposedly sold out his citizens futures for a fat sack of Orenian marks. The evidence however was flimsy, the ‘trial’ given on the spot a farce, and the butchering of innocent civilians after the fact did not reassure “Rabbit” at all.


    And then yesterday he heard that some of his fellows had taken some of those frog people, who were innocent of any crime, and vivisected them alive...


    He was shocked, he was horrified and he was grief stricken, and even the news that their leader had condemned the action and gone into exile could not alleviate his nausea as he realized that all along:


    He was the villain


    So “Rabbit” filed off the Chelovek symbol on his armor and swore he would do something to redeem his terrible deeds.


    He could only hope his immortal soul could be saved before Orenian authorities put him to the noose.

  11. Honestly these other people above me have all made great points but I think the one issue your forgetting to address is this

    On 1/17/2020 at 1:30 AM, ElvenMomma said:

    For the lock again, is there then an ETA when it would be removed? Seeing the words “We will not allow new charters to form for the foreseeable future” makes me feel like this is going to be another thing that we staff say and nothing ever gets done.


    Considering previous events I think we do need a semi-solid ETA, im not saying put in a hard deadline (that will just lead to rushed and sloppy work), but give us a guesstimate of how long it will take and keep people updated on the process

  12. So i’m new, so if I end up being horribly wrong about everything, please point it out and don’t lynch me


    So it took me awhile to figure out what nexus was going through old wiki stuff and so on but I agree that racial perks are a good solution, however from what I understand nexus’s coding was a cluster**** and as such I doubt it would be as easy as separating the perks from everything else.


    However here’s what I think:


    1. PVP in warzone’s being mandatory should continue, its a giant cluster**** otherwise
    2. Defender default should be redefined, from what im hearing what happens is 2 characters interact, and one continues being provoking but waits for the other to actually attack, so they can call pvp default using the defender system... that is BROKEN as all hell, so redefine it so that being provoking like that paints you as the attacker
    3. just like how pvp default has a rule that you can’t change the attackers and defenders numbers after the battle starts, same should apply to rp combat, at least during raids and the like, the incident cited by Skyrunner is a travesty, being “outplayed” is not an excuse, that would be the kind of exploitative logic i’d expect on an anarchy factions pvp server, not LOTC.

    The tweaks listed in point 2 and 3 I think would cut down on the more exploitative use of logic to force pvp, I can see in advance why point 3 might not work, but point 2 I think is a must.


    These aren’t perfect solutions I admit, but it would help


    Hope this helps!

  13. [!] A simple flyer is posted around Arcas [!]


    Related image

    [!] a poorly made image adorns the flyer [!]


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