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  1. -=The Galbenza Gentlemen=- The best dressed master criminals Invitation Letter : About Us: We are a group of men and women who believe that self progression is key to achieving our role in life. We are not deterred by laws set by any nation, as we do not belong to any nation and so they do not affect us. Our roots stretch far and wide, and we know more than we let on. To betray another member of our group is like killing yourself, and it is with much regret that we remove traiterous members immediatly. Our history is known by only our members and a select few, and it shall forever remain so. Through much dealings with other guilds of our type, we have managed to be one of three founding members for the main confederation of organisations similar to ours; the Larcenist's Confederation. This is all you need to know of us, and all you will ever need to know, unless you feel inclined to join our ranks. If so, we await your letter. If you Join us, who will you be working with?: To put it simply, you will be working with the best of the best at what we do. Amongst those who will be working with you are people who meticulously plan out every aspect of a job to the finest detail, yet they are also people who are able to put together a well functioning, fluid plan in an instant, should they be required. Although the requirement for entry is relatively low, you will need to prove yourself as an adequate planner and undertaker of said plans to be able to move up our ranks. If working with petty thieves is your goal, we will be a disappointment to you. We are not the average bandit at the side of the road, or the petty pickpocket who targets simple people such as the rich. No, we are masters of our art, and we are more often than not in and out of the scene a few minutes before anyone has realised what has happened. What are our requirements to join us?: First off, you must have reasonable skills at pickpocketing, lockpicking, and remaining unseen, unheared and undetected. If you have a history of violence, this must be controlled, as we do not murder unless provoked first, or have absolutely no other option, such as in gang battles.We do, however, relieve items from those who have too much, such as the rich, or the powerful (which is, most often, one and the same). You must be willing to follow orders to the letter, and must be able to undertake said orders without hesitation. You must be willing to lie, steal and trick your way into doing things, and you must have no moral boundaries when it comes to this. We do not have time for people who cannot operate under stress. We do not have time for those who cannot work like clockwork with other team members. We are the best, and in order to maintain this rank, we must operate the best. Ranks/Application Letters: Outer Guild: Inner Guild Application: Outer Guild Application: Services the Galbenza Gentlemen Provide: ((Do not meta game this information!)) -Thievery of certain locations, for payment -Heists of certain locations, for higher payment -Kidnappings/false incriminations/disruption of information, for very high payment -Fencing of items ((pm me for details))
  2. Clan of the Sorrow's Wind ((First off, OOC clarification. This isn't a Uruk clan, a house, or otherwise, being that they exist outside of nations. They don't follow the same rules, etc, and they would normally "recruit people," incorporating them into the family, rather than people being born into it, albeit some are. (Basically anyone may be brought into this clan, via application or RP, or for being born to someone already within the clan) Also, this does not require a VA, but it is suggested you get one. Will make integration a lot easier.)) A young elven man walks alone on the roads to Malinor. He walks, a short spear in hand, and upon his shoulder is a small image. It shows the wind carrying tears. As you approach, he turns. It is obvious he has traveled for a long time. He watches you, a deep sadness permeating his eyes. And so, you turn away, and leave him. But the next day, you are on the road again. This time, though, you head for Dwarven lands, and you see a dwarf. He wields a simple staff. He too, has the insignia on his shoulder, and he seems to have been heading out. He does not notice you watching, but you notice that he has stopped to help a young man on the road, who seems distraught. The dwarf nods. He gets up, and begins to walk towards the mountain. The man seems to be thanking him as he goes. You do not know what for. You continue on your journey, the meeting slipping from your mind. It is a week later, and you go to Oren. There, there is an old lady, walking out of her house with a cane. She too has the symbol, but hers is upon her cane. She sees a man mugging another, and she quietly walks towards them. Neither pays her any attention. After all, she is only an old lady. But a couple moments later, you see the flash of steel, and you see in her hands a syringe. It is filled with a red liquid, the colour of blood. It is not. It is poison. ((Mercury, but unless you were certain people, you would not know. And if Tuna exists IG (which it does), so must mercury, just to tell you.)) She jabs it into the man mugging the other, and the mugger collapses, twitching violently. The woman brings her cane down into his throat, and he is still. The other man thanks her, and runs away quickly. The woman walks back to her house. You turn away, deciding it was best to ignore it. And it is a month later that you go to the lands of the orcs, for you must find something precious there. And there, you see an orc, with the symbol engraved onto his blade. He is in combat with two other orcs, who were attempting to kill a halfling. And you believe perhaps this one was simply being selfish, attempting to get the halfling's foot for a meal. But you watch him cut down one orc, and after a struggle with the next, killing them both. And he bends down, you think to kill the halfling. You begin to turn away, thinking you may be next, but you see the orc cut through the halfling's bonds, releasing him, and telling him, to run and get out of orc lands before more come. He sees you and shouts at you that it would be best for you to leave too, and he turns back to his dead kin, dragging them into some dead bushes. He pulls a flint and steel from a small pouch, and begins to burn the bodies. You run, forgetting all about the precious thing you have lost. But you grow curious. And you begin to ask around, but no one seems to know who these people are. And when you go back to seek those people who you saw helped and saved, and you speak with them, they tell you they don't know anything. Some didn't even see the insignia. And when you go to what you assumed was the old lady's house, she is not there. And you go back to it a few times, but she is never there. A year passes, you are about to give up. But it is then that a young elven man approaches you by the entrance to your homeland. You remember him. The first one. He speaks to you. "I am the Spear of the Sorrow's Wind," he says. "We have been watching you. Observing you. You turned your back on us at first. But you grew curious. And we believe that we might make right in you yet. Come with me. And we shall see if you are fit to be one of us." ((Now, OOC information. You would know little to none of this IC)) The Colours The colours of the Sorrow's Wind is that of forest green, black, grey, and a grey-blue. Physical Traits Due to their methods of incorporation, their physical traits are very varied. Those who are born directly into the clan though, via the elven lines stemming from the original Llumn'iheiu family, have black hair, tall and thin, agile, at least some elven blood, and bright green eyes. Mental/Personality Traits All the clan is willing to put others above themselves, even those outside of the clan. They do not differentiate allegiances, religions, or races, if someone were in trouble, they would help (the exception is those they know to have caused too much trouble for them in the past). Their path involves traveling, often. They are seldom traveling with others, and as such, lead a very lonely life. Few will marry, and those who do might not find time to be together often. But for them, love is for life. They choose one person to love. They will rarely ever choose another. Religion/Faith/Spiritualism The religions are extremely varied, and there are some without a religion, those who follow the Creator, those who might be a druid, cleric, or Krug. Any may be a part of the clan, and are free to hold any religion, as long as they believe in the goodness of the heart, and are willing to put others above themselves, and whilst willing to persuade others to convert, not willing to force them via torture or threats. Diplomatic Relationships As decided by council decision, they currently offer their support to Kal'halla, for their offer of land and their thus far honourable composition. Leadership There is no official leadership in the clan, and anyone above the age of 16 who has passed initiation may attend the council meetings, and vote on things such as whether to let a potential initiate to be taken in, rules, etc. Who May Join? As shown by the RP bit, it may be anyone, if they are willing IC to give up on selfish things. Now, there are some things which might obstruct certain races. Orcs, for example, are not in their nature to fight their bloodlust. However, a way this can be solved is by defending the weak being attacked by the strong, turning their bloodlust to kill the offender. Or a dwarf might participate in the mugging or wait until it is over in order to steal, due to greed. Or perhaps feel an urge to pickpocket. Turn that to pickpocketing the rich and giving some to the poor, or killing the mugger, and looting him instead. So on and so forth. The Initiation The initiation starts at the age of 16. It is at this point that the Initiate goes forth to become one of the Clan. It tests skills and ability, mind, and endurance, and finally the willingness to help. Each initiation is engineered for each initiate. Rituals Find out in RP! Guidance and Rules (WIP) 1. Each clan member, upon the passing of the initiation, chooses a title to be used in public, and from that point forward, use their real names only with the closest of friends outside of the clan, and with other members of the clan. The title prefixes "of the Sorrow's Wind." So things like, Wolf of the Sorrow's Wind, etc. 2. In most all cases, with some exceptions, should one call to help, one should respond. Unless it is a violent action one is required to commit to help, one is required to help in any way possible, and if violent action is required, one should find the nearest possible help available, being other clan members who are willing to engage, or authorities and friends. 3. In the case that a member has been wronged by an outsider, and the outsider calls for help, the member must respond to his call, providing it is non-violent. Should it be a call for help involving violence, the clan member is not obliged to help, and should leave him to his fate. Should they leave them to their fate, they must call out to the outsider, "As you have wronged me, others wrong you. Your blood and tears stain the land." But if you choose to help him, you forgive him, and you will say, "My memory is gone, and your deeds wiped away. My tears stain the winds no longer, and you are forgiven." You will henceforth act as though you had never known the person. 4. In the case that attempting to help is hopeless, and dangerous, one must still attempt to help. Should it be that it will likely end in your death, you will say, as you step in, "I walk alone, spreading kindness as I may, and so my blood and tears shall stain the wind." Punishments Find out in RP! How to Join There are three ways. Via IG RP, and App, or forum RP. No matter what, there will be an IG initiation, which will test you and your character, depending on their abilities. The Clan Seal (The Symbol) (Sorry about how simple it looks, I'll try and find someone who can actually do art to make the seal. But this would be about how it looks, albeit a bit fancier and more elegant. If someone was willing to take this and fancy it up, would be greatly appreciated.) Homeland The people of the clan search for a land for them to occupy in Anthos, during times of rituals and gatherings, but as of yet, the council has not decided. They are currently considering the offer of the Kal'hallans. Even still, they are largely nomadic, and likely would not remain for too long. Military They have a militia, but being individuals whom are seldom around each other, they rarely organize themselves into the said militia, except for when the clan's existence as a whole is threatened. Currently, the militia is attempting to organize itself, and put down the feuds in their homeland of Asulon, so they may concentrate their efforts on these new rumours of demonic beings. The App (An extensive one, much is just for documentational reasons): Out Of Character MC Name: Forum Name: Skype Name: Timezone: Why do you wish to join the Clan? In Character Character's Name: Character Status (Alt, main?): Age: Race: Strengths/Weaknesses Religion: Any Current Allegiances: If your char has any current national allegiances, are you willing to either give those up, or make it so that your character might make an exception if a fellow clan member got in the way, you would not harm him/her? Are they biologically related, or are you having them join the Clan via recruition? If biologically related, how so (Brother, Sister, Cousin, Daughter, Son, etc, and exactly who)? Bio of Character (short, 1-2 paragraphs of 3-5 sentences): ((Some of this is a WIP, is subject to change, be added to, detracted to, and so forth.))
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