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  1. previously bǫlva where am i? for all i hear is the noise wishing for solace in the dark that surrounds me it only seeks to consume me, my blade for my purpose is now but in the blood i shed He sits across the field of the dead, a slain Mali'kerr saddled underneath the wrap of a leather home. His destination was not far then, the home to a kind not of his own. All he could think of was the screams of the souls in the place he wished he'd never seen. The ruins of a realm he hoped were not of the one his body resided in. She was long gone, the princess. A companion that kept him afloat amid the violence. It had been months, years, since he'd heard of her last, after fated incidents caused them to go their separate ways; though truly, it was Him that pushed it to that point. He could no longer see the brightness in a smile, the serenity in the silence, a memory tampered by a curse; of which he was powerless to rebel against. The wind paced itself, coming to a halt, and yet all He could hear was the noise that embellished in the torment that glued itself to his mind. A damaged soul, he had. Irreparable. The noise became a battle to overcome, lurking in the depths of every step he took, every unsheathing of his blade, and every strike to take a life. A slow rise. He was weary, and he could no longer carry the corpse with him. He took its head and mummified it with mere cloth, a redness seeping through of how fresh it was. where was the silence? it no longer helped to strike, to thrust, it was all i could do yet it bore no flower to comfort my pain the space only shared by the stain "Compensation?" The one of Acalonn asked of him. A nod came next, and her words continued. "Fifty mina. Will that suffice?" Anything would, in his eyes. A second nod. He simply bore the head of the one she asked of; of which she never collected. A bag saddles in his palm and with a quick, careless look, a final nod was given. "The Monster of the East," she called. "I wish you luck. Until next time." His steel-toed steps gather before the soulless banker, a small deposit to accompany the rest born of the same essence. Blood money. The rewards he reaped in his occupation; a sellsword, a bounty hunter, yet all too meaningless with what kept him company beneath the visage of a helmet. This was his routine, his healing, however fruitless. Another poster to come again, a face, a name, a number was all it took. Anything to distract him from what truly disturbed the very essence of the man that once wished of a life so simple as to do as he willed, to survive another Ash day. where would i go? the sights no longer enticed it was all the same now, a cruel fate only known by I soon everything would come to a conclusion and i would be powerless to stop it The realm of all Highlanders welcomes him, everyday. Vindicated at every approach, stared at upon a seat taken, a silence atop another. Nothing tranquil ever came of it, but he wished for it to arrive someday, in hopes the silence webbed into his thoughts. "I am to be the baroness, soon!" The one called. "A-and if that would not suffice, then-" The stammer of an innocence; eyes beading over the presence of a stranger. To her, he was strong. To him, she was weak. In the respite of a hearth bearing a flame that remained alight, his services were insisted. The middle child of the Moon City came before the armored one of a village long forgotten, basking in the space of his isolation. He wished to will the noise away, her presence to be ill remembered - only for a curiosity to birth, for the first time in the years since. A girl not older then five-and-ten, gathering the strength to continue their approach. A wavering confidence, determined to see it through. "I will consider it." He willed to say, nothing more, nothing less. what do you see in me? a small noble brazen abashed and yet unbothered by the dark wishing to see a light beneath the helm i can only pray she will never see the embers surrounded me, yet she ushers it all away
  2. [T3] ST. CAIUS’ SHIELD [RARE] BACKGROUND Due to the need to combat the ever increasing influx of curses within their community, Lector Alchemists conceptualized and developed St. Caius’ Shield as a means to provide an alternative and practical method for remedying supernatural afflictions. RECIPE BASE: Liquid Mana + Shredded Gold Leaf Aether | Purity [x3] Aether | Vigour [x3] Aether | Clarity [x3] Aether | Peace [x2] CREATION One must first shred up a leaf of aurum, and add it thoroughly to a measure of liquid essence. Once the base is prepared, the Alchemist must add a measure of three “Aether | Purity” symbols, mix thoroughly, and allow it to rest for the duration of a narrative day. This will cause the mixture to become a dull orange, regardless of the liquid mana’s original hue. Now that hue of orange, the Alchemist must then mix three “Aether | Clarity” symbols into the concoction at a simmering low heat. This will brighten the mixture considerably, altering its hue to that of gold. Lastly, the Alchemist will add a measure of two “Aether | Peace” symbols and allow the mixture to bask in the light of the sun from dawn until dusk. By the end, the golden liquid would begin to refract with a radiant sparkle. Once the potion is fabricated, it may be combined with sawdust to make incense, wax to create a candle or other aesthetic tools that would facilitate the burning the of the potion. For example, one could even utilize a lamp burner or a censer. EFFECTS When set ablaze, this golden elixir's fumes would aid a descendant in purging the effects of Minor Hexes, Cursed Idols, Shaman Hexes that affect Personality/Emotion, and phantom Possession/Gheistreach. Saint Caius’ Shield’s slow-burn effects necessitate a build up of approximately one narrative hour or [10] emotes in order to become potent and will encompass an area of 3x3 blocks. The consumer, should they suffer from these maladies, would begin to sweat furiously as they develop symptoms of the “Westerlandic Flu”; this includes a high fever, nausea and a frailness as their body is placed in a state of immunal fight for the duration of that hour. REDLINES St. Caius’ Shield will ONLY combat the effects of Cursed Idols [Naztherak] and Minor Hexes [Mysticism], Shamanist Hexes that affect Personality/Emotion, and Posession/Geistreach by Phantoms. St. Caius’ Shield is a cure, not a vaccine. This is to say that this cure resets an individual to “zero”, and will not protect them from further cursing. St. Caius’ Shield will NOT affect the curse of the Corcitură, soul-burn inflicted by Malflame and nor will it affect the traits of Cursed Children. St. Caius' Shield will not mend the warping of a soul from a curse tethered to a CA of any type. This is to say that if a CA requires a blackmarking of their soul to be made or operate, this potion will NOT counteract their own corruption. St. Caius’ Shield will NOT overpower a curse inflicted by contact or proximity should the consumer retain said contact or proximity. This is to say that although curses may be remedied, the user will only be cured so long as they do not remain under the influence of an object or substance. St. Caius’ Shield’s “Westerlandic Flu” will NOT take effect on those who are not experiencing the malady of a curse or necromantic disease. This means that one cannot use this potion to induce fever or frailness in others as a means of poisoning. St. Caius’s Shield’s “Westerlandic Flu” will cause an individual to become too weak to fight adequately, becoming significantly weaker and sickly. This is to say that one should not powergame through the illness if consumed during combat. Although this potion is intended to be burned when combined with other substances, the substance itself is not easily combustible and requires an implement. This potion is a T3 potion and its recipe is considered RARE knowledge. This potion's effects may be determined by the presiding ET in an event setting, should a custom curse be implemented. This potion requires ST approval. [OOC] PURPOSE In recent weeks the Lector player group has encountered numerous cursed individuals who were unable to be helped despite their requests. It forced us to send for Valannor’s paladin constantly which not only delayed RP but inconvenienced him. With regards to the potion itself, I took inspiration from the curse purging precedent of Muritor Elixir and the ability for alchemy to thwart ghostly abilities in Sigismund’s Candles. Likewise, Spoon’s recent Null Arcana addition utilized Liquid Mana to disrupt magic, which I think can be made consistent here. I also added “Necromantic Diseases” as an ailment that can be cured since Necromancy lore mentions alchemical or homeopathic cures but does not specify which would do the job. Further, while reading and transcribing cursed items into the Lore Pixel Project, I realized that Paladins truly maintain a monopoly on curse purging on this server. Templars lack this capability and there are currently no Clerics or Ascended to aid in this capacity either. I believe that this addition would allow other player bases, including ones who engage in spook RP, to remedy curses without relying on Paladins. CHANGELOG - Added Redline: St. Caius' Shield will not mend the warping of a soul from a curse tethered to a CA of any type. This is to say that if a CA requires a blackmarking of their soul to be made or operate, this potion will NOT counteract their own corruption. - St. Caius’ Shield will ONLY combat the effects of Cursed Idols [Naztherak] and Minor Hexes [Mysticism], Shamanist Hexes that affect Personality/Emotion, and Posession/Geistreach by Phantoms. - Added Redline: This potion's effects may be determined by the presiding ET in an event setting, should a custom curse be implemented. - Added a requirement of "Aether | Vigour x3" [32 Redstone] to the recipe. - This recipe now requires ST approval. - Modified the description to reflect the redlines. - Added Redline: Although this potion is intended to be burned when combined with other substances, the substance itself is not easily combustible and requires an implement. - Modified the creation and description to include a combination with flammable implements in order to cause the potion to release potent fumes rather than requiring bodily consumption.
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