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  1. I have tried logging in briefly a few times, but for me it just isn't happening anymore. This is no longer a place for me. But that isn't to stay that I have stopped thinking about the community and universe of the Lord of the Craft. I often wonder what Elindor and his friends throughout the years would be up to now. But whenever I attempt to reconnect with that experience it is a shadow of the past. For two reasons. One is that myself and my character have advanced too far that trivial activity goes against what matters to the character now, and also that the mystery and exhilaration of uncovering your own story within the Lord of the Craft is gone. When I reminisce of the time when I became hooked on this server there is one thing that stands clearly defined to me. The Antagonist gave my presence on the server meaning. And the reason for this is because the intentions of Iblees were at once mysterious and generic enough that my character could design their own meaning to the war and how they fit into it. There are many points to do with Antagonists and their place in building a larger roleplay environment, but it is rather like the Brexit. Most people will zealously discuss large world changing points for which they know very little but feel very strongly about, however I have a personal perspective in which there is an undeniable and tangible relationship between the large concept and my own reality. And for Lord of the Craft, the Antagonist permitted me an avenue through which I could discover the world of Aegis in search of understanding. And I feel that without a globally influencing story concept, players are forced into domestic roleplay which relies on friendship groups (alienating newcomers) and quickly stagnates. Freely Interpreted Since then I have witnessed that later attempts to create an antagonist have been largely lead by Event Teams who seemed hellbent on ensuring everyone was made aware of the amazing storyline they had created. There was little to no mystery as most events were saturated in exposition. And while you can't beat the simplest antagonist story ever (Iblees is literally satan) of an Aengul that seeks the destruction of mortals through the corruption of some and the annihilation of all; my sentiments go towards those who do try to resurrect such simple perfection as they inevitably face endless obscenity. However we can still create something that is unique in circumstance while repeating the successful themes of the past. Star Wars blatantly did it, so why not? So moving forward towards a global enemy that creates as much mystery (without attempting to solve it on behalf of all players) as well as presenting the opportunities for smaller stories that build (rather than retract from) the overall impression of an incalculable opponent... my current suggestion leans upon the next important point. PVE For Story, Not Gameplay PVE is player vs Environment, just in case you aren't fully aware. It stems from such story telling as Indiana Jones in which while his goal appears simple, every step he takes through a forbidden temple seems to provide new opposition. And when I say this I don't mean puzzles or event areas. These are great, and I have loved finding previous event areas in which word puzzles or references were involved, though many event areas end up being intended for one use and forever afterwards are pointless. I mean using existing mechanics of minecraft to help further the independent creation of story. Enderman start spawning. Walkers of the Plane Of course we will want to forget about Enderman the way Minecraft has them with the End and their Eyes leading to a portal and all that stuff. However their basic mechanics create an easy platform from which to introduce a playable antagonist that can freely represent itself by spawning naturally, as well as be manipulated for larger scale interactions. Yup. This is the bit where the backstory comes in. Walkers of the Plane, or Enderman, (because you are in denial if you expect our player base not to put that name upon them the instant they see them) are from a plane of existence not far removed from the Void. Their homeland is endless arid lands of void sky and blemished land in which the occasional fallout from the Void can have devastating affects. A place in which no mortal descendant would find any pleasure living as there is nothing of significance to be found there but dirt. The inhabitants are a creature possibly birthed from the Void itself, made manifest by mere thought. They are without specific shape and individuality, only the form of a humanoid for ease of living. They communicate by telepathy over line of sight, only using vocal queues by way of bringing attention to themselves for the sake of establishing a telepathic communication. Being no strangers to The Void, all Walkers are adept in Void Translocation as much as a man would know how to use a knife to cut something. So much so that they are capable of stepping into and out of the Void for means of transportation. In many ways they could be far beyond mortal evolution in their society, however their simplicity of life makes them completely without technology. Being telepathic, knowledge is shared through being around one another, and so no desire to extend knowledge exists, nor any means for education necessary. They are incredibly intelligent, and yet incredibly simple. All well and good so long as they remain where they are. The Story Catalyses For whatever reason their land has been tainted. The Walkers primary diet is of a moss that grows freely upon the soil of their land. They have never grown crops or cultivated livestock, partly because nothing can thrive in the environment of their land, and partly because they value the work of farming and herding livestock as base and crude; the kind of thing animals do to survive. However with the taint spreading across their land the food supply is scarce, and perhaps the taint inherently spread into them also. Regardless, they must branch out in search of other forms of nourishment. And so The Walkers find their way into the realms of Mortals. Enderman as we Know First arrives the tall and slender simpletons. Because the Enderman in their society have advanced beyond pointless forms of governance, instead unanimously electing a dictatorial leader of the most capable mind in the realm, The Walkers are divided by birth into two class groups: the workers and the thinkers. Workers do that which is required to keep society functioning. Their bodies are more inclined to work. They are taller, slimmer, and their minds are less developed for complex thought. These are the Enderman that are sent to the mortal realm first to find alternate forms of food. Upon arriving, these Enderman go about sampling all that they can discover, bringing it back to their realm for experimentation to see if it is a worthy food source. Whether mineral, plant, or animal. A conflict arises in that mortals feel themselves far higher in importance than that of a cow or mushroom. However to the Walkers, all creatures that are unable to communicate through telepathic means are grunting simpletons to be subdued and eaten. Not particularly tastily, but if required. And so, on their endeavors to discover, any opposition discovered would naturally be treated with great hostility. And thus, the first interactions with Enderman are bound to create hostility between races, as no doubt there will be casualties on both sides. The Advanced Beings The Walkers of the Plane that you should be wary of, however, are the shorter ones (players). Their evolution has shown them as superior in mentality, not requiring such physically capable forms in their vocation as thinkers. They basically look like human shadows. The same size and build, but with no features to speak of. These creatures are far more capable of independent thought, and if they were to start emerging in the mortal realm, it means that the laborers have either found something worth investigating, or have faced enough opposition to welcome their wrath. Player Walkers have little physical ability and in a sword fight will be at a major disadvantage. However they can just as easily step into the Void and emerge elsewhere, flight being their preferred method of survival. Why Are You Here? That all depends on how the masses respond to the presence of these newcomers. While the mortals would be viewed as no greater than cattle, there may be a few among them will telepathic abilities that could realign ill intent to peacefulness. Or, if the reception has been that of hostility, the Walkers may view the mortals as an enemy that requires crushing so that the world can be occupied by themselves. Better still, this cattle could be enslaved by some simple mind control techniques. They have proven to have skills at gathering food for themselves, and are easily influenced to do so for others. What matters most is how people decide to build their own story. The mystery to be solved is what lies before all players for them to make of it their own adventure. And how it plays out, well... that is or this next generation of Lord of the Craft to decide. There are of course minor details that can reshape how Walkers can be played which can be decided by staff, or through further consultation with me. If you wish to delve deeper there is much depth to be uncovered in the potential here for simple mechanics and good play, rather than highly moderated dictated backstory. What matters is that all players can find meaning from it and have their experience grown by the presence of an antagonist, instead of a mere disturbance to peace. To be honest I don't care what happens or if the idea of a global protagonist is accepted. I just want to know that the Lord of the Craft will live on beyond its Iblees years.
  2. The Cult of the Frozen Night You lay in your bed, consumed in a deep and peaceful slumber. You stir slightly as a rush of cold air enters your room, causing you to open your eyes. You may notice a window open, or perhaps a door left cracked open a little. You lethargically rise to your feet, looking around. To your surprise, you find a small sealed envelope on the floor. The envelope is sealed with red wax, a small ‘N’ pressed into it. The envelope feels cold to the touch as you pick it up and examine it. Do you open the envelope? (If you do, click the spoiler!) OOC Information and Application Purpose: The Cult of the Frozen Night is a group designed to allow players to participate in cult activities, raids, and other events with the official antagonist, the Black Scourge. Another goal for the Frozen Night is to provide fun villainous roleplay for everyone involved. Players who join the Cult will have an increased chance in joining the official antagonist, and may even learn magic, should they be dedicated enough! Ranks: 1) The Listener - Taking his or her orders directly from the leaders of the Black Scourge, The Listener is responsible for running the Cult. He or she has final say when it comes to promotion of the lower ranks, as well as recruitment. The Listener is also responsible for assigning tasks to The Seekers, and the Chosen if necessary. 2) The Overseers - Those known as The Overseers tend to be lower ranking Black Scourge members, although any in the Scourge may be eligible for this rank. The Overseers watch over new members, including The Chosen and The Seekers. Their primary responsibility is to allocate tasks and jobs to the lower ranks, as well as coordinate the other ranks in raids and events. 3) The Chosen - Composed of The Seekers who have passed a series of tests, The Chosen are the only rank which may be added to the Black Scourge. They are more trusted than The Seekers, and usually assist the Scourge in various ways. As a reward for their loyal service, The Seekers have more access to the knowledge and power of the Black Scourge. 4) The Seekers - These are the lowest rank of the Frozen Night Cultists. They have to do multiple things to prove their worth, which may include inciting violence, assassinating targets, burning structures, causing chaos, gathering information, spying and the like. Doing much of the “grunt” work, the Frozen Night heavily relies on The Seekers to maintain itself. To be a Chosen and advance in rank, they must complete a specific task chosen by the Listener specifically, to prove their worth, as well as finish any tasks given to them by The Overseers. Application (Must fill out to join. You can PM this to me privately if you prefer.):
  3. The young man gazes upon the ground, now red and black; the smell of scorched earth fills his nostrils; choking him with every breath. Dried blood fills his ears, an effect of the screeching of the monsters that have imprisoned him, and taken him away from his home. He closes his eyes to try to think back on what he could have done to deserve what is happening. "I am a good man, a good father, husband, and friend. Why have the gods forsaken me? What have I done wrong?" His mind wanders to the memory of when this all began... He was walking along the Anthos main road, heading from the cloud temple, North to the oren lands. It was an ordinary trip, peaceful and calm; he was armed in case of bandits, but suspected no real threat. As he proceeded he kept getting a *****, cold feeling up his spine that he was being followed, but when he glanced around, he was all alone. He shrugged it off and continued his journey, excited to be getting back to his family. As night began to settle in, he decided it best to push forward through the night and make it home by morning. But as he continued his walk a strange noise began to to fill the air. At first he thought it the sound of the wind through the tall grass, but as he looked up at the trees; he noticed them still and silent. He stopped walking for a second and cocked an ear, trying to listen to what it was. "Whispers," he said under his breath "Someone is whispering to me." He began to spin around trying to see what direction the noise was coming from. But as he spun, he noticed that it was all around him, the whispering was everywhere, as if he was in the middle of a circle with everyone whispering something different, the words jumbled, coming at him constantly, getting louder and louder. "WHO IS OUT THERE! WHAT DO YOU WANT!" he screamed as he took off running through the trees. "YOU!" he heard through the whispers, the only word that he could make out. He continued to sprint, the night air constricting around him, his heart racing, a cold sweat began to come over him and the whispering still all around. "Umphhhh!" he let out a loud grunt as he tripped over a root from a tree, landing face first on the hard ground. As he climbed to his knees and got ready to continue his mad flight, he was stopped by an ancient, unearthly sound. A loud screech crippled his movements and kept him on his knees, forcing him down to the ground, as if gravity were multiplied tenfold. He screamed in pain and agony as blood began to trickle from his ears. The sound got louder and louder, until finally it stopped. The relief was only temporary, for with the ending of the sound, the man set eyes on the thing that had been chasing him. In front of him stood a strange and horrible being, eyes crimson, covered in charred armor and robes. His body began to be overcome by fear; almost as if a cloud, an aura of terror oozed out of the figure and surrounded him. He trembled as the monster approached, the air getting colder, with the only warmth being the liquid running down his legs. As the hooded being stood over him, the man examined the creature’s body; no feet touched the ground, and his hands were shadows blending in with the night. They slowly stretched out, like shadowed serpents, out towards him. Before he could let out a scream for help or mercy, his vision went black and the nightmares took him. As the caged cart he is in runs over a rock, the man is snapped out of his memory. Still trapped in this cage. He isn't alone, with him are an orc, two elves, and another human. He wasn't embarrassed at the fact that he soiled himself, as it seems the others did as well, even the orc. He grew used to the smell of waste, the stench of burnt flesh and death is what fills the air. The others never made a noise, there eyes fixated dully at the world around them. A hellish place, something from the darkest of dreams, a land as twisted and corrupt as the monsters who pull them. They were once inhabitants of Anthos, but now they are twisted and burnt beyond recognition, skin has been replaced with armor, or is just missing entirely. The inhabitants of this place are all the same, once familiar beings now disfigured and armed to the teeth. The signs are obvious that they are getting ready for something, lining up in front of a massive building. The guttural growls grow silent; their eyes not moving from the doors. The cart stops in front of the lines, at the bottom of the stairs that lead up. He turns his head to look up at what everyone was staring at. There at the top stood several of the hooded and armored wraiths, and in the middle a man. Or what looks like a man, but could not possibly be. Black, scaled skin; eyes dark as the night, and a sharp, menacing grin that holds no kindness. He stops and looks at the cages that lay in front of him and addresses his army. "Yeessssssss," he says in a loud tone that seems to be coming from the sky, booming like thunder. "With this we now have enough. Go forward from Burzûmkûtotaz. Gather much more to become my slaves! Destroy those who are unworthy! The mortals of Anthos will suffer and die!" And with that, the creatures disband leaving the people in the cage, and the strange man, his lieutenants standing silently at his side. He looks down at them with the menacing smile from before, and with that something beyond the man’s comprehension happened. The man changed, and before the prisoners could even put a thought together, darkness took them, and the smell of burnt flesh fills the air once more.
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