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  1. ~A Guide on RPing Pain~ -Introduction- Hello! You may be wondering why such a guide is even necessary. Pain is something that has a common place in all our lives - we have all burned our tongue on hot coffee, pricked our fingers, stubbed toes, and so forth. Why then, do we need a guide on how to roleplay these things? The answer is simple: some roleplayers do not understand how ‘painful’ various types of pain can be, and the effects pain has on the body. I hope this guide clarifies that and proves useful. Pain: Localized physical suffering associated with bodily disorder (as a disease or an injury); also : a basic bodily sensation induced by a noxious stimulus, received by naked nerve endings, characterized by physical discomfort (as pricking, throbbing, or aching), and typically leading to evasive action. -Types of Pain- Lacerations/Punctures (Slashing/Stabbing) Perhaps the most common type of wound that occurs in LotC, this pain occurs when one is cut with a blade, impaled spear of some kind, or pierced with an arrow or bolt. The first thing to factor in when getting hurt with one of these types of weapons is the force put into the attack. Obviously, the deeper the cut, the more painful it will be. Another thing to consider is the sharpness of the blade; a dull blade will tear and rend the flesh, causing more damage and pain, while a sharp blade will cut easier, leaving a cleaner wound. Reactions to this form of pain can include opening of the eyes, pupil dilation, increased heart rate, faster and deeper breathing, and tensing up. Additionally, squirming, trembling, crying out, crying, shuddering, and whimpering may occur when this form of pain is inflicted upon someone. Vomiting and passing out sometimes happen when extreme pain is inflicted over a long period of time. Burning One of the more damaging types of attacks, burning pain can cause some of the most severe pain. Like all feelings of pain, it serves as a defensive mechanism which causes the body to get away from the ‘harmful stimulus’, preventing further damage to the body. If you have ever burned a finger on a hot stove, you know that usually you retract your finger quickly as a reaction. Prolonged burning, such as with a metal brand or hot poker, would cause much squirming and struggling. The reactions to this form of pain would also be similar to the reactions for stabbing and slashing wounds. Blunt Force Trauma This type of pain covers everything that involves getting punched, beaten, slapped, or hit with blunt objects. These types of wounds usually don’t break the skin, but they can cause broken bones, internal bleeding, and bruising. While one or two blows may only cause minor pain, as they occur more frequently breathing may be ragged and strained, with movement also being somewhat impaired. Blows to the head can cause dizziness, blurred vision, and eventual loss of consciousness. -A Note on Masochism- What is Masochism? Masochism is the enjoyment of what appears to be painful or tiresome, or when one receives pleasure from pain or from getting hurt. How it Works in Roleplay I would first like to say that being a masochist in LotC isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It can provide interesting RP opportunities, and add depth to characters if done right. A few things must be considered before you can properly roleplay your character as a masochist. How did they begin enjoying pain - were they tortured or conditioned to enjoy it? What types of pain does your character like, and what doesn’t he or she like? Another thing should be kept in mind - masochism should be very specific. Many types of pain, such as burning, getting torn apart by animals, or being flayed alive wouldn’t likely be enjoyable, even by the most extreme masochist. -Resistances and Racial Lore- Races Each race would respond differently to pain. Everyone handles getting hurt in a similar way, but some have more of a tolerance for it than others. Races like the dwarves and orcs would likely be able to handle pain better than others, such as humans and halflings. This should be treated very carefully however - just because you are an orc does not mean you can fight fully and easily when you have multiple serious injuries. Adrenaline Rushes and Orcish Bloodrages In stressful and intense situations, an adrenaline rush may occur, where chemicals are released in the body that act as natural painkillers. When doing this in roleplay, one must keep in mind the effect wouldn’t be too strong, and it wouldn’t last very long. There is a difference between a slight tolerance to pain due to an adrenaline rush, and ‘going numb’ as adrenaline courses through one’s veins, the person shrugging off pain and fighting as normal. The latter would be an incorrect way of emoting. As for Orcish Bloodrages, I believe the effect is similar to an adrenaline rush, but on a much grander scale. (If anyone would like to clarify this that is knowledgeable with Orcish lore, I would appreciate it!) Tolerating Pain Many people are built differently, and the reactions people have to pain differ. Some may be affected differently. Think of a battle-hardened soldier compared to a normal, peaceful merchant. Both may be the same race and size, but one will have a higher tolerance to pain, having at least experienced combat more. Naturally, a peasant would be much more fearful in a fight, while a soldier or mercenary would be more brave and confident in their abilities. -Final Note- Thank you for reading, I hope this guide proved somewhat useful! Please leave any comments or suggestions you may have, as well as clarifications or corrections to any mistakes. Have fun getting hurt!
  2. Name: Nether Tendrils Appearance: The small plant consists of a bulb and shallow root system, which grow around stumps of trees and decaying wood. Multiple snaky tendrils emanate from the bulb, black in color with fiery orange spots. It is recognizable by its unique, musty odor, which can be detected even when the plant is processed. The liquid extracted from the plant will always be a pinkish-red color. Effects: When the drug extracted from the bulb is consumed, it produces a happy, fuzzy feeling in the user. As more is ingested or absorbed, a joyous, happy feeling arises. Too much consumption in a short time can lead to an increased heart rate, fatigue, and unconsciousness, as well as attentiveness, twitching, erratic behavior. and a jittery feeling. How it works: The plant’s tendrils and roots have no effects; they only serve to identify it. The bulb can be crushed up and drained; the fluids being the most potent. The liquid can be diluted or concentrated as needed, and ingestion or application directly to the bloodstream are two methods to have the drug take effect. Additionally, it can be dried and converted into incense. The plant in its plain or ‘raw’ form would have a very mild effect. Another method of ingestion would be infusing the drug in baked goods or food. The Cure: The effects operate similarly to cactus green. The rate and amount of the drug that is consumed directly affects the drug’s main effect and side effects. If it was consumed or drunk in potion form, water taken immediately after would dilute it and would stifle the effects. Otherwise, the happiness and negative side effects from the plant would have to wear of naturally. Uses: The plant, in drug form, would mostly be used for recreational use. It could also be used for medical reasons, even as a possible antidepressant. Pros: - Provides entertainment and fun, and is not a taxing drug. - Easily detectable to a mediocre herbalist or alchemist, making poisoning difficult. -Relatively mild side effects, with an overdose being extremely unlikely. Cons: -Requires some refining and processing to be made into an effect drug. -Side effects become more prominent and negative as more of the drug is taken. -Easily could be habit-forming. -Requires some alchemical and herbal knowledge. OOC: Item name - Rose Red (Dye) Nether tendrils have nothing to do with the nether, that is just the name. I have never done lore before, please give me constructive advice. Thanks ^_^
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