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  1. Skinforging is essentially, the combination of two recipes from Alteration Alchemy and Warforging. A mixture of rare recipes not often shared amongst alchemists, now to put together into one to create an all new effect. This concoction of recipes allows for the effects of warforging, which usually only apply to metal, to permanently apply to the flesh using the alteration recipe for the skin. The effects are permanent, though.. Never to be reversed again, except temporarily with a skin potion. Skinforging was discovered by the alchemist named Leniandir Lorenthus, in the 2nd age, Year 23. While searching for a way to incorporate more fantastical effects for inks and make-ups, she was presented with the alteration recipes that spurred on several weeks worth of research. By the end of these weeks of research, holed up in her underground home, she'd emerged safely with sparkling and twinkling stars now embedded in her skin, vials in hand triumphantly. - Skinforging is Rare alchemy, meaning only those who have been taught it may learn it. - In order to learn this recipe, the character must already know Warforging, and Alteration Alchemy - Those who only know specific warforged variations can still learn this recipe if they also know alteration alchemy, but can only use the warforged variants they know. - All glowing effects of any potions from Skinforging are just barely lit enough to be seen in Dim -> Dark lighting, but do not light anything around them. The effects can be noticeable in Bright lighting as a gentle glow, but essentially, they cannot ever be used as a lightsource that could provide any advantage in the dark. - All recipes under Skinforging are Tier 3 alchemy. =============================================================================== Recipe and Creation: Full Body Alteration Alchemy Skin Potion + Warforged Potion [Variant of choice] With an added: 2x Endurance 1x Connection 1x Rigidity + metal dust, as fine as possible For mixing the recipe which will become the bath used to treat one's entire body, a specific set of steps need to be followed. Firstly, the alchemist will need to prepare the Skin Potion, using a cutting or sample of skin from the person who is going to be treated. When it is fully prepared, go ahead and dump it into the container that the person will bathe in. Secondly, while the skin potion is resting in the container, the alchemist will begin to prepare the variant of Warforging recipe they intend to apply to the person. It will be prepared separately, and 2 extra counts of Endurance will be added [all variants] to the potion while it is being heated. Then, the alchemist will take a metal dust, any mundane metal and as fine as possible, and disperse it into the potion, so the effects will have something to activate with. Now, while the warforging potion is still boiling hot, and as quickly as possible after having added the metal dust, add 1 count of connection, and then combine the boiling warforged potion with the Skin potion in the container. Then as they are mixed together, add 1 count of Rigidity. This process will be the same, regardless of the variant of warforged potion the alchemist chooses to use. However, the effects that each variant cause are different. The resulting sensation caused by each transformation of the skin is also quite different between each variant. The Variants, Their Effects, and How it Feels: Full Body Full Body potion Redlines: - Any and all variations of the full body application are 100% permanent. They can never be reversed. If the skin is cut, scarred, burned, etc. then the area will scar over with a dulled or darkened version of the potion's effects, not with normal skin. - Alteration Alchemy skin potions can temporarily work on the effects of skinforging, but this reversal is not permanent and follows all the redlines of the Skin Potion. - Skinforging cannot be used to permanently change the tone of one's skin, the person that the potion is being applied to must be the one the skin sample was taken from. All of the effects of skinforging variants are not so 'thick' or full covering that it would completely cover the skin, it is more like a decoration of it. - Full Body skinforging will not affect the eyes as long as they remained closed, if the person opens their eyes in the skinforged bath, they will go permanently blind as this version of the potion is too volatile for the iris and pupil, and will irrevocably damage the inner parts by penetrating the cornea and entering through the pupil. =============================================================================== Recipe and Creation: Tattoo Ink Recipe: Alteration Alchemy Skin Potion + Warforged Potion [Variant of choice] With an added: 2x Endurance 1x Connection 1x Rigidity + Metal dust, as fine as possible For mixing the recipe which will become a single use vial of tattoo ink, a specific set of steps need to be followed. Firstly, the alchemist will need to prepare the Skin Potion, using a cutting or sample of skin from any descendant. When the sample of skin is added, mix in two counts of Impediment afterwards, this will cancel out the part of the potion which is meant to change the coloration of the skin but will leave the transformative properties alive. Set this mixture to the side. Secondly, while the skin potion is set aside, the alchemist will begin to prepare the variant of Warforging recipe they intend to apply to the person. It will be prepared separately, and 2 extra counts of Endurance will be added [all variants] to the potion while it is being heated. Now, while the warforging potion is still boiling hot, add 1 count of connection, and then combine the boiling warforged potion with the Skin potion you had set to the side. Then as they are mixed together, add 1 count of Rigidity, and put this concoction over high heat with no cover. Allow this to boil down somewhat, until it is the consistency of ink. Once it has reached this consistency, allow it to cool, and store it in a glass container. The potion is too volatile to be stored in anything such as stone, clay or wood, and will react with any metal containers, so glass is required. When the alchemist, or tattoo artist, is ready to use the vial of ink they will need to add in a metal dust [as fine as possible] to the ink in order to activate it. There should be enough dust to cause the majority of the vial to activate, but not so much that its viscosity rises. When it is activated, the artist will have roughly 30 narrative minutes to apply the ink to someone's skin, after which its activation period will have ended and any remaining ink will be useless. What is applied to skin in those 30 minutes will take on the effects of the potion. This process will be the same, regardless of the variant of warforged potion the alchemist chooses to use. However, the effects that each variant cause are different. The resulting sensation caused by each transformation of the skin is also quite different between each variant. The Variants, Their Effects, and How it Feels: Tattoo Ink Tattoo Ink Redlines: - The vial of tattoo ink will remain deactivated, without metal dust, until it is used and will be a 1 use per item potion. - When activated, the artist will have 30 narrative minutes to apply it as a tattoo before any remaining ink is useless and will be thrown away. - Tattoo Ink can only be applied to the sclera of the eyes, the artist will need to be extremely careful and only apply 1-2 drops of the activated ink to the far edge of the open eye, away from the Iris. The ink will color the sclera, but if it gets into the iris the ink can penetrate the cornea and destroy the inner workings of that eye, rendering it blind. - The tattoo ink can still be applied to skin that has already been skinforged, as long as the variants are different. I.E., someone who skinforged their entire body with the Starforged variant, could get a tattoo with Lightforged Ink. - The tattoos are just as permanent as the full body transformation, if damaged, scarred or otherwise injured the skin can scar over just like normal, with a dulled or darkened version of the effects of the variant used. =============================================================================== credits to keefy, timber & ohdeerlord for helping Nozoa wrote Alteration Alchemy
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