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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When you know something in person but your character doesn't so you use the information in game even though your character doesn't have access to that information
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: When roleplaying, acting over-powered and not allowing other players to dodge/ interrupt you etc eg if you were 'fighting' and you immediately killed someone without giving them the chance to deflect.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Sylvie-Rose
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: She's half human half wood elf, wears a green jacket black trousers and a green shirt, ashy blond hair in braids down her back.
Screenshot of Skin:

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-Please make sure to fix both your power-gaming and meta-gaming definitions.


Other than that you did a wonderful application!


Please make sure these changes are done within 24 hours otherwise your application will be denied. 

If you need any assistance please do contact me on the server (/msg TorkoalTom) or my discord: Rae#3015. 


We also encourage new-players to join our new player discord where you can speak freely to the community and my fellow colleges, here: https://discord.gg/xR7rgh . 


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