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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: James ⚽#2017
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out of RP knowledge to get an advantage in-game
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Unrealistic RP, for example if you are in a fight and you take out 20 men, it is unrealistic as you're one person
    Status: Accepted

Jakob looks up and smiles at the gentleman, seeing he is a well-dressed individual he decides to respond, “Hello! I’m Jakob,” with a smile, “I'm here to try and improve myself, a new, fresh, start ya’know?”


The man replies, “Aha! Well young Jakob, it is nice to meet you feel free to ‘venture around this city and make a name for yourself!”


Jakob looks at the man and bows, “Thank you for the warm welcome kind Sir. May I ask, what is your name?”


The well-dressed man replies, “It is Viktor!” he holds out his hand to Jakob.


Jakob shakes it promptly, “Nice to meet you Viktor but I must be going I have a lot to do.” He nods and walks off.


Viktor nods back and goes his separate way.

Character Name: Jakob Isaak Carter
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 28
Physical Description: Jakob is a 6ft 2inch's tall, blonde male. He is strongly built, with a stocky frame. He has a slightly long neck which is why he's so tall. He's 88KG.
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Changed Status to Under Review



Welcome to Lord of the Craft! Upon your application being accepted, a bot should automatically whitelist you onto the server. If there is an issue with your white-enlistment please contact me on discord at Marshmallower#2309.


If you would like any guidance or help in-game, contact me or any Community Staff Member and ask for a Wilven Monk for assistance with anything in-game LotC related with the following command: /creq I would like a Wilven Monk please. It’s also encouraged to join the New Player Discord to meet with current players and other members of the Community Team and to look through the New Player Guide for more detailed information about LotC and roleplay.


Because your character is a human, I encourage you to look through the Nations and Major Charters for some of the nations where you might fit in, as well as some of the other settlements found within our Settlement Guide.


Again, if you need any help now or in the future, you can reach me on Discord at Marshmallower#2309 or Mememallower in-game, as well as simply doing “/creq (Message)” to contact any member of the Community Team!

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